A Divine Farmer

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 - Jump off the Building!?

Zhang Xiaolong was unsure of the identity of the person before him, yet he remained calm. With Yao Feng and Su Mei present, he trusted that they could clarify any confusion.

“There seems to be a misunderstanding here, Captain Fu,” Yao Feng began, stepping forward to clear the air. “This man is Zhang Xiaolong, he…”

“Vice Captain Yao, just tell me this: did he steal your guns and take you hostage to leverage the hospital?” The newcomer, a portly man, cut off Yao Feng with a direct question.

It dawned on Zhang Xiaolong that Yao Feng was the deputy, and this Fu Yuan was the actual captain. There appeared to be some tension between the two.

“Yes, but…” Yao Feng attempted to elaborate, only to be interrupted once more.

“Enough. Take him and bring him to the station for questioning,” Fu Yuan interjected with a scoff, looking down on Yao Feng. “The entire criminal police force has been disgraced by the loss of several guns to one man.”

“Captain Fu,” Su Mingtang interjected, realizing it was time to clarify things or risk further misunderstandings. “There's been a mix-up. I invited Zhang Xiaolong to treat my daughter's illness. The confusion arose because he preferred to keep his identity private. Thankfully, my daughter is now well. Please accept my apologies for any unintended offense.”

Fu Yuan seemed slow to grasp the situation, but upon noticing Su Mingtang, his demeanor softened. “Ah, Mr. Su, I see you're involved. Since you vouched for him, I'm sure he meant no harm to Miss Su. However…”

Su Mingtang raised an eyebrow. “Is there still an issue, Captain Fu? Or do I need to discuss this minor matter with Chief Yuan personally?”

“That won't be necessary,” Fu Yuan replied, masking his thoughts with a hesitant smile. “While the incident is minor and Mr. Su's word carries weight, the fact remains that Zhang Xiaolong assaulted an officer and took a weapon. We'll need him to come to the station to provide a statement and clarify the circumstances. There should be no further issues.”

“Alright then, I'll accompany him.” Su Mei hopped off the operating table with a lightness and grace that belied her recent surgery.

Su Mingtang was taken aback by her agility. He knew his daughter had awakened, but he hadn't expected her to bounce back so quickly. She showed no signs of her recent ordeal.

Seeing his daughter's swift recovery filled him with relief. He addressed Fu Yuan, “Mei's got a point. We'll join him and see how you handle the recording. Does that work for you, Captain Fu?”

Fu Yuan's head was spinning. He had intended to take Zhang Xiaolong alone for specific reasons, but now with Su Mingtang and Su Mei getting involved, his plans were complicated.

He hadn't anticipated any trouble on this trip. If anyone dared to harm the Su family's young miss, Su Mingtang would surely be more outraged than him.

Yet, upon arrival, the situation was reversed. Su Mei was alive, Su Mingtang was calm, and instead, they were shielding Zhang Xiaolong, piling on the pressure for Fu Yuan.

“Mr. Su, considering Miss Su just had surgery, it might be best for her to rest at home. Regarding the statement, it's merely a formality; we won't hassle Zhang Xiaolong,” Fu Yuan tried to persuade Su Mingtang, not wanting to cause offense.

Su Mingtang became concerned. His daughter seemed alright, but she was freshly recovered. Any complications from travel could be disastrous.

“Zhang Xiaolong, please come with us,” said Fu Yuan, somewhat pleased as Su Mingtang appeared to accept his suggestion. He gestured for his men to escort Zhang Xiaolong away.

Once Zhang Xiaolong was at the police station, Fu Yuan's job would be done. Whatever happened next was out of his hands.

If Su Mingtang inquired later, Fu Yuan was prepared to deflect any blame.

“I'm sorry, but I can't go with you at the moment,” Zhang Xiaolong said, sensing there was more to the situation. The fleeting look in Captain Fu Yuan's eyes raised his suspicions. “I have many matters to attend to. Since Mr. Su and Captain Yao can vouch for me, I see no urgency in visiting the police station right now.”

“Are you resisting arrest?” Fu Yuan's tone lost its warmth when addressing Zhang Xiaolong. “Even if you're treating Miss Su, you have no right to assault an officer or snatch a weapon. If you continue to be uncooperative, you're well aware of the potential consequences.”

“Mind your language, Captain Fu,” Su Mei retorted, clearly displeased with his accusation. “Resisting arrest applies to those who are guilty. Do you have an arrest warrant for Zhang Xiaolong? Without one, you shouldn't be slapping false charges on him. As for the alleged assault on an officer, Captain Yao has already refuted that claim. Zhang Xiaolong had no intention of harming me; he was merely performing surgery when the police arrived, leading to a misunderstanding. Your insistence on this point makes me question your motives.”

“Uh… Okay, my choice of words was poor,” conceded Fu Yuan, unable to hold his ground. “I simply want Zhang Xiaolong to come to the station to follow protocol, and I hope for your cooperation to better ascertain the truth.”

He realized that with Su Mingtang and Su Mei present, forcibly removing Zhang Xiaolong was out of the question.

“The truth isn't known only to me. Captain Yao, Su Mei, and Dean Zhu can all shed light on the situation,” Zhang Xiaolong stated calmly. “The police may request my assistance, but since it's a request, it should be on my terms. I'm currently unavailable, but when I find the time, I'll come by to help clarify things.”

Fu Yuan was tempted to draw his gun and force Zhang Xiaolong into custody.

But that was a fleeting thought; actually drawing his weapon could lead to it being taken from him.

Before he could voice another word, Zhang Xiaolong strode to the window, flung it open, and leaped out.

The actions weren't swift, but by the time the others processed what happened, the window ledge was empty.

Jumping from the building?

Fu Yuan was dumbfounded. They were on the tenth floor. Surely, avoiding paperwork wasn't a reason to jump, was it?

Su Mei was the first to snap into action, rushing over. She was convinced that someone capable of saving her would never be foolish enough to think that jumping off a building was a solution to dealing with the police.

Looking down, she confirmed that the area below was as empty as she had anticipated.

Fu Yuan hurried over as well and peered down, muttering in disbelief, “This guy… Is he even human?”

Only then did he realize that not only was Zhang Xiaolong innocent, but even if he had been guilty, the people he had brought with him stood no chance of detaining someone who was determined to leave.

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