Beyond Chaos – A DiceRPG

603. Mad Dragon II

603. Mad Dragon II

Lightning struck Jonn’s blade, forcing him back as he slid across the earth, the blue light illuminating his armour. He panted with effort, feeling the burn of his muscles, as well as the burn of the lightning. His metal armour did him no favours, already charred from the initial blast. He stared at the woman ahead of him, gripping Oathkeeper tight.

She was a beautiful woman. Long, dark hair, almost black, which parted around her horns. Her eyes were silver and blue, full of exhaustion, taken by a depression that weighed heavily even on Jonn’s shoulders.

“I will block her,” Jonn said, while the woman raised her hands, readying to blast him with even more lightning.

“You will not deny us our rights!” Nirot replied, darting forward with her shield ahead of her, her axe gripped in hand. Her entire body filled with the heat of rage, and though she was swift, she was slowed down by a blast of lightning, which crackled against her shield.

Faool and Bavin circled around from behind the young Iyrman, approaching the Drakon woman, who let out another burst of lightning from her fingertips, though instead of a beam of lightning, it came out in a cone, which struck the pair. Faool dropped to the ground, hacking from the blow, while Bavin managed to step up towards her side, swinging his axe wildly.

The axe cut into the woman’s side, but instead of meeting flesh, the axe met deep blue scales, and clattered off them. Faool, having managed to gather himself, leapt up ahead of her, swinging his staff towards the woman, but she grabbed him by his throat. Lightning threatened to sizzle the young Iyrman, when Jonn’s greatsword threatened to cut apart her arm.

She quickly dropped the boy and caught the sword in hand, and though Bavin aimed another blow to her side, she all but ignored it. Bavin, on the other hand, was forced back by Jonn’s body, which the Drakon woman had tossed aside effortlessly.

Nirot clashed with the woman, who caught her axe in hand. The Iyrman grit her teeth, trying to hack at her hands, but a blast of lightning forced her back. If she had been another person, even another Iyrman, she would have fallen. Yet, she was not just any Iyrman, but a member of the Rot family, so her rage resisted much of the lightning, and she leapt up, ready to fight again.

The farmers stared at the fight between the powerful figures, clutching at their weapons as their eyes darted around between them all. Many great beings had fallen when surrounded by multiple creatures. The saying went that even a pack of wolves could kill a bear. However, this woman, whoever she was, was managing to toss the likes of Jonn, an adult Half Elf man in heavy armour, as if he was a toy.

For a moment, it seemed like she would beat even Nirot down, before two arms grabbed the vicious woman from behind. The half charred body of Nobby grabbed her, his entire body red hot from rage. His arms wrapped around her stomach, and he planted his feet firmly into the earth, as though they were trunks of a tree. He lifted the woman up, and in a rage induced suplex, slammed her into the ground.

Rick was the first to move, charging forward with a blade in hand, while Greg and the others followed after him. John and Ivy, too, followed their companions, deciding against using their bow and arrows since she would have been hard to hit with the mass of companions around her.

Yet, even as they all outnumbered her, swinging their weapons furiously down while she was pinned by Nobby, their weapons clattered off of her scales. Even Nobby, with his great strength, couldn’t overpower her.

She had already struck Nobby previously with a blast of her lightning, almost taking him out without his rage. A dome of lightning exploded out from her, and Nobby’s arms loosened around her waist, while the farmers around her were blasted back. John and Ivy, the pair who were used to fighting from the back lines, were instantly taken out of the fray, while Greg, Charlie, and Rick were still up, though barely.

Faool tried to stand, only for a wayward bolt of lightning to knock him unconscious. Bavin charged forward, towards the half prone woman, trying to grab her the same way Nobby had. Yet, she punched him with such force, he fell to his knees. He willed his legs up to stand, but they weren’t listening to him, and the woman blasted out another wave of lightning, which crashed against the people ahead of her, causing others to fall, and silencing some forever.

Nirot roared as she leapt up, crashing her axe against the woman’s side, but the Drakon woman punched her gut, causing the young teen to hack out blood. The teen Iyrman was then tossed aside by a casual kick, rolling across the earth, her axe almost slipping out of hand.

She tried to stand when she saw the crackle of blue, threatened to fell the young Iyrman, before a body of steel covered her. Jonn growled in pain as the lightning seared through his armour, marking his skin from under his armour, but he summoned forth his divine magic, not the magic given to him by the Divine, but the magic which came from his conviction.

His blade shook, from the pain and magic, and he swung wildly with a cry. In his desperation, and with his vow to strike her down, he managed to strike true, cutting across the woman’s shoulder, causing her to stumble. His blade flashed white hot, with divine magic, and if she had been the average Expert, she would have fallen to his mighty blow.

“Go,” Jonn cried towards the young Iyrman, realising they were the only two still up. He managed to shift his blade deeper against the wound in her shoulder, Oathkeeper flashing white hot, with divine magic. It was a Greater Enhanced greatsword, one which dealt greater damage when he was heavily wounded, and such a wound was empowering his strikes. Yet, certain as he was that he would have killed even Adam with his attacks, the woman stood firm.

The Drakon woman grabbed his blade to stop it from cutting her shoulder off, before she punched his jaw through his helmet, denting it. She punched him again, causing the Half Elf to drop. The farmers had fallen unconscious, some even dying, while the teen Iyrmen were almost all unconscious, and the towering form of Nobby, who perhaps was the strongest of the group, lay still where she had once stood.

The Drakon woman raised her hands up, shifting the cloud above her, and lightning fell across Nirot, who had tried to hack at her leg, but she fell before her axe could reach flesh. Nirot panted, as she watched the Drakon woman began to ascend slowly, lightning falling across her form, knitting together the split flesh at her shoulder, before she concentrated the lightning together within her hands, before aiming it towards the young Iyrman, the last to remain conscious.

A small bead struck the Drakon woman, exploding and engulfing her in fire, causing her to drop to the earth, awkwardly stumbling as she tried to keep herself up within the air.

“Just whose Cousin are you trying to kill?” called a voice from the sky.

You dare! Courting death!

Also. Did anyone spot something weird in this chapter? Not that it was shorter than usual, but something else?

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