Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.481 Enchanting in Draconic

CH.481 Enchanting in Draconic

With the entire Janina situation handled, and my own issues with it temporarily suppressed by an excessive number of new cards, I was able to return to the important stuff.

Mainly making my dragon scale armor. 

We now knew how to make it, but I wasn’t confident enough to just do it outright. I wanted some test pieces, so for that end, Wilma, Karl and I made some things dragons would like, I asked Agunan what they’d like. I then had Stina and Elma enchant the stuff.

Then I teleported to the coast, and it was time to barter.

Well, it was more of an auction. I informed the dragons I wanted to sell a few things, and they would pay in dragon scales. And while normally scales of older dragons are more valuable, I decided to treat all dragon scales the same. Based on weight, not number of scales, because different dragons have different sized scales.

Thanks to that little auction, I was able to acquire piles of ‘disposable’ dragon scales to use for experimentation, so I won’t have to waste Janina or Agunan’s scales. And the dragons got some nice nicknacks that aren’t actually that good, but they do look nice.

Some of my early experiments ended up … how should I say this, not so good. They were still usable armor, but they didn’t look all that good, and even their defense boosts and additional effects were kind of sad. I’ll hand them off to Lawrence and have him sell or trade them. 

My first real success was a shield I made, yes I made things other than breastplates and leggings, because why not? The shield was made of scales from an adolescent water dragon, or an ‘intermediate true water dragon’, as the System calls them.

It came with a 100% immunity to all Water based attacks, as long as the attack hits the shield, and by putting mana into it, the shield could even reflect Water Magic.

That might sound overpowered, but the shield did have some problems. Mainly durability. It only had 450 max durability, and repairing dragon scale equipment requires either high level Draconic Magic, to the point where I definitely can’t do it yet, or a type of ‘potion’ made with crushed dragon scales. 

I gave the shield to my enchanting team, and that was when we ran into the second problem. Dragon scale equipment has to be enchanted using the Draconic language, or my cards. They don’t take on the regular enchants that Stina uses.

Talking about my enchanters, you may recall that a while ago, they began to learn how to enchant in the spirit language. [In CH.430] As they are now, they can do basic spirit language enchants, but not advanced ones.

So because of that, I didn’t want to shove another language onto them, and instead, I decided to just enchant all dragon equipment myself. I already have the Language Comprehension (draconic), so I can read and write draconic thanks to it.

And it isn’t like I don’t already know the basics of Enchanting. I did look into it when I got my dedicated enchanters onto HomeBase. I just have to practice a bit … maybe a little more than a bit, then I’ll just use some Level Up!s to actually get that skill to a high enough level where my high tier enchants will hopefully take and not break the item I’m trying to enchant.

Yes, that can happen if you try to put too powerful of an enchant on an item that cannot support it, or if you write the enchant wrong, or for like seven other reasons.

So yeah. I just began to scribble draconic enchants onto some of the ‘throwaway’ dragon equipment, and with Janina’s help, some of it came out quite powerful.

I still won’t be keeping it, at least not all of it, because we don’t really need ‘mid-tier’ dragon scale equipment. We are aiming for the top tier stuff. But I know there will be plenty of people who will want it, so I’ll see if/when there are any auctions where I can sell that stuff.

I think there will be one at the end of the year celebration, and that is coming up in three weeks. I’ll have to ask about it.

… I just realized something. We never had Christmas! I didn’t think about it, because I just think that Christmas is just before the new year, but that is also wrong! Christmas is on the twenty fifth of the twelfth month, right? And the twelfth month is the last month of the year, right?

If you answered yes to both, you are half correct. Because in this world, the calendar has 13 months, not 12. … And I didn’t think about it when Christmas just came and went.

… well, I’ll just … it doesn’t really matter, okay? … I’m not disappointed in myself.

But back to Enchanting. I got the skill after about three hours of attempts. In that time, I’d blown up seven different pieces of equipment, and made another ten so bad that they were not usable in combat. Oops.

But I now have the skill, I have Level Ups, so I think it is finally time to try out something potentially stupid. Leveling up a skill beyond what I should be able to use.

So I just got out nine copies of Level Up! and brought my Enchanting skill all the way to level 10.


Yeah. There are also a few other skills I got thanks to all of this. Blacksmithing and Crafting. They are nice to have, and I’m honestly surprised I haven’t gotten them yet, but better late than never and all of that. 

But back to what I was testing with all of those Level Up!s. I actually mainly wanted to see if I will experience symptoms related to level up sickness because of this. Because admittedly, the amount my stats rose really isn’t all that much compared to how high my stats already were.

Sure for someone with lower stats getting 470 more Magic at the same time can be a lot, but for me, it is only 7.5% of my Magic stat.

But for those that don’t care about that and just want the answer, I did have some very mild symptoms. Nothing that would keep me from working, but I did want to note that.

Something else I need to note is a new race I got access to. That race is naturally the class race Enchanter.


It naturally comes with the ability to unlock the racial skill Advanced Enchanting, but it didn’t automatically give me the skill, so I’ll have to work on that. 

And lucky for me, I have a bunch of experimental dragon scale equipment to enchant, so let’s get on with it. 

It took me a bit to realize that maybe force leveling up the skill wasn’t the greatest idea. Because while I could write much more powerful enchants with ease, that didn’t improve my success rate with enchants. It in fact lowered it, by a lot. 

So while yes, I now have LV.10 Enchanting skill, my actual skill with the skill is more like LV.2. But I’ll get there. Hopefully.

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