A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 582: Xiaobei confesses

Chapter 582: Xiaobei confesses

Chapter 582 Xiaobeis confession

Mother Xu is still a very traditional person in many aspects. She doesnt have many requirements for Wei Ruo, but she still hopes that her son will get married and start a business on time and continue the family line.

"It is true that he is not young, but this matter still depends on Brother Xiaoyong's own thoughts. If he does not want to get married, we cannot force him." Wei Ruodao.

"This is okay. I asked him a while ago and he said he wanted to get married." Xu's mother replied.

Hearing this, Xiumei's expression changed, as if she was a little surprised.

"Oh? Brother Xiaoyong wants to get married. That will be easy." Wei Ruodao.

"Yes, so I thought about looking for him and seeing each other. See if there is a girl who is willing. As long as the girl doesn't mind my Xiaoyong's situation and is willing to be with him, I should treat her well. No She will be wronged."

"This matter is easy to handle. I will send someone to find a local matchmaker soon and ask her to provide some portraits of women who are of the right age to be married. We will screen them first and then give them to Brother Xiaoyong to look at. Furthermore, when I have time, I will talk to the ladies of the local squires, they should be the ones who know the situation of local women best."

Hearing this, Xiumei couldn't help but said: "Miss, isn't this a little too anxious?"

"Don't worry, we are just helping Brother Xiao Yong look for her first, and we haven't finalized it now. Whether we want to get married or not depends on whether Brother Xiao Yong is attracted to her," Wei Ruo explained.

Ouch. Xiumei responded, then lowered her head, looking worried.


Wei Ruo was very concerned about this matter and asked Yu Zixiu to help her contact the local matchmaker.

At night, the portrait was sent to Wei Ruo.

Xu Zhengyong is now a sixth-rank general, which is considered a relatively high-ranking official in the local area. Therefore, local girls can almost be chosen at will. The portraits sent to Wei Ruo are also the most outstanding women in the local area.

Wei Ruo looked over one by one. Xiumei was silent at the side.

Wei Ruo didn't pay attention and asked Xiumei for advice: "Meimei, what do you think of this Miss Liu?"

Xiumei glanced at the portrait, which showed a dignified and beautiful lady.

Xiumei murmured: "It's really an advantage for such a beautiful lady to be paired with such a rough guy!"

"Brother Xiaoyong is a bit reckless, but he should be someone who loves his wife. It's okay to be soft and weak, and he won't be wronged." Wei Ruodao.

Xiumei pursed her lips.

Wei Ruo turned around and saw Xiumei looking unhappy, and asked: "What's wrong with you? Are you dissatisfied with this Miss Liu? It's okay, there are many girls here, let's sort out some first." , Ill let Brother Xiaoyong choose later.

I dont know, I just feel a little unhappy, and I cant explain why. Xiumei replied.

"My dear Meimei, please don't feel unwell. Let me take a look quickly. Don't let me take a look at you. Don't be acclimatized to Jiliao."

Wei Ruo quickly felt Xiumeis pulse.

After a while, Wei Ruodao said: "Fortunately, my Mei Mei is fine."

Xiumei said: "I'll go to the kitchen to get something to eat first."

Then he quickly turned around and left.

Wei Ruo looked at Xiumei's retreating figure and touched her chin, thoughtfully.


After going out, Xiumei walked towards the kitchen and accidentally bumped into Xiaobei who was heading towards the backyard.

Im sorry. Xiumei apologized hurriedly.

Its okay, its okay, Miss Xiumei, you didnt feel any pain, did you?

Im fine.

"As long as it's okay, it's okay. Miss Xiumei, where are you going?" Xiaobei asked with concern.

Go to the kitchen to get some food. Xiumei answered a little absent-mindedly.

Xiaobei was keenly aware of Xiumei's strangeness and asked, "What kind of trouble is Miss Xiumei in?"

"I haven't encountered any trouble." Xiumei replied, thought for a while, looked at Xiaobei in front of her, and asked, "Xiaobei, you are not young, have you ever thought about finding a woman to get married to? ?

Huh? Xiaobei was shocked by Xiumeis words. "What's wrong?"

"This matter...this matter...Master has mentioned it to me...it's just...it's just..."

Xiao Bei hesitated and hesitated, unable to finish his sentence for a long time.

Just what? Xiumei asked curiously.

Xiao Bei scratched his head in embarrassment: "I just want to find a woman I like..."

As he spoke, Xiaobei looked at Xiumei with burning eyes.

Xiumei pursed her lips and said, "It seems that men want to start a family and start a career when they reach their age. However, after all, there are very few people in the world who think like this."

Xiaobei asked cautiously: "Why did Miss Xiumei suddenly ask about this matter, but the eldest lady wants to marry you?"

His eyes were concerned and there was tension in his tone.

Not really.

"That is"

"It's nothing." Xiumei stopped the topic, "Are you going to see the prince? I won't disturb you from your business."

Xiumei said goodbye to Xiaobei, and then hurried to the kitchen.

Xiao Bei stood there, looking at Xiumei's leaving back with a sense of disappointment.

He is actually... not very busy...

Speaking of which, Miss Xiumei is already seventeen. The eldest lady loves her so much that she might arrange a marriage for her early.

Thinking of this, Xiaobei frowned, and an idea that had been hidden for a long time began to sprout...


March 25th.

Wei Ruo has selected some suitable candidates in the past few days and is discussing with Xu's mother in the study.

Xiumei came in with tea. Listening to the conversation between the two, her face looked a little strange. After putting down her things, she hurried out.

When we got outside, we met Xiaobei head-on.

"Xiu...Miss Xiumei..." Xiaobei called out to Xiumei.

Xiumei stopped and looked back at Xiaobei.

Xiao Bei seemed to have something on his mind, holding a brocade box in his hand.

"What's wrong with you? Are you in any trouble?" Xiumei asked with concern.

"Xiu...Miss Xiumei...I have something to think about...I want to tell you..." Xiaobei was a little nervous and stuttered when he spoke.

"Xiao Bei, don't be nervous. If you need anything, just tell me directly. I will help you wherever I can!" Xiumei said quickly.

Xiaobei calmed down, walked slowly to Xiumei, and then handed the brocade box to Xiumei.

Miss Xiumei, this is all my property!

Xiumei was stunned: "Xiaobei, what are you doing?"

Miss Xiumei, I know what I am doing is a bit abrupt, but I cant think of a better way. I also want to go over and ask the master to make the decision, but I am worried that this will put pressure on Miss Xiumei.

"After much thought, I just came up with such an abrupt solution. Here is all my wealth over the years, including house deeds, land deeds, and banknotes. If Miss Xiumei, you are willing to marry...marry me, from now on ...I...will definitely treat you well...I will listen to you in everything!"

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