Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 47: Apology.

Kyle finally returned home, his body didn't go through too much physical assertion but he felt weak the momt the building came into view.

He could already imagine his body on the soft cushion, embracing the beauty of slumber.

Kyle walked out of his car after parking it, he saw Mr Jones' car parked outside as well.

This made him feel easy for some reason but there was no telling what awaited him inside the building.

He hoped that he wouldn't run into Aiysha again.

He had to find a way to distance himself from her because he knew what could pottially happ if they kept running into each other.

Kyle didn't trust himself to always have such self-control, he hoped that Calista had left his home so he could have his space all to himself.

He needed it and fortunately for Kyle, he didn't run into either Aiysha or Calista.

Kyle walked right into his bedroom, crashing into the soft mattress in front of him, he didn't know living could be so exhausting.

"Why am I so tired having done so little?" Kyle thought to himself.

He didn't know what else to do because he couldn't sleep either, he was restless for some reason.

Calista's sct still lingered and only th did Kyle remember what she had told him earlier on the phone.

He sighed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating his lift.

Kyle couldn't believe he had come this far, there was no telling what heights he could reach.

The sky wasn't the limit for him, it was just the beginning.

"I should probably her, shouldn't I?" Kyle muttered, lazily taking out his phone from his pocket.

"Fuck, do I have to…" Kyle blurted out, typing on his phone.

[[Hey, I know you think you bombed the interview but I'm certain that you will get that role, I have no single doubt in my being so get ready to nail that role! I believe in you,]] Kyle ed, it was cliche and corny but that should do the trick.

Reassurance was the ultimate human delusion that fed one's need for security, a very powerful tool wh it came to the act of manipulation.

But before he could put the phone down, Calista replied immediately.

[[Calista: You wouldn't believe it! I got the role! I don't know how you have so much faith in me but thank you!!]]

[[Kyle: I knew you could do it! You're Calista Wave for crying out loud, there's nothing you can't do. I mean you ev got me fir-!] Kyle thought about it for a second before deciding to erase a few words.

[[Kyle: I knew you could do it! You're Calista Wave for crying out loud, there's nothing you can't do!]]

[[Calista: Hey Kyle, about that day…]]

[[Calista: I never got the chance to apologize for getting you fired. You embarrassed me so I wanted to hurt you. I didn't mean for you to lose your job.]]

"The fuck?" The disgust on Kyle's face spoke volumes because she had an edited video created by AI.

Now that Kyle thought about it, he would have be found innoct if he stood his g but he was already so mtally exhausted.

Ev though he knew that wouldn't have stopped him from losing his job because he worked for a moron.

Kyle didn't believe a word she said, she wt too far just to hurt him unless she was a sociopath.

[[Kyle: It's fine, I was going to quit soon either way but you really were a cunt. LOL.]]

[[Calista: I'm so glad! I can neither dy nor confirm the allegations at this time. >_<]]

Kyle chuckled, this was a funny response but it didn't change his mind about her.

Calista was only apologizing because she had more to lose than gain if she lost Kyle.

"What the hell is that emoji though?" Kyle questioned, confused as to what it represted.

This was his lack of social skills sipping through.

[[Calista: I joy spding time with you, Kyle]]

Calista double ed after Kyle hadn't replied immediately due to trying to figure out what that emoji meant.

"More like you like the money but okay," Kyle thought to himself.

[[Kyle: What a coincidce! Because I joy spding time with you too, another thing with have in common!]]

[[Calista: Another? What's the first?]]

Kyle smiled because she took the bait, he was about to deliver the punchline.

[[Kyle: Where's the fun in that?]]

Kyle knew this would get her in her head trying to figure out what it was, sometimes a cliffhanger is much more effective than a conclusive story.

It keeps the readers guessing to the point of sheer madness but what if Kyle could condition her to associate her dopamine to him?

That was the d of the , Calista responded but Kyle didn't bother checking it because his eyes had shut.


Aiysha welcomed her husband, he was happy and ecstatic right from the first step into his home.

"Darling, are you okay?" Aiysha asked her husband with a smile, eager to share in his excitemt.

"I am! I am! I think the solution to all our problems just arrived, honey!" Jones exclaimed, he was like a child that just discovered a new flavour of ice cream.

Jones didn't pay her much atttion and she knew why, it was their kids.

He always wt to them first to tell them he was home and do a little ritual that was exclusive to them.

Jones was a great father and an ev better husband

He came back out and focused all his atttion on his wife and Aiysha's face wt from shocked to surprise to shock once again.

"Kyle offered that?" Aiysha couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Yes, baby! I don't want us to celebrate just yet until everything is signed and sealed but things are looking good!" Jones never knew that his single act of kindness would yield such a reward.

In the d, maybe kindness does pay.

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