Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 104  Xiao Rong

104  Xiao Rong

" In exchange for all these materials you can get a total of 3.67 million points, are you satisfied with the deal? " the old man asks, rubbing his hands together.

Jayden looked into the old man's eyes, and used the Void Eye skill, after seeing that the price was the best he could get, Jayden nodded and said:

" I'm satisfied with the price, it's a deal then. " Jayden shook hands with the old man and then said: " I also want to purchase a few things. "

" Just say the name, I'll personally arrange everything for you, and I'll even throw a big discount. " the old man replied enthusiastically.

" Then I won't be polite, I want all these items. " Jayden handed the lists of items.

The old man reads the paper, and his eyes widened in surprise. " Why do you want so many Yin Energy fruits? "

" I've some uses for them. " Jayden said not going into too much details.

" Ah, sorry sorry, I'll arrange all these items within an hour. " the old man said and ran out of the room, after ordering one of the servant to bring tea for Jayden.

As the old man left, Jayden closed his eyes and took a one hour nap. He opened his eyes only when he heard the old man's footsteps again.

" one Concealing Bracelet, ten yin blast pills, ten Blue lotuses, and ten snowy dragon fruits. " the old man gave Jayden all the material he asked for.

" How much do I have to pay? " Jayden said, as he replaced the sects bracelet with the new one and stored all other things in his storage ring.

" Since you're our special guest we'll give you a huge discount, you only need to pay 2.5 million. " the old man replied cheekily.

Jayden nodded and then pointed his bracelet towards the old man, who placed his own bracelet above it and then gave the remaining amount to Jayden.

" 1.5 million sword points. " Jayden muttered after checking his bracelet, the old man had given him more points then he told earlier.

" If you need anything in the future, just use this jade plate for communication, and we'll deliver everything to your home. " the old spoke, while escorting Jayden out.

Jayden nodded and took the jade plate from him, before storing it in his storage ring.


While Jayden was heading towards his home, he saw many disciples rushing over in the same direction. " I'm so excited, I heard elder sister Rong has come out of her seclusion. " one of the disciples said.

" I just joined the sect a few days ago, so I've never seen her, but I heard she is quite famous across the entire Beginning Kingdom. " second disciple joined. " She's beautiful like a goddess, but she already has a fiance. Even so, we could appreciate her beauty from a distance. " another disciple spoke.


Hearing them, the image of a beautiful girl appears in Jayden's mind, ' So she came out of her seclusion? Maybe I should visit her too. ' Jayden thought and changed his destination.

After following the other disciples, Jayden arrives in front of a big building named " Closed Palace", which is used by the disciples when they go into seclusion.

Outside the building a crowd of over two hundred boys was gathered, blocking the entrance of the building completely. All the boys looked excited and many even brought gifts and flowers.

" Miss Rong, please accept my love for you- " one disciple shouted, pointing his roses forward.

" Get away you cheap-ass, look elder sister, I brought a top quality sword for you. " another disciple said, pushing the others away.

" No, no look at this, I'm giving you my family's home. Please accept my sincere feelings- " All the disciples were offering various treasures and properties, Jayden stood a little further from the crowd listening to their confessions.

" Look elder sister, I've the biggest dick, if you accept me then I will never let you- ahhhhh "One disciple suddenly took off his robe, showing his puny puppy to everyone. Watching his actions, guards caught him instantly and dragged him away.

Seeing this many disciple who had their hands around their robe, immediately fled the scene. " Elder sister, even if you can't accept my feelings, just bring me along, I'll be your faithful servant, no I'll be your dog. " a boy knelt on the ground, tears in his eyes and began to beg.

" Fuck off, you think you're worthy to become her servant, only someone like me who is from a rich family, is worthy of serving her. "

All the disciples kept talking at once, and then from the entrance of the Palace, a cold female voice rang out, which despite being cold sounded sweet and melodious.

" Move away, all of you at once. " hearing her warning the crowd instantly became quiet, they shifted around uncomfortably, while secretly peeking at the beauty. After waiting for a few more seconds, Jayden thought that it was finally time for him to enter the scene, and so he began to move towards the entrance of the Palace, pushing the crowd away. " Hey, where are you going? "

" Stop pushing. "

Many boys complained as Jayden pushed them away, and then after passing through the crowd, the face of a woman came into his view.

Her face looked extremely beautiful but had a chilly expression on it, that could easily scare away most boys. ' Hmmm, more beautiful than her mother but a bit less sexy than her, though she will turn out great in the future. ' he thought.

Xiao Rong's long brown hair fluttered in the air, her white robe matched perfectly with her creamy white skin. Her boobs were quite big but well hidden under her robe, her temperament was chilly.

Just as Jayden was walking towards her, she also saw him, at first she looked surprised then her face darkened and a frown instantly appears on her beautiful face.

' Didn't Mom say she has dealt with him, why is he still here? ' she thought. She remembered Wang Jin because he was the most persistent among all her pursuers, he didn't back down after countless rejections, not even after she humiliated him publicly.

She glared at Jayden, her expression turning chilly by the moment, just as she prepared to scold him, Jayden passed by her ignoring her completely and walked towards the door of the palace. She heaved a sigh of relief and decided to ignore him, but then she felt an aura of Qi Gathering stage from him. She looked back at him in confusion and called out.

" Hey, wait. " Even after hearing her Jayden didn't stop and kept walking forward, as all the disciples around them stared in disbelief.

" WAIT, I'm talking to you," she yelled.

Jayden turned and looked at her, " Are you talking to me? " he said, his expression indifferent.

" Yes, you! Follow me, I've something to talk to you about. " she said, and without looking back, walked out of the crowd.

Jayden smiled and without any further question, followed her. The crowd was dumbfounded, they stared at the retreating figures of both of them.

" Who is that brat? " one of the senior disciples asked.

" He is Wang Jin, son of our sect's matriarch, though their relationship is as bad as it could get. " a junior disciple replied.

" I heard he is just at the 2nd stage of body refining. " " That cripple, let's beat him up later. " another senior disciple spoke, seething with jealousy.

All the disciples began to laugh evilly, as they formed a plan to deal with Jayden. ******

Xiao Rong brought Jayden to her private practice room, after entering she stood with her arms crossed over her perfectly sized bosom. " Tell me now, why did you ask me to follow you? " Jayden said, his tone nonchalant.

" Aren't you Wang Jin? " she asked, seeing Jayden behave differently.

" I am. Is that all you wanted to ask? Then I'll leave first- " Jayden replied and turned to leave.

" Wait, how did you reach the Qi Gathering realm so fast? " she asked, interrupting Jayden.

" I don't know how any of that is a concern for you. " Jayden replied and turned to leave again.

" Answer me this instant, are you using some kind of unorthodox method? " she yelled, pulling his arm.


Jayden looked at her with a frown and jerked her hand off.

" Stay away from me. " he said and turned to leave.


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