Chapter 1483 A New Name.

Chapter 1483 A New Name.

The offering of gifts to the dragon spirit continued for a day until the naming ceremony officially started. By this time, every dragonling that was to participate in the naming ceremony had arrived.

Father said to him, "Brace yourself. It will sting a bit. But I'm sure you will be fine. You have nothing to worry about."

Fourth knew what to expect, so he didn't need the advice. He knew to brace himself by focusing on his inner world with all his might. Then he waited anxiously for the naming ceremony to start.

He was prepared, but he still shook when the dragon spirit descended on him. His performance was still better since some dragonlings stumbled and fell. Other's passed out directly.

The dragon spirit is not a physical entity, so it can't be seen. It is more of a spiritual entity that can only be felt. Its very existence feels like the essence of dragon majesty. The pressure it caused on his soul made his mind quake briefly.

He almost blacked out because of the pressure. But Father was right. He had nothing to fear. His control of dragon force is more than adequate for him to survive.

He was able to direct the pressure into his dragon heart with little resistance. This allowed the dragon spirit to gain access to his dragon heart. It also brought his consciousness into his dragon heart for the first time.

His vision of the world blurred as he appeared in his inner world. This is a world with white skies. Beneath him is an ocean divided into separate sections of red and blue. The area of red water is greater than the area of blue. Above the ocean, but beneath the sky, is a white mist.

He knows the significance of what he is seeing. The white mist floating above the ocean like fog is dragon force. Even here in his inner world, where he is supposed to have full control, dragon force is at best a mist. It makes it difficult to control and carry out into the world.

The ocean below is his elemental potential. He has greater potential to wield the power of fire than the power of lightning. This can be seen by the total area occupied by fire in his inner world.

There is no doubt to him that lightning is powerful, but it will always remain a power that he will have difficulty controlling as compared to fire. This is because it is an elemental affinity that is not his. Lightning was bestowed to him when he was in the egg. He wasn't born with it and will never be able to wield it as well as fire.

He doesn't want to let lightning go, though. He prefers it and has been training with it instead of fire. The dragon breath he mastered was that of lightning, not fire.

Unfortunately, he can't have them both. They will fight for dominance, which will pressure his inner world as he grows stronger. One will have to go for the other if he is to survive the dangerous period of becoming a titan of law.

So he has to choose between power and potential. That is, unless he gains the help of the dragon spirit or acquires something powerful that will enable his dragon heart to become capable of containing the two of them.

The line between the waters of lightning and fire is already sizzling. They are attacking each other already. This conflict will only increase over time. This sight made him determined to get the assistance of the dragon spirit.

That opportunity will come after he is done with naming. For now, the naming ceremony continued. He is not the only one in his inner world currently, and he will never be alone anymore. The dragon spirit descended into his inner world and materialized. It formed into a sparkling white crystal floating above the ocean.

The dragon spirit examined his inner world and his memories. It examined his body and soul. It examined everything about him, including his potential. Then it used all of this information to name him.

A voice boomed throughout his inner world. "From today onwards, you are no longer Fourth. You are Draco.....Razer....Ignis ad fulmen….Tssandulighafan"

A long string of words was used to name him. It contains information about his ancestry and his current features. All dragons are the offspring of Draco, the dragon king and dragon primogenitor. So they are all children of Draco.

There is also a long line from that point, which leads to his father, Rayzher the White Fire, and his mother, Raijin the Raging Tempest. Anyone with his full name will be able to tell his complete ancestry down to who his parents are.

Then he is a dragonling with the potential for fire and lightning. Hence the appearance of Ignis and Fulmen in his name. And he was finally designated Tssandulighafan, The Ferocious Fighter, because he fought against many dragonlings at once and even managed to kill one of them despite being outnumbered.

He said to himself, "I like Tssandulighafan. It will be what I will be called by others from now on."

His full name is too long so he will only pick out one word out of the string of words to identify himself in the future. This won't change until he acquires a title in the future. Then everyone will call him by his title, not his name.

The naming ceremony ended there. His vision returned to the world around him. The white crystal in the inner world remained behind and will remain until he dies. Everything he experiences from this moment on will be added to the memory repository of the dragon spirit.

The dragon spirit is connected to every dragon that has undergone the naming ceremony, so in a way, the dragon spirit is the repository of all the knowledge that the dragon race of the high heaven realm has accumulated. Not only does the dragon spirit possess the greatest material horde in the realm, but it also possesses the largest amount of knowledge.


A/N: You should know Legion-8's identity by now.

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