A Divine Farmer

Chapter 186

Chapter 186 - A Cunning Plan!

Before Zhang Xiaolong had a chance to clarify, a swarm of masked armed thugs burst from the shadowy corners of the room.

Armed with handguns and automatic rifles, the dark barrels aimed at the center created an overwhelming sense of terror.

Each bullet in the room had the potential to end a life. Who would dare to test their lethality?

Zhang Xiaolong furrowed his brow, realizing that the earlier feeling of being watched wasn't from Su Mingtang and his daughter, but from the thugs lying in wait.

“Nobody moves, or they'll be sent straight to the underworld,” a gaunt masked man stepped forward, brandishing his weapon at the crowd and barked, “Cooperate, and we won't make this harder than it needs to be. Hand over the blue diamond and the emerald now!”

The crowd felt a bit more grounded upon hearing the specific items mentioned.

The blue diamond was worth a billion, and Xiaolong's emerald was valued at a hundred million. Securing these two items was certainly more lucrative than a bank heist.

What mattered most was that if the thieves took the items and left, there would be no casualties. The items weren't theirs to lose, so the robbery seemed almost inconsequential.

Quickly, a thug dashed onto the stage and seized the blue diamond, then turned his gaze toward Huang Zhiyong.

With great reluctance and under the gun's menacing threat, Huang Zhiyong surrendered the emerald.

Having smoothly acquired both items, the thin thug appeared quite pleased, remarking with a hint of jest, “Excellent, thanks for your cooperation. If you could, please wait half an hour before calling the police.”

“You can't just take these! They were donated for charity. Such actions will bring divine retribution!” Xu Shaoning suddenly stepped forward, speaking with a sense of moral fervor.

“Divine retribution?” The thin thug gave Shaoning a look and burst into laughter, “What's that? All I know is when I'm hungry, I need to eat. Divine retribution doesn't mean a thing to me.”

Many in the crowd regarded Xu Shaoning as if he were a simpleton. Talking about divine retribution to a thug? It seemed utterly absurd.

He looked like a hero straight out of a movie. Could it be that Young Master Xu had hidden depths? Was he capable of transforming into a vigilante hero, like those in films who conceal their true identity only to unleash their power in a dramatic showdown?

Please, if you're going to go on a rampage, don't drag us into it!

“Don't forget, this auction is being broadcast live. Everything happening here is being recorded. You can run to the ends of the earth, but you won't escape the law's reach. Put down the blue diamond now, and you might still be eligible for a more lenient sentence.” Xu Shaoning didn't morph into a superhero; instead, he became a master negotiator.


Regrettably, the criminal didn't heed his words. A bullet struck his leg, blood spurting out, and the pain brought Xu Shaoning to the ground.

Screams filled the air. The men were on edge, nerves frayed, while the women turned pale, desperately trying to conceal themselves.

Moments ago, it felt like a scene from a movie, but now the illusion was shattered by the stark reality of the bloodshed, triggering a wave of emotion.

“Thanks for the heads-up. Farewell, everyone!” The gaunt leader of the thugs raised his gun and shattered a camera lens.

The gang then retreated, quickly disappearing from view.

“Call the police, call them now!”

“Why bother calling? This is live TV; the cops have already seen it. They're probably on their way here as we speak.”

Chaos ensued. Even though the criminals had fled, the lingering anxiety among the crowd was palpable, with some eager to flee the scene of turmoil.

Xu Jindou, of course, couldn't allow people to just walk away. He had the Xu family's security guards secure the doors, then addressed the crowd with an apology, soothing their nerves before arranging medical attention for his son, Xu Shaoning.

What was meant to be a charity auction broadcast had turned into a live robbery. Nonetheless, the Xu family father and son managed to leave a lasting impression in front of the cameras.

The son, Shaoning, stood tall, undaunted by danger, while his father, Xu Jindou, handled the aftermath with composure and grace, earning the admiration of those who witnessed the broadcast.

As anticipated, the police swiftly encircled the venue. But by then, the criminals were long gone, leaving behind only the auction attendees to recount the ordeal.

The situation was crystal clear on television; there was no need for any further understanding—it was merely a formality.

“Please be assured, the police have the city under control and are fully committed to apprehending the criminals and ensuring justice is served,” the police spokesperson assured the public.

“It's so unlike Xu Shaoning to actually confront the criminals,” Chen Yaru remarked, clearly taken aback by his actions.

“I'll be back shortly,” Zhang Xiaolong said, his eyes briefly flashing before he swiftly exited.

Chen Yaru wanted to call out to him, but with the Xu family's residence cordoned off by the police, leaving now could easily lead to misunderstandings. She hesitated, her mouth opened, but ultimately, she remained silent.

She knew Zhang Xiaolong wasn't reckless; he must have a good reason for leaving now. And if he felt it was necessary, her calling out would be futile.

True to form, Zhang Xiaolong didn't head for the main door. He deftly navigated through the crowd to a shadowy corner, and with another swift move, he vanished from sight.

His speed wasn't particularly fast, but his choice of angles aligned perfectly with the crowd's blind spots. Despite the number of people present, no one noticed his departure.

Tracking the faint traces, Zhang Xiaolong concentrated on distinguishing the scents.

The criminal wasn't someone he knew, but having just vanished from the vicinity, identifying him wasn't too challenging.

Their unusual escape route also helped to avoid any confusion.

Upon figuring it out, Zhang Xiaolong was taken aback by the ingenuity of the plan.

In a room, a gaunt criminal was opening two boxes—one held the priceless blue diamond, and the other, the exquisitely crafted Jadite Phoenix.

“Wow, these are some fine treasures!” the criminal couldn't help but admire aloud.

With items worth over a billion, just a fraction of the loot would set him up for life.

“The treasures are indeed valuable, but do you really think you'll get to keep them?” a chilling voice suddenly echoed from the doorway.

The criminal was taken aback. He had been extremely cautious, and he was sure that the police were distracted by his accomplices. He thought that his hiding spot was practically inconceivable to anyone.

“Who are you?” Despite the initial shock, it was clear the criminal wasn't inexperienced. He regained his composure quickly. “What do you want?”

“What do you think?” Zhang Xiaolong chuckled, gesturing towards the Jadite Phoenix. “You're holding my property and asking me who I am. Isn't that a bit absurd?”

“Here, take it back!” The criminal glanced at the object in his hand and abruptly hurled the Jadite Phoenix away.

Simultaneously, he drew his gun at lightning speed, aiming it at Zhang Xiaolong with a menacing grin.

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