A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 581: Reunion with godmother

Chapter 581: Reunion with godmother

Chapter 581 Reunion with Godmother

Jiliao is a bitterly cold land. It is difficult to guarantee the harvest this year. There may be another grain harvest this year.

Although the imperial court pays a salary to Prince Rui's Mansion every year, everyone is well aware of the situation of the imperial court in recent years. There are wars and famines, and the treasury is empty.

Although the emperor loves Prince Rui, he is now far away from the capital, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and it is impossible to say whether he can get the salary as expected.

Especially Yu Zixiu, who was the steward of the palace, felt that Wei Ruo's decision was very inappropriate, so he quickly explained it to Wei Ruo, hoping that Wei Ruo would think twice before acting.

Wei Ruo said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't starve you."

Wei Ruo is full of confidence.

She is not blindly confident. There are already eight pieces of land in her space. If they are all planted on time, there will be no problem in ensuring the food for their palace.

Not to mention that her warehouse is still 80% full. Even if there is no further production, the food in these warehouses will be enough to feed the palace for three to five years.

Wei Ruo insisted that Yu Zixiu and others could only obey. Not to mention that Wei Ruo was their master, they had no choice but to obey. The food itself was obtained by Wei Ruo, and she had the final say on how to deal with it.

So on the third day after Prince Rui's Mansion arrived in the fiefdom, the people in the fiefdom were so surprised that they were speechless by the sudden great event.

Where is the prince coming? Here is the living Bodhisattva!

It has been a long time since a prince has been granted a title here in the land of Jiliao. They no longer know what it will be like to have multiple princes granting the title to the land.

They were worried when they heard that a prince would come.

They were afraid that the prince would increase taxes for them and make their already stretched life even worse.

But who would have thought that it would be such a scene?

The food delivered by Prince Rui's Mansion is delivered directly to every household.

When the news first came out, others didnt believe it.

It wasnt until it was their turn and they looked at the big sack of wheat that everyone truly believed that Prince Ruis Mansion had really sent them food!

That is fine food that they have not seen for several years!

That feeling is like a dream!

Immediately afterwards, Wei Ruo issued an announcement that the palace promoted the planting of potatoes and sweet potatoes, and people could receive free seeds and only need to return one-third of the harvest after harvest.

If the harvest is less than three times the amount of seeds, there is no need to turn it in.

Most of the local people have never read books, and everyone is confused about these rules, and they dont know whether it is cost-effective or not.

But because Wei Ruo distributed food to everyone when he came up, a big bag of refined grain is more cost-effective than the seeds behind.

In addition, Prince Rui's Mansion has publicized that things called potatoes grow quickly and have high yields. Once planted, the whole family can have enough to eat.

Everyone enthusiastically joined the army of planting potatoes.

In any case, they had no better choice.

They have not grown everything here. In the past two years, they have a bad climate. Don't say that white rice is white noodles, and even the weeds that can be eaten have been eaten.

So they wont lose any money by receiving new seeds for trial planting.

As the saying goes, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes. Once you are poor to a certain extent, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After planting started, Wei Ruo went out early and came back late almost every day, running around in the fields.

Jiliao Land has one advantage: it is vast and sparsely populated, and the terrain is flat. Almost every family has a lot of land.

In the past, people did not have enough to eat because the climate was cold and it was difficult to grow crops in frozen soil. Even if they could survive, the yields would be low.

In fact, this land is not barren, but the climate conditions are not suitable for previous crop cultivation. In this way, as long as there are crops suitable for planting, subsequent planting work will not be troublesome, and it will even save time and effort than when Wei Ruo was in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Its just that the distance Wei Ruo has to walk every day is dozens of times that of what she used to do in the countryside of Huzhou Prefecture.

At the beginning, Wei Jinyi would accompany Wei Ruo as Wang Jin when he went out. Later, he gradually became familiar with Wei Jinyi, and Wei Jinyi did not accompany him again and again.

When Wei Ruo is not with him, Wei Jin will stay at home to handle matters in the capital.

He has always maintained contact with the capital and is always paying attention to the developments in the capital.

Although he has no intention of competing for the reserve, he still has to ensure the safety of himself and Wei Ruo, and cannot let himself lose his defensive power. Therefore, he needs to ensure that the court situation is within his control, and he also needs to accurately know what is happening in the court. movements of people who may pose a threat to them.


On March 15th, Uncle Xu and Mother Xu rushed to the palace to reunite with Wei Ruo.

The military camp where Xu Zhengyong is stationed is on the border further north, and his residence is in the border town. The two elders of the Xu family were originally supposed to be there, but now that Wei Ruo is here, they naturally rush over to reunite with her.

The only regret is that Xu Zhengyong has already entered the military camp and can no longer move around freely, so he did not come with him this time.

Seeing Wei Ruo's mother being so happy now, her eyes filled with tears of joy.

Miss, Im so happy! This is really great now!

Godmother, why cant you change your habit? You cant call me miss anymore. Wei Ruo corrected her.

Xus mother said embarrassedly: Im used to it, and I cant change it for a while.

Try calling me. Wei Ruodao.

"This..." Xu's mother opened her mouth and couldn't shout out for a long time.

Just call me Ruoer like your second brother. Wei Ruo said.

"Ruo... Ruo'er..." Xu's mother opened her mouth and called Wei Ruo's name awkwardly.


Wei Ruo responded with a heavy voice, and then hugged Xu's mother happily.

After Xu's mother's body stiffened for a while, she reached out and hugged Wei Ruoye into her arms.

This delicate little girl not only grew up, but also finally got rid of those constraints and began to live her own life.

After a brief reminiscing about old times, Wei Ruo took Xus mother and talked about the next arrangements.

Wei Ruo has no plans to open a shop and do business in Jiliao right now. All her plans are to increase production and increase grain output to feed the people on this land.

Potato planting skills are not very high, and the main task now is overall planning.

As long as we can ensure that these sixty days are passed safely and the first harvest is ushered in, the subsequent matters will be easier to handle.

After talking about the business, Xus mother mentioned something to Wei Ruo.

"Miss..." Xu's mother just started shouting, but Wei Ruo glared at her, so she changed her words, "Ruo'er, it's like this, there is something I want to discuss with you."

Mother, tell me. Wei Ruodao.

Xiaoyong is not young anymore, and its time for him to start a family and start a career. But he is in the military camp now, and he is afraid of delaying his daughter if we get married. But if we dont get married, I will feel sorry for the ancestors of the old Xu family!

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