A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 82 - 58 Shaman (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Chapter 82: Chapter 58 Shaman (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

“A shamanic ritual? That term carries quite a few meanings.”

Uncle, puffing on his pipe, said, “Explain it to me properly.”

Uncle and senior sister had long guessed that Bailuo must possess an ability to find miracles, still, they wouldn’t ask; they would instead make every effort to ensure fewer people knew this secret.

They would even forget the matter themselves, avoiding any talk of it.

Unless Bailuo came to them personally.

“To perform a ritual to something unknown, you use the offerings it prefers.”

After listening to Bailuo’s explanation, Uncle began to ponder, “The Lost Realm?”


“That’s a blind spot in my knowledge.”

Although Uncle was capable, searching for something unfindable stumped him as well, “Most of the ancient books from Yatun were lost during the Iron Eagle King’s rebellion, so my knowledge about the history and legends of the Miracle Twenty-Eight Camps is limited.”

“Moreover, the Lost Realm is among the more mysterious ones.”

Uncle said, “I’ve also been consulting Brother Andrew these past few days, but he only has some understanding of the Northbound Land. As for the Lost Realm…”

“What do you think, Uncle, should we use as an offering?”

“It shouldn’t be a living sacrifice.”

Uncle could assert it was not that, “Among the Twenty-Eight Camps, the Lost Realm is known to be very civilized, orderly, and values human relationships. If it’s a miracle of this camp, it certainly wouldn’t be evil.”

“If you were telling me about the ‘Fool’s Old Banquet,”‘ Uncle said solemnly, “then I’d have to warn you to be cautious.”

“Is there a problem with that camp?”

Bailuo would encounter many more miracles in the future, and it was quite possible that Fool’s Old Banquet could be one of them.

“Fool’s Old Banquet is one of the more peculiar miracle camps, but miracles ultimately depend on their master. There’s no miracle power in this world that’s absolutely evil.”

Uncle said, “So even if you encounter it in the future, I merely hope you’ll be careful, not that you’ll abandon it.”

“After all, miracles can’t harm their master, but aside from the master, not all miracles are as gentle as Sherri and Lilith.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be cautious.”

Bailuo never took Uncle’s words lightly; he earnestly remembered Uncle’s advice.

“As for the ritual…”

Uncle thought for a moment, then asked, “Is there a pressing deadline?”

“It shouldn’t be urgent.”

According to the rules of the Black Leather Book, the miracle on the fifth page already belonged to Bailuo, and aside from him, no one could awaken its miracle power.

“If there’s no rush, then we should investigate first.”

“But it still wouldn’t hurt to try; we might just get lucky,” Uncle said. “How about this? Tomorrow, pour out some rare crops from your pockets.”


Bailuo said, “Things not found in this world are surely precious!”

Even when Uncle guessed, he would bet on the most probable outcome.

“And the location for the ritual?”

“Let’s place it on the cliffside, and then have everyone pray together.”

Since a shamanic ritual is unlikely to require just one person, Uncle felt that having more people might be more appropriate.

“It’s not a short distance, though.”

For the sake of miracles, Bailuo would have to trouble everyone a bit.

If a new miracle could be welcomed into Yatun, taking a bit of trouble and wasting some time would be well worth it!

What’s more, with Lilith present, the People of Yatun didn’t have much to be busy with.

Their only job was to cut trees every day, but Bailuo would send Sherri to help out, so sparing a day or two was manageable for the people of Yatun.


At that moment, Inya ran over, “Brother, I have to tell you, I won; they can’t outdrink me!”

“I, Inya, am truly the strongest!”

“To drink with me,” Inya declared arrogantly, “psh, none of them stand a chance!”

However, after quite a while, Inya still hadn’t heard Bailuo and her uncle open their mouths, and even her senior sister was covering her forehead, shaking her head and sighing.

“You guys, what’s the matter? I won, I won! Aren’t you happy?”

She raised her head and saw Bailuo looking at her somewhat speechlessly, while her uncle silently smoked.

“Uh, it’s nothing.”

“Inya, you are indeed formidable, truly worthy of being the future general of our Yatun.”

“Girl, from nowon, the job of blocking drinks for me will be left to you.”

“Hehe! That’s a small matter! Leave it to this general!”

Praised by her father and elder brother, Inya was beaming with joy: “Ah, I forgot I needed to go to the bathroom, elder brother, father, I’ll go first, bye.”

Watching Inya running away while holding her stomach, Bailuo and the teacher looked at each other.

Inya lives in her own world, always so happy, able to find joy in anything, any time.

“Inya being this way is also good, don’t you think, uncle?”


The uncle nodded, and Bailuo smiled. It was because of children as pure as Inya that Bailuo wanted to do his utmost to protect these wonderful moments.

“Whether it works or not, let’s just try.”

Inya’s intrusion had interrupted his thoughts, but it also diluted Bailuo’s concern about the Miracle Power.

If I get it, I’m fortunate; if I lose it, that’s fate.

Bailuo felt he was too greedy, already having gained three miracles.

The Tree Elves’ Descendants’ Miracle Power had even soared to 80% because of this war, almost no different than if it were in his hands.

But how much time had passed?

All together, about two months.

In two months, with Yatun’s current territory, Bailuo felt he was indeed being greedy.

“We shouldn’t overstep our strides, we’ve been running fast, and it’s time to take a few steps and rest.”

The next day, Bailuo took the lead and let Lilith create a stone incense table on the East Coast of Yatun Island.

Bailuo held certain convictions about the concept of shamanistic rituals.

He didn’t worship gods, nor did he believe in them.

Bailuo believed in man’s triumph over fate; if he was to pray and offer sacrifices, it would definitely be for his parents and ancestors.

So for this shamanistic ceremony, Bailuo chose the rituals of ancestor worship from his memory of a previous life and had Uncle preside over it.

The offerings included grains and fruits unavailable in this world, as well as more common livestock—a balance of vegetarian and non-vegetarian options, all inclusive.

Although the People of Yatun didn’t have a belief in gods in their culture, they indeed had an ancestral worship ceremony every year.

Bailuo chose to use stone for the incense table for this reason, integrating the People of Yatun’s customs of using stone and wood for worship.


Bailuo stood at the forefront, leading everyone to bow their heads: “Close your eyes and pray in your hearts, hoping for good weather for the crops this year and peace and security for our nation.”

Aside from their King, the People of Yatun did not have a custom of kneeling.

In the world of Miracles, the King is greater than gods!

So Bailuo only requested that they bow their heads, and then bow in respect, which counted as having held the ceremony.

Once it was all over, Bailuo looked towards the Black Leather Book.

[Your style of shamanistic ritual, neither humble nor arrogant, pleases it very much.]

Seeing this line, Bailuo was elated, but the following line made him sigh.

[However, it is not very pleased with your offerings, so it will not accept your shamanistic rituals for the next month.]


Bailuo originally thought he would not obtain this Miracle, but when he opened to the fifth page, the Miracle was still listed there: “Just a cooldown, not an end?”

That’s a relief; Bailuo felt at ease.

Although he didn’t know what the fifth page’s Miracle was, Bailuo had a feeling that the ‘it’ in the Black Leather Book was incredibly powerful, perhaps the strongest Miracle he had encountered so far.

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