Chapter 1482 Embarrassing One’s self.

Chapter 1482 Embarrassing One's self.

Fourth grew stronger in the several hours of fighting than he did training alone. He was truly baptized in blood and fire. It made him confident of his victory in the naming ceremony. If his competitors will be the gentle dragonlings that hunt beasts and wrestle each other like his siblings used to do, then they will be swiftly defeated.

The call for the naming ceremony caused a lot of movement on the otherwise serene ancestral grounds. Many dragons were converging toward the center of the plane because of it. The father son duo met some of them on their way.

Father greeted some of them and ignored others. But there was someone with whom he couldn't help but argue.

The bold dragon had roared. "Rayzher! Is this your dragonling? I hope he doesn't embarrass you."

They were flying when this boisterous dragon called at Father. The dragon is also a fire dragon, which Fourth ascertained because of the red scales that the dragon possessed. Unlike Father, he has red horns that extend from his head down to his tail as short spikes.

Father didn't get offended by the shout. He smirked at the dragon. "Why don't we make a bet?"

The dragon scoffed. "I'm not interested in a bet. You are too confident for me to bet."

Father said in disdain, "Then you shouldn't have shouted at all. Now you have embarrassed yourself."

The dragon shouted louder. "I will shout if I want to."

Father insisted, "If you are not willing to put your money where your mouth is, then you are nothing but a loudmouth."

"You are the loudmouth."

"You make me sorry for you with the way you scream like a drum."

"Do you want to fight Rayzher? I'll show you where my confidence to shout comes from."

Father rejected that suggestion. But he proposed an alternative, "I don't want a fight. I want a bet."

Father's rejection of a fight surprised Fourth at first. Then he couldn't help but smile inwardly when he heard what Father wanted. It is clear to him that Father wanted to fleece this dragon. It is also clear to the dragon what Father was aiming for, so he didn't fall for it. He is proud, but he is not foolish.

The more Father asked for a bet, the more certain it became that Father wanted to fleece it. The dragon wanted to leave, but Father didn't let him go. Father followed him while harassing him. It caused the two of them to argue loudly. This argument continued until they reached their destination.

Fourth was examining the two dragonlings that the other dragon brought with him. They looked excited to him. He could see their excitement in the way they looked at everything around them. They seemed to be full of anticipation for the naming ceremony. It made Fourth look down on them.

He thought to himself with a smirk, "Naive dragonlings."

He is not looking down on them because they are excited or anticipating the naming ceremony. He is also excited and full of anticipation. But they allowed their excitement to show.

It makes them look immature to him. They look like chicks following their father on a sightseeing trip. They do not have the cold calculating look or the deadly demeanor that killers should have.

His assessment of them is biased and based on his pride, so it could be wrong. But it has filled him with confidence for what is to come. That confidence won't let fear affect him. He will be able to give his best, so it is a good thing.

He was thinking proudly to himself when he suddenly remembered someone who was cold. He remembered Second's demeanor, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

At first, Second was like all of them. He would wrestle and play around with them. But he changed when training started. He became silent and observant. In the past, Fourth thought nothing of his behavior. But now he is not so sure that Second is normal.

"Second might be hiding something. He was the first to notice Father. Could it be a fluke?"

Father is a Sovereign of law. If he wanted to hide from some dragonlings, he would be able to. Father wasn't hiding when he created that second sun, but there didn't appear to be anything out of place even then, so the dragonlings shouldn't have sensed something.

Only second brother was certain that something was out of place. Thinking about it made Fourth to wonder if Second was just introverted or if he was cold and calculating.

He didn't have the answer to that question, so he turned his attention to their destination. It is a mountain made of wealth. Anyone who thinks they have a mountain of wealth will realize just how wrong and ignorant they are when they see this mountain.

This mountain is the greatest dragon horde in the entire realm. It is made of valuable things like mana crystals, Origin stones, soul stones, Origin artifacts, and even dragon hearts. It is a marvel to behold.

He has seen it before, but it is great to see it in person. It took a lot of willpower not to bounce in excitement like the other dragonlings surrounding the mountain of wealth. Such a mountain is not only impressive to see, but it also creates envy, which will lead many dragons to try and recreate a mountain of wealth of their own.

Father dropped him at the foot of the mountain. Then Father went forward to offer his gift to the dragon spirit. He threw a ring at the mountain of wealth. The ring exploded in the air and erupted with many shiny trinkets and valuables. The valuables all fell toward the mountain. It is as if they were attracted to the mountain by an invisible force.

This sight continued for a while. Every dragon that brought their dragonlings offered something to the dragon spirit. It is not a must, but a tradition. They show their respect to the dragon spirit by offering part of their horde. A little here and there has led to the creation of this mountainous horde.

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