A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 81 - 57 Simpleton Princess (Seeking

Chapter 81: Chapter 57 Simpleton Princess (Seeking


“Oh oh oh!!!”

Upon hearing the words ‘banquet,’ all the People of Yatun became very happy.

Especially Inya, who led with a strange cry of ‘Ula Ula,’ causing the Tree Elves’ Descendants to think this was a victory chant unique to Yatun, and they too joined in the cheer.


Bailuo immediately gave Iron Simpleton a crack on the head, saying with a helpless laugh, “What are you yelling for!”


Inya, holding her head, still smiled foolishly, rendering Bailuo powerless.

“Bring out the wine, tonight we drink to our heart’s content!”

Bailuo had previously implemented military-style management in Yatun, where drinking alcohol was strictly prohibited, which was the least to be expected.

But now it was different, the pirate issue had come to a close, and Yatun Island was filled with festivity; they could finally celebrate.

Uncle had learned much information from the mouths of the pirates, which eased everyone’s minds and gave them a sigh of relief.

“We have won.”

Before the festivities began, Bailuo took to the stage to speak, as was customary.

However, he only said a few words before giving the time back to everyone, “Now, I announce that the banquet has officially begun. Everyone can drink freely, taste the delicacies, and those of you who feel you have talents can take the stage to show them!”


With that, Bailuo raised his glass, and all the People of Yatun drank with him.

“To our king!!!”

The banquet started, and it was very lively.

There were plenty of side shows, after all, Yatun was a nation that revered martial prowess. Nors’ spear dance, the senior sister’s sword dance, and Jiera’s divine archery all brought countless cheers.

Afterward, the Little Witches also showed what they had learned during this time, casting one fantastic spell after another.

Although they were not powerful, and many could not be used in combat, if used for a performance, they were exceptionally spectacular.


The children, watching girls dance inside transparent bubbles in the sky, were almost mesmerized.


When the bubbles burst, turning into countless flowers and gently lowering the girls to the ground.

The fragrance of the flowers drifted into the audience seats with the breeze, everyone clearly smelled the aroma, and some even picked up a petal to find it lifelike.

However, the petals soon disappeared.

The magic of the Little Witches was based on magic power, and unlike Lilith, they did not have infinite mana, so the spells of the Little Witches had their time limits and many flaws.

Perhaps when their powers became stronger, and their mana more robust, they could cast more powerful spells.

But for now, they could only stick to illusions and tricks.

“Next up, the Fairy Clan’s play—The Birth of the King.”


Bailuo sat below, not too clear about the program for the evening.

After all, they had just fought off the Pirates, and there was simply no time to rehearse, so many performances were improvised.

“The People of Yatun are indeed talented. The little witches, during the time of martial arts demonstrations, came up with some pretty good magic performances.”

“The Fairies too, had prepared a play during their performance?”

And so, under Bailuo’s expectant gaze, the Fairies took to the stage.

“In a vast expanse of snow…”

Alaya was the narrator, her voice extremely melodious. Speaking the lines, she sounded as though she was singing poetry, and it was very touching.

Then came on the little animals.

They varied in size, from cats and mice to White Eagles, as well as several White Wolves raised by Lyon and Sheila.

And the story they were telling was the rise of Bailuo and the People of Yatun.

Bailuo’s great battle against Silver Mane, slaying the horrific creature by himself, and being crowned king.

Bailuo: ???

Afterward, as if by divine aid, he showed extraordinary powers one after another, bringing strength to the People of Yatun.

Bailuo could understand that much.

After all, miracles could not be revealed through any means, and the Little Fairies were obviously restricted in that regard, so no matter what, they would not disclose.

“And all of this starts with that terrible Wild Boar.”

“Wild Boar?”

Bailuo frowned again, and when he looked up, he was taken aback.

“The Wild Boar is here!”

Inya, wearing a Wild Boar mask, moved from backstage with steps that spared no one’s feelings.


At the same time, countless people burst into laughter, “Inya, you’re truly a genius!”

“Hahaha, I can’t take it anymore.”

“How interesting, Wild Boar King Inya, you really went all out to become king.”

Bailuo understood, the story wasn’t really about him after all; its protagonist was actually that wild boar—the strongest Wild Boar King in history, the ferocious beast that had charged Bailuo.

It led its seven brothers, none weaker than itself, ready to besiege the newly appointed King of Yatun.

“This girl…”

Bailuo wasn’t upset, in fact, Inya’s approach wasn’t wrong at all.

Having your leg broken by a boar was indeed not glorious.

But if you turned the boar into a powerful monster and Bailuo fought against eight, defeating seven but then getting sneak-attacked by the last.

Then the story would be different.

Inya dared to do it, clearly not of her own initiative; she must have asked her uncle and senior sister for their opinions.

The People of Yatun needed history, and Bailuo, too, had to be mythologized.

But this dramatic effect…

Well, don’t say it!

With the addition of the small animals and Inya playing her natural role, the stage play, if nothing else, was full of comedic moments, even making Bailuo laugh so hard his stomach cramped.

Throughout the process, the only two who could watch calmly were the uncle and the senior sister.

Yep, the two icebergs, the most mature presences in Yatun.

Laughing was impossible. They could never do something so damaging to their image in this lifetime.

Uncle: Is this funny? It’s funny, but can a mature elder laugh? Of course not!

Senior Sister: Is this funny? It’s alright, but can a mature gang leader laugh? Of course not!

After the stage play ended, Inya was utterly famous.

The most courageous woman in Yatun.

Because of this comedy, she was honored as the ‘Wild Boar Queen’.

And that night, everyone gave Inya a distinguished title—Simpleton Princess.

Since Inya was Bailuo’s sister, she was indeed Yatun’s princess.

As for the title ‘ Simpleton’, it included the love the People of Yatun had for Inya.

Of course, only they could call her that, and it was a term of endearment in private. If an outsider dared to use it, it would result in bloodshed on the spot.


“Tonight, no going home until we’re drunk!”

When the show was over, it was time for the People of Yatun’s favorite part— the robust drinking session.

Bailuo asked Lilith to bring out a large amount of the pirates’ stored food.

Bailuo didn’t like eating these supplies, but they weren’t much different when it came to brewing alcohol.

So, with Lilith’s Fairy Magic power fully activated, she quickly provided the People of Yatun with all sorts of alcoholic beverages.

At the scene, except for the uncle, nearly every person drank to their heart’s content, and even the senior sister did not refuse such drinks.

There were also the Tree Elves’ Descendants; they too could drink alcohol but preferred fruit wines brewed from fruits.

“No matter when, you want to be the calmest one.”

Bailuo found his uncle by the lakeside, where the old man was sitting, enjoying the breeze and watching the sea.

The harbor was already under construction, a project planned by the uncle. He intended to create a hub for attracting population there.

“I’m calm enough, but you haven’t drunk enough.”

The uncle gave Bailuo a smile, caring shining through the weathered features: “You truly have nothing urgent, tonight’s victory feast, you as the leader cannot be absent, you need to accompany them well.”

“Inya is there!”

As soon as Bailuo finished speaking, a boisterous laugh from the girl echoed from behind.

“Tonight, the alcohol that’s meant for my brother, I’ll drinkit!”

“You weaklings who can’t even outdrink me, thinking to get my brother drunk?”

“Hey you! Anderson, don’t think that just because you lower your cup, I can’t see it, drink up quickly!”

“And Nors, what, are you feeding goldfish?”

“I’ll put it out there today, I, Inya am the number one drinker in Yatun, ten are nothing. I’ll take on a hundred!!!”


Listening to Inya’s haughty laughter, Bailuo and the uncle looked at each other and ultimately chose to ignore it.

“Did she inherit the senior sister’s tolerance for alcohol?”

“No, Feiya can also hold her liquor,” the uncle shook his head, “she just doesn’t drink much.”

Senior Sister liked to drink. Here, liking was more about tasting rather than indulging.

She was willing to try every new kind of alcohol.

But she drank with grace, combining a cool dignity with elegance, simply sitting there like a lofty queen, slowly savoring the red wine in her crystal glass.

The alcohol in Yatun was actually quite good, with mellow spirits, sweet fruit wines, and very refreshing beers.

This brought many signature drinks to Yatun, and the uncle suggested establishing a tavern in the future harbor city, a perfect hub for information.

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