City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 342: End of Lich I

Chapter 342: End of Lich I

The Dark Beam came out of its staff, and immediately its expression changed seeing, that it was slightly less powerful than it should.
Master of Legacy is an encompassing skill. It is capable of doing many things, including suppressing, the skills and the spells of the enemy.
There is a reason why people say don’t mess with the host of legacy in their own domain. Because we could do things; make you powerless if we wished it.
When Legacy was a Grade I. I could suppress the power of Grade 1 spells or skills that are those below Lv. 10. 
I had tested it with a few girls. Casting a spell for a Mage below Lv. 10 was extremely difficult and even if they did. Its power would be weak enough, that it wouldn’t even hurt a normal person.
The same with skills.
The legacy is now Grade II, but the Lich is a high mage, capable of casting Grade IV spells. The difference was huge and thus, I couldn’t stop him with the power of legacy, but I could weaken his spells.
Caena said the legacy will weaken the power of the Grade IV spells by about 20%. Which is huge.
Aqua Shield. Radiant Bliss. Earth Shield.
The death beam came at me, and I got up, while the shields appeared in front of me to defend against the beam of death energy.
It crashed into the shield and broke into pieces, but in doing that, the spell had spent all its power.
“The legacy is still active,” it said, looking at me, feeling the power of the legacy.
“Wow, you are so, smart!” I mocked.
I wanted to say ‘No shit, Sherlock’ but didn’t. I don’t want to say anything, that will even give it a hint of my previous life. It could not guess it, but I don’t want to give any hints, seeing there is so much I don’t know about this world.
There are some skills and spells, I have heard about and they scare me. The less, I reveal; the safer, I will be.
“You must be really disappointed. Now, that you know, you can’t kill me,” I said with a smile, but a moment later, a big grin appeared on its skull face.
“Nobody knows aside from me and as long as I kill you, nobody will know,” it said and Zorrins lightning came to me.
Aqua Shield. Radiant Bliss Earth Shield X 2.
The lightning clashed against the shields, while I moved back with the Blitz Steps, along with Minor Haste. 
“You are so confident that you could kill me, but you forget, that you are in my domain,” I replied, dodging the bones spurting out of the ground.
I could feel the spells; each bone spurt and could dodge them before they could impale me.
“The suppression is good, but it is not powerful enough to stop me. I will kill you and after that, I will go after everyone you care and love,” it said, with the fire its eyes blazing in sick light.
“I have a long list of people you love, and I am going to take my sweet time in torturing them,” he promised, and I have no doubt, it will do what it had promised.
“It is quite a big promise,” I said, and it laughed. “Which, I will fulfill,” it said, and bones came out of its bag.

Within seconds, they turned into the two humanoid bone constructs. They are big, with huge swords. I could feel their power and understand, they could kill me in a single attack.
“Now, die!” It said.
The two constructs came at running toward me, while the Lich bastard cast the flaming bone lances.
Quicksand X 2. Freeze x 2. Water Binds x 2.
My mind moved fast with the Focus, and I had cast Quicksand under the feet of the bone constructs, before freezing them with the Freeze and casting the Water Binds. So, they couldn’t struggle out of it.
As I dealt with the construct. I turned my focus on the lances coming toward me.
Aqua Shield X 2. Earth Shields X 2.
The shields appeared in front of me, while I moved away. It is my domain, but the bastard is powerful. I need to keep moving around that it had now taken out the constructs.
Bang Bang Bang
Its attacks crashed against my shield, and they defended, while its shields also defended against my attack toward the construct.
“You are good, mage, but you can’t cross the difference in our power with the nifty spells,” said the Lich while looking around before attacking with Zarron’s Lightning; at the same time, it had cast some spell, that liquified the mud.
The shields appeared, and I defended against the spells, casting Frost Brambles with Radiant Bliss on the bone constructs.
It had dealt with them before defending again from the Lich’s attack and casting another spell to stop them while moving away.
Within a day, Caena had imprinted over a hundred spells, and they are helping me a lot. Especially stopping the constructs that Lich is trying to make them reach me, but I continue to maintain the distance.
I understand how dangerous they are. I rather get closer to the Lich than the constructs and besides, it is not constructs that are the enemy.
It is why, I am not launching any offensive spell at them. 
My target is a Lich, who is controlling the constructs. To kill them, I will need to kill it and I had already started.
It had begun the moment it had taken a step into the legacy.
Minutes passed, and I continued with tactics of delaying the constructs and defending against the Lich. I am doing good, aside from one thing.
The Focus; is taking a toll.
It is not an easy skill, even Rayna couldn’t use it, for over twenty minutes. Here, I am under even greater pressure, because using the skill for the purpose that it isn’t given.
It is not a skill of a combat class and thus produces resistance. I couldn’t use its full power, while it would take more power from me than usual due to the resistance.
If I continue to use the skill. I will become dead tired in less than five minutes and the skill would also stop working. That would be bad; the only reason I am so efficiently dealing with the Lich despite our differences is because of it.
I cannot become dead tired. It will be the end of me.
‘I hope, it helps,’ I thought and activated my new skill from the main class. 
Energizing Essence.
I had only used it once and only to test. It is a powerful skill but has a big restriction. I need to be at the establishment's range to use it. 
As the skill activated, I felt the comfortable coolness enveloped me like a blanket.
All the tiredness I was feeling in my body, began to disappear, but it was the effect in the mind that shocked me. The headache disappeared within seconds, the most shocking thing is, that the power of the Focus seemed to increase.
It was not a small increase, but a big one. It is working as great as it does when I review the files with it or think of a complex problem.
I don’t know how it is happening, but the result was visible within seconds.
With it, I began to defend better and maintained even greater distance with the bone constructs. It is frustrating it a lot and the intensity of its spells increased further.
I didn’t launch any offensive. I have a plan and till the final stage; I do not need to use any offensive spells on it.
Bang Bang Bang
Soon, an hour passed, and I was still defending against it. Everything is going great, except for one thing.
Emotion essence.
Every spell, I use is burning the emotion essence and we have already burned more than half of it. 
It would have been tremendously helpful. If I had a week after, my legacy would have been helpful. Then, I wouldn’t have been so economical about the spells.
It might seem like; I am using a spell after spell, without care, I am not. If I had more emotion essence, I wouldn’t have been going so slow with my plan; I might have been at the climax.
Going slow is risky, but I don’t have any other choice. I need to go slow.
I am not the only one using the spells. The others are doing the same and seeing how much they are using. It is clear that a large number of undead had entered the safe zone and they are doing everything they could to protect the people.
I was thinking that when suddenly I felt the connection break.
Mena’s connection disappeared from the Share Authority; an empty space had opened. It only happens when three things happen. First, when I take back the authority, second, when they give up the authority and third, when they die.
I didn’t take back the authority and the feeling I get when they give authority is different.
I had tried it with Carla. It is a gentle cut, while what I had felt just now was a sharp snap. 
Is Mena d
I was asking that fearful question when I felt a familiar feeling in my mind. A message had appeared; it was Mena’s skill. It has a different feeling than Ina’s message skill.
I wanted to open the message immediately, but I didn’t. I don’t think, I would be able to control myself reading.
I am barely controlling myself right from trying to use as much as spells as this bastard. I have to control myself. If I let my emotions drive me, her sacrifice would be a waste.
I can not let that happen. So, I suppressed the emotions. It feels wrong, but is the right choice. 
I hated doing it, but continued defending against the spells of the lich.
Lich is trying every type of attack against me, but nothing is working. It won’t work, since I am aware of everything in my domain. This awareness gives me a better advantage, than even a danger sense.
I could tell when the spell is forming. Could feel its location and power. Which is amazingly helpful in accurately defending against its attacks. 
Over half an hour passed by, when suddenly Lich stopped.
It shook and there is a shock appeared on its skull face. Even the burning fire in its eyes contracted for a second.
“There is no mage. You are not a mage,” it said suddenly. To others, this sentence would make no sense, but it is clear to me, and I smiled, upon hearing it.
“I…it is the legacy, isn’t it? It is through which you are casting the spell?” he asked. Sounding pretty shaken by the realization.
“It took you longer than I had thought. Well, I thought, it would be much faster,” I said.
It seemed to shock it even more.
There is no need to hide it. Like I had said, I thought it would realize it in the first half an hour, but it took thrice a time. I mean, I can’t blame it. Nobody would think, an entertainment-type legacy could cast a spell.
Now that it had realized it, the real job began. The emotion I had been suppressing, threatening to burst out.
I had suppressed them back. This is the time I need to be calm, the most.
It had finally realized what sort of legacy it was and now, there is no going back. It has to die; it needs to die, because if it doesn’t, and even if we win war; I will be in danger and also the people, I love.
It won’t take even a month for me to die. 
I might not die and that will be a fate, worse than death. I will not be a person; I will be a puppet. Worse, a slave of powerful people who desire, the power the legacy contains.
I absolutely don’t want that to happen. For it to not happen; lich has to die. 

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