Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 359 Cat Dad Doesn’t Trust Mao Miaomiao

Chapter 359 – Cat Dad Doesn't Trust Mao Miaomiao

Xiaomao swiped the first tutorial page and continued reading. The next window explained how the name list worked.


Main Character Roles

The main characters are categorized into seven major roles – Protagonist, Antagonist, Deuteragonist, Tertiary Characters, Romantic Interest, Confidant, and Foil. Each role contributes to events and conflicts that you may encounter in the future.

Bear in mind that a protagonist in a story can become a villain in another story. Their roles aren't permanent, and the trend can change, depending on the external influence of supreme deities and sages.

Main Character Roster

This menu displays the main characters that you encountered during your journey. Some can be your friends while many can be hostile. However, not all of your friends can be considered allies in the long run as their goals and your goals might potentially be conflicted. Vice versa, not all your enemies will persistently want you dead like one-dimensional villains in some novels. Therefore, when you are recruiting main characters as your allies, be sure to double-check their end goals, motives, and personality. The same applies to your enemies as they might be recruitable.

In the roster, except the protagonist roster, the roles are based on your perspective. It doesn't reflect the public's view, moral integrity, righteousness, or principles of a hero.


Xiaomao was amused. If his life was a story and he was the main character, he wondered how his friends' and enemies' roles would be. He checked the roster menu to see the names.

A moment later, the roster list surprised Xiaomao.


Protagonist Roster

1. Unknown

2. Unknown

3. Unknown

11. Shepherd

12. Ran Tae

13. Unknown

14. Miao Xiaomao


Deuteragonist Roster

1. Mu-Nyang

2. Mir

3. Meowmeow


Tertiary Characters

1. Mimir

2. Taotie

3. Cernun

4. Ifrit

5. Cookie-Cookie

6. John Preacher

7. James Greatman

8. Andrew

9. Peter S. Fisher

10. Mary

11. Party Queen

12. Song Yang-Cheol

13. Song Hyun Woo

14. Gata

15. ...



1. Pan Xian (Pangu)

2. Pan Mei

3. Solomon

4. ...


As Xiaomao had expected, Mu-Nyang, Mir, and Meowmeow had the most influential impact on his life story.

The list was interesting. Although the menu didn't reveal the thorough detail about his colleagues and enemies, they served as a reminder of their importance and influence in his life.

The enemies and tertiary characters were not surprising. However, the protagonist roster told many stories.

Shepherd and Jungwoo were fellow protagonists!

Xiaomao understood that Jungwoo looked like a typical Korean novel protagonist - He got strong fast, and he had many secrets. However, what shocked Xiaomao the most was Shepherd's status.

How the hell had he become a protagonist?!

Was it because of his sponsor?

Was he really the incarnation of THAT messiah?

Xiaomao scratched his head and looked back at what Shepherd did. He couldn't understand how that COMMON NFT character turned out to be a main character. Still, after thinking for a while, everything made sense. That guy seemed to be the harem protagonist type as he already scored so many strong wives, such as Titania, Qidia, Yuan Hua, and Magdalene.

Xiaomao laughed. He planned to thoroughly interrogate Shepherd after this. For now, he continued checking the roster.

The romance roster was nothing new. Lucky, Undine, Nymph, and Alice's names appeared on the list. However, Gata, Wei Zhi, and Joan also entered this team even though Xiaomao never had that intimate interaction with them.

'I guess the menu includes the potential waifu. Oh, well. It's not like I want to expand my harem or anything. I know that I might have to do it with Madoka one day, but why Joan and Gata?'

Xiaomao was grateful that Party Queen and other monsters didn't appear on the list. Otherwise, it would have been a nightmare. He couldn't imagine himself doing it with the leather-skin monsters with a written smiley face.

While Xiaomao was laughing, his eyes skimmed through the other lists. The Confidant section was empty as he had no trustworthy friends other than his wives. Thus, he skipped it and moved on to the last section.


Narratively, foil characters often contrasted with the protagonist to highlight their personality. They could be rivals, friends, or even antagonists of the stories.

In the menu, there was only one name in the section.

Mao Miaomiao


Xiaomao narrowed his eyes. He had a bad feeling about this.

Had Mao Miaomiao appeared as a tertiary character, everything would have been fine. However, the name showing up on the list gave Xiaomao anxiety.

Could it be that he and his father might clash one day in the future?

If they were destined to be enemies or rivals, would he have to fight Mu-Nyang too?

Xiaomao sensed a chill running down his spine. He didn't want that to happen. If his life story was fated to go down Luck Skywalker's path, his future would be dark and gloomy as only tragedy awaited.

'Dammit, you pervert father. What am I to you? Well, screw it. You're not my father anymore. You're just someone I know from the other life. I'm living THIS life, not the OTHER life!'

Xiaomao scoffed and was about to close the menu. However, the corner of his eyes spotted the blinking buttons next to Undine and Nymph's names.

View Detail

A slight grin appeared on Xiaomao's face. He pressed the button next to Undine's name right away.


The menu expanded. The portrait of Undine appeared.


General Information

Name: Nameless Undine (Temporary)

Age: Classified

Race: Half Water Spirit / Mermaid

Morals: Honest, Loyal, and Selfless

Personality: Keen, Reserved, Smart, and Caring

Like: Sashimi, Disciplined People, Cleanliness, and Chang'e Sanctuary

Love: Xiaomao, Surprise Copulation, Fluffy Objects

NOTE: To unlock more information, defeat the Nameless Undine's clone of the present day at 200% potential difficulty in your pocket dantian.


Xiaomao laughed at Undine's detail and personality. Although the majority of the detail was hidden, the general information was enough to entertain him.

"Surprise sex, munya? I'll keep that in mind."

He rubbed his tentacles. As Undine had already told him about the dantian space's side effects, Xiaomao had a clear idea of how he could please her.

Without hesitation, Xiaomao closed his eyes and tried to find Undine's aura in the dungeon. Two minutes later, Xiaomao found her.

For the first time, Xiaomao tried to send his voice transmission to Undine through his thoughts.

"Ahem, ahem. Can you hear me?"

There was no response for 30 seconds. Fortunately, Undine managed to guess Xiaomao's intention and connected her thoughts with his.

'Were you trying to use the voice transmission with me?'

"Umm, yes. Did it fail, munya?"

'I could barely hear you. I'll teach you how to properly connect the thoughts later. By the way, is there something you need?'

"Very yes, munya!"

Xiaomao rubbed his tentacles and asked for her permission.

"I need to rush cultivation. May I dual-cultivate with your clones, munya?"

Xiaomao didn't know if it was his imagination, but he heard Undine's heavy breaths. Then, her soft whisper followed.

'Be gentle, okay?'

The cat dad panted like a dog in heat. He shut his eyes and sank his consciousness into his pocket dantian right away. Without hesitation, he summoned Undine of the present day, but he set her strength to the minimum.

The clone appeared. She took a combat stance at first. But when she noticed that Xiaomao transformed into a human man and pointed the manly cave explorer at her face, she smirked.


Xiaomao's body was instantly frozen. Undine coyly undressed and approached him.

She moved her lips, allowing Xiaomao to read her words.

'We do it on my terms. I get to be on top.'


The clone pushed Xiaomao down and canceled her Ice Domain. Then, they consummated and exchanged their Qi.

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