Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 249: Gu Ran's Hidden Allies!? The Mysterious Black Warriors

Chapter 249: Gu Ran's Hidden Allies!? The Mysterious Black Warriors

'Gu Ran!' Feng Liu clenched his teeth, 'The You Clan vastly outmatches my Feng Clan!'

'You barely scraped through your confrontation with my clan. Against the You Clan, you don't stand a chance!'

'I can hardly wait to see the look of despair that will contort your face!' His fists clenched anew, his nails digging into the still unhealed wounds on his palms.

Just then, "Feng Liu!" A voice, tinged with arrogance and nonchalance, reverberated behind him. "This young master has already identified the target we're after! We're quite efficient, aren't we?"

A tall figure soon materialized behind him.

The man was somewhat stout, his skin pallid, exuding an atmosphere of affluence and leisure.

His aura revealed him as a Late-stage Heavenly Origin realm cultivator.

For his age, he was unquestionably a prodigy.

"Of course, it's quick!" Immediately, Feng Liu plastered on a smile and responded obsequiously, "With Young Master You leading the way, how could it be otherwise?"

Yet, in his mind, he couldn't help but scoff, 'Obviously, Gu Ran made no attempt to hide himself. Otherwise, how could you, You Caigao, have found him so quickly?'

"Absolutely!" Confidence suffused You Caigao's visage, "Most territories on Three Mountains Island are under my dominion. When I issue an order, none dare to oppose!"

"Let's go capture Gu Ran now!" With a grand wave of his hand, a horde of shadowy cultivators burst forth from behind him.


One after the other, the cultivators melded into the crowd, charging towards Gu Ran's location.

"Your target is too obvious, just stay put," You Caigao told Feng Liu, casting a disdainful look his way. In a whirlwind-like motion, he disappeared around the street corner.

"Hmph!" A gleam of cold mockery flickered in Feng Liu's eyes. "Underestimating Gu Ran could be your downfall, You Caigao."

"Maybe you'll even fall victim to him!"

"And if that happens, all the better. Those who dare underestimate me deserve nothing less than death!" With that, he promptly turned and walked back into You Caigao's mansion, where a group of beautiful women quickly surrounded him...


On the busiest street of You Clan City on Three Mountains Island, Gu Ran roamed. Using his divine sense, he discreetly tapped into the conversations of nearby cultivators, searching for potential sources of information.

After a series of inquiries, Gu Ran had significantly narrowed down his target location.

A few more questions, and he would be prepared to embark on his journey.

Suddenly, his expression shifted, and a heightened sense of vigilance instinctively awakening within him, 'What's happening? Is someone following me?'

'Could it be that Feng Liu from the Feng Clan?'

'They're approachingone, two... quite a formidable group indeed!'

'But I like it, hahaha! I never start trouble, but if you bring it to my doorstep, I won't hold back!' With narrowed eyes, a brief flicker of icy light vanished almost instantly from Gu Ran's gaze.

Almost immediately, he slowed his pace, his Yuan Power circulating within his body, fully ready for combat!

Time ticked away in an instant.

The crowd on the street bustled on, utterly oblivious to the imminent great battle!

At a specific moment, three Heavenly Origin realm cultivators in close proximity to Gu Ran sprang into action.

Three brilliant streaks of blade light materialized without warning, slashing ruthlessly towards Gu Ran!

"I've been waiting for you!" Gu Ran sneered, and with a flick of his hand, a burst of sword light emerged, directly parrying the attacks of the three Heavenly Origin realm cultivators.


The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed down the street, reverberating through the air.

A significant wave of residual energy dispersed, unsettling many nearby onlookers.

"Let's get out of here, a fight's broken out!" a voice exclaimed in panic.

"It's You Caigao's followers, from the You Clan!"

"Move it, don't get caught up in this!"

"Run! You Caigao doesn't spare bystanders like us when he goes on a rampage."

Cries of terror filled the air, as surrounding cultivators hurriedly scurried away to safety.

Against the tide of the crowd, several vicious-looking cultivators charged forth, their eyes frosty as they surged towards Gu Ran.

'What prime prey!' A sneer formed deep within Gu Ran's heart.

After fending off the three Heavenly Origin realm cultivators, he changed his location, all while cloaking his presence.

"Where did he go?" one cultivator muttered in disbelief.

"How did he just vanish?"

"Stay on high alert, the Young Master warned us that this man has mysterious concealment techniques!"

"Group up in threes and stay vigilant!"

You Caigao's men shifted their expressions, each entering a state of high alert.

Meanwhile, on the periphery of the street, a group of cultivators formed a broad circle, each holding a jade mirror in their hands.

These jade mirrors cast rays of light, creating a hemispherical barrier.

While this barrier might not have substantial defensive power, its primary function was to act as an alarm!

As long as any cultivator brushed against the light screen, they would be detected.

This was a precaution specifically arranged by You Caigao for Gu Ran!

However, retreat was far from Gu Ran's mind.

'Become the stepping stones on my journey to power!' His eyes flared with murderous intent, readying him for a deadly onslaught.

But just then, a cry shattered the tension.

"Ah!!" someone screamed in horror.

"Over here! Help!"

"He's on me, he's ambushing me, help, I don't want to die!"

A torrent of anguished shrieks filled the air.

It was visible that one by one, You Caigao's men fell prey to an unseen executioner's blade, their faces contorted in agony.

'What... what's going on?' Gu Ran watched the cultivators who were suddenly slain, his face etched with confusion. 'I haven't even made a move yet! How did they die?'

At this point, several men with stern faces, dressed in black, materialized.

'Who are these people?' Gu Ran's face registered surprise, 'Could they be enemies of the You Clan?'

He sensed a hint of danger emanating from these men clad in black.

However, he remained unaware that these assailants were, in fact, Jiang Chen's death warriors.

In other words, they were the assassins brought in by a Dao Palace realm powerhouse from the Ageless Spirit Heavenly Sect half a day earlier!

To prevent Gu Ran from enhancing his strength through combat and to keep the storyline advancing, Jiang Chen had devised this strategy.

At this moment, Gu Ran's potential victims were falling one after another at the hands of Jiang Chen's death warriors!

Gu Ran understood that these black-clad men were not allies.

Furthermore, his inherent wariness made him recognize that these men in black might even be his foes.

But this was unbeknownst to You Caigao and his men.

They still believed they were reinforcements for Gu Ran!

"What!" someone exclaimed in disbelief.

"Does Gu Ran have so many accomplices?"

"Everyone, be cautious, hurry, call for reinforcements!!"

Shouts of surprise erupted from the You Clan's cultivators, their eyes darting anxiously around their surroundings.

Yet, the massacre carried on!

One after another, cultivators from the You Clan met their end at the hands of Jiang Chen's death warriors.

Naturally, there were also death warriors who were bested by the You Clan's cultivators and slain on the spot.

These death warriors met their end with stoic calm, or it could be said that many of them were already dead in a sense.

The reason they were alive and had become death warriors was that they all harbored a certain obsession or desire in their hearts.

This obsession, this wish, would be fulfilled by the Purple Heaven Holy Land.

Aside from this, there were also some death warriors who, due to various reasons, wouldn't live long.

They chose to exchange their lives to secure substantial benefits for their loved ones.

Hence, these death warriors didn't fear death in battle but welcomed it with tranquility.

Jiang Chen wouldn't bear any psychological burden due to this either.

The battle raged on.

The conflict extended to other streets, with bodies strewn across the thoroughfares.

"Damn it! Feng Liu, that rat, claimed Gu Ran was alone, is this what he calls alone!" You Caigao glared at the battlefield before him, his heart ablaze with intense fury.

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