A Divine Farmer

Chapter 164

Chapter 164 - Don't Even Think about Leaving!

“Whatever it is, just tell me, as long as it's within my power.” Su Mingtang wasn't bothered by the other's straightforwardness, especially since his daughter had just been snatched from death's clutches.

Though Su Mei hadn't spelled it out, Su Mingtang, a man of insight, quickly realized that if Zhu Tanfan could have treated her earlier, he wouldn't have waited until now. Therefore, the lion's share of the credit for saving her life must go to Zhang Xiaolong.

“Could you, Miss Su and Mr. Su, please refrain from pressing charges against Wang Zongming?” Zhang Xiaolong inquired.

“No way!” Su Mingtang erupted, “Anything else is negotiable, but Wang Zongming must face severe punishment. So, you're the one the Wang family sent. Even though you saved Mei's life, we can't just let this slide. No one crosses the Su family and gets off easy!”

“Dad…” Su Mei quickly tried to soothe him, “You have a heart condition; you can't afford to get upset. Besides, Xiaolong was just proposing an idea; nothing's been decided.”

Zhang Xiaolong, sensing the tension, quickly adapted. “Exactly, I'm asking for some time to investigate. If Wang Zongming truly is the culprit, he'll get what he deserves, regardless of the court's decision. But if there's more to the story, and Wang Zongming has been falsely accused, then the real perpetrator is still at large, isn't he?”

This argument swayed Su Mingtang. Despite his conviction that Wang Zongming was guilty, he was willing to consider Zhang Xiaolong's request.

“Injuring someone with a firearm is a criminal offense. The lack of a private complaint doesn't exonerate the suspect,” Yao Feng chimed in, seemingly reminding both Zhang Xiaolong and Su Mingtang.

“I get it,” Zhang Xiaolong assured. “I'm asking Mr. Su to avoid exerting undue influence on the case. Just grant me a bit more time; I promise to deliver a resolution that will satisfy everyone.”

Su Mingtang was still uncertain, but Mei, gently shaking his arm, signaled for him to give Zhang Xiaolong the benefit of the doubt.

Su Mingtang regarded his daughter with a puzzled look. She, who was usually so spoiled that she bordered on having a princess complex, was now imploring him with such childlike earnestness. It seemed he had come to an understanding.

Turning his attention to the young man before him, he couldn't deny the fellow's impressive demeanor. Moreover, this man had effortlessly healed an injury that the hospital had deemed beyond repair. Possessing such talent, even if he wasn't suitable to be a son-in-law for the Su family, it would be unwise to make an enemy of him.

“Alright, I'll no longer meddle in this affair. However, if I discover anyone from the Wang family attempting to use underhanded tactics to exonerate that rascal or lessen his punishment, I won't just stand by,” Su Mingtang stated, laying out his stance clearly.

“Thank you, Mr. Su,” Zhang Xiaolong exhaled in relief, content with the progress they'd made.

He had already been informed by Liu Juan that while the Su family might trail the Wang family slightly in financial clout, their influence in Yishui was even more formidable. And it wasn't just about money; Su Mingtang's mere word could make any endeavor Liu Juan wished to undertake tenfold more challenging.

“Your name is Zhang Xiaolong?” Su Mingtang inquired, his interest piqued in the man his daughter had taken a liking to. “With such remarkable abilities, where did you acquire them?”

He had heard of the young man's exploits; saving his daughter was just the tip of the iceberg. The ease with which he had dispatched the bodyguards and several police officers spoke volumes of his capabilities. Su Mingtang was convinced that Zhang Xiaolong was no ordinary individual.

“I'm just a regular farmer, currently managing a vegetable market at home and co-owning a beverage factory,” Zhang Xiaolong responded candidly upon being asked.

“Beverage factory… Zhang Xiaolong…” Su Mei's memory clicked. “Are you the enigmatic CEO of Elegant Dragon Cuisine and Elegant Dragon Drinks who's been making waves in Qingyang City lately?”

Rumors had painted Zhang Xiaolong as a lascivious old man, yet here he was, unexpectedly a dashing young man.

“Mysterious CEO?” Zhang Xiaolong paused briefly before admitting, “Elegant Dragon Cuisine and Drinks are indeed my ventures. They're just small-scale operations that probably wouldn't catch the attention of Miss Su and Mr. Su.”

“Well done, young man. I've also heard about the recent launch of Elegant Dragon Drinks in Qingyang City, overshadowing the previously dominant Strong Dragon Group,” Su Mingtang remarked, clearly more pleased with his prospective son-in-law. “Let's not be so formal. You saved Mei's life, so feel free to call her by her name. As for me, you can call me Mr. Su.”

“How did you manage to make your drink so tasty?” Su Mei asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

There was a time when she held a bottle of the drink, fuming at it after finishing the contents. She resented Zhang Xiaolong, the man behind the drink, for making it so irresistible. If only she could get her hands on that recipe…

Back then, she thought the name Zhang Xiaolong was too common and not befitting the owner of Elegant Dragon Drinks. Even the brand name, Elegant Dragon, seemed too ordinary for such a flavorful beverage…

She had a myriad of complaints, but now she realized why the drink was so delightful; only Zhang Xiaolong could create something like this. And somehow, his name now had a comforting ring to it…

“Soaring Dragon Company is also expanding,” Zhang Xiaolong continued, rising to his feet. “If you're interested, Mr. Su, perhaps we could explore future collaborations. However, I must be going now. It's imperative that I get to the bottom of Wang Zongming's incident.”

“I'm not lying, it really was Wang Zongming who shot at me. Don't you believe me?” Su Mei looked at Zhang Xiaolong, her expression tinged with hurt.

“No, it's not that,” Zhang Xiaolong quickly assured her. “I'm just puzzled. How did Wang Zongming know where you were, and why did he shoot at you out of the blue? And where did he get the gun? These are all mysteries. By the way, Captain Yao, may I see Wang Zongming now? I'd like to get a clearer picture of what happened.”

Captain Yao shook his head with a look of difficulty, “This is against regulations. Currently, only a lawyer can apply to see him. No one else, not even family members, is permitted to visit.”

“Alright, then I'll be on my way. Thank you for your assistance, Captain Yao.” Zhang Xiaolong was genuinely appreciative of him. Without Captain Yao's orders, the police wouldn't have brought Dean Zhu here so promptly.

As he was about to depart, a portly police officer entered, looking rather young but with a distinctly troubled expression. “Assaulting an officer and attempting to seize a firearm, with the intent to further harm the shooting victim? And now you think you can just walk away?”

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