
Chapter 779 Spoken Contract, Part 7

Lee Seng fired a blast of gravity, disrupting the Vixen's path. This gave Kiara enough time to string another arrow and fire it straight at the Vixen. The arrow shimmered as the Vixen caught it and growled.

"You think that's going to work again? Even with all three of you going at me, it won't make no diff—"


The Vixen lit up in smoke. Kiara turned and ran as Jane pushed herself up onto her feet and summoned her spectral axe. She swung the axes in an X and screamed. Jane's energy had manifested into an aura. It was thin, almost unnoticeable to Lee Seng with his Energy Sight. Jane rushed forward as the Vixen ran out of the smoke for Kiara.

"Oh no you don't! Rage Swing!" Jane's body sped up, appearing in front of the Vixen before swinging her axe down onto the Vixen. The blow forced the Vixen to jump backwards, giving Lee Seng and Kiara an opening to attack. Kiara turned and pulled another arrow out. She raised it into the air and fired it.

"Rain of Arrows!" Kiara shouted. The arrows multiplied as they arced and rained down onto the Vixen. The Vixen dodged the first few arrows, only to be caught. It hissed in pain as Lee Seng raised his hand and grabbed the Vixen. The Vixen shrieked as Jane rushed forward and swung straight for its head.

"Blessing: Savior's Light." Lee Seng whispered in Fox tongue. Jane's axe glowed gold and silver as she went in for the kill. The Vixen screamed as the axe swung straight through it like butter. The Vixen's head flew off, bouncing on the ground as its body twitched. Jane moved in for another attack. She raised her left axe up and swung it straight at the body this time.

Vines flew out pulling Jane's left arm back as it yanked her backwards into the forest. Another set of vines flew at Kiara, who jumped away, bouncing on the ground as she tried to dodge the attacks. Lee Seng's ears pinged with noises as he ducked. A large set of tree roots flew over him, missing his head as it crashed into the ground.

'What's going on?' Lee Seng wondered as he jumped into the air. Large sets of tree roots flew out of the ground, swallowing Kiara and going straight for Lee Seng. Lee Seng lifted his right hand and blasted the tree roots. The tree roots shredded to pieces, revealing the captured Kiara. Lee Seng quickly passed the tree line and realized what was happening; the forest was attacking them!

"Hahaha!" The Vixen laughed as vines grabbed their head and pulled their body over. It set their head on their body and stitched them back together with the vines. A large tree root connected to the back of the Vixen's head as the earth all around them shook. Tree roots, vines and thorns surrounded the connected Vixen. "Kill the body and all is well… That's what you thought, right? Well, what if let you in on a little secret? This isn't really me… The real me is all around you!"

Root tendrils fired off into different directions.

'They're going for different people.' Lee Seng thought as he watched. He lifted his right hand and gently brought it down like he was about to conduct a music piece. The skintight suit wrapped around him, producing his aura in one swoop as the roots snatched up Kiara. Kiara yelped as she was lifted into the air while Jane managed keep herself from the tendrils' grasp.

"I'll get you, Kiara! Hold on!" Jane shouted. She grunted as both of her axes slashed out in an axe. Red energy dissipated from Jane, eating at the tendrils, and dissolving them.

"Aiyana!" Kiana shouted. The wolf and Kiana replaced each other. The wolf howled in pain as it quickly disappeared.

"Argh! Stupid tricks." The Vixen hissed. "No matter, I shall get all of you. Starting with you up there!" Tendrils flew straight for Lee Seng, who let out a deep breath. Light billowed in his fingertips as he closed his eyes. A beam of light shot out of his hands. It hit the root tendrils head on. The roots ignited into flames and continued forward. Lee Seng lifted is hand up.

"Stop." Everything below Lee Seng froze in place. Jane was mid swing when her body stopped reacting.

'What is this?' Jane wondered. 'Is this some kind of trick by that cursed creature?' Lee Seng let out a breath of stars. His skin glimmered as the Vixen looked up at him.

'How is he able to do such a thing?!?' The Vixen Curse wondered. Lee Seng released Cthulu's Moon.

"Should I show you why you should fear me?" Lee Seng asked the Vixen's Curse. Lee Seng lifted his head up to the sky. He took another breath and closed his eyes. "Release." The ring and his shifted form released. A powerful energy washed over the forest for hundreds of feet. Lee Seng's tails billowed behind him as his Fox ears appeared. He disappeared and reappeared in front of the Vixen Curse's puppet. The fear on its face instantly told Lee Seng everything he needed to know.

"You know what I am." Lee Seng smirked. "Good. I don't need to waste my breath telling you why I'm here."

"Y-you think you… You can kill me? Ha… It's going to take m… much more than this!" The Vixen's puppet screeched. The roots exploded out of Lee Seng's hold, slamming straight down on Lee Seng. The Vixen's puppet smiled. "HAHAH! You think I would ever give into you, Savior?!?" The roots pummeled the spot as Jane unfroze, finishing her swing on the air. "I'll kill all of your stupid human friends too! Life Drain!"

The forest all around them glowed bright red. Jane and Kiara dropped to the ground in an instant as roots exploded out from underneath them and raised them into the air. The women screamed as their life energy quickly poured into the roots. The Vixen laughed as watched the carnage.

Eli and James blasted out of the forest, the earth shifting beneath them as James pushed the red glowing Earth away from them. The Vixen smiled and turned.

"You think I didn't know you were coming, Earth bender?!? Unfortunately for you, I'm stronger than you!" The Vixen threw their hand out and roots exploded from the ground and flew straight for Eli and James.

James shifted the Earth and pulled himself back and fired Eli forward. Eli soared through the air and let out a cold breath. Eli swung his first sword downwards and watched his ice-touched sword freeze the roots. More roots flew out from behind the frozen roots and came from all sides. James raised his connected hands together and created a circle around Eli.

"Nature's Wall!" Earth appeared around Eli in an instant, blocking the roots from penetrating Eli as he pointed his other sword straight at the Vixen.

"Flash Freeze!" Eli disappeared and the Vixen began to pull away. A cold air permeated around the Vixen as Eli appeared, swinging his sword in front of him. An icy grip exploded from the Vixen's stomach, freezing it instantly. "Did we do it?" Eli spun around, only to notice the red energy hadn't dissipated. It had somehow gotten brighter!

"Eli!" James shouted. "Get off the ground before—" A large earth hand slammed down on James. Eli screamed as he started forwards. The ice shattered and the Vixen's puppet turned and grabbed Eli.

"I am the forest! There's nothing you can do to stop me!" The Vixen hissed. It's mouth opened as it sank its teeth into Eli's neck. Eli screamed as he plunged a sword into the Vixen's stomach. The Vixen hissed in pain, ripping a chunk of Eli's neck. Eli stumbled backwards, the wound instantly freezing as he fell. The Vixen cursed as the looked down. "Blasted humans and their tricks! None of them will work on me!"

The large roots to the Vixen's left erupted in colorful flames. The Vixen turned and watched as a fiery hand reached out at wrapped itself around the puppet's neck. Without much to go on, the Vixen watched as its head tilted. It's vision disappeared, leaving a burning body behind as Lee Seng's eyes watched the red and black energy pour into the ground.

Lee Seng moved over to Eli, who was in complete shock. Lee Seng knelt down and looked at the frozen and messed up chunk. Eli's eyes shook as he tried to steady himself. Lee Seng lifted his hand and whispered something under his breath.

"Heal and Protection." Lee Seng whispered. The red and energy flew just out of Lee Seng's vision, drawing his eyes with it. "It's going that way." Lee Seng stood up and sprinted after the energy.

"Y-you're just gonna leave us like this?" Eli stuttered. The large earth hand pushed away, slamming onto the ground. James gasped as an earthen shield floated around him.

"Fox!" James shouted, eyes following. "Where are you going? We should—"

"You handle your people and I'll handle this!" Lee Seng shouted, disappearing further into the forest.

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