Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[817] – Y03.117 – Life Lessons III

[817] – Y03.117 – Life Lessons III

The children watched as Adam followed the First Hope away, quietly gossiping about their own rumours about the two.

“Are they gunna fight away from us?”

“I dunno.”

“You think they’re going to make secrets?”

“Yeah, they’re gonna make secrets.”

“What kinda secrets?”

“Secret secrets.”

“Oh, secret secrets,” Penny replied, her hair bouncing lightly.

Adam followed the First Hope silently. ‘Don’t let him bother you if he picks a fight. Don’t let him bother you when he picks a fight. Don’t let him bother you.’ He paid little attention to the hallway they stepped through, before finally coming across a small open garden within the temple complex.

Adam could smell the freshness of the air, hear the gentle ambiance of tiny, unseen critters living their life peacefully within the temple, the sounds of drips of water slipping into the pond.

“Do you know why I have brought you here, Adam?”

“I can only begin to guess, Hope Robert,” Adam replied, glancing all around himself, noting the few acolytes making their way around, either pretending not to pay attention, or actually not paying attention, though it didn’t matter to Adam.

“I wished to speak to you about the children you have brought to the order.”


“I believe it would be best for them to grow here, under the guidance of Mother Soza.”


“Do you agree?”

“I believe that you believe so. I, on the other hand, believe they would grow best under the business, under the guidance of not just Mother Soza, but other Divine too.”


“Lord Sozain, Lady Arya, and so many more.”

“What of the… darker influences which surround you?”

Adam smiled as politely as he could manage, the troublesome gaze within his eyes growing. “Though there are many nobles in Aldland, there are very few in the Iyr, and where the business is stationed. I’m sure that the children will grow up healthy and well without interference of what the people in this land call their betters.”

“Is there a need to be so obtuse?”

“Are we not talking about the only figures which threatened the children, or are we talking about figures which helped protect the children against such civilised folk?” Adam replied, raising his brows towards the First Hope. “I do hope you are willing to enlighten me about who you mean to speak about.”

“You make your bed with demons, young man.”

“I make my bed among Iyrmen, First Hope. Those demons are my friends, who have assisted me against all manner of injustices from the true demons of this land, those who would dare to-,” Adam could feel the heat rush to his face, but he quickly pulled back. “What kind and noble folk the demons are.”

“Kind and noble are not the descriptors I would use to describe the demons.”

“Of course not, for you are speaking of those you know little about. Executive Jaygak has already warned me, in fact she has warned all of us, of the East Aldish and how they behave, so I am not entirely surprised by the words you speak.” Adam continued to smile innocently towards the First Hope.

“Will you truly leave the children to be corrupted by such awful creatures?”

“No, I already told you I wasn’t going to leave them in East Aldland, so you have no need to worry about such.”

The First Hope glared at the young man. “What do you mean by that?”

“The only trouble caused to the children are those who are East Aldish,” Adam replied, still flashing an innocent smile, which begun to creep towards mischievousness. “Unless I am incorrect.”

“Do you believe you will be able to protect the children, the sorcerer, with your abilities?”

“You should ask the Seventh Hope if I can protect the children,” Adam replied, his eyes narrowing slightly, his lips still widening.

“You, yourself, are strong. However, what of your companions?”

Adam inhaled for a moment, his eyes glancing across the garden, taking in the sight. “You have Seven Hopes and Forty Nine Rays. Together, you are extremely powerful. However, there are some things which bind your hands together. Politics of religion and politics of the state. Me? I have the business. If something happens to these children, somebody from the business is going to be sent immediately. There will be very little discussion of the matter, of who to send, of whether they want to be sent. If everyone else is busy with one matter or another, I will go. It shall be my hands which shall be most bloody, as Lord Sozain intended. It does not matter who wishes to steal the children away from me, from us, the business, whether they be high ranking nobles, or they are orders with centuries of heritage.”

Adam’s eyes glared into the First Hope’s eyes, who was processing the threat. “Not even the Iyr could take those children from the business, not without my permission.”

“Is your rank higher than that of the Executives?”

“No, but one is my brother, and his mother is the President.”

“Is the President an Iyrman?”


“Will she not work in the Iyr’s interests?”

“If the President believes the children would be better served within the Iyr, that will be up to her and the Enchanter to discuss, but I will do what I can for the business.”

“You will cause much trouble for the business.”

“Others will trouble the business whether I am there or not,” Adam said, letting out a sigh. “Thankfully, the Iyr will provide some support to the business, otherwise who knows how much I’d have to drop to my knees to lick the boot of the Aldish who wish to cause trouble. Not that I would, of course, for I’d die before that.”

“Do you not have children?”

Adam’s eyes darkened. “My adorable children who I miss so much, yes.”

“Will you not live for their sake.”

“I will survive as best as I can, but I know they will be safe within the Iyr.” Adam smirked slightly. “The Marquise could not lay a hand on the children of the business who we had met only days ago, and not even the Order of Life’s Rose can impose themselves upon these children, what chance would anyone in Aldland have in laying a hand on my children, those who are adored by even the Mad Dog?”

“Are you suggesting the Order of Life’s Rose will steal these children away from you?”

“Are you suggesting the Order of Life’s Rose will be trying to harm my children?” Adam replied.

“Where would you get such a wicked thought?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing, Hope Robert.”

Hope Robert’s eyes were full of confusion, unsure of what Adam was trying to get at. “You should apologise.”

“For what?”

“For your words against the Order of Life’s Rose.”

“The only words I have for the Order of Life’s Rose are the praises I have sang from what I have seen of Manager Vonda, who is a Sister of Life’s Rose, and the truth.”

“Do you believe I will allow you to step back from your words against the fine order?”

“Since when have I ever needed your permission to step back?” Adam asked. “It is for Manager Vonda’s sake that I stepped back previously to allow you to save face. Shudder at the thought that the First Hope, whose arms shook as violently as his words when he came across the might of the magical item gifted to me by the Enchanter, would suggest I would need his permission.”

“You should be wary of your words.”

“Executive Jaygak was right! The only bravery I have seen from the order is that which is displayed when their opponents are unarmed and unarmoured.”


“Executive Adam,” Mother Priest’s voice shot through the air. The older woman approached the pair with a swift step, escorted by a pair of priests. The woman’s eyes darted between the pair. “I have recalled I have not yet invited you to pray.”

Adam smiled politely, though the annoyance on his face was obvious. “Ah, what a great honour.”

Mother Priest motioned a hand, allowing him to take to her side, before leading him elsewhere, allowing the First Hope to stew on his thoughts and the denial of justice from Mother Priest, though he soon followed after. “Did you not take my warning to heart?”

“I did.”

“Then why did I find the pair of you bickering?”

“He was bickering with me.”

“You were both bickering with one another.”

“He started it.”

“Does that matter?”


“No, and that is unfair, but that is why I gave you such advice.”

“What else should I have done?”

“You should not have allowed the First Hope to take you away from witnesses who would corroborate for you,” Mother Priest said.

First Hope Robert listened to her words, taken by shock. He had no idea Mother Priest would speak so openly about the situation.

“What should I have done?”

“You should have refused politely, and allowed him to attack you verbally, then retorted politely in return, perhaps even threaten the order lightly with the business, which may or may not intend to provide the order with magical items which could assist with its duties. If he continued to press the matter, you could have suggested that whether the business deals with the order or not depends on his behaviour to the business. Perhaps we could have caused some issue, but you could respond that this was merely a mutual arrangement based on the treatment provided by the order. You would still be considered in the wrong in many eyes, but it would be the best position, as you are not yet a business with any heritage.”

“…” Adam remained silent as Mother Priest spoke so assuredly about the scene. “How can I threaten you with the business when I admire you so much, Mother Priest?”

“If your ego was bruised? Easily.”

Adam’s laughter echoed through the halls of the temple.

She might be my second favourite NPC. 

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