
Chapter 778 Spoken Contract, Part 6

Lee Seng could feel the energy swelling as soon as he got within range. There were multiple pings of strong energy distributed throughout the thick forest.

'One… Two… Three... Four… Five… Six. There's six of them.' Lee Seng thought. 'They all have similar energy wavelengths…' A chattering noise grew, and a dart flew out from the right. Lee Seng turned and watched as a humanoid appeared, mid-air, tackling Lee Seng.

"Fox has been hit!" Jane shouted. The chattering grew loud as four humanoid shapes appeared. Their bodies jerked in awkward positions with their dead eyes. They all cocked their heads to one side, blocking the others from saving Lee Seng.

"What about the Fox?" Kiara asked, bow raised as her wolf eyes locked onto the stiff creatures in front of her.

"I don't think we can worry about what's happening with him right now!" Jane pulled her axe out onto one hand. She conjured her other axe in the other and twirled them. "I think we have to worry about ourselves!"

Lee Seng and the strange humanoid bounced across the ground. He grabbed the humanoid and made their body heavy. He listened to the sound of the humanoid's body crunch as they immediately disappeared from Lee Seng's sight. Lee Seng threw his arms out, catching himself as he abruptly came to a stop. A sharp branch poked his back, snapping under the weight of the opposing force.

Lee Seng sucked in a breath as he scanned his surroundings. He could hear the crunching noise of his effect still going. Trees rattled, drawing Lee Seng's attention as a sword flew straight down onto him. He caught it just in time with a shield, watching it shatter as he moved out of the way.

Lee Seng landed on the ground, watching as a hooded figure swung the sword straight for his neck. He pulled away, barely dodging it as the sword user swung, again. Lee Seng dodged, slowly moving backwards. He ducked, throwing his hand out to push the hooded figure away. The figure slid backwards, upper body flying forward as it caught itself. Lee Seng straightened himself out and watched as the hooded figure kept its head down.

Lee Seng's left arm extended out. Cthulu's Moon appeared as he lowered it. The hooded figure swayed side to side as the crunching noise stopped. The hooded figure launched itself forward, raising its sword to strike Lee Seng. Lee Seng raised Cthulu's Moon and blocked the attack. The figure continued their forward attacks, forcing Lee Seng backwards as he continued to block. The figure launched a sword attack, watching it get blocked and instantly swung into a kick. Its leg froze halfway through the motion before an invisible force slammed onto its leg.

The leg hit the ground as Lee Seng moved in for the kill. The hooded figure raised its head up, black hair flowing out as a pale woman's face revealed itself. Lee Seng gasped as he redirected the lethal blow to be a graze. The pale woman quickly deflected Lee Seng's sword and swung for her frozen leg. Blood spilt as she pulled away.

'She cut her own leg off in one swoop.' Lee Seng thought. The leg dropped to the ground as blood gushed out of her newly formed wound. Her head jerked in odd directions as she held the sword in her right hand. Her own blood dripped onto the ground as the leg fired upwards at Lee Seng, kicking him. Lee Seng gasped as he barely managed to dodge it and watched the leg fly back at the woman. It reattached itself, healing in an instant.

The woman launched herself forward, readying the sword for another strike. She swung it forwards at a diagonal angle striking Lee Seng across the chest. Lee Seng backed up a couple feet, forcing his head to move back to his opponent as he came to a stop. The woman's head jerked, pulling more of the hood away. She had strange marks across her face and head.

'Is she… dead?' Lee Seng wondered. The woman brandished her blade and flew straight for Lee Seng. Lee Seng lifted his right hand and froze her in place. The woman's sword shook with intensity as her body jerked. Lee Seng flicked his finger and watched the blade fly out of her grasped hand and into the forest somewhere behind him.

Lee Seng raised his blade and swung it straight for her neck. He watched for a reaction and got nothing as he stopped the blade. He scrunched his face, confused. She wasn't reacting to anything. There was no facial reaction. One that would normally be filled with dread. Lee Seng redirected Cthulu's Moon to pull the hood away. His eyes grew wide as he pulled back.

Flesh was missing from the dead woman. Part of her face was dripping with blood. A loud rattling noise grew, drawing Lee Seng's attention above him. The humanoid he had just put under a heavy effect dropped down onto him with a large ornate axe. Lee Seng raised Cthulu's Moon and blocked the attack. The ground cracked around them as Lee Seng gritted his teeth. His muscles rippled as he continued to block.

"Get away!" Lee Seng shouted. Gravity exploded out of his body, tearing everything apart as the humanoid figure flew up into the sky. The pale woman bounced away from Lee Seng, slamming her head against a tree. The energy in the woman's body faded in an instant as the humanoid in the air disappeared.

Lee Seng looked around, waiting for the humanoid creature to return. The dead woman's body twitched. The woman's body shot up onto her feet, dashing straight for Lee Seng. Lee Seng threw his arm up and blasted the body. The body flew backwards as a strange red and black energy ripped out of the body, tearing it to pieces. A spectral hand pushed past Lee Seng's gravity blast and grabbed him. The devious energy grabbed his throat and lifted him up.

"You've come to die by my hand." The devious energy spoke in Fox tongue. "I shall relish all that you have!" The devious energy pulled itself together in front of Lee Seng, forming a very familiar person.

"O… Olivia?" Lee Seng croaked. Olivia smiled and her usually brown eyes were replaced with red and black eyes.

"That's who you see, hm? Interesting… I can't wait to relish in you. You smell… delicious!" Fake Olivia grinned.

"Energy Shot!" An arrow whizzed through the air and impaled itself into the side of fake Olivia. Olivia grunted in pain as her hand gripped onto Lee Seng's throat fizzled out. Olivia' form flickered and shifted into a bi-pedal brown furred humanoid. Its eyes burned red and black as it ripped the arrow out and howled.

"I'll kill you all!" The humanoid beast shrieked.

[Your physical and magical abilities have been lowered due to the Vixen's Curse!]

The Vixen turned and ran as two more arrows landed in its spot. Kiara and Jane rushed over to Lee Seng. Lee Seng coughed as he grabbed the mask and pulled it off. Kiara looked around while Jane lowered herself and checked on Lee Seng.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked. She helped Lee Seng onto his feet and watched the young man nod at her. "What was that thing? Is that the thing we're looking for?"

"I think so…" Lee Seng coughed. "It used dead Biohumans against me."

"That's what we concluded, too." Jane looked behind them. She had a bad feeling it wasn't over. The area around them oozed with red and black energy. The area grew harder to see. A form appeared out of nowhere and dived straight for Lee Seng. Kiara turned and fired an arrow into the dark form. The form continued straight for Lee Seng as Jane pushed Lee Seng backwards and took the attack head on.

The two energies collided with each other, pushing back and forth as red and black energy arced outwards. Lee Seng and Kiara ducked, watching the energy whip past them. Jane's axes grew bright red and Jane's smile grew.

"Gra!" Jane pushed the figure away and raised the spectral axe. She threw the axe straight for the Vixen, enlarging the axe as it picked up speed. The Vixen raised their hand up and released black and red lightning bolts at it. The two energies collided, pushing back and forth at each other. The Vixen raised their other hand and fired at the handle, knocking it sideways. The axe flew straight for Lee Seng, who jumped to the side. The large axe embedded itself into the ground.

The Vixen disappeared from its spot and reappeared behind Jane. It swung a punch at Jane, who took the full force of it, stumbling forwards. Jane turned and swung the axe at the Vixen and stopped last second when Kiara was in front of her.

"That's not me!" Kiara shouted. Jane turned to look as the other Kiara released a blast of energy at Jane. Jane soared through the air before landing with a hard thud. Kiara raised her bow and focused on the fake in front of her. She fired an arrow and watched the Vixen grab it. The arrow snapped in half as the Vixen lunged forward.

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