Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

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Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.

How is it? Impressive, right?

Impressive my foot.

Demian remained silent, contemplating to himself.

Is he out of his mind?

The Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, he wasnt entirely sure what it was. It might be some remarkable and potent medicine, but at the same time, a thought crossed his mind.

So, you plan to create medicine from the gallstone of a Minotaur and have people consume it?


The Crown Prince seemed confident, nodding affirmatively. Demian questioned him further.

Do you believe people will actually take this?


Raciels confident demeanor was contagious.

They will consume it without a doubt.

Why do you think so?

Because they will perceive it as a rare item.

Peoples psychology works that way.

That was indeed true. How many similar examples had he witnessed in Korea? Silkworm pupae were believed to be good for health. Deer antler extract was considered exceptional. Consuming certain items was thought to lower blood pressure. The list was endless.

Even today, numerous unknown medicinal herbs, and even things not officially recognized as medicinal herbs, were being mass-sold merely based on rumors of their health benefits. This phenomenon existed in South Korea.

In reality, this psychological response was quite similar no matter where you went in the world. Peoples psychology remained largely consistent. This place wouldnt be an exception.

Furthermore, the foundation of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, the Clear Heart Pill, is a medicine with proven effects.

The effects are proven, you say?


Raciel nodded.

What he said was accurate.

Anyone in Korea would have heard of the Clear Heart Pill at least once. It was a medicinal pill that many people referred to as the Pill. Actually, Pill was the name used in China, while in Korea, it was formally known as the Clear Heart Pill.

Thats the name we strictly use in the Precious Mirror of Eastern Medicine.

Nevertheless, the Clear Heart Pill served as an excellent emergency medicine for treating and controlling initial symptoms of brain disorders, heart diseases with palpitations, high blood pressure, acute and chronic gout, mental anxiety, neurotic diseases, and autonomic imbalances.

It exhibits a potent tranquilizing effect similar to benzodiazepine drugs.

In the modern era, it was often dismissed as outdated, but in the past? It was one of the hottest and most sought-after items by Qing Dynasty officials in China. Thats because the efficacy of the Korean Clear Heart Pill was widely recognized.

Among them, the core medicinal ingredient, ox gallstone, especially those from Jeju Island, had fantastic effects. In actual experiments, administering ox gallstone to laboratory mice for 4-8 days proved to prevent seizures and induce a sedative effect. It was also proven to lower blood pressure when administered to hypertensive rats.

Additionally, taurine contained in ox gallstone also exhibited a blood pressure lowering effect. It even showed excellent results in protecting and improving liver function.

Anyway, were going to use Minotaur gallstones, which are even more potent than ox gallstones. That should ensure both efficacy and symbolism.


I mean, it will be commercially viable.

That might indeed be the case.

How about a catchy slogan like, Experience the mighty force of the Minotaur for yourself!?

Either way, it will sell. Hmm, hmm.

Your Highness the Crown Prince.


Ive never heard of the Clear Heart Pill or its effects.

Is that so?


Demian nodded.

Its my first time hearing about it, so its puzzling.

Whats puzzling about it?

If its such a fantastic medicine with proven effects, shouldnt it be well-known?

Do you find it strange that youve never heard of it?


Its simple.

Raciel grinned. He spun a blatant lie, his face a perfect poker face, and delivered a point-blank statement.

It was a renowned medicine in an ancient kingdom that fell long ago.

An ancient kingdom that fell?


What kingdom was it?

It existed. It was called Joseon.

Ive never heard of it.

Exactly. I first heard about it in a dream.

Did you know? I acquired all my knowledge of acupuncture and herbal medicine through dreams.

I remember you mentioning that to Sir Gardin.

You didnt actually believe I meant it literally, did you?

To be honest, I did.

Well, its the truth, whether you believe it or not.

If it werent true, would I be able to practice medicine Ive never formally learned and treat people successfully?

Demian raised an eyebrow, looking a bit skeptical.

It sounds highly improbable.

Hearing this claim multiple times felt peculiar. No matter how he looked at it, it seemed far-fetched.

Maybe Sir. Gardin bought into these words, being so naive and devoted to the Crown Prince.

Still, Demian wasnt entirely convinced. He noticed several inconsistencies, but he didnt want to make it an issue.

As long as he doesnt harm anyone, its none of my concern.

He wasnt interested in where the Crown Prince gained such medical knowledge and skills. As long as he received his salary regularly, that was all that mattered to Demian. He decided not to fuss about it any further.

Nevertheless, he does seem a bit eccentric.

Suppressing a wry smile, Demian couldnt help but make a remark.

Hmm. So, youve been treating people confidently without a medical license?

Why is that?

Do I really need a license?

Is it necessary?

Yes, of course.

As far as I know, theres a medical licensing exam. I assume Sir Gardin would have passed it too.

Didnt you know?


Could this cause problems later?

Well, for now

Even Raciel fell silent. A medical licensing exam he had no knowledge of it. It wasnt mentioned in the details about society in the novel.

Tsk. This might cause problems in the future.

The thought of preparing for potential situations crossed his mind. For now, they brushed aside matters concerning the medical clinic as if they were mere childish games of the Crown Prince. However, if someone in a political position stumbled upon this issue

It would surely become a headache.

So, he decided to prepare gradually. Raciel raised his head, devising a plan.

Well, regardless, there are more pressing matters at hand.

The priority was to resolve the funding issue. They needed to produce a sample of the Minotaurus Clear Heart Pill first. Thus

Should we acquire Minotaurus gallstones first?

Shall we send someone to the Imperial Medicinal Market?


Raciel shook his head.

When we last stocked up on medicinal herbs, there were no Minotaurus gallstones available. Even cow gallstones were missing. Perhaps they dont use cow gallstones as medicine here.

Then how

Well need to buy a live Minotaurus.

Im going to Cremo City. Its said to be the center of northeastern logistics in the Empire, and one of the top monster auction houses is there.

Youre going alone?

Of course. I must assess the condition of the Minotaurus and the gallstones personally.

It was only natural. The ingredients for the product that would sustain the medical clinic were at stake. Not checking them personally would be absurd. Raciel smiled faintly and said,

So, lets start packing.

Lets go.

Is this person somewhat insane?

Demian, the true protagonist of the novel Devil Sword Emperor, was unaware of his real identity. He was beginning to seriously worry about the mental health of his master, the Crown Prince.

The preparations for departure were swiftly done. In fact, there wasnt much to prepare. The luggage was quickly loaded into the Crown Princes long-distance travel carriage, the Grand Tourer.

The entourage was also simple. Demian, the entire special duty squad, 20 palace knights, and Anise. That was all. Raciel didnt want more people. The more people, the more luggage, and consequently, the slower the journey.

Of course. We need to save time. Time is more valuable to me than gold.

His life here was still on a deadline. Living day by day, extending his life little by little with daily bonus lifespan, was no different from a hardworking life.

So, he didnt want to waste time on traveling. He wanted to save every possible day. Thanks to that, the departure preparation was completed in half a day. Of course, there was someone who fiercely opposed this sudden departure and personnel arrangement.


.Youre not surprised anymore?

No, Im used to it now.

Didnt you lose your hearing?

Fortunately, no. Maybe my ears are bleeding inside?

.Our Gardin has become quite the joker. I guess you think weve become good friends?

Ah, I apologize.

Sorry, my ass. Anyway, whats up? Why did you come so urgently?

Well, thats.


Why are you trying to leave me behind, Your Highness!

.So thats why?

Yes, Your Highness.

So, you dont want to be apart from me?

Yes, Your Highness.

Ew, gross.

Whats the reason?

Because I am Your Highnesss personal physician!

Upon asking, Gardin responded immediately, an air of severity cloaking his middle-aged, flower-like face.

It is my most important duty to watch over Your Highnesss health and always stay by Your Highnesss side!

Ah, is that so?

Yes, Your Highness!

Hmm, but heres the thing. If even you, my dear Gardin, follow me to Cremo, who will look after the patients admitted to our clinic here?


Who will take care of them?

Well, the werewolf nurses will

But we should still have at least one trustworthy doctor around, shouldnt we?

I, Your Highness?

Yes. Furthermore, arent all the admitted patients citizens of our empire? Right?

YesThats right?

Then all the more reason for you, dear Gardin, to stay here.


Gardin was at a loss for words. Raciels silver-tongued argument played out perfectly.

Gardin, think about it. They are the citizens of our empire. What is the founding principle of our Magentano Royal Family?

The safety of the people is the safety of the royal family..

Exactly. Therefore, caring for our admitted citizens is equivalent to caring for the royal family, and by extension, for me. Dont you think?

Thats not..

Come on. It is.


Isnt it?

..Ah! Sob!

Although it felt wholly untrue and completely unreasonable no matter how he looked at it, he couldnt find the words to counter. It was unfair, and he felt cornered. In the end, Gardin had no choice but to swallow his tears and nod.

Alright then, well be off.

..Your Highness!

Well bring back souvenirs.

Ah! Sob!

Between the scattering teardrops of Gardin, the carriage moved, and they departed the Imperial City.

To the east.

To the north.

Towards the rising sun, towards the frosty winds of the Northern Sea. They passed by towns and fortresses, swept across plains and fields, skirted the edges of forests, crossed valleys, followed river courses, and brushed past mountain ranges.

During this time, Raciel was completely absorbed in enjoying the exotic landscapes he was seeing for the first time. It felt like he was touring Renaissance-era Switzerland. On the other hand, Demian watched Raciel with a peculiar look. Occasionally, frequently even, he thought the crown prince was strange. A bit like a madman with his mind gone?

No, like someone who has mastered the world in a bizarre way.

Whenever he observed the crown prince, he would get such a peculiar feeling. As if he was someone who had borrowed the eyes of a god to survey this world once? That was the impression he got.

He couldnt tell why.

It must be just my imagination. Hes just an unusual person.

The more he observed, the more intriguing he found this man. Thinking so, Demian quietly stood by Raciels side. And so one day, two days, five days, and a week passed.

And finally.

Your Majesty, a port can be seen beyond the hill. Its the Port of Cremo.

A scout knight who had gone ahead came back and reported.

On the 8th day since their departure from the Imperial City of Magenta, the party reached their destination, the city of Cremo. Of course, nobody knew at this point. In a few days, this historic port city would forever bear the achievements of the crown prince.

Neither the citizens of Cremo.

Nor the members of the party.

Not even Raciel himself.

None of them had the faintest premonition.

Trivia :

1. (Niuhuang Qingxin Wan) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescription. It has the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, and calming the mind. It is mainly used for symptoms such as chest tightness, mental confusion, and stuttering caused by accumulated heat in the body.

The literal translation of is Ox-bile Clear Heart Pill.

2.The name Joseon was chosen by the founder of the Joseon dynasty, Yi Seong-gye, in 1392. He wanted to name the new dynasty after the ancient Korean kingdom of Gojoseon (), which was founded in 2333 BCE. The name Joseon was also meant to evoke the idea of a new beginning for Korea, after the chaos and instability of the Goryeo dynasty (918-1392).

The Joseon dynasty lasted for over 500 years, until it was annexed by Japan in 1910. During this time, Korea experienced a period of great cultural, economic, and political development. The Joseon dynasty is often regarded as a golden age in Korean history.

(To be Continued)

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