Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 14

C14 – Invitation to the Banquet

Though few had witnessed the battle at East Village firsthand, the absence of the Mountain Bandits who never returned was proof enough that the new Lord had the strength to protect everyone. Consequently, the villagers’ enthusiasm grew.

​While Hua Jie pondered the potential upheaval Choo Qin’s arrival in Long Song City might cause, he was oblivious to the fact that Choo Qin had already received an unexpected invitation.

​”From the Earl Mansion in Long Song City?”

​Choo Qin, returning home after a day’s patrol, found an invitation from Long Song City awaiting him. A female servant mentioned that a knight had delivered it, but since Choo Qin wasn’t home at the time, the knight simply left the invitation and departed.

​Qiao Ling, who was massaging Choo Qin’s temples, had been in awe of his icy prowess. She was utterly captivated by him. Initially, her respect stemmed from his noble status, but upon discovering that Choo Qin was also an Old Mage Master, her admiration deepened.

“The Earl Mansion’s dog has died, and they welcome my arrival. Are they planning to celebrate both events together? They really do hold me in high regard. Do I really come off as that detestable?” Choo Qin mused.

“Damn, I’m a Qin Royal Highness. To think they’d dare to compare the former Loser Royal Highness and a dog. Aren’t they worried about a royal complaint?”

Choo Qin scoffed at the invitation, refusing to equate himself with a deceased canine.

​”Well, I excel at playing the fool to catch the wise, and it’s an opportunity for a free meal,” he said with a slight smile. As a Level Ten Sorcerer, no one could match him in a duel. Sorcerers were scarce throughout the Qilin Empire, so he never paid much attention to the petty gatherings of the nobility.

“Qiao Ling, what do you think? Should I attend this banquet?” Choo Qin asked, turning to tease the young woman.

​”Hmm?” Qiao Ling blushed, surprised by his question. “If you wish to go, then go. You are the Royal Highness, and I will follow your lead.”

​”If I want to go, I will. Will you listen to me?”


“And what about this? Will you listen to me then?”

Choo Qin spun around, seizing Qiao Ling’s hand, and with a flick of his wrist, the lights went out.

The night passed in silence.

The next day dawned.

The invitation had a tight deadline. Perhaps the knight had delivered it too late, leaving only two days to prepare.

The journey from Thundery Castle to Long Song City was a day and a half by ordinary carriage, which meant Choo Qin needed to depart by this afternoon.

Qiao Ling was still asleep, nestled in her bed. Due to her health, the plan for her to accompany him was scrapped, leaving Choo Qin to travel alone.

But before heading to Long Song City, he had another, more pressing matter to attend to.

The Mountain Bandits had been dealt with, yet the riches in their stronghold remained!

Choo Qin had been running low on funds lately, so a trip to the bandit’s lair to line his pockets was in order.

And there was something even more important: Alyssa, in the space, had grown and was now capable of flight!

This meant that Choo Qin could attempt to ride Alyssa as his mount!

Upon receiving this news, he eagerly went to the forest’s edge to summon Alyssa.

Alyssa had grown significantly since she had emerged from her egg.

Thanks to the merging of the Dragon Soul and Dragon Crystal, she was beginning to resemble a small Frost Dragon.

Her massive wings unfurled with the imposing aura unique to her kind, causing all the animals at the forest’s edge to flee instinctively.

“Come on, Alyssa, let’s hit the road!”

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