Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

[816] – Y03.116 – Life Lessons II

[816] – Y03.116 – Life Lessons II

‘She’s right.’ Adam inhaled deeply. ‘I can handle the nobles, but what about Nobby? Fred? Jeremy? Rick? Even if we killed the Marshal, it would have ended up terrible for us.’

Mother Priest allowed Adam to think on his thoughts for a short while. She motioned a hand to dismiss the Hopes, though they remained there for a moment, wondering why they were being dismissed.

“Leave us,” Mother Priest said.

“Mother Priest…”

“I will not repeat myself.”

The Hopes glanced between one another before they stepped out. Adam stared at the woman expectantly, also wondering why she let them go.

“May I hold your amulet?” Mother Priest asked.

“Of course.” Adam pulled the amulet over his hand, offering it to the woman.

Mother Priest felt the cool obsidian within her hand, brushing along the ridges. “The Iyr’s symbol of Lord Sozain, Baktu.”


“Did you meet with a Lesser Divine last year?”

Adam glanced towards Vonda, who remained still and silent. “Yes.”

“Which of the Divine?”

“A, uh…” Adam looked to Vonda. “Sister Vonda, if you don’t mind. You know I’m bad with names.”

“Lady Ulaveil.”

“Lady Elaveil’s daughter,” the Mother Priest said. “I believe the Iyr worships Lady Elaveil too. They often consider the Divine with their power, as though the Divine would fight between one another. The Iyr believes Lady Elaveil to match Lord Sozain in strength, due to her ability to even the playing field, as they say.”

“The logic is sound.”

“Logic and faith are two sides of the same coin.”

‘Perhaps in this world.’

“Have you met the Divine?”

“…” Adam remained silent. ‘I’m pretty sure I didn’t tell Vonda about that yet, did I?’

“Which of the Divine did you meet?”

“All of them.”

“All of them?”

“Well, you know, not Mother Soza.”

“You met all the others?”

“I think so. I’m not sure I met Lord, uh…” Adam snapped his fingers trying to recall the name. “Wealth.”

“Lord Musa.”

“Thank you. I don’t think I met Lord… Zaladhin?”

Mother Priest nodded.

“I met the others. I also met the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos. They wanted to speak with me.”

“About what?”

“I don’t believe I’m allowed to say.”


“I would, but I’ve been in so much trouble that I think even this is too much.”

“Why did Lord Sozain choose you?”

“Lord Sozain and I have a special relationship.”

“What kind of relationship?”

“He helped me in a previous life, he and… Lady Arya, and others.”

“Which others?”

Adam shook his head. “We’re speaking about dangerous matters now, Mother Priest. I’m not comfortable with how much death may come if I were to reveal what I know.”

“You know things the Divine have gifted solely to you?”

“No,” Adam replied. “I know things which the Divine did not, and I told them about it.”

Mother Priest’s eyes darkened. “Will you jest even now.”

“You should ask Sister Vonda whether she thinks I’m lying.”

Mother Priest looked to Vonda, whose eyes were focused on Adam, partly in shock. “Do you believe him.”

“I do.”


“Adam does not lie.”

Mother Priest held out the amulet, and as Adam took it, he felt how cool it was, and as he glanced down, he noticed how the woman’s skin had been dried out, the flesh now grey ashy.

“Are you okay?”

“I am fine,” Mother Priest replied, feeling the sore skin of her fingers which had been singed off due to Lord Sozain’s warning.

“Would you like me to heal you?” Adam asked.

She held out her hand.

Lay on Hands: 35 -> 25

“Thank you.” The gentle warmth healed her fingers almost completely, though a gentle sting, as though she were being pricked by needles, continued to tickle her hand.

“Of course…” Adam replied awkwardly.

“Sister Vonda must go through her vows, and once she has attained the rank of Mother, you may leave with the protection of Life’s Rose. We will personally send a letter to the Marquise to discuss how her warriors had troubled those under our protection. She may still cause you trouble, but under the perception of the law, we will handle the matter as the Order of Life’s Rose against the Tiderock family.”

“Oh?” Adam asked, glancing to Vonda, wondering how big of a deal that was. “Thank you very much?”

“Though our first meeting may have been tainted, I hope that you will remember how much support we have given to you to clean up the mess you created.”

Adam flushed, still not used to the Mother Priest taking such a blunt line with him. “I understand. Uh, thank you.”

“I hope you enjoy your stay within the temple.”

“Thank you…”

Mother Priest stood up first, a thought coming to mind. ‘Should I have asked about the Enchanter?’ However, before she turned, she gazed upon the sheepish Adam once more.

“Thank you for assisting with the artefact.”

“Any time.”

She bowed her head lightly and stepped out. ‘His abilities are truly great. He can wield great magics in a myriad of ways, and he is a smith and alchemist? It is no wonder he holds the title of Executive.’



“I like her,” Adam said. “She might talk to me like I’m an idiot, but at least she doesn’t faff around.”

“Adam…” Vonda sighed, rubbing her head. “You spoke to the Divine about something they didn’t know?”


“Will you tell me?”

“I’ve hinted at it before, but I think the less people who know the better.”

“You sound like a Priest of Erudite.”

“I’m too stupid to be a Priest of Erudite.”


“You could at least try and deny it a little, Sister Vonda.”

“Adam…” Vonda leaned back in her chair, exhausted by the young man. “What am I to do with you?”

Adam chuckled. “Well… I’m glad Mother Priest was so… nice. As long as the order won’t bother us, we’ll have no qualms with it.”

“Will you really speak such a way after the offer you have received?”

“What offer?”

“The offer to protect the children all the way to the business?”

“Ah, right… I didn’t mean it that way. What I mean is…” Adam sat awkwardly for a moment as he thought about how he should say it. “I really appreciate it. Thanks, Vonda.”

“Thank you, Adam.”

“For not causing a mess?”

“For what you have done for me.”

“What have I done for you?”

“Gifting me a magical mace at least, and helping me become a Mother so young.”

“Vonda, if you say that my magical mace made you into a mother, there are going to be-,” Adam began to laugh at Vonda’s shocked face, which turned red, her hand quickly covering her mouth.

Adam and Vonda returned back to the group, who, upon seeing Adam’s face, realised things were going to be okay.

“How much trouble did you cause while with the Mother Priest?” Jaygak asked.

“Not enough, I’m sure.”

Jaygak smiled, offering Adam a seat beside her. Adam dropped down beside her, before sitting up straight, half expecting the chair to fall, before he relaxed into it.

“It is as fun to tease as it is to see you think you are about to be teased.”

“You’re such a sadist.”

“Has the order offered to assist us?” Jurot asked.

“They did.”

Jurot nodded, before falling silent again.

“They said Manager Vonda’s going to be a Mother soon, and they’re going to send a Hope and some Rays with us.”

“Adam, what did you do?” Jaygak asked, her eyes wide.

“Hey, I already made that joke,” Adam said. “You can’t take it from me.”

“I do not know what you are speaking of, I am merely asking you how you made Manager Vonda into a Mother.”

“If you think that’s going to make me blush, you’re right, but I want the record to show that I made the joke first, and I already teased the Manager with it, and I won’t accept-,”

“If you won’t accept responsibility for making Vonda a mother, how can you remain an Executive?” Jaygak replied.

Adam’s cheeks flushed, while Vonda threw a look towards Jaygak, while her face had turned red hot.

“Executive Jaygak!” Vonda gasped out, her brows raised, still in shock from Jaygak’s words.

“Am I wrong?”

“Jaygak,” Jurot said, his eyes falling onto the Iyrman to stop her from going too far. “Congratulations on becoming a Mother, Manager Vonda.”

“Thank you,” Vonda replied, still flushed red.

“It seems you’re going to be stuck with us for a while still,” Adam said, flashing a smile. “Does this mean I can cause bigger messes now that you’re a Mother?”

Vonda let out a sigh, while a low grumbling fell through the Iyrmen, who smiled at Adam’s words.

If Adam caused more trouble, wouldn’t we be able to kill more?

“The order’s going to deal with the issue with the nobles,” Adam explained. “Thankfully, with Manager Vonda’s assistance, and the assistance of the order, none of them remained dead. Speaking of which, I thought the rules were that only adventurers could bring them back?”

“It was by the assistance of the Order of Life’s Rose the Adventurer’s Guild was able to create an exception,” Jurot said.

“Yeah, that makes sense.”

“Adam,” called a voice from behind the half elf.

Adam glanced back to see the heavily armed and armoured First Hope glaring down at the young half elf.

“Let us speak.”

I'm sure everything will go well. 

Thanks to Olaf for subscribing for a double chapter!

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