Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 250: Heavenly Gu Society, Protecting Young Master Gu

Chapter 250: Heavenly Gu Society, Protecting Young Master Gu

"Quick!" shouted a death warrior, "Cover Young Master Gu's retreat!"

"We'll never let you go, curse you, Three Mountains Island!" another warrior bellowed, representing the sentiment of the Heavenly Gu Society.

"Young Master Gu, hurry, leave now!"

Similar final words echoed around Gu Ran from the other death warriors as they met their fate.

"Heavenly Gu Society?" Gu Ran stood there, both bewildered and speechless, finding it hard to believe what he had just heard. "When did I become this 'Young Master Gu' of the Heavenly Gu Society?"

"Damn, is someone playing a prank on me?" he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with incredulity and confusion.

"You Heavenly Gu Society!" roared You Caigao, his eyes practically ablaze with fury. "Damn it, our You clan has powerful allies! None of you from the Heavenly Gu Society will escape!"

Filled with both confusion and surprise, Gu Ran quickly collected himself. 'I can't afford to care about this anymore!'

'Protesting won't rid me of this 'Heavenly Gu Society' label, no matter how much I try.'

'So, if that's the case, I'll make the first move and fight. What matters most is increasing my cultivation base!' At this moment, his best strategy was to kill in order to grow stronger.

Thus, Gu Ran took action. Stalking a cultivator, he launched a fierce attack and shouted, "Perish!"

However, just then, a black-clad assassin exuding an Inquiring Journey realm aura appeared from the side, shouting, "Young Master Gu, flee! I'll provide cover!"

With that, the black-clad assassin moved swiftly, taking down Gu Ran's target before he could.

"..." Gu Ran was momentarily at a loss for words but didn't linger on it.

He quickly redirected his attack towards another cultivator from the You clan.

Yet, another assassin clad in black, exhibiting the power of the Inquiring Journey realm, appeared and eliminated Gu Ran's new target before he could land his strike. "Young Master Gu, escape! Leave the rest to us!" the assassin urged.

"..." Gu Ran was not just speechless, but his expression also registered shock and surprise. 'This... this has to be a coincidence, right?'

After reassuring himself, Gu Ran, wearing a determined expression, took aim at his third target.

Yet again, another black-clad assassin, exuding the formidable power of the Inquiring Journey realm, emerged, taking out Gu Ran's target before he could deliver his attack. "Young Master Gu, escape now! When the senior members of the You clan arrive, we won't stand a chance!"

'What in the world is happening?' Gu Ran gaped at the unfolding events, his mind racing.

'Why... why does it keep ending like this?' he thought, utterly bewildered by the course of events.

At that moment, three black-clad assassins, each radiating the strength of the Inquiring Journey realm, circled around Gu Ran, forming a defensive perimeter.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Cover Young Master Gu's retreat!" They urgently raised their voices, desperately trying to guide Gu Ran to safety.

"Damn it! Stop them, no matter the cost!" You Caigao's voice boomed, filled with uncontrollable fury.

"Enough of this chaos! Eliminate this You clan braggart!" Three assassins from the Heavenly Origin realm appeared beside You Caigao. Each displayed the formidable power of the Inquiring Journey realm as they unleashed their merciless attacks.

"Begone!" A deafening roar echoed.

A larger figure materialized behind You Caigao, forcefully repelling the three attacking death warriors with a single shove.

"Ah!" The warriors hit the ground and instantly fell silent.

They hadn't achieved the power of the Inquiring Journey realm through natural martial talent. Rather, they had managed this terrifying feat through a self-destructive secret art.

"Hmph! You dare harm our Young Master Gu, You Clan scum? Your fate is sealed," a chilling snort echoed, followed by a flash of light that shot straight towards You Caigao.

This flash of light was an authentic assassin from the Inquiring Journey realm, strategically positioned by Jiang Chen and fully capable of annihilating You Caigao and his protectors!

"No! Shield me!" Sensing an immediate and intense threat to his life, You Caigao let out a desperate cry.

"Don't harm my young master!" You Caigao's Inquiring Journey realm guard shouted. However, in the very next instant, his head was cleanly severed from his body.

"Please, spare me!" Stripped of his protection, You Caigao was suddenly overcome with fear.

"I am You Caigao! My clan can offer abundant cultivation resources for my life!"

"Please!" His face turned pale, and he trembled so violently that he lost control of his bladder.

"Eliminate him," Jiang Chen conveyed the thought telepathically, and the loyal death warrior swiftly executed the command.


A streak of silvery sword light zipped through the air, sending You Caigao's head soaring skyward.

"Young Master You!" a voice screamed in abject horror.

"No, Young Master You, don't die!"

"Ahhh, I'll fight you to my last breath!"

One by one, cultivators from the You Clan let out frenzied cries of despair and charged headlong at Jiang Chen's death warriors.

It wasn't out of deep affection for You Caigao that they did this, but because they knew that if they survived, the You Clan would demand they join You Caigao in death.

Failure to protect him meant only one outcome: certain death!

"Fight, fight, fight! Cover Young Master Gu's escape!" one death warrior shouted urgently.

"Hurry, the high-ranking members of the You Clan are almost here, we need to move faster!" another urged frantically.

One by one, they let out urgent calls, fighting and retreating in tandem.

On Gu Ran's end, Jiang Chen ensured he wasn't left without a single kill.

For You Clan members with weak cultivation bases, like those at the Mysterious Platform realm, even if Gu Ran slayed them, Jiang Chen directed the death warriors to overlook these actions.

However, for You Clan members who had attained the Heavenly Origin realm, Jiang Chen instructed the death warriors to attempt to claim as many kills as possible.

Otherwise, if every kill were hijacked, Gu Ran would undoubtedly suspect his secret had been exposed and that he was in danger of being targeted!

At this juncture, with meticulous planning and a keen eye for avoiding any potential pitfalls, Jiang Chen's strategy yielded impressively effective results.

In the heat of the conflict, Gu Ran had dispatched around a dozen Mysterious Platform realm cultivators, and a few Early-stage Heavenly Origin realm practitioners.

This feat granted him ample cultivation base, potentially paving the way for his breakthrough to the Inquiring Journey realm.

Yet, with the threat of the You Clan's higher-ups looming, Gu Ran dared not tarry.

He quickly concealed himself and made his exit.

As he retreated, the Fate Value of the remaining supporting characters incrementally rose.

Upon observing this, Jiang Chen promptly issued an order for the death warriors to pull back.

"Fall back, fall back, fall back!" A black-clad warrior yelled loudly.

"Young Master Gu has already escaped; everyone, evacuate swiftly!"

The other death warriors acted quickly, hastily withdrawing towards the city's outskirts. In no time, they had entirely vacated You Clan City.

[Ding! You have successfully altered the plot, protagonist Gu Ran's Heavenly Fate Value has been reduced by 1000 points!]

[Ding! You have earned 2000 Villain Value points!]

System notifications echoed in Jiang Chen's mind.

At that moment, a screen of light rose, encapsulating a large area including You Clan City.

Both Gu Ran and Jiang Chen's death warriors found themselves ensnared within!

"Who is it!" A voice, quaking with unbearable rage, resounded across Three Mountains Island. "Who dares to slay my dearest grandson? I'll flay him alive and slice him into a thousand pieces!" Then, a streak of light descended upon the island, materializing into a stern, hawk-nosed elder.

This man was You Haiyin, a Late-stage Inquiring Journey realm cultivator and the ancestor of the You Clan.

Typically, You Haiyin wouldn't be on Three Mountains Island but would instead be meditating on Ageless Spirit Heavenly Island.

The scenario where potent cultivators from peripheral islands retreat to the central island for cultivation was quite common in the Ageless Spirit Heavenly Sea.

Upon hearing about the outbreak of the demonic beast tide, You Haiyin hurriedly rushed back to his homeland.

However, just as he was about to reach his destination, he was greeted with the horrific news of You Caigao's murder!

You Haiyin was consumed by intense fury and profound grief!

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