Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 103  Helping a Mother in need

103  Helping a Mother in need

" Mother, I can help you with that, I can transfer my Yang Qi into your body. " " Huh? " Jia stared at Jayden in confusion.

" I can channel my Yang Energy into your body in the traditional way, that way you won't have to reveal your weakness to anyone else. " Jayden spoke in a serious tone.

Wang Jia hesitated, she wondered if she could trust her son when she herself made it hard for him to cultivate and live in the sect. But remembering his recent behaviour she made up her mind and spoke:

" Okay, but you can't tell anyone about it. " after seeing Jayden nod she asks," Why are you helping me, don't you hate me? I have always treated you like- "

" No, I don't hate you, you aren't much at fault, that situation itself was quite complicated. " Jayden spoke and tightened his grip around her shoulders.

Jia averted her eyes, feeling a little guilty at how she had always treated her son, and he was still not blaming her for anything and on top of that, he was willing to help her.

The hate she always felt towards him was being replaced by guilt and regret. ' I wasn't this kind of woman before, it all happened because of that pig, I even treated my own son like that even though he wasn't at fault. '

Her expression drifted between guilt and anger, she was deep in thought, as Jayden's voice rang in her ears.

" Mother, we have reached my house, If you're okay with it I can channel the energy now. " Jayden said.

Jia hesitated for a few moments, then she nodded and walked into the house, leaning slightly against Jayden.

After entering, she sat on the bed cross legged and circulated her energy, after a few minutes, Jayden sat behind her and placed his hand on her back.

" I'm starting mother. " he said.

" Mmm " she nodded, a slight blush on her face as she felt Jayden's palm pressing against her back. ' What am I thinking he is my son, this much contact is normal between a mother and son. ' she thought, but her face became even redder as she remembered their last interaction when she saw him naked.

Jayden began to channel his Yang Energy in her body, but he kept the speed and quality at less than 5% of what he could have done normally. There were two reasons, first, he didn't want her to know about his real cultivation base yet and secondly, he wanted her to crave him more and more.

Wang Jia felt the hot energy slowly enter her body, the speed and quantity of the energy was low but it still made her feel better. Even so, she felt it wasn't enough, but kept those thoughts to herself.



After channelling the energy in her body for over an hour, Jayden pretended to be exhausted and panted slightly. He looked at Jia and asked:

" Mother, are you feeling any better now? "

After checking her body's condition she said: " Yeah, I can already see the effects, I guess Doc was telling the truth after all. But you look exhausted are you alright? " Seeing her expression, Jayden smiled, then he moved forward and cupped her face in between his hands and said:" It's nothing mother, I'm just happy that I could be of use to you. " Hearing his words she felt more guilty, she looked away and after thinking for a few moments she took out a pill from her storage ring and passed it to Jayden.

" Wang Jin, eat this pill, it'll help you. " Jayden didn't take the pill and stared at her with a frown. Seeing this, Jia asked: " What's wrong? "

" Mother, when you call me like that, you seem so distant, can't you just call me Jin? " Jayden said, looking at her expectantly.

"..." Wang Jia looked away and hesitated for a few moments, then she walked to the door and stepped out of the house.

Watching her leave Jayden thought: ' I guess I will need to work more on her. '

" Take care, Jin," she called out from outside and disappeared.

Jayden smiles as he thought:' So all that acting and planning wasn't wasted after all. '


After Wang Jia left, Jayden decided to visit the treasure pavilion and purchase the material he saw last time, he walked casually as he felt glares directed towards him from all sides.

Ignoring them all, he walked leisurely and reached the Treasure pavilion within 15 minutes. The pavilion still looked as magnificent as he remembered.

Just as he stepped in, one of the staff members, different from the last time, came towards Jayden with an inviting smile.

" Sir, how can I help you? " he said.

" Where can I sell monster materials? " Jayden asked.

" Oh, so you're here to sell, then please follow me this way," he spoke as he pointed in a certain direction.

Jayden nodded and followed him into a small room, the staff member pointed towards a seat and said.

" Please wait here, esteemed guest, our appraiser will be here soon," he spoke and went out to inform the appraiser.

Jayden looked around casually, then after waiting for a couple of minutes, he began to chat with Anna.

" Hey Anna, you said that monster is among one of the weakest ones, then how strong are the others? " " When you are ready to leave you will be able to know everything in detail, but for now I can only explain it vaguely. " she answered and then continued.

" The monsters outside are divided into different levels, like... Like they're divided into different tiers based on their power level. And the injured monster you killed was in the lowest tier.

In terms of cultivation levels, its power was comparable to someone at the mid stage of the Spirit Strengthening realm. If it wasn't injured so badly and hadn't let its guard down at the end, you wouldn't have been able to enjoy your sweet time with your lovely Mother. " she finished and emphasised the word, lovely Mother.


Jayden stayed silent and he thought about her words, just then he heard the sound of footsteps, and after a couple of seconds the door to the small room opened.

" Sorry for the wait, it had been quite hectic in here, after so many people have been going for hunting in the forests. " An old man with white hair enters the room and speaks with a smile on his face. Jayden shook hands with him and then said.

" It's alright, it wasn't long anyway. I want to sell a few of my items. " Jayden said.

" You can take them out here, even if you decide not to sell in the end, we won't disclose any of your secrets to the third party. " the old man said assuringly.

Jayden smiled and then took out a 8 feet high pile of monster's body parts, he looked at the shocked expression of the old man and spoke.

" You can calculate their price first, then I'll take out the other ones. " " What? There is more? " the old man stared at Jayden in disbelief.

" It's not even half, then let's begin. " Jayden said waving his hand.

The old man inhaled deeply and calmed his mind, he stared at the pile and mumbled:' That's gonna take a long while to appraise. '

Walking towards the pile of body parts, he picked up one item and began to inspect it. ' I-Is it the skin of the Azura colour snake? ' He thought.

He picked one item after another and by the time he was appraising the last item, his mind and body were frozen. He stared at Jayden, imprinting his image deep within his mind, with even more detail than his own wife and children.

" Young man, where did you get all this? " the old appraiser questioned still holding the shell of one of the sucking Demons.

" Just saw them lying around in the forest, so I picked them all up. " Jayden shrugged.

" Anyway, are you done with those? " Jayden asks, pointing at the pile.

" Yeah. Did you actually slaughter an entire forest? I can't see how you could have gotten all these otherwise. " The old man wanted answers so badly that he looked desperate.

" Didn't this treasure pavilion have some rules regarding privacy, why are you asking so many questions? If you act like that, I'm not going to sell anything here. " Jayden said, feeling annoyed by the old man's questioning.

*GULP* " Haha, sorry sorry, this old man just got too excited, I'll appraise the remaining items, you can take out the- " The old man's words got stuck in his throat as he stared at the new pile of body parts, that was even bigger than the last one.

" That's all, right? right? " the old man asked, almost pleading, if Jayden took out one more pile, he would definitely fade right there and then. " Yeah, that's all. " Jayden lied, there was still one pile of corpses lying in his storage ring. " Thank God. " the old man sighed in relief and got back to his work.


After the Mo family was destroyed and most of its members were arrested, the position of the second elder has remained vacant. If someone good enough appears, the position will be given to him/her, but if no one good shows up after a certain period of time, the ranking among the elders would change and the third elder would become the second.

Inside the third elder's house, Mo Leng sat on the sofa drinking tea, a murderous look on his face. The second elder had removed all the evidence of Leng's involvement in any of the crimes, so he was still a member of the sect.

" Elder, my grandpa has always helped you, you won't abandon him in a time of need, right? " Mo Leng said.

" Don't worry, we both are in the same boat, I'll do everything I can to save him. " the third elder said taking in a sip from his tea.

" And please help me seek revenge on that cripple bastard. " Mo Leng said, gritting his teeth.

" For that you'll have to wait for a few more days, soon my grandson will be coming out of his seclusion. " the third elder said, a proud expression on his face.

" Oh, so big brother Qiang is coming out of his seclusion? I wonder what stage he might have reached, before he was at the 9th stage of Qi Gathering stage. " Mo Peng said, as an image of a handsome man appeared in his mind.

" If it's big brother Qiang, I'm sure he will be able to beat the shit out of that Wang Jin. Hahahahahaha" Peng laughed deviously as he thought about what he would do with Jayden later on.   -


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