How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 277

Chapter 277

"The rules are simple. Put your hand on the lie detector here, and answer my questions with yes or no. If the answer is right, your name will be added to the draw box, and if its the wrong answer, there will be some penalties."

Ryan waved the cards in his hand.

"The questions may be sensitive to individuals, so if you dont like it, you can exercise your right to remain silent."

What the hell are you going to ask.

Looking at the thorough preparation today, I was very afraid of the questions on that card.

"Then who shall we start with?

"I'll go first."

Kaneff offered to do it first.

He placed his hand on the lie detector without hesitation and looked relaxed.

"I just have to answer with yes or no, right? What's so hard about that?.

"All right, then I'll ask you a question, Mr. Kaneff."

"Come on. I'll answer anything for [Last Breath].

Ryan checked the condition of the lie detector and read the question on the card in his hand.

"Here is Mr. Kaneff's question."


"Recently, you've been enjoying playing house with Speranza secretly. Is it a Yes or No?"


Playing house?


All the farm members looked at Kaneff with startled looks on their faces. Meanwhile, Kaneffs relaxed appearance disappeared, and he stuttered as if he was very uncomfortable.

"Uh, wha what the! Why is the question like this?"

"If it's not true, you can tell no, Mr. Kaneff."

"It's not that I enjoyed it. Speranza kept asking me to do it.

"There is no need for an explanation. Just answer yes or no, Mr. Kaneff. I will take it as youre exercising your right to remain silent if you take your time to answer."


His face crumpled up as he made an irritable sound.

While alternating between [Last Breath] and the lie detector, he opened his mouth with difficulty.




The lie detector turned blue and proved that the answer was true.

"Truth! Mr. Kaneff answered the question truthfully, so I'll add your name to the draw box."

Kaneff succeeded in adding his name to the draw, but he looked very unhappy.

Meanwhile, the farm members.

"I knew Mr. Kaneff cared about Speranza, but I didn't know it would be this much."

"Me, too. Can't believe Mr. Kaneff was playing house I can't imagine it at all."

Andras and Lia, who had been watching Kaneff for a long time, were very surprised by his new side.

"By the way, Brother Ry. Who told you about Uncle Kaneff playing house?


Kaneff pricked his ears immediately at Lilia's question. He stared at Ryan with dangerous energy in his eyes.

I also became curious about the source of the secret.

Ryan only spent a short time on the farm, so it must have been hard to find out about this, so I'm sure he was tipped off by someone.

Ryan, however, did not reveal it despite the pressure.

"Haha, Its a no comment'."

It doesnt matter I will catch that rat by myself and.

I don't know who it was, but I hope the whistleblower doesn't get caught

"Okay, since Mr. Kaneff succeeded. Let's move on."

The lie detector was handed over to Alfred, who was sitting next to Kaneff.

Alfred put his hand on the lie detector with a nervous look.

"Are you ready?"

"Um yes."

"Then here's the question. Elaine youre the one who told me about Mr. Kaneff playing house with Speranza. Is it Yes or No?"

"Ah! Ryan? Why are you saying that here.?

"You punk?!"

Oh It was Alfred.

From the question and Alfred's response, everyone could quickly see what was going on.

But, Ryan, hes a real devil.

The talent of pushing an innocent person into the depths of hell is out of the ordinary.

Looking at the smiling Ryan, I thought I should be careful with him in the future.

"Now~! You don't have to tell me if it's hard to answer."


"Hey, you know what happens if you don't answer right?"

The problem in front of Alfred right now was not the lie detector, but the Kaneff detector that roared and pressed Alfred.

" gulp."

Alfred swallowed dry saliva with a contemplated face.

After much contemplation, he opened his mouth with difficulty.




"Elaine also succeeded in telling the truth. I'll add your name to the draw box, congratulations."

Ryan smiled very brazenly and offered his congratulations. Alfred, who had already been caught by Kaneff, looked at him with resentful eyes.

Kaneff whispered, his arm resting on Alfred's shoulder.

"Elaine You're bored because you don't have a sparring partner these days, right? Shall we have a sparring match after a long time?

"It's all right, Boss Kaneff. You dont have to"

"What? Are you rejecting my offer to help right now?"

"Please, Boss Kaneff. I'm sorry. For once, show mercy.

"You know what to do if you did something wrong, right?"

Kaneff turned his head and looked at [Last Breath], and Alfred was quick to answer.

"Yes, I'll give it to you. If I get it, I'll give it to you no matter what."

Alfred escaped the crisis by promising to hand [Last Breath] over to Kaneff unconditionally if he wins it.

Next up was Andras.

Despite the uproar ahead, he put his hand on the lie detector with a calm expression.

"It's your turn, Andras. Are you ready?"


Instead of answering, Andras nodded lightly.

In a way, I was afraid of what kind of scary question would come out, but at the same time, I also had a slight expectation.

"Then, Ill ask the question."


"Recently, you brought someone to the farm and had a secret meeting. Is it a Yes or No?"


This time too it was not a question that was easy to answer.

Lia and Lilia quickly noticed the romance in the air and glistened their eyes with expectations.

On the other hand, Kaneff and Alfred quickly united and looked at Andras with disapproving eyes.

In response to the question, Andras shook for a moment but soon returned to his calm expression.




The lie detector glowed red indicating the wrong answer.

At the same time, Andras' hand was subjected to a light electric shock.



"Andras refused to answer. What a shame."

To those around him who were slightly disappointed, Andras bowed his head and said seriously.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell the thing between us like a joke, even if it was a game for fun."

Oh! Andras?

I was deeply impressed by his reliable and manly answer. Lia and Lilia were also surprised by the unexpected appearance.

"Oh my! "

"Wow Brother You're so cool!"

On the other hand, Kaneff and Alfred booed with even more disapproving faces.



Leaving behind the unexpected side of Andras, the lie detector continued to move on.

The next one on the receiving end was Lilia.

"Lilia You once stole and ate the cake that Lia had saved. Is it Yes or No?"






With the electric shock from the lie detector, Lilia screamed and jumped from the seat.

She confessed her mistake by moistening her eyes.

"I, I'm sorry, Sister Lia. The cake looked so delicious in the refrigerator.

"It's okay, so don't cry. Instead, please tell me in advance next time."

"Ah! I'll do that for sure."

The conversation ended as Lia hugged Lilia, who apologized.

This time, the lie detector was moved in front of Lia. She put her hand on the detector with a very tense look.

"Are you ready to hear your question, Lia?"


"Recently, youre having a special feeling for a particular farm member. Is it a Yes or No?"


As soon as she heard the question, Lia's face turned red so red that it looked much darker than the red color the lie detector emitted.


While the other farm members alternated between me and Lia, the redness on Lia's face reached her ears.

I felt my heart tickling and looked at the distant scenery for no reason.

Lia bowed her head and answered in a voice that was barely audible.




"Its the right answer. Congratulations. I'll add your name to the draw."



Ryan alone continued the show with a smile, while the rest quietly looked around in an awkward atmosphere.

I couldn't stand the breathtaking awkwardness, so I said, bringing the lie detector in front of me.

"Ryan, is it my turn now? Ask me a question."

"Then lastly, I'll ask Sihyeon a question."

Ryan took the last card and read the question written there.

"Sihyeon There is a farm member that you think is useless. Is it a Yes or No?"



This time, it wasn't me who became restless after hearing the question, it was the rest of the people, who flinched and trembled.


I won't name anyone directly, but someone sitting at the end looked at me with very anxious eyes.

I took a peek around the people sitting next to me.

Everyone was waiting for my answer with anxious expressions on their faces.

I smiled softly and opened my mouth.

"No, I've never thought of anyone like that.


The lie detector drew everyone's attention with its signature sound. Even though it was a short time, the few seconds felt as long as a few minutes.



The lie detector glowed blue and proved what I said was the truth.

As soon as the results came out, all the farm members breathed a sigh of relief.


"Well, I wasn't nervous at all. Sihyeon would never think of me like that.

"I trusted Senior, too."

"Brother Sihyeon, so you think I'm helpful, right? Hehe."

Farm members looked at me with a moved expression. And the one person who was very anxious the whole time nodded satisfactorily.

"Congratulations, Sihyeon. I'll add your name to the draw."

Finally, the truth game ended with a very warm atmosphere.

(To be Continued)

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