Devil’s Music

Chapter 276: The Youngest Son of the President

Chapter 276: The Youngest Son of the President

Tyler blinked as he looked at the bill Geon was holding out to him. Hesitating for a moment, Geon shook the bill again and said, "Would it be possible?"

Caught off guard, Tyler reached out his hand, and Geon placed the bill on his palm with a smile, saying, "I just want to give it a try."

Geon reached out his hand again, and after a moment's glance at Geon's hand, Tyler hurriedly handed over his guitar. Geon smiled as he stroked Tyler’s guitar, commenting, "It's not a branded product, but it seems to be a well-loved guitar, well-maintained too."

Tyler, looking dazed, glanced at the guests who were still filling about half of the hall and drinking, then asked softly, "Um... sir, since there are still many other guests... how good are you at playing the guitar?"

Geon chuckled and then played a fast guitar solo on Tyler's guitar. Although the amp was turned off and no sound was produced, Tyler, amazed by Geon's technique, exclaimed, "You're quite skilled! Have you been playing for long? That's a relief. What piece do you plan to play?"

Geon's expression hardened as he glanced at Kevin, who was watching him, and then asked, "That bass guitarist over there, could you play 'Cliffs of Dover' by Eric Johnson?"

Kevin's eyes widened as he stuttered, "Yes...? That's a quiet piece, but it's a rock performance, are you sure you want to play it here?"

Geon nodded with a smile as Kevin, looking bewildered, soon nodded back, "Yes, it's possible."

"Hehe, is the drum set available too?"

The drummer, as if to reassure him, twirled his sticks, which Geon noticed as he sat in the chair Tyler had been using, adjusting the multitrack and tuning the guitar. Even though he had turned down the amp, the brief play-through was enough to show that Geon's skills were impressive, and Kevin watched him with anticipation.

After tuning his equipment, Geon stood up and approached Kevin's amp, made eye contact with Kevin who was still seated, and raised the volume of his amp while smiling, "I'll turn up the volume a bit."

As the bass amp's volume rose to a similar level as the guitar's, Kevin smiled. Geon then sat back down, closed his eyes to focus on his emotions, and placed his hands on the guitar strings. A mystical piece began to resonate in the hall, turning the heads of the tipsy patrons toward the stage. On stage, a man wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a scarf up to his nose, with a Mickey Mouse T-shirt peeking out from under his coat, played the guitar alone, eyes closed. Though there was no vocalist, the guests looked puzzled at first but soon quieted down and focused as the slow, mystical start of the performance gradually picked up speed.

Meanwhile, from the moment Geon had raised the volume of the bass amp, Kevin, who had taken a liking to Geon, had closed his eyes to the performance. He imagined himself as a guitarist standing on a cliff in the desolate Death Valley, playing to nature as drums and bass joined him at a lively tempo. As the music sped up, Kevin continued his precise solo playing with a relaxed expression, sinking deeper into the music alongside Geon, his face gradually breaking into a smile.

"It feels like I'm being sucked in! I might lose focus for a moment, but it's an amazing performance!"

Throughout the more than six-minute-long performance, Kevin thoroughly enjoyed himself. Although the genre was different, he was reminded of the night he had first heard Dream Theater's "Another Day" and had become so engrossed that he had bought the CD and listened to it countless times. As the end of the performance neared, his expression grew regretful.

"I don't want to stop playing. Just a bit longer, please!"

No matter how long a piece was, everything had an end. Kevin, who had kept his eyes closed throughout the performance, felt the thick vibrations of the last bass note with an ecstatic expression as Geon stopped playing. Slowly opening his eyes and looking down from the stage, Kevin's eyes grew immensely wide. Whether they were loudly chatting or just guzzling down bottles of liquor, all the patrons had stood up, whistling and applauding.

"Whew!!! Amazing!"

"To hear such a performance at a karaoke bar! It was fantastic!"

"That was great! Truly the best!"

As the people stood up, waving their hands and clapping above their heads, Geon put down his guitar and rose from his seat, bowing slightly. As the crowd sent even louder applause his way, Geon extended his hand to point at Kevin and the drummer. Realizing Geon's intent, the crowd cheered even louder.

"The bass was awesome too


"Yeah, the groovy play gave me goosebumps all along! How can such a musician be in a place like this?"

"Must be a music school student, not someone who should be playing here!"

"The drums were good too, sir!"

"Haha, it was funny watching him hit the snare drum with his belly sticking out, but it was good!"

Tyler, standing by the stage, also clapped vigorously, his face flushed with excitement.

"That was truly impressive! Are you a professional musician?"

Geon handed the guitar back to Tyler and shook his head.

"I'm still a student. Thank you."

"Really? I've met a future star then! You were really impressive, you'll be a star in no time. I'll keep an eye out. What's your name?"

"Haha, I'm not someone worth mentioning by name. Then."

With a mesmerized look, Kevin watched Geon blankly as he couldn't even lower his hand from the bass guitar strings. Geon glanced at Kevin and then walked down from the stage to his seat as the still applauding patrons extended their hands for handshakes as Geon passed by. After shaking hands with the guests, Geon returned to his seat, whereupon the Japanese owner quickly came over and said.

"That was a fantastic performance, sir! Please come to our store often. We won't charge you for the drinks today."

Geon nodded with a smile.

"That's fine, but since you're offering, I'll gratefully accept."

"Oh, please do come often. I ask you."

"Haha, yes, I understand."

After the owner left, Geon sipped his beer alone and checked his watch, noting it was past 1 AM. He stood up from his seat as many guests were paying at the counter. As Geon emerged, cheers erupted once again. Waving his hand, Geon stepped outside where a gang member was waiting and asked him.

"Shall we return to the hotel?"

Geon glanced down the stairs and shook his head.

"No, I'll stay a bit longer. Can you wait in the car while people come out?"

"Yes, sure. Kay."

As the gang member disappeared, guests began to emerge from the stairs. Leaning against the wall next to the stairs, Geon watched the departing guests then quickly rushed out at the sight of Kevin frantically looking around. Kevin ran up the stairs and immediately turned his head, spotting Geon leaning against the wall and hurriedly approached him.

"Um, excuse me!! Over there!"

Geon unfolded his arms as he saw Kevin.

"Yes, go ahead."

Kevin hesitated, scratching his head.

"I... you said you were a student earlier, so I was wondering if you have a band."

Geon smiled awkwardly, watching Kevin who was checking his reaction.

"No, I don't have a band."

Kevin's face brightened as he said.

"I, I may not be good enough for you, but I'm confident in my playing! Would you consider forming a band with me?"

As Geon scanned Kevin from head to toe, the nervous Kevin waited for Geon's mouth to open, and a barrage of words began.

"I, I majored in double bass at music college, ah! I, I also play the bass guitar quite well, not as a major though.. and.. uh.. I'm twenty-one years old. My name is Kevin. I don’t have a girlfriend, and I currently live alone in Seattle while looking for band members!"

Geon stared intently at the rambling Kevin and then laughed, but his response was a denial.

"I'm sorry. I'm not thinking of forming a band."

Kevin’s face filled with disappointment so rapidly that he couldn’t even continue talking. Geon approached him and patted his shoulder, saying.

"However, I acknowledge your skills. That's why I want to give you an opportunity."

Kevin, taken aback by Geon's unexpected words, lifted his head, his face still not fully recovering from the disappointment, but with a glimmer of hope.

"Really? What kind of opportunity?"

Geon looked him in the eye and said.

"I'll introduce you to a skilled band. They should meet your standards."

"Ah... who are they? Which club do they perform at?"

"Hehe, they're not club performers. Are you free tomorrow morning?"

"Ah.. tomorrow... yes, yes! I am!"

Kevin, who had previously agreed to perform at a neighborhood association event tomorrow morning, decided to skip his part-time job in favor of meeting Geon, asking.

"Where and what time should we meet?"

Geon glanced at his wristwatch and suggested.

"About 11 o'clock would be good. Do you know the Sheraton Seattle Hotel?"

Kevin nodded vigorously.

"Of course, should I go there?"

"Yes, come to the Sky Lounge on the 10th floor."

"Ah, got it! Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yes, that

'll be good."

Kevin watched Geon disappear, thinking to himself.

'There’s still a chance! Even if I don’t like the band he introduces, I need to maintain a good relationship with him, then maybe someday I'll get my opportunity!'

Kevin returned to his apartment and spent the night wide awake. At 8 AM, he left his house and wandered around the hotel vicinity. At 10:30 AM, he ascended to the 10th floor of the hotel, and as soon as the elevator doors opened, he dashed out, scanning the Sky Lounge, which was empty at that hour, only to spot Geon sitting alone by the window, reading a book.

"Ah, hello!"

Geon closed his book, checked his wristwatch, and smiled.

"You're early. Please, have a seat."

After Kevin sat down, a staff member brought the menu, and Kevin’s expression hardened. Seeing his hesitation, Geon extended an arm and said.

"I invited you, so I'll pay. Don't feel burdened, please."

Relieved, Kevin pushed the menu away with an apologetic expression.

"Then, I'll just have a coffee."

After calling the staff and ordering coffee, Geon briefly looked out the window until he heard the elevator arrive and turned his head.

"They're coming. Here are the band members I wanted to introduce you to."

Kevin stared at Geon, surprised, then turned his head and his eyes widened.

"Ca, Ca, Ca!!! Carlos Montana!!??"


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