How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 661

- Episode 28

The conditions they set are simple.

“Prove that you have technology superior to us. Then I'd be happy to follow you anywhere. … … Did you say that?”

It really can't be anything other than guys.

“But doesn’t that make no sense?”

Seina revealed such a question.

“In the first place, aren’t the dwarves wanting to go out because they want to save their skills… …

“Well, there must be an intention to make a big splash. I'm going to see you.”

It really doesn't mean that they follow the kingdom that is superior to them unconditionally.

At least it means that they will follow those who have the best conditions among them.

It's a compromise, because you can do it later.

Maybe the guys from other kingdoms know about it and play around with it.

“Then Arell. What are you going to do? Are you going to tune in to that rhythm too?”

“I told you. We will fight under the same conditions.”

In response to Arken's question, I came to the same conclusion again.

“… … I don't know how many of them will come if I persuade them. There are some guys who promised to come.”

“That is that and this is this.”

I like competition surprisingly.

I don't like the fact that the championship trophy is a dwarf, but what is it?

A trophy full of muscles is disgusting.

It's unfortunate, but I can't even imagine losing the competition. … …

I want to pretend to be proud of myself.

“And is there something you want to watch a little bit about?”

“Is that what you want to see?”

“ah… … There's something like that. I also wonder why other countries will compete.”

After giving a rough reason, he ordered us to prepare to join this trend.

Anyway, I know the big river, so I'm prepared to some extent.

To that end, he brought in little by little Archen, Darmon, and other personnel.

“ruler. So, should I go to work now?”

“… … I thought so.”

“Well, I will try as much as I can.”

Anyway, the goal is to win the favor of the dwarves here.

[In the distant beginning, there was one dwarf.]

[He must be able to handle all the metals in the world.] [

There is no metal he cannot make, and there is nothing he cannot handle.]

[With his skills and teachings, the dwarves prospered and eventually I came to occupy a kingdom.]

[He said this to his disciples before he passed away.]

[Continue my skills. And if you lose it, try to find it. said.]

“… … Hmm. Is it the beginning of the dwarves?”

I tilted my head while looking through the courtesy document. What you are seeing right now seems to be the founding period of the Dwarf Kingdom in the past.

I'm half bored, so I'm looking for this and that.

It's not that I don't know dwarves at all, but I'm not familiar with the dwarves here.

So you should study a bit.

I wondered why they were obsessed with lost technology in the first place.

“Even if it is the beginning, it does not mean the beginning of the dwarf species.”

“The current Dwarf… … In other words, does it mean that he is a craftsman who has established his ability as a technical craftsman? hmm… … Are you familiar with this story?”

“I don’t know at all. That's right, the guys who were born and raised here have heard it since they were young.”

“indeed… … Right.”

“It's unexpected, Arell. Are you not interested in this story?”

Aken asked in surprise.

“not really. Whether it's the original Dwarf or the original Dwarf, in the end, he's the one who doesn't exist now. Then it would be pointless no matter what I said.”

I only see now

“The important thing is now.”

Whether you know this guy or not, that doesn't affect the current outcome.

Most of all, I don't need to talk, so I'm shutting up, but most of the dwarf skills from the beginning can probably be done by me.

You can use it as a weapon, but it's cowardly, so bear with it. Above all, it is not good for the future to set such bait for them.

“So let’s go as planned.

Let’s put ‘it’ on.”

“That… … You mean?”

“Yeah that. Dwarf bait.”

I have already set the direction. Instead of recreating, it appeals with a display of technological prowess.

The rest is all you have to do is prepare without rushing.

Isn't there anything else I can tell you?

“… … Then, shall I come here and look around for a while?”

After a long time, I came to the dwarves' home to play. Then it would be a waste not to look back.

There are no tourist facilities or places to play, but a short look around would be enough.

“It doesn’t matter, but do you know the way?”

“I don’t need any guidance. It would be a good way to relieve boredom by properly finding a road you don’t know.”

I noticed that a lot of people were coming, so I didn't want to go, so I decided to go with Seina.

Anyway, she didn't know much about technology, so she only looked at me with a strange feeling the whole time.

It would be nice to go out for a while.

So I went out for a while.

“Hmm? In the past, it seems that the whole mountain range in this area was used as a residence, but it seems that the number of dwarves has decreased compared to before, and some of them have gone outside, so now it seems that they are digging out a mountain and making it a city.”

“A sword like that… … . But who did you hear that from?”

“To someone in the know.”

I glanced around as I skimmed through the Dwarf city guide that a queen had made herself because she couldn't stand my glare.

“Certainly, they seem like guys whose eyes are only on iron.”

Unlike other cities, the big difference is that if you take three or four steps, you can see the smithy.

Across the forge.

A chicken house next to a chicken house next to a chicken house next to a chicken house... … It's not infinite repeat.

“… … Does every house have a forge?”

“Isn’t that the family business for these guys?”

It seems that it is basic for dwarves to have a space where they can handle metal, no matter how small or large, just like every house has a kitchen.

Even so, I'm not used to the smell of melting iron before the smell of baking bread.

A normal person would not be able to adapt.

‘… … It's definitely difficult to use as a tourist destination.'

As a group of artisans, it is understandable that they did something like this because it was difficult to satisfy their desires.

“By the way, guys from other countries are really persistent.”

Those who walk around the workshops of the dwarves bow their heads, but are resolutely kicked out.

They are all foreign envoys.

“It looks like he’ll try to appease for now, but… …

“Does that mean anything?”


I'm looking at it negatively.

Perhaps all the Dwarves agreed on this commotion. However, if someone suddenly goes over to appeasement, the will is shaken.

Of course you can't skip it.

“Well, in case you don’t know, it looks like you’re persistently trying… …


I was leisurely watching like everyone else, but I looked at one place and tilted my head.

“What is it?”

“no… … It's nothing.”

It wasn't that there was anything unusual that caught my attention.

Because there was a voice I had heard before. It wasn't something I particularly wanted to remember, but since it was relatively recent, I reacted reflexively.

There, as well, there is a young man who is struggling to appease the dwarves.

“Listen to me. Mr. Dwarf Craftsman over there? Rather than engage in such a trivial competition, I'd rather listen to the theory I propose... … oops... … You are quick-tempered.”

The young man who was immediately kicked out staggered as if he was about to fall, but the soldiers standing guard grabbed him, and he managed to stand still.

It's still a pathetic impression.

I wanted to ignore it, but unfortunately, during that brief pause, the other side turned around.

“hmm? Oops! no way! If I'm not mistaken!”

He shouted out loud and laughed loud enough to embarrass those who really listened to it, then ran towards me and bowed his head.

In this way, it becomes unreasonable to ignore it outright. That's because externally, I'm pursuing Arel as kindly as possible.

It's pitiful if you unilaterally ignore it for no reason.

“… … hmm. What about you?”

“Oops. Excuse me for the first time.”

He bowed his head once again as if seeing it for the first time.

… … Could it be that you are still mistaken?

It seems that you really don't think that the me who was summoned then and the me now are the same person.

“My name is Mileus Melphakal.

I am still immature, but I have the title of multinational technical advisor.”


Apparently, as a body hired by several kingdoms at the same time, he seems to be struggling to secure the dwarves like the others this time.

“ha ha ha. How much are you pecking at the top? Somehow I lose their favor, but honestly, I'm not very good at talking, so I'm just kicked out like before.”

“what… … It doesn't seem like what they want is trivial talk, so it's no big deal.”

“Isn’t Arel also unable to appease?”

“Hmm? What do you mean?”

Sometimes, even if you get annoyed at being rude, there's nothing to say. He probably said it knowingly.

Well, even if I scold you here, you just say it's a slip of the tongue and get off your knees.

“They have a set list of what they want, but it’s meaningless to try to talk to them in a trivial way.”


“Rather than that, are you free enough to be kicked out of the door here pointlessly like this? Wouldn't it be a waste of time to appease meaningless things?”

“Since I am a hired body, I have to at least give the feeling that I am doing everything.”


It's not that I don't understand.

If you go on a business trip right away, they ask if you're not working. The feeling of pretending to walk around here and there on purpose... … I don't know roughly

After all, it's best to pamper yourself in this situation. Behold, even if I take a leisurely walk, no one will say something to me.

“But it doesn’t seem to be particularly troublesome.”

“Ha ha ha! of course! After all, the dwarves will recognize my skill and come over to me right away.”

“oh? Are you confident?”

It's not like he doesn't know what it means to be here.

In short, he was confident that he could take the dwarves regardless of whether I got into the competition or not.

“Of course, I am well aware that the technicians under Arell Ernesia's leadership are also famous. yes. It won't be easy.”

Perhaps the one he is talking about is not Aken or Damon. He must be talking about me who is mistaken.

I do not deliberately make corrections.

“what… … Let's pass on that confidence.”

“haha. I'm sorry.”

Is it just that I wanted to express my confidence like that? The guy spoke up again, repeated an apology that meant he was sorry, and quickly withdrew.

“Um… … Do you know that young man?”

“well? See if we met somewhere I have a lot of accidents here and there.”

“… … ah.”

No, why can't you deny that?

Anyway, I confirmed that he also intervened. I don't know what to do. It would be nice to watch it first.

‘As expected, it was better to come directly.'

My judgment hasn't rusted yet. I was sure of that and sighed lightly.

‘Enchanting with technology... …

Am I the guy from a while ago? I shook my head as I recalled those words.

‘If that's really the case, then you've made a mistake.'

He's misunderstanding something.

What do the dwarves really want? How

a former pro

sucks honey

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