Divine Mastering Dragon System

Chapter 13

C13 – I Am also a Mage!


“How dare you, Azure Tomb Stronghold!”

Before Choo Qin could make a move, Hua Jie stepped forward.

It was well-known that East Village was under Hua Jie’s protection.

Since joining the Mage Academy in Long Song City, he had always kept a respectful distance from the Mountain Bandits.

“Hua… Hua Jie? Aren’t you supposed to be in Long Song City?”

One of the Mountain Bandits recognized Hua Jie, stepping back with a gasp of surprise.

There was an innate fear of the enigmatic nature of mages among the people.

“Don’t be scared of him, our boss is here too!”

With that, a man clad in a black beast skin coat approached, locking eyes with Hua Jie.

He was taken aback to find Hua Jie in the village; mages like him usually secluded themselves in the academy for deep study.

After a brief pause, he addressed Hua Jie, “I’ve long admired the renowned Young Master Hua. I represent the Xiong family from Azure Tomb Stronghold.”

“We mean no disrespect. We merely wish to discuss some issues with the new Lord of Thundery Castle and would appreciate it if you didn’t interfere.”

“I’m rather unremarkable myself, but last month, under the guidance of a sage, I advanced to a Beginner Level Mage. I hope Young Master Hua can show some leniency.”

The bandit’s cultured tone caught Choo Qin off guard.

He had intended to clear the area and return home, but now his curiosity was piqued, and he wondered how Hua Jie would handle the situation.

Hua Jie’s brow furrowed slightly. He had regarded these Mountain Bandits as insignificant, but unexpectedly, another mage had emerged.

Despite his surprise, he stood tall.

He might not have any respect for the Loser Royal Highness, but surrendering him was out of the question.

If such an act were to become known, it would tarnish Hua Jie’s reputation in Long Song City.

“A mage? Since when did mages stoop to becoming Mountain Bandits? Are you not ashamed of the runes you wield?”

“Though I find this Lord distasteful, rest assured, you will not be taking anyone with you today.”

After finishing his statement, Hua Jie effortlessly conjured a red rune in his palm. Silken threads burst forth, weaving into a red barrier.

The Fire Cage not only shielded Choo Qin but also ensnared the Mountain Bandit who sought escape.

Despite his disdain for the Loser Choo Qin, Hua Jie recognized his royal status and afforded him a measure of courtesy.

“Ding! You have observed a fire spell. Beginner Fire Cage (0/100): Can create a barrier to trap enemies or protect allies.”

“Ding! Your Fire Cage has been upgraded to the Ultimate Fire Cage.”

Choo Qin nonchalantly shrugged and covertly acquired the skill.

The Mountain Bandits’ leader scowled at the fiery filaments.

His concern wasn’t fear of Hua Jie; rather, defeating him would provoke the academy and draw out a swarm of mages, who could be even more troublesome than nobility.

“Young Master Hua, since you seek combat, I shall oblige.”

A white rune gradually materialized in the hands of the Xiong family member, revealing himself to be an Ice Type mage.

Ice Type mages were a rarity in the Qilin Empire, and it was unexpected to encounter one in such a remote place.

The clash of fire and ice was evenly matched.

Yet, to Choo Qin, these spells seemed trivial, almost like child’s play.

The power… was surely too feeble.

“Young Master… we should step back to avoid any accidental injuries.”

Chai Jiu tugged at Choo Qin as the mages’ duel expanded in scope.

Fireballs, fire serpents, Icicles, and ice cages were unleashed, leaving onlookers in awe.

Choo Qin shook his head dismissively.

There was no risk of accidental injury; he was preoccupied with learning new skills.

In a brief span, he had mastered several fire and ice type skills, making the trip worthwhile.

Hua Jie was destined to lose.

Choo Qin could easily discern the disparity in their strengths; Ice Type spells appeared to have significant resistance to fire, putting Hua Jie at a disadvantage.

Moreover, the location of the battle seemed to restrict Hua Jie, who was cautious about employing wide-ranging spells.

Predictably, after a sustained exchange, both combatants had depleted much of their mana. In a final move, the Xiong family’s Ice Seal encased half of Hua Jie’s arm in ice.

The Mountain Bandits erupted in raucous laughter, while the Xiong family breathed a sigh of relief.

Determination flickered in Chai Jiu’s eyes; he was resolute in his decision not to let the prince be captured.

Qiao Ling, a simple village girl, had never witnessed such a scene before, and fear was evident in her eyes.

“My lord, it appears that even Young Master Fang can’t save you now. Perhaps we should have a proper discussion.”

“I’ve heard you’re a prince, which must mean your ransom is substantial. Your steward previously agreed to ten thousand gold coins, right? How about we bump up that amount a bit?”

Instead of dealing with the defeated Hua Jie, the Xiong family turned to Choo Qin with smiles on their faces.

“A discussion?”

At last, Choo Qin gave a nod.

He had nearly mastered all his skills; it was indeed time for a talk.

“Here’s the deal: there are thirty-four of you. If each person pays ten thousand gold coins, I’ll spare your lives.”

Choo Qin advanced slowly, mirroring the Xiong family’s mocking gaze.

His statement took everyone by surprise.

Hua Jie spat in disgust. If he hadn’t been distracted trying to protect the Loser Royal Highness, he might not have lost. He couldn’t believe how thoughtless his own words had been.

​Chai Jiu was momentarily dazed. They were utterly outmatched, and yet the prince had made such a bold declaration.

This wasn’t the Royal City; no one here feared his title.

The Mountain Bandits continued to laugh heartily, convinced that Choo Qin had been frightened into foolishness.

​The Xiong family paused, taken aback for a moment. They hadn’t expected such a statement from the so-called loser.

“You’ll spare our lives? I knew you were called the Loser Royal Highness, but I didn’t realize you were also a fool. With what exactly do you plan to spare us?”

“Ah, well, truth be told, I am a mage as well.”

“A mage? Hahahaha, you’re a mage? You don’t show the slightest hint of magical power.”

The Xiong family crafted an Icicle and edged closer to Choo Qin’s body. This Loser Royal Highness was indeed quite the character.

Choo Qin shrugged his shoulders. Since the others didn’t believe him, there was nothing he could do about it.

“I can wield ice as well.”

He closed his eyes. Condensing runes was not his forte.

But direct usage?

That was a relentless barrage without cooldown or depletion!

“Ultimate Ice Seal!”

With a gentle lift of his hand, a faint aura was released.

In a flash, the Mountain Bandits’ smiles were frozen into ice sculptures.

Their mocking and contemptuous expressions were captured perfectly, yet now they were silenced.

“I truly am a mage.”

“And a Dragon Mage at that,” Choo Qin stated coolly, his face tinged with scorn.

These minor foes were far less engaging than a Beast Tide.

Chai Jiu had been on the brink of despair, but he hadn’t anticipated such a sudden turnaround and was slow to respond.

He had passed out earlier when Choo Qin had dispatched the butler and was unclear about the extent of his power.

Hua Jie gulped. Such a level of attack surely indicated at least a High Level Mage, if not more!

Was this Loser Royal Highness, ridiculed by all of Long Song City, actually a High Level Mage?

​It seemed preposterous.

He could already picture the shock that would ensue if Choo Qin were to make his way into Long Song City, the faces he would proverbially slap.

Reflecting on his own earlier arrogance, having sidelined a High Level Mage for so long, a wry smile crept onto his face.

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