How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 662

- Side Story Episode 29

And while we were leisurely staying here, the day dawned when the dwarves would finally decide what to do.

“ruler? Then what will happen?”

“Even if you talk like it’s someone else’s business… … Arell.

It's just that we're in the same position.”

“How are you?”

We're going to sweep it anyway.

The future is already certain. So you can just sit back and watch while sipping soda and eating popcorn.

“but… … I don't intend to just watch it like that.”

“… … ah. Are you really thinking of doing that? Personally, I want to dry it.”

“are you okay. It's just a little help.”

Since it was a bit itchy, I decided to take on a small task after negotiating with the dwarves.

As for Seina, it seems that I don't think it's desirable for me to act recklessly when so many people from other countries come forward, but I can't help it.

‘Cause it's up to me what I'm going to do

“Then shall we begin soon?”

I put down my empty glass and got up.

I have work to do on my own.

“Ego! Everyone pay attention here!”

As I shouted, the sound amplified by the magic instrument for amplification reverberated across the plaza.

For this competition, the square in the city of dwarves was completely emptied and a new facility was built for this event.

and… … .

“Does everyone here want to take the dwarves with them?”

… … no, respond

“yes! So do i!”

And I'm proudly shouting here.

First of all, with the cooperation of the dwarves, he took on the role of speaking lines to open this place.

What did you bring on yourself?

In short, I was bored.

I have some technical knowledge.

It also has its own authority. famous and

He must have enough face to fill this position.

And I was bored.

Still, it's somewhat reassuring to say that whatever I say here won't affect the outcome.

After all, it must be that we both think the same.

“then. I hope people from all over the world can freely show off their technology.”

ruler. Then, let's see how much you have valued your technology.

You haven't been valuing the technicians for a while. Now is the time to know the outcome.

The general flow is that the technical masters they brought show off their country's technological prowess and show some of their achievements.

In short, our country can do this much! It means to appeal.

It's like some tech fair.

‘But it's not something that can be prepared in just a few days... …

Unfortunately, the technologies prepared by most countries will be very insufficient to meet the standards of the dwarves.

In fact, they boasted many things, but the Dwarves didn't show much interest.

And then... … .

‘Is that the kid's side?'

I was somewhat curious about where Miles was exhibiting.

When I glanced at it, it seemed to explain something.

It looks like it hasn't started yet.

If you look closely, you can see that his workers are moving something in the back of the exhibition hall.

“I heard that you dwarves research and desire various metals.”

Because it's a public fact.

“That's why we would like to introduce you to the amazing metal we are researching recently!”

“Hoo? Metal for us?”

Some of the dwarves raised their eyes. It's interesting, but it's also a provocation.

“We have worked with quite a few metals. If it's just metal again, there's nothing surprising.”

“Would you mind? Well, it doesn't make any sense if I think about it. See you first.”

He proudly began to show off the metal he had brought.

What was taken out was a large iron ingot.

Naturally, the Dwarves who were expecting something deserved to frown.

“Something. Aren’t they just simple lumps of iron?”

“It seems that the smelting is quite good, but that seems to be the only thing?”

A reaction that seemed to have gone crazy.

I just keep my eyes open and watch it.

“Oh oh? Did Areel Ernesia notice?”

“… … Well, at a glance, you can tell.

The important thing is not that iron ingot, but its nature.”

“That's it!”

lively indeed. Shouting gladly that there was someone recognizing him, he introduced the achievements he had made.

“Then show me!”

He gave orders to the workers he had put on standby. According to the instructions, they lifted a large hammer and struck it down without mercy.

Caang! kang! The sound of metal clanking was audible.

“What is that guy doing?”


Of course, in the eyes of the dwarves, it would look like nothing.

If you look at it like that, the iron ingot will be crushed or broken.


Eventually, there was a sound like something breaking, and the iron ingot broke.

“Something… … Sissy. Wouldn’t that be no different from ordinary iron?”

“Isn’t it rather soft than that?”

But that is simply the story of ordinary iron.

Maybe that kid wants to show something a little different.

“ha ha ha. Of course, as you said, this is completely useless iron. Only then can the field be properly cultivated. … … At least that's what it is now.”

Saying that, he raised one side of the broken iron ingot to show off. It's like iron is crushed like a lump of clay.

“Tsk. It lacks strength.”

“haha. There is absolutely no excuse for that. I've been preparing for this and that, but I haven't solved it yet.”

“Isn’t that what you want to show me?”

When I urged him as if he knew clearly, he too smiled wryly and nodded his head as if acknowledging, then picked up the broken iron ingot and brought it to the other side, which was still firmly attached to the fixture.

And let him get out of hand

“As you can see, what I want to show you is this.”

When he let go of his hand, the iron ingot he touched didn't come off as if it were stuck. Is that all? The iron ingot moved like a lump of mud and then returned to its original form.


“Could it be that it heals itself?”

The dwarves' eyes became more serious. Like a child discovering an interesting toy.

It's their nature.

“As you can see, we want to study materials that go beyond the properties of conventional iron.”

and proudly shout

“It's still in the beginning stage, but if the Dwarves join us, we can complete it. How are you!”

In addition, samples of several other techniques were also shown.

or a new drug. A number of things, such as metals with greater strength.

He reached out to the dwarves and invited them to join them.

“If you join us, we will teach you many other skills and give you an opportunity to study together.”

“… … Hmm. That's right.”

The Dwarves groaned as if they were quite troubled. Technology that has never been encountered before must seem quite attractive.

‘… … Anyway, that's it.'

somehow catchy It's pretty similar to the material I saw in other lives in the past.

Especially that muddy metal.

It is similar in properties to metals commonly used in a more advanced world than the existing modern civilization called clay steel.

‘Isn't it a coincidence?'

I decided not to ask more. It's the source of the technology. I'm not involved.

that's not even important

Let's take care of our side.

“Then what about the dwarves now? The technique over there is good, but I want you to look at the next one.”

We must also show the achievements of our technical staff.

“Yes, Pahilia. Come to think of it, that's where Aken is, right?”

“Come to think of it, how many of you said you were following me from before?”

There are things that have been built up, so of course the expectations will go up.

I had prepared something.

“We, likewise, brought in technology that is being recently introduced in Fahilia.”

Having said that, we brought several types of objects.

Objects made of various materials, such as metal or stone.

“no way??????

The kid's expression hardened. Perhaps you intuitively understand what it is.

I went into the explanation with only a smile on my face.

“As you can see, what are these… … These are common building materials. There are other things besides that, but this is what I recently introduced on a trial basis.”

None other than the technology currently being used in the field of building tourist cities.

Even if it's not until full-scale practical use, it's a theory that can be rolled in my territory.

“As you can see, these are very heavy and hard materials. but. These things..”

For the demonstration, several technicians working on our side came out and stacked amulets with several magical formulas in an empty space and supplied mana to them through magic stones.

If you do.


There was a sound like sand breaking.

I wonder if each material is crumbling and collapsing, but soon it flows down like the contents of an hourglass and heads to the place where the amulet is placed.

and… … .


shouts of admiration

When crumbled materials like sand gathered in one place and were reconstructed, a house-shaped miniature appeared.

“At first, the place to show it was limited, so I only showed this model, but depending on the use, it can be used for a lot more variety.”

It's called sandart method.

The risk of manpower or accidents required to transport or assemble heavy materials is also significantly reduced.

However, since the calculation formula for the necessary spells is still difficult, it is impossible for us to sell this skill because only we can be different.

“… … Are you using it for the urban architecture you hear about?”

“It's just some demonstrations.”

This is one of the reasons why we are confident that the construction of this new town will be completed sooner than the construction of Pahilia.

‘In fact, it is difficult to introduce new technologies beyond what is currently used for materials such as iron... …

There are also limited places to write.'

Instead, there is magic here.

Then magic. alchemy. blacksmith skills. Thoroughly grafting all of them together is the only direction for the future.

“Well, I can’t reveal everything here today, but I’m pursuing various things as well.”

The Dwarves were listening intently to my explanation.

But even so, there is nothing different from them. They just show off their skills one-sidedly.

‘I'll tell you what you're mistaken for.'

In the first place, the essence of this place.

That too will be shown soon.

what? Up to this point, it is generally a show off to the extent of showing it to others in a very ordinary way.

‘The real promotion starts now.'

From the beginning, I had no intention of attracting the dwarves to an exhibition like this.

‘I know how to attract people with Jago.'

There is no such thing as a skit like this.

That's why I tried to prepare a breaking ball separately.

“… … Seina. Are you ready?”

“Of course.”

Seina, who had been to the other side once, announced that she could start at any time.

“okay. then… … Let’s get the real ‘PR’ started.”

I suck! They clapped their hands and announced the start of the full-scale advertisement.

Skill level fatigue? That's all there is to it!

I'll show you what I really need to show you.

I know very well what workers want. I know! How

a former pro

sucks honey

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