Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

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Excuse me?

The head stewards heart sank heavily.

What he had just heard, what His Highness the Crown Prince had just said, was so unbelievable that he questioned his own ears. He wished he could confirm with his eardrums and cochlea if they had heard correctly. He even considered turning a deaf ear to it.

Sell all the treasures, luxuries, and artworks of the Star Palace?

Why on earth?

For what reason?

Countless questions flooded his mind like price tags. But the reality was unyielding. His Highness the Crown Prince reiterated his decision.

Didnt you hear me? I said were going to sell everything.

All the treasures, luxuries, and artworks everything, Your Highness?



Hmm, why are you whining?

Your Highness, its just that I am filled with questions.

Do you want to know the reason?

Yes, Your Highness.

Because we need money.


You told me earlier, right? That the operating budget for the Star Palace is running out. That were out of money. That additional budgeting is impossible.

You said, Your Highness, you would ask His Majesty for help.

I failed.


Im sorry.


Dont make such a sad face. I know, okay? I know how diligently youve been managing the items of the Star Palace. But what can we do? This is the most efficient way to put out the urgent fire.

Understood, Your Highness.

The head stewards shoulders slumped. The treasures, luxuries, and artworks filled in the Star Palace were all the things he personally managed and decorated.

Because he simply liked them? No. It was for the dignity and authority of the Star Palace. Merely stacking up expensive items and arranging them randomly wouldnt create dignity or authority.

The most beautiful objects required the most beautiful space and arrangement. Implementing and managing them appropriately was necessary. Only then could dignity be created, impressing visitors and provoking imitation.

Leading the trend of the upper class. That was the reason why treasures, luxuries, and artworks adorned the royal palace. And it was the reason why the head steward devoted so much effort and care in managing them.

But now, hes going to sell all of itMy precious things

The head steward hurriedly wiped the tear drops welling up at the corners of his eyes. He prepared a list of items to manage as per the Crown Princes order.

From then on, Raciel displayed a bulldozer-like determination. From that evening until two days later, he gathered all the luxuries, treasures, and artworks listed in the Star Palace. Simultaneously, he invited famous collectors and high-priced buyers from the empire. Then, he sold all the items.

In the midst of the head stewards evaporating blood, sweat, and tears, countless paintings and sculptures, jewelry and perfumes, ornamental armor crafted by renowned craftsmen, even tableware made of gold and silvernothing was exempted.

Even the golden-handled cup, which had made him realize his changed form when he first entered Raciels body, was no exception. The head steward was even more saddened.

Your Highness?

Yes, what is it?

If we sell everything like this how will we eat?

Why is eating a problem?


You can still drink water without a golden handle on your cup.

Your, Your Highness but still


Even so to use cups with wooden or iron handles!

Is that a problem?


The taste of the water is the same anyway. After eating, it all comes out in the end, doesnt it?


Anyway, lets get rid of everything that has gold or silver on it.


All pleas from the palace were in vain. Expensive tableware was replaced with ordinary metal and wooden ones. This was thanks to an extreme inventory clearance, selling off all luxury items. Quite a substantial amount of funds were raised.

Raciel allocated most of these funds towards the operational budget of the Star Palaces clinic. Naturally, this bold decision astounded many.

Have you heard any news about the Star Palace?

The Star Palace? You mean where the Crown Prince resides?

Yes, thats right.

Is there any new news?

Indeed. Well, apparently, the Crown Prince has sold off all the valuable and luxury items in the Star Palace.

Really? Why?

Why, you ask. Apparently, to operate the clinic.

The Star Palace clinic?

So they say. According to rumors, the clinics operating budget was insufficient. It was even having difficulties receiving patients.

Wait, so are you saying that he sold off luxury items to gather funds to take care of more patients?

Thats right. Isnt it incredible?

Yes. Honestly, its almost unbelievable.

I agree. I had the same thought when I first heard about it.

Yes, truly. The Crown Prince is an extraordinary person.

Indeed. Who else could act like this?

Probably very few.

Even if we scoured history, it would probably be rare.

I agree.

was the kind of conversation they had.

The Crown Prince who sold all the valuable items in his palace. The Crown Prince who used that money to care for patients. It was a beautiful and heartwarming anecdote. A rare act of kindness.

At first, people were surprised by this news and couldnt believe it, but after confirming the truth, they were astounded. They were moved. They praised it. Naturally, they began to develop an affection and respect for Raciel.

However, people didnt know yet. Raciels action of selling off the luxury items to put out an urgent fire. This beautiful act of kindness that drew out the praises of many people. In fact, this was just part of a much larger, craftier, and more cunning plan that Raciel had in mind.

Im going to sell medicine.

Excuse me?

Im going to manufacture and sell medicine.


What in the world is he saying? Demian, the commander of the Crown Princes special guard, instead of responding, shut his mouth. He then gazed at the Crown Prince who was smiling faintly after finishing his morning treatment and eating lunch.

We need to make money.

So youre saying youre going to sell medicine?


With a thud, Raciel stabbed a sausage with his fork. Taking a big bite, he said.

Weve put out the urgent fire by selling the luxury items. But thats just a temporary solution.

You mean youre already preparing for whats next.

Of course.

He gulped down the sausage and nodded. It was a matter of course. If he looked at his own experience, it was indeed like that.

In Korea too, I moved to a monthly rental house after settling the lease due to the rental fee. I paid the rent with the lease money. It wasnt bad as a temporary solution. But the problem was that there was no next step.

Looking back, it was like that.

Using the lease money to pay the rent was merely a temporary solution. In the end, it was nothing more than eating into his own flesh. It was literally like peeing on ones foot.

It wasnt a fundamental solution at all. The cause of the financial crisis was not resolved. There was still no additional income.

That was the problem.

The failure to create a continuous and safe additional source of income. That was the fundamental reason why the clinic had failed during the COVID-19 crisis. And when he looked at his current situation? It felt eerily similar to then.

The clinic that couldnt pay the rent and the Star Palace clinic whose operational budget was running low. The past when he supplemented the rent with lease money and the present when he filled the operational budget by selling luxury items.

The intersection of the past in Korea and the current situation here was so uncannily precise that it sent shivers down his spine. He was determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past, nor let the clinic meet the same fate.

And heres the reason.

This moment, where weve managed to carve out a brief respite, is crucial. If we dont establish a stable, long-term source of funding now, well eventually collapse once our makeshift funds run dry.

That was the lesson learned from experiences in Korea. He explained this with a sly grin, and Demian tilted his head in curiosity.

So, youre considering selling medicine to secure funding?


But that seems unusual.

Whats unusual about it?

I heard that you obtained a considerable amount of funding by selling luxury goods. Wouldnt that be enough to sustain the clinic until the end of this year?

Yes, it is enough.

Then why

The problem lies with next year.


A puzzled expression on Demians face. Raciel smiled bitterly at the young man.

I suspect that the Emperor may cut the operating budget for the Palace Clinic next year.

Demian remained silent.

Raciel was certain of it.

If its the Emperor, hes undoubtedly capable of doing so.

The Emperors gaze when he had rejected his nepotism benefits remained vivid in his mind. It was the look of someone who had found an intriguing toy to test, or a professor observing a graduate student ideal for manipulation.

Its definite. Next years Palace Clinic budget? He will further cut it. Hes not the type to generously distribute funds.

He would likely continue testing his abilities. A somber hunch surged within Raciel. Hence, he spoke up.

We cannot rely on the vain hope that next years budget will be abundant. If we solely depend on the funds gained from selling luxury goods without any plan and try to endure, we will collapse next year. We need to establish an independent and stable source of income before that.

Creating medicine alone wont suffice. Promotion is necessary. A sales network must be established. It will take time for the established sales network to stabilize. Therefore, we must set the plan into action immediately, while its still spring.

However, Demian still seemed to be grappling with the concept.

But Your Highness, if funding is the problem cant we just charge the patients a small treatment fee?



Because then the number of patients will decrease.

Raciel explained matter-of-factly. If he only cared about money, he could adopt Demians suggestion. Charging the patients would ensure a stable source of income. However, that did not align with his purpose.

I need to see many patients. To gain as much bonus lifespan as possible. Thats the ultimate purpose of running this clinic.

Thats the goal.

What happens if they start charging a treatment fee? It creates a barrier to entry for the clinic. The number of visiting patients would inevitably decrease.

No, we cant do that. Reducing the number of patients by charging a treatment fee because the clinic lacks funds, while our objective is to see many patients and gain bonus lifespan? Thats absurd.

In essence, the means are devouring the goal. Its a reversal of priorities, akin to only eating the stick of a popsicle and discarding the main part.

Hence, he spoke up.

I wont charge a treatment fee. I have no intention of doing so. Instead, Ill sell medicine. It will be expensive but highly effective, satisfying the desire to show off merely by owning it, like a luxury item.

A luxury item?

Yes. A brand product launched by the Crown Prince himself. Like a high-end household medicine that any noble of middle and upper class, any family with some wealth and pride, would want to keep at home as a matter of prestige and proof of their status.

Is there such a medicine?


What kind of medicine is it?

Demians ears perked up. A confident smile appeared on Raciels face.

A medicine using the gallstones of a Minotaur.

Mino Pardon?

Didnt you hear?

I did. But what exactly are you planning to make with that?

Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.

How is it? Nice, isnt it?

The Crown Prince, who grinned with delight as he looked at him.

Demian kept his mouth shut.

And quietly pondered.

His Highness, the Crown Prince whom he served, strangely seemed today, more than usual, like a cunning con-man selling fake medicine.

(To be Continued)

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