Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 360 Cat Dad’s Dungeon Receives New Guests

Chapter 360 â€" Cat Dad's Dungeon Receives New Guests

A day quickly passed. Everybody in the Slave Dungeon was frantic as all the local monsters and mermen were busy gathering supplies and resources for the mysterious mass migration.

The mermen and mermaids returned to Chang'e Sanctuary Dungeon. Undine rushed back to relay her orders to the dungeon bosses and floor guardians. As for Nymph, she closed her vendor stall on top of the Tower Bridge and transferred her goodies to her new house on the B10 floor.

Because of their work, nobody bothered about the dungeon patrol duty. In addition, Meowmeow ordered the mannequin troops to move to the lower floor and move their factories with them. As such, no one but the bacteria monsters remained on the B1.

Joan and Gata never stopped working. They dissembled components and modules from the factories and transferred them to the B14 floor, where they would call it a new home. Because B14 was below the residential levels, aka the B10 and B11, the mannequins relied solely on teleportation devices to move their belongings to avoid complications.

As the mannequin army was forced to relocate from the first line of defense, the scarlet war maidens, aka the ant girls, inherited the responsibility. Although their lives were at risk, the ants seemed happy that they didn't need to trespass the mannequin's weird territory or face their creepy stare.

Ants were efficient in maze navigation. Without the assist from the console room's staff or teleportation devices, the girls found their way to the surface cave while they avoided the roaming bacteria monsters. They went outside the dungeon and collected natural resources, such as wood, seawater, sand, rock, and mineral that they came across. They brought everything back to their queens and the nurse ants so that they could craft something out of the useless junk.

Skirmishes occurred here and there on the B1 floor as Bacteria monsters were hostile to everything that moved. The war maidens had no problem subjugating the monsters and collected their fluid to feed their queens.

However, that was their mistake. The bacteria fluid contained the consciousness of the monsters. As soon as the queens ate them, they were infected by the bacteria. A few of them went berserk and attacked their allies.

The incident forced the Party Girl team from the lower floor to come up and deal with the infection. They countered the bacteria epidemic by turning the infected scarlet war maidens into their kin, aka Party Girl.

It took five hours to control the situation. There were casualties. Fortunately, elite war maidens could evolve into ant queens to replace the dead ones. In addition, their reproduction circle was the shortest among all monsters here, so the loss was trivial.

Still, this incident caused a gap in their defense. None of the war maidens and the staff from the B2 floor noticed that someone had infiltrated the dungeon.


= B1 Floor =

A black-haired immortal in a black coat crouched behind a pile of wooden crates, peeking through the gaps in the holes.

In front of Hiiro Narukami was the three-meter-tall bacteria monster. It evolved so big, and its dark fluid physique already formed a humanoid silhouette. Although its hands and head shape were abnormally large, it carried the aura of a 7th-stage cultivator.

Hiiro was amused. He enhanced his vision with his life essence and spotted a nascent soul avatar floating behind the monster. It appeared as a floating mass of water with countless eyes.

While Hiiro inspected the monster's nascent soul in curiosity, one of the eyes looked in Hiiro's direction and spotted him. The monster immediately turned around and screamed like a mad elephant.

"Oh, boy."

Hiiro laughed. He had seen several Backrooms videos before, and they looked scary and terrifying in the clips. However, in this world where he could retaliate against the monsters, they weren't that intimidating.


Hiiro vertically cleaved the bacteria monster in half. However, the body mass of the bacteria was similar to water. A second later, they reattached and recovered. The monster flinched for a moment before it resumed the attack.

Hiiro didn't bother looking at the monster anymore. He mimicked the meme phrase.

"Omae wa Mou Shindeiru."

Unfortunately, the bacteria couldn't speak or follow up with the slapstick joke. It reached out to grab Hiiro to devour his cells.


Its hand was five centimeters away from touching the back of Hiiro's head, but its entire body was frozen on the spot. Like a mass of water falling to Earth, the black fluid dropped on the wet ground.


<Your Soul Collector Domain has devoured all Bacteria's HP. The domain is now disabled.>

<You have killed Bacteria Level 724!>

<You have earned 1 EXP!>

Hiiro waved his hand and closed the message window. His black pupils turned white as he gathered his life essence into his eyes, scanning the dungeon's B1 floor and its layout.

Upon noticing that no mannequin monsters loitered on this floor, Hiiro was disappointed. He only noticed the long line of scarlet war maidens and worker ants, which seemed to be carrying random objects in their arms and their mandibles.

Hiiro followed the ants, hoping to find a secret passage or a shortcut to the bottom of this dungeon.



= Gnoll Island Mountain, In front of the Slave Dungeon Cave =

Worker ants and ant girls cheerfully cleaned their arms and legs with river water and sunlight. The humanoid ants wiped their bodies with wet towels while they were taking a sunbath. As for the ants, they simply swiped their antennae and legs. Then, they were ready to go.

While the ants peacefully worked and enjoyed the outside environment, a handsome angel with a black wing and a white wing landed in front of the cave. He looked around for a moment before he fixated his gaze on one of the elite scarlet war maidens.

"Woo. That's hot."

Although the war maidens had red skin, their physique was 90% the same as humans. Mao Miaomiao ogled them and drooled.

"This reminds me of the old day."

One of the war maidens bore fangs and activated their Mahayana Domain's ability. However, Mao Miaomiao simply snapped his fingers, and the domain power was sealed.

The war maidens widened their eyes in shock and panic. But one of them mustered its courage and charged at the angel.

Mao Miaomiao leisurely raised his hand and caught the arm of the assailant. Then, he pulled her into his embrace.

"Didn't you receive a message that a guest is coming? You girls are lucky, you know. Chang'e told me not to harm you girls... But hey, you're kinda hot."

Mao Miaomiao massaged the elite war maiden level 999's ample chest with one hand. As for the other hand, it unlocked his belt and pulled his pants down, revealing his proud sword.

"I also heard from Chang'e that the Harvesting Festival is ongoing. Would you like to extract my seeds? I'm a big shot, you know."


The war maiden was taken aback. But before she could do anything, the angel opened his mouth and released pink gas. His wings also changed color to purple, and purple feathers transformed into a billion small butterflies.

All ants stared at Mao Miaomiao in a trance as if they were hypnotized. They slowly walked toward him and began caressing his firm back and chest.

Mao Miaomiao snickered. He closed his left eye and looked down, scanning the underground levels of the dungeon. However, as the dungeon was in a pocket dimension, Mao Miaomiao couldn't see through the layout or the people inside.

"Meh. Whatever. Sorry, Xiaomao. Let this daddy "Harvest" some more mamas for you. How could you raise so many fine chicks but you don't appreciate them? What a waste."


Mao Miaomiao snapped his finger again.

But this time, all war maidens and ant girls vanished. Even Mao Miaomiao disappeared into thin air.

Five minutes later, all the missing ant girls reappeared in the same spots where they had once stood. They looked confused at first before they fainted.

Mao Miaomiao also reappeared and pouted.

"Dammit, Chang'e. I was kidding! I didn't touch them!"

There was a bite mark on his neck and his manhood. His right eye swelled and blackened as if someone had punished him for his deed.

A few seconds later, the voice of Chang'e entered Mao Miaomiao's mind.

'Don't touch your son's subordinates even if they are not his girlfriends!'

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Geez."

Mao Miaomiao put on his clothes and looked at his injured brother. He signed.

"I got blue-balled. Chang'e, I'll get you for this! All these accumulating bullets will be used on you!"

In a bad mood, Mao Miaomiao stomped into the cave. But because of his perversion, he suddenly thought of something silly and stripped his clothes. Then, he entered the dungeon naked.

His weapon, the black katana, floated behind the angel. It spoke in a girl's voice.

"Damn Miaomiao! Know some decencies! This is your goddamn son's dungeon, for god's sake!"

"Because this is my son's house, his dad gets the privilege to surprise him! I want to see his expression when he witnesses the magical wand that bestowed his life!"

"You... Haiz. Forget it. Even in this life, you're still the same."

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