A Divine Farmer

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 - A Skyhigh Price for a Soninlaw!

Huang Zhiyong had already posed the question once, but this time, it wasn't him inquiring. The spotlight had shifted back to the two hosts, who appeared to be so captivated by the diamond that they couldn't resist interrupting the auction.

The audience, however, wasn't easily fooled. They quickly realized that this was a prearranged part of the event. Why else would the blue diamond conveniently be the grand finale?

“I represent the Strong Dragon Group in making this modest contribution to charity. It is our hope that even this small gesture can bring more vibrancy to the cause,” Xu Jindou confidently declared, as the crowd looked on with anticipation.

“Such a noble act, even in pretense,” Chen Yaru commented with a hint of scorn.

She had suspected that the Xu family wouldn't let others steal their thunder so easily. They must have had a backup plan in mind to orchestrate such a spectacle.

Otherwise, if items like the Jadite Phoenix were more numerous, the Xu family's spotlight would have been completely overshadowed.

“Something doesn't add up. The diamond's estimated value is over a hundred million dollars before the auction. The final bid will surely be higher. If they truly donate it, that's essentially giving away a billion in C Country Currency,” Zhang Xiaolong expressed his skepticism, “Would someone really donate a billion just for a moment in the spotlight?”

Chen Yaru found herself pondering as well. The Xu family typically aimed to maximize media impact with minimal value.

But now, with a tangible billion at stake, could they truly be willing to part with it? Even if it wasn't a full billion, it would still be in the ballpark of seven or eight hundred million.

?”Perhaps it will go unsold,” Chen Yaru speculated, “Today's charity auction might have many who could bid one hundred million, but the number who would actually spend that much on a diamond is even fewer.”

?Being able to afford something doesn't necessarily mean one will make the purchase. Just as the average worker, earning a few thousand a month, could afford a meal that costs as much, but who would spend an entire month's salary on a single meal?

“Mr. Lee, what's your take on this?” Zhang Xiaolong asked, turning to Lee Donghua.

“I'm not an expert in these matters,” Lee Donghua replied with a shake of his head, “But I certainly wouldn't spend a billion on a diamond.”

Zhang Xiaolong nodded in agreement. Coming from farming backgrounds, they all placed a high value on practicality. Even for someone as wealthy as Lee Donghua, spending a billion on a diamond seemed a bit impractical.

Yaru's analysis was certainly sound. With Lee Donghua out of the equation, who else among the remaining individuals had the means and the interest to bid?

“Master Huang, what's your opinion on the starting bid for this blue diamond?” the female host inquired, though it was clear control of the event had reverted to the hosts.

“I've already mentioned around one hundred million dollars. As for the final price, that's up to you to decide,” Huang Ziyong responded, clearly displeased by the unexpected turn of events. He set the diamond down and exited the stage.

The hosts were taken aback by Huang Zhiyong's abrupt departure, but they quickly regained their composure, avoiding any awkward silence. “In that case, let's start the bidding at five hundred million C Country Currency. If someone buys it for that price, it's an incredible bargain!”

“Absolutely. Let's hand it over to our talented Auctioneer. The bidding starts at five hundred million. Let the auction begin!” the male host announced with enthusiasm.

The Auctioneer gracefully took the reins. Unlike Huang Zhiyong, she couldn't just walk away; she had to see her job through to the end.

Thankfully, the auction continued without a hitch, and the hefty starting bid didn't seem to deter the attendees.

Chen Yaru, however, furrowed her brow in concern. When had Qingyang City become home to so many wealthy individuals capable of casually dropping nearly a billion on a diamond?

She glanced at Lee Donghua, who also subtly shook his head. “I'm not familiar with these bidders,” he admitted.

“Is the Xu family really staging this grand spectacle for everyone?” Chen Yaru mused. “But who will foot the bill in the end?”

Sending someone to bid on your own item might make sense at a regular auction to drive up the price, costing only a commission. But this was a Charity Auction; the item would ultimately remain with the seller, yet the entire sum had to be donated to charity.

?”Let's observe how things unfold. I have a nagging suspicion that something's amiss,” Zhang Xiaolong remarked, sensing an eerie tension in the air, as if danger was drawing near.

“One billion and eighty million!”

The bid had already surpassed the previously mentioned one billion and was now closing in on one point one billion.

“One point one billion.”

The voice was familiar. When Zhang Xiaolong turned, he was surprised to see Su Mingtang and Su Mei looking at him.

Zhang Xiaolong thought to himself that it was no wonder he felt like he was being watched. Someone had indeed been keeping an eye on him.

But Su Mei had recently been involved in a shooting incident. What could have possibly piqued her interest in attending a charity auction in Qingyang?

“Mr. Su from Yishui is here as well, what an honor!” Xu Jindou had also noticed the prominent figure and hastened to say hello.

“Mr. Xu, we only learned of this fine item today, so naturally, I wouldn't miss the opportunity,” Su Mingtang replied, unfazed by his identity being recognized.

“It looks like Brother Su is purchasing this gift for his beloved daughter,” Xu Jindou remarked, glancing at Su Mei. “Your daughter is becoming more beautiful by the day. It's no wonder Brother Su is willing to spend lavishly. With Brother Su's presence, it seems this diamond has found its match.”

“Hehe, it's indeed intended as a gift. I plan to give this diamond as a dowry for Mei's future wedding. I believe it's quite fitting,” Su Mingtang said with a casual smile, as if discussing a trivial matter.

?The crowd erupted in astonishment, with women lamenting their lack of such a generous father, even a godfather would do. The young men present began to wonder if they stood a chance of becoming the fortunate son-in-law, hastily checking their appearance for anything amiss.

“Do you know him?” Chen Yaru hadn't been paying much attention but caught Su Mei's lingering glances and immediately became wary.

Zhang Xiaolong gave a wry smile: “Didn't I tell you about my trip to Yishui? Mr. Wang was implicated in a shooting, and the person who nearly died was Su Mei…”

“So you played the hero to save the damsel in distress?” Chen Yaru playfully pinched his waist.

“I couldn't just ignore someone in danger. If she had died, Mr. Wang would have faced prison time, or worse, a death sentence,” Zhang Xiaolong winced in pain but didn't pull away from her grasp.

“Hmph, so she's followed me here, ready to offer herself in marriage, and even bought an exorbitantly priced diamond to attract a son-in-law!” Chen Yaru said jealously.

Su Mingtang hadn't explicitly said anything, but it was clear he was insinuating something to certain individuals.

Even though she was confident that Zhang Xiaolong wouldn't marry for money, Chen Yaru couldn't shake off a looming sense of danger, particularly because Su Mei was also quite attractive.

“Nobody move! This is a robbery!”

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