City of Desire [Kingdom Building]

Chapter 341: Battles Everywhere

Chapter 341: Battles Everywhere

“Whores are fighting, so are the common people. Even a small monster is fighting; I will be dammed if I Soren Arryn, just watch,” I said and took out the saber from my bag.
It hadn't been even five minutes since I saw that woman attracting a huge number of zombies, including those attacking this mansion, and using the rune bombs to wipe them out.
She wiped out all the undead with the crystal bombs.
Individually, those bombs are quite weak. Covering only a small area, but if used, in a large number at once; they create a powerful explosion.
It was what happened.
The explosion created by those hundreds of rune bombs was powerful enough to wipe out, over seven hundred zombies at the instant.
It was sad but a glorious death.
“We have contributed more than enough by opening our warehouses, Vice-Guildmaster Soren,” replied Winston June, and many nodded.
“I am not asking you all to join me. I was just informing you of my decision,” I said with a smile and got up.
I felt my body shaking, but also my heart beating in excitement. I had trained to be a warrior, but never taken a class, despite being offered several times.
It is anathema in the family.
There is a saying in the family. Why become a warrior when you hire hundred to protect you.
“Take care,” said Angela as I turned to her. 
“Don’t worry, I will not die,” I said to her, kissed her on her cheek, before walking away, while the fellow merchants watched.
I had just taken a step out of the hall when I heard the steps behind me and saw five people. Some surprised me, but I am glad they followed because the number of undead outside isn’t small.
The silver’s whore had killed a lot of them, but more had gathered.
I opened the door and saw guards fighting the undead. It stopped us all in our tracks, some had never taken a step back.
It is a sight that would put a fear in the heart of anyone.
I wanted to run away, but I took a step forward and others followed. I could see the relief flooding into the eyes of the guards, seeing us not running away.
There are too many undead. The guards are willing to take help from those they are supposed to protect.
Such scenes are happening everywhere in the safe zone. Those who could fight begin to come out and fight the undead or help in any way they can to those who are fighting.
Aware that if they didn’t contribute; they would die.

Clang Clang!
I defended against the three dark-ice spheres with my sword and dodged the rest. 
“You are good, but I like to see how long you can continue to defend against my attacks,” said Necromancer Esalya and sent even more icy spiked spheres, covered in death energy. 
They are also big, each with a half a meter radius; it will only take one hit from them to finish one off.
I was about to cast another defensive spell before dodging the attack when the familiar shields appeared in front of me.
Bang Bang Bang
The ice spheres clashed against the thick earthy shields. Which held on against the Grade 4 spells. Though the shields weren’t able to defend against all of them; they had blocked enough that I could dodge the rest easily.
I turned and saw Val coming toward me, along with Ed. They are chasing Rovid Vansgart, the dwarf blood armored warrior, who is looking quite worse.
He soon joined Necromancer Daril and Esalya, while Val and Ed joined us eight.
It is how that bastard Lich was able to get away. 
It had called its friend and two of them had helped it leave while keeping us right here and now another one had joined us.
“Looks like you were having a tough time against them,” said Val, looking at the two necromancers. “They are powerful and now, with Vansgart joining them, they will be even harder to deal with,” I said, looking at them as they looked at us.
“Vansgart isn’t strong. You and Major Hunriet, can better deal with him with your abilities while the rest of will handle the necromancers,” she said, looking at me and the orc.
“Those necromancers aren’t easy,” I warned, to which she smiled. “If they were easy; they wouldn’t be High-Mages,” she replied and looked at two bone constructs and three big abominable armored zombies.
There used to be two more armored zombies, but we had finished them.
“Fine; I will focus on Vansgart,” I said and turned to the man beside me. “Let’s go, Major,” I said, and the man nodded.
A moment later, we moved toward the Rovid Vansgart. The spells came immediately from the necromancers, but Val, Ed, and other mages reacted immediately, putting shields and casting other spells.
The necromancers are strong, but there are four mages against them. Val is very talented; it is not her first time, facing a high mage.
If not for leaving adventuring after that incident. She would have become a high mage already. She has more than enough knowledge to become one and only needs the experience.
The zombie screamed and tried to come at us, but was immediately stopped by Chief Garzong, Chief Bilgud and Captain Vandal.
With the road cleared, we reached Vansgart. He was waiting for us and attacked immediately.
He is a short man, but amazingly fast. I had caught a glimpse of his battles with Val and Ed. He is good; they were better.
He had run away here to survive from them.
The marks on his armor and shield were proof of the damage they had done to him. It was wise of him to run because they would have killed him.
Though running away had only brought him a few minutes because I am going to kill the bastard.
“Die!” he shouted and attacked me with that thick blue sword.
The attack is powerful. So much, that warriors like Major Hunriet couldn’t take it directly, but I am not just a warrior.
Blazing Sword. Aeraryns Armor. Fiery Strength.
My sword lit up in fire, and fiery armor covered me. The third spell filled me with the strength, and I attacked with Searing Strike.
Our swords clashed, and it shook me. If I had not activated the spells; it would have broken my bones and sent me back.
As he clashed against me. He turned and defended the attack with Captain Hanriet, sending him back, before turning to me fast, to defend against the spell, I had cast.
Bang Clang!
My Fire Lance crashed against his shield before I attacked him right behind. Aiming for his head, but he quickly moved his shield forward to defend against my attack.
As he did, he moved his sword back to defend against the attack from Major Hunriet without turning. 
He likely has a good flexibility skill, and he is using it, with all its worth. Despite defending at an odd angle, his sword had enough power to send the captain Hunriet back.
Fire Burst!
As he did, I activated the Fire Burst and the fire burst out of the ground. He seemed to sense the attack and moved really fast to dodge it, but some of the attacks still caught him.
“I hate mages!” he cursed and moved his sword to defend against my sword, but it is not the only attack coming at him. 
He dodged the attack by Major Hunriet by inch and moved his shield forward to defend against my spell, before clashing me with his sword and once again dodging the attack of Major, before defending against my spells.
We are not planning on giving him a single second of rest. We are attacking him constantly every second, without any break.
The bastard is good. He is flexible and fast, which one wouldn’t expect from a man of his physique. He also had very good armor and defensive skills; he was able to bear a Grade 3 spell like Fire Burst.
I am also grateful to Val and others, who had launched their offensive on the two necromancers.
There were spells flying everywhere; some had flown past us. 
It had been over a minute since they started fighting and they had destroyed one bone construct already. I could see, the confident smiles on the faces of necromancers slowly disappearing.
I launched a few more attacks and turned my gaze toward Commander Stone. I have to give it to that man; he is still alive and fighting.
He is all bloody all over with armor, and shield dented, but still fighting hard against the Knight. 
He is also going through an awakening. 
He will die; there is no way he will be able to survive going through this process in such an environment.
I had seen with my very eyes how dangerous an awakening could be. 
The leader of the first adventure group I joined had been Elder Blood. I was there when she had gone through the awakening; the woman had made all preparations, and we were at the most relaxing location, in the middle of a forest by a lake.
It was her favorite spot. She wants to go through the awakening there.
The whole team watched as she went through it and died, despite making every preparation. 
The powerful energies have started radiating from him, just like they did with her. 
Making Commander Stone stronger. It had made her stronger, that she broke half of her bounds, but there will be a time when he won’t be able to hold those energies and his body will rupture till, he becomes a mess of flesh and blood.
I looked at him for a moment before turning toward the legacy. The place where the legacy had been, before it was destroyed.
Silver had gone there, with Lich following behind him.
Earlier, he had told all the officers that if he went there. They shouldn’t follow him. I wanted to follow him, but these necromancers have kept locked.
It would have been an once case if the legacy had been standing. It had now been destroyed. It means all the advantages he could have there had disappeared, too. 
There was no way, he would be able to stand against the Lich, but more than an hour had passed since he had gone there, but he didn’t return from it, and nor had the Lich.
I tried to look, but strangely, the dust of the explosion still covered the area, and I couldn’t see through it, no matter the spell, I used.
Still, I will go there. Once I kill this bastard.
Val likes him and owes him a lot of favors. I also liked him; he was one of the few people who had never judged.
He looked at our relationship like it was a normal relationship. There is nothing forbidden about it.
I pushed those thoughts away and was about to launch another attack when I suddenly stopped. It is just not just me, but others have also stopped, noticing the bright light.
It was hard not to notice when Silver had lit up himself like a fucking torch. Someone had cast a radiance on him, making him shine like that.
However, it is not what stopped us in our tracks, but what he is holding in his hand. It is too shocking to believe.
“Is that?” I asked and the dwarf-blood nodded. Though the question is for Major Hanriet, who is looking at Silver, in utter shock.
He had done what nobody had expected him to do. Especially our enemies, who seemed even more shocked than us, seeing the thing in his hand.
Some had even cast the spell to verify whether it was genuine or not. I didn’t cast any spell; I felt it was real, despite having a hard time believing it.

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