Devil’s Music

Chapter 277: The Youngest Son of the President

Chapter 277: The Youngest Son of the President

Carlos, wearing a suit slightly looser than usual, approached with a smile and opened his arms wide.

“Haha, long time no see!”

Geon hugged Carlos and laughed.

“Really, why didn’t you drop by the dressing room during the opera performance?”

Carlos, still holding Geon’s arm, grinned.

“It looked busy. I thought I was quite famous, but when I got there, there were so many important people I couldn’t even hand out my business card! Haha, so I just watched the performance.”

“Ah, come on, you could spare a little time when Carlos is visiting. Next time, make sure you stop by.”

“Haha, alright. But who is this?”

Carlos looked at Kevin, who was sitting dumbfounded on the sofa, and took a seat beside him while Geon sat across from them.

“Yes, this is the person I mentioned on the phone.”

Carlos looked Kevin up and down and asked.

“Do you know me?”

Kevin, startled, suddenly stood up.

“Of course! It’s an honor to meet you!”

“Hehe, right. Let's sit and talk. My throat hurts.”

“Ah, yes!”

As Kevin sat down, Carlos began.

“His skills are vouched for by this guy, but how old are you?”

Kevin, confused by the conversation about skills, hurriedly answered the question.

“Tw, twenty-one years old, Carlos.”

“Really? Young, aren’t you? You’re older than when I met this guy, but seeing that he acknowledges you at that age, you must be quite talented.”

“Eh, yes? Ge, genius? I'm not…”

“Ah, it's fine. We currently don’t have a bass player in our band. The original bassist fell ill at the beginning of the year. It’s unlikely he’ll return, so we’ve been looking for a new member.”

Kevin, not understanding the significance of Carlos's words, made a foolish expression as Carlos slapped his back hard.

“Snap out of it! Haha, what are you thinking?”

Kevin shivered as the slap seemed to hurt, and he asked cautiously.

“So, you mentioned just now about looking for a new member…”

Carlos nodded slightly and said.

“Yes, but it just so happens that this guy recommended a bass player to me. It’s the first time he’s recommended someone to me. So, I came rushing over. What do you think?”

Kevin was so shocked that his mouth hung open as he alternated his gaze between Geon and Carlos. Carlos, seeing Kevin like this, stood up from his seat.

“Well, we have to see your skills first. I’ve booked a studio nearby, so let's head over.”

Kevin, startled by Carlos’s sudden suggestion to see his skills, stood up awkwardly and said.

“I, I didn’t bring my guitar.”

Carlos laughed as if it was no issue.

“Those without skills blame their tools. Just pick up anything and play. Everything is ready there.”

Carlos gestured with his head, and Geon also stood up laughing and they headed together to the elevator. Kevin, left behind, gaped until he heard the elevator arrive and hurriedly followed them. They drove for about five minutes in Carlos’s car parked in front of the hotel and arrived at an underground studio. Carlos’s personal manager had arrived earlier and set up the studio, and as soon as the three of them entered, he stepped aside.

“There, that’s a Fender USA American Elite Jazz Bass. I don’t need to tell you how much it costs. I’ve prepared a good guitar so you can’t blame the equipment, let's see your skills.”

Kevin eyed the shiny brown bass guitar and hesitated before carefully picking it up from the makeshift chair. Feeling its grip in his hands, Kevin struggled to speak.

“What should I play?”

Carlos shrugged, and Geon intervened.

“Try something by Winery Dogs? You seemed to have a good groove in Billy Sheehan’s style when I saw you yesterday.”

After a moment’s thought, Kevin began to play. At the first bar, Carlos nodded in approval and whispered to Geon.

“Just like you said, the groove is killer.”

Geon whispered back with a slight smile.

“Listen, Carlos.”

Dong, du-dong, du-du-du-dong~~dong, du-du-dong

Kevin was playing the bass guitar alone, but his incredible rhythm made it feel like a full band was performing. As he focused intensely, it wasn’t even 30 seconds into playing before heavy sweat beads streamed down his face. After some time, Carlos smiled slightly at Geon.

“He’s good. A bit of refining, and he could be much better.”

Geon slapped Carlos's back as if to say 'I told you so'.

“I told you he has talent.”

“Haha, but remember what you promised earlier. You said you’d write him a song.”

“Haha, of course. It’s his debut and I

’ll take responsibility.”

“You better keep that promise. Otherwise, this guy won’t debut. Honestly, he’s a promising lad but it'll be tough refining his skills.”

“Haha, I’ll keep my word. In fact, I’ll write it as soon as I get back.”

“Alright, I trust you.”

As they continued to listen to Kevin’s performance, Carlos eventually asked Geon.

“Does this guy not have an agency?”

Geon glanced sideways and then at the clock on the wall.

“He will soon. Don’t poach him, Carlos.”

“Tch, and here I was, hoping to snag him for our company.”


After a lengthy performance, Kevin let out a heavy breath, panting but still watching Carlos for his reaction. Carlos smiled at him and pulled a chair in front of Kevin, crossed his legs and folded his arms. After observing Kevin’s disheveled appearance for a moment, Carlos leaned forward and said.

“That hair. Either perm it or cut it. And the beard, either trim it to just a mustache, or shave it all off.”

Carlos pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and handed Kevin four hundred-dollar bills.

“Buy some clothes with this.”

Kevin took the money from Carlos in a daze, looking perplexed, as Carlos stood up and patted his shoulder.

“Let’s go together, buddy.”

Kevin, speechless for a moment, looked up at Carlos and then suddenly grabbed his hand.

“Thank you! Thank you!”

Carlos frowned at Kevin fondling his hand.

“I’m not that kind of person, so let go. And say your thanks to this guy.”

Kevin turned his head and saw Geon standing silently with his mouth now uncovered, unlike yesterday when it was hidden by a scarf, smiling.

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I can’t think of how else to express my gratitude. Meeting you must have been really lucky for me.”

Geon was about to respond when the studio door opened. All three turned to see the door as Byungjoon, who had been trying to enter, hesitated with an awkward smile.

“I... I’ve been knocking for a while but no answer...”

Byungjoon made an excuse as he walked up to Carlos, who was looking at him, and bowed deeply.

“Hello, sir! My name is Byungjoon Lee.”

Carlos smiled and extended his hand.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Lee. You’re this guy’s manager, right? I hear you’re a very capable manager.”

Byungjoon, embarrassed, kept scratching his head and bowing.

“Oh, no, haha. It’s nothing.”

Carlos chuckled and looked back at Geon.

“So, this is what you meant by ‘soon to happen’? Haha, Kevin. Here’s my business card, call me again tomorrow.”

Kevin, overwhelmed, took the business card Carlos handed him with both hands and stared at it repeatedly. Carlos laughed quietly, put his arm around Geon, and said.

“Well, we need to talk a bit, check the schedule and all.”

Geon responded with a smile and then said to Byungjoon.

“Brother, I’ll leave his business to you. The thing I mentioned on the phone.”

Byungjoon waved his hand as if to send them away and nodded.

“Sure, I’ll handle it. Go on and have your talk. Sir, please come in! See you next time!”

“Haha, thank you. Let's go.”

Geon and Carlos left the studio arm in arm, leaving only two people behind. Kevin, still in awe, looked at Carlos’s business card. Byungjoon approached the still stunned Kevin, who seemed oblivious to his presence, and cleared his throat.


Startled, Kevin looked at Byungjoon and asked.

“Oh! I'm sorry, but who are you...?”

Byungjoon smiled and arranged two chairs to face each other before inviting Kevin to sit. As Kevin sat down, Byungjoon began the conversation.

“You don’t have an agency, right? We want to sign a contract with you.”

Kevin, taken aback by the unexpected offer, shook his head as if trying to grasp his thoughts and asked.

“You, it’s so sudden... You want to sign a contract with me?”

“Yes, we intend to sign an official musician contract.”

“But... You weren’t even here during my performance, what did you see to decide to offer a contract...”

Byungjoon pointed to the studio door through which Geon and Carlos had just exited and said.

“It’s because of the endorsement of that friend who just left. That should be enough.”

Kevin looked at the closed studio door for a long while and asked.

“Who exactly is that person? Who is so significant that Carlos Montana hangs out with him, and the mere mention of his name prompts a company to rush over to sign a musician?”


on looked at the studio door with an incredulous expression and sighed.

“Ha, this guy... Didn’t he tell you who he is? Sheesh.”

Byungjoon rummaged through his pocket and handed over a business card, saying.

“Our company is Fantagio.”

Kevin, shocked, widened his eyes and took the business card.

“What? Fa, Fa, Fantagio?? Are you, are you really serious? Is that, that, the company Kay is with?”

Byungjoon chuckled and nodded towards the closed studio door.

“Kay just left, you know.”

Kevin stood up so abruptly that the chair he was sitting on fell over with a loud crash.

“What, what, what did you say!!!? Who just left?”

Byungjoon crossed his arms and laughed.

“Fantagio’s first angel. Kay. And if you sign this contract, someday you’ll be on stage with Kay.”

“Gosh!!! I’ll sign right now! Give me the pen!!!”

“Haha, let’s first look at the contract details. First, the duration of the contract...”

“I’ll, I’ll, I’ll sign first and listen to the explanations later!”


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