Harem System: Spending Money On Women For 100% Rebate!

Chapter 46: The Power Of Connection.

It took little over t minutes for Kyle to arrive at his destination and he saw James outside, waiting for him in the same suit he had se him in earlier that day but somehow, it looked worse.

Kyle sighed, he wanted to get this over with so he could return home and cool off with some movies so he popped op his door to allow him inside his car.

He didn't ev bother going anywhere but the stch from James' body almost made him barf.

He couldn't believe that he stunk that bad, deodorants were a thing yet he willingly chose to step out of the house like that.

Kyle sighed as he realized that he made a mistake letting him into his car because he would smell him long after he exited.

"I'm glad you could make it so fast," James began the conversation with a smile.

Kyle spotted the documts in his hands, that was all he cared about right now, nothing else.

Because th he would be able to commce construction as soon as possible.

"Is that the permit? Let me have it," Kyle got right to the point because he knew the longer he stayed, the worse the stch would linger.

"Here you go," James was ecstatic, almost proud of himself.

Kyle instantly read it and to his surprise, it had all the seals and signs to confirm it was an original documt.

"Huh? This is legit?" Kyle thought to himself.

"You see? All done and approved!" James said and suddly, the smell no longer bothered Kyle.

"You did it, James. How did you get it fast-tracked?" Kyle asked, curious as to how far this supposed connection extded to.

"A man never reveals his sources," James said with a playful wink.

"Now, about my paymt…" James got to the point, he knew that this would either make or break the deal.

But money was the last problem that Kyle had right now.

"How much do you need?" Kyle questioned, James thought about it because he had se the car that Kyle drove and if he was going to do any sort of reconstruction th he must be loaded.

"You know what, how about I give you a discount?" James said but Kyle knew this tactic.

They would say a discount was available because the customer was more likely to pay the fees with haggling once they were told it was discounted.

Ev the goods in stores that had a 0% discount were simply selling at their original prices but customers were fooled into thinking they were getting a bargain.

Kyle could tell this was an original documt in his hand thanks to his skill, he scrutinized every piece of information in the blink of an eye and confirmed this was the real deal.

"A discount? Give me your fees," Kyle informed him right away, he wasn't interested in a discount because that was something that people who tried to save funds did.

"M-My fees… I charge $600 bu-!" James was cut short by Kyle because, in all honesty, $600 for that was a ridiculous amount for what he did.

The way he spoke, ev he knew it was absurd as he didn't sound confidt but that was why he wanted to give another price that was closer to his original offer.

"You do transfer, right?" Kyle asked and the man nodded like he was in a rock concert.

Kyle st him the required amount in a heartbeat and James knew at that momt he had caught a whale.

The whale was every man's dream and he wasn't about to let him go.

"You know, if you need help with your construction…" James said but Kyle helped him complete it.

"Let me guess, you know someone," Kyle said.

"That is right! He is a really good lad too! You will like him!" James referred to his frid, this was a good look on him, something that respected because it told him he was the sort of person to carry others along with him.

He had done such a good job already so there was no reason not to give his frid a try, however, he was going to get a proper supervisor to inspect the construction and foundations after they had be laid to avoid a collapse.

That would be a nightmare should it happ and Kyle could get arrested as well depding on how severe it was.

"You know what, I'm feeling risky today, give me the number," Kyle got the number.

This was their final exchange as James hopped out of his car, thanking Kyle for doing business.

The stch that he left was ough to traumatize anyone but Kyle didn't care much about this.

He had tak the first step of achieving his goal and that was to conquer California.


Calista sobbed her heart out, she cried until she wasn't able to but usually, wh they reject or retract a giv role from an individual.

They were informed that Calista hadn't received the message yet but she knew it was coming.

Lucas Rossini was famous as he was controversial, there had be rumours about him sleeping with wom but it has neither be confirmed nor debunked but there was no doubt that the wom had a boost in their career after this.

Calista, however, got a call from Isabella. A call she wasn't expecting to say the least.

"Hello?" Calista greeted, her voice hoarse from all the crying she had done.

[[Is something wrong Miss Wave?]] Isabella was quick to ask.

"No, no. I'm alright. Just allergies," Calista dismissed her concern, she couldn't tell her what had happed after all, she didn't want her pity.

[[Take care of yourself. I have be informed that you got the role and formally wish to congratulate you.]] Isabella said but this took Calista unaware.

She was certain that it would have be retracted by now, why was it taking so long?

"Thank you but are you sure I got the role?" Calista had to be sure, she wanted to confirm wh Isabella was told about the role.

[[I just got off the call, a contract has be st over as well]] Isabella informed her.

Calista was shocked, Lucas hadn't tak away her role despite her turning down his advances.

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