Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

604. Mad Dragon III

604. Mad Dragon III

Adam, adorned in the blue scale mail, with Wraith in one hand, and his crimson Strong Shield in the other, flew towards the woman. She was beautiful, as far as Adam could tell, even with her body covered in burn marks from his spell, but whatever beauty she held didn’t distract him from the task at hand. The Half Elf spotted the still bodies of his companions littered around the battlefield, and the single one who remained conscious, who looked up at him weakly.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Adam asked, gripping his axe tighter, and pointing it at her. “Explosion!”

Mana: 17 -> 15
Spell: Fireball
8D6 = 32 (1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6)
32 damage!

A tiny beam of fire shot towards the woman, exploding around her as the area was engulfed in flames, but the flames expanded further than even Adam expected, and as the fire and smoke dissipated, a giant mass of blue flew towards him. A giant serpent? No, not a giant blue serpent, but a long serpentine Dragon with two large horns, and scales as dark as night. 

‘Did he say that his cousin was a Dragon?’ Adam thought, but as the thought flowed through his mind, the entire area flashed with a light blue.

Dexterity Save
D20 + 1 = 20 (19)
Resisting damage!
Health: 78 -> 65

Constitution Save (Battlecaster)
D20 + 6 = 17 (11)
D20 + 6 = 19 (13)

Adam tried to spin in the air as the lightning engulfed him, the lightning tearing his skin apart as he tried to resist it. Somehow, the blue scale armour managed to resist some of the lightning, which bounced off against its scales. Adam grit his teeth and managed to keep his mind focused on his spell, the pair flying towards one another. Adam began to descend slightly, just in case. 

Fighting Spirit: 3 -> 2
Health: 65 -> 70

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 23 (13)
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 20 (1, 2)(3, 5)
20 damage!

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 22 (12)
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 25 (1, 6)(3, 6)
25 damage!

Health: 70 -> 56

Constitution Save (Battlecaster)
D20 + 6 = 9 (3)
D20 + 6 = 14 (8)

Health: 56 -> 42

Constitution Save (Battlecaster)
D20 + 6 = 10 (4)
D20 + 6 = 23 (17)

The pair met in battle within the air, the Dragon’s teeth and claws gnashing against the Half Elf and his armour, while his axe struck the Dragon’s scales, managing to land two terrible blows against her. Yet, even with such great blows, she seemed wholly unphased.

‘Damn!’ Adam grunted in pain as she managed to strike him twice, barely managing to stave off a third blow. He tried to remain focused on his Fly spell, which could drop if he was wounded too heavily. Thankfully, one of the Features he had taken was Battlecaster, which gave him greater strength to retain the spell. 

Fighting Spirit: 2 -> 1
Health: 42 -> 47

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 12 (2)
D20 + 10 = 23 (16)
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 20 (1, 2)(3, 5)
20 damage!

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 11 (1)
D20 + 10 = 11 (1)
Critical miss!

Adam continued to strike with Wraith, the pair tangled between one another. Adam tried to slip between the loops she had created with her body, flying between them. His axe struck her once, and as he tried to strike once more, her head appeared in front of him, and her giant maw began to clamp shut tight around him. He twisted his body in the air, almost dropping Wraith, before he raised his arm over his eyes to try and shield himself.

If only he had some way of-,

Spell: Shield

In his anger he had forgotten that he had infinite Mana for First Gate spells, and so was able to cast Shield as much as he wanted to. ‘I shouldn’t forget how much of a monster I am right now!’ Adam thought, the Dragon’s claws meeting his crimson shield, with his magic also deflecting her mighty claws.

Fighting Spirit: 1 -> 0
Health: 47 -> 52

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 12 (4)
D20 + 10 = 17 (7)

Attack - Wraith
D20 + 10 = 26 (16)
D20 + 10 = 27 (17)
Ability: Divine Smite
2D6 + 2D6 + 9 = 29 (5, 6)(3, 6)
29 damage!

Even as Adam focused himself, he found himself barely able to strike the Dragon with his axe, her scales too thick to pierce. ‘Damn it!’

Spell: Shield

Health: 47 -> 37

Constitution Save (Battlecaster)
D20 + 6 = 8 (2)
D20 + 6 = 15 (9)

Health: 37 -> 23

Constitution Save (Battlecaster)
D20 + 6 = 12 (6)
D20 + 6 = 18 (12)

Though Adam was able to muster his Shield spell, she still managed to slash across him, and bit against his shoulder, almost tearing through the scales armour. Adam could feel some of his bones crack from the might of her maw.

“Argh!” Adam dropped to the earth, bending at his knees slightly. He could see the distant figure of his younger Cousin dragging herself to her feet some ways away. ‘She’s probably not going to run away.’

Lightning crackled around the long Dragon, but before she could blast the Half Elf with her lightning breath, she froze in place. The blur of a staff continued to strike against the creature, while three axes, each Adam’s creation, slashed wildly against her back, tearing her apart. She dropped, spasming for a moment, before the large form began to shift back into her humanoid form. She reached out for something, clasping an imaginary bottle, before closing her eyes for good.

XP Gained: +500
XP: 14 200 -> 14 700

“What took you all so long?” Adam panted, managing to get to his feet. “She almost killed me.”

“If only,” Lucy replied, eyeing up the others. “She might have killed the others though.”

‘Damn!’ Adam had only just realised that everyone else was down. 

The group quickly made their way to the others, though Jurot remained at the sight with the fallen Dragon. Adam brought Jonn up with a Healing Word, while he started bringing others up with a mixture of his Lay on Hands and Healing Word, finding that his Lay on Hands worked as normal, while Healing Word still didn’t use any of his Mana. 

“Adam,” Jonn called, staring down at Rick, John, and Ivy. “I cannot bring them back with my healing.”

“Oh no.”

“They are dead.”

“We’ll see about that,” Adam said, reaching into his pocket, bringing out his diamond. He only had two, taking one from Sir Vonda before he had come. He dropped in front of Rick, clasping his hands together as he prayed. 

“Baktu, please,” Adam prayed, casting the spell. 

Mana: 15 -> 13
Spell: Revivify

As Adam prayed, Rick gasped for air, looking up to see the others around him. He saw Adam, who quickly got up to go and revive Ivy, finding he was still holding his diamond. 

“…” He brought back the pair from death, and stared at the two diamonds. “It didn’t consume the diamonds?”

Jonn stared at the diamonds, which should have disappeared. ‘He can cast his spells freely?’ Then Jonn realised, he, too, still had much of his spells available to him, though he had cast many of his spells during the fight. He had no real need to cast his spells until then, so hadn’t realised the world’s rules in regards to spells. That was probably not the strangest thing about this situation, though. 

“Cousin Adam,” Nirot called, panting as she sat with the rest of the Iyrmen. “You came to save us?”

“Of course I came to save you, you punks,” Adam said, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

Spell: Cure Wounds
1D6 + 3 = 4 (1)

“Well, actually, I came to kill the Dragon, but saving you was far more important,” Adam admitted. “I’m glad you’re all okay.”

“Thank you.”

“Any time.”

“Adam!” Jurot shouted from the Dragon. “You must revive her!”

Adam turned, raising his brow. “You want me to revive the Dragon?” 


Adam rushed over towards his brother, while Zambria, the Father of Drakons, was also approaching them, floating over their way. 

“She is dead,” Zambria said, glancing between the pair. “You have completed your task.”

“Adam, revive her,” Jurot repeated.

Mana: 9 -> 7
Spell: Revivify

Adam prayed over the Dragon’s dead body, before bringing her back to life. She gasped for air, reaching up to her heart, before staring up at the pair of them. She stared at them, confused, before looking up to Zambria. 

“What are you doing here, you rat bastard?” the woman asked, groaning quietly. 

“I have come to watch over your death,” Zambria replied, a bead of sweat dropping down the side of his face.

“Oh?” Adam stared down at the woman. “I thought you were mad?”

“Mad?” The woman sat up, groaning as she felt the bones in her back crack.

Tough Spirit: 1 -> 0
2D6 + 6 = 15 (3, 6)
Health: 23 -> 38

Adam inhaled deeply, flexing his muscles, before exchanging a glance with Jurot. Jurot, on the other hand, didn’t seem ready to fight, so Adam relaxed.

“Why did you revive me?” the woman asked, staring up at the Half Elf who she had threatened to kill. 

“My brother asked me to.” Adam motioned his head towards Jurot. 

“So why did you want to revive me?”

“We should speak to one side,” Jurot said, glaring down at her. 

“Why would I come with you?”

“Because I wish to speak with you.”

“…” She sighed and stood up. “It’s only right that the loser listens to the victor.” She brushed off her clothing, which had been torn apart from the battle with the youth, but still covered her well enough. 

Jurot nodded to Adam, and the three of them stepped to one side. Adam eyed up the woman, wondering if he should be angrier since she killed the farmers, but his eyes then fell to Jurot, wondering why he had asked him to revive the mad woman. 

Jurot stopped some ways away, before turning to face the woman. With each step, he had wondered whether he should mention it, but glancing towards Adam, he decided he should.

“You are Lord Strom’s daughter.”

“What?” the pair beside him replied. 

You might be thinking if that's what I wanted you to notice?

Yes, but that's not actually it. Does anyone have any ideas? Someone was actually very close. 

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