Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 445: Yin Hes Expectations (2)

Chapter 445: Yin He's Expectations (2)

Wu Yuan's gaze swept upward. Worldlet after worldlet dotted the inky expanse, most resembling planets surrounded by barriers. They bore an uncanny resemblance to naturally-born celestial bodies, and it was hard to tell which was which. Further afield, they blended seamlessly into the tapestry of stars and planets, indistinguishable from the natural stars and planets themselves.

"Come," Protectorate Xiong Yuan's voice cut through Wu Yuan's thoughts. "When you've grown stronger, you'll have ample time to learn more at your leisure."

Wu Yuan nodded.

The pair hurried along a corridor, approaching the inner complex of halls.

As they walked, Protectorate Xiong Yuan's voice took on a hushed tone. "The Bloodforge Devil Hall spans a vast area; each mansion contains its own independent space, some even housing entire worlds. Every cultivator above the Amethyst Cradle phase is granted such a mansion."

He gestured towards the heart of the complex. "The deeper we go, the grander the mansions become, with greater functionalities and privileges. And at the very center, that's where you'll find the legendary Astral Lord Hall, said to house the supreme Astral Lord himself."

Wu Yuan's step faltered, his mind reeling. "Astral Lord?"

Protectorate Xiong Yuan nodded solemnly. "Indeed. Our entire Redmoon Division bows to the Astral Lord's will. Rumor has it that while multiple Archimmortals serve in our division, there is only ever one Astral Lord."

Wu Yuan listened, inwardly shocked.

Astral Lord? It sounded terrifying.

As they progressed deeper into the complex, they passed numerous Amethyst Cradle and Void Refiner powerhouses. Each moved with purposeful haste, yet none impeded Wu Yuan and Protectorate Xiong Yuan's path.

"Remember, without orders, you must not trespass into the immortals' mansions," Protectorate Xiong Yuan's voice took on a cautionary edge. "They're all located in the inner city, guarded by puppet soldiers."

Wu Yuan nodded slightly.

So far, they were following that rule.

A full quarter hour later, they arrived at a mansion that dwarfed all others they had passed.

Wu Yuan's gaze locked onto a figure standing in the plaza before the mansion. Clad in black armor that seemed to devour light, the man exuded an aura so domineering it made the air itself heavy and difficult to breathe. His smile, meant to be welcoming, only served to heighten the sense of barely restrained power.

Seeing him, Wu Yuan felt as though he was facing the abbot of the Dragon Star Immortal Sect. One exuding tyranny, the other serenity.

How terrifying. Wu Yuan inwardly exclaimed, Among the powerhouses my qi refiner self has encountered, neither Earth Immortal Xu You nor Earth Immortal Xiang Sheng can hold a candle to him.

Only Abbot Wu can rival him. He’s a true High Immortal. Wu Yuan deduced.

As for his master? High Immortal Nan Yin had barely shown any of his true power in Wu Yuan’s presence.

"Greetings, High Immortal," Protectorate Xiong Yuan bowed deeply. He turned to Wu Yuan, a hint of urgency in his tone. "Wu Yuan, pay your respects."

"Wu Yuan greets High Immortal Wu Tian," Wu Yuan bowed deeply.

Lowering his head was certainly the right action.

The High Immortal's voice, when it came, was surprisingly warm. "No need for such formality. Rise." A hint of a smile played at the corner of his mouth as he regarded Wu Yuan, an expression that sent a shock through Protectorate Xiong Yuan. In all his years in the sect, he had never seen the High Immortal smile.

Wu Tian's gaze shifted to Protectorate Xiong Yuan, his voice cooling noticeably. "Xiong Yuan, you've done well. Wait here; I'll send word if needed."

"Understood," Xiong Yuan replied with a nod.

"Wu Yuan, come with me," With a wave of his hand, Wu Tian enveloped Wu Yuan in an invisible force. In the blink of an eye, both vanished, leaving Protectorate Xiong Yuan alone with his thoughts.

It was just my wishful thinking. Protectorate Xiong Yuan sighed quietly, shaking his head. The High Immortal wasn't smiling at me, but at Wu Yuan.

But where exactly is the High Immortal taking Wu Yuan? Protectorate Xiong Yuan felt puzzled.


As the world blurred around him, Wu Yuan's mind went blank for a moment. Darkness engulfed him, followed by an intense burst of light. When his vision cleared, he found himself standing before a majestic hall.

High Immortal Wu Tian stood beside him.

The entire hall was ancient and imposing, yet fundamentally indistinguishable from the one belonging to High Immortal Wu Tian.

Above the grand entrance, a plaque bore the mark of a star.

A star? Wu Yuan was internally puzzled.

High Immortal Wu Tian's voice, warm with pride, broke the silence. "Wu Yuan, you've outdone yourself, far surpassing my expectations. In the last ten million years of the Redmoon Division’s history, you are indeed the top Golden Core genius."

"High Immortal, you flatter me," Wu Yuan quickly responded.

The top genius of the last ten million years? Wu Yuan felt the label was more than he could bear.

A chuckle escaped High Immortal Wu Tian's lips. "This is what the Astral Lord himself said. If he deems it so, who are we to argue?" His expression sobered. "Come, it's time you met him."

The revelation hit Wu Yuan like a physical blow. His current location was none other than the Astral Lord Hall! He was about to meet the ruler of the Bloodforge Devil Hall's Redmoon Division.

Such a super powerhouse wanted to meet him?

Wu Yuan felt instinctively nervous.

Even if this Astral Lord wasn’t as powerful as Archimmortal Redmoon, he was undeniably a formidable being among the Archimmortals.

Sensing Wu Yuan's nervousness, Wu Tian's voice softened. "Stay calm, be respectful, and all will be well." The trace of anxiety in the High Immortal's own tone did little to assuage Wu Yuan's fears. After all, forget Wu Yuan's shock, even High Immortal Wu Tian himself had never met the Astral Lord before.

High Immortals had lifespans of a million years. Yet for entities like an Astral Lord, each expedition or mission they embarked on could take a million years, so their lack of opportunities to interact was only normal.

As they approached the entrance, a figure materialized from the shadows. Clad in black armor, the guard's gaze swept over them with icy precision. "High Immortal Wu Tian?" His voice, devoid of emotion, sent a shiver down High Immortal Wu Tian's spine.

"Yes," High Immortal Wu Tian nodded.

"Enter. The Astral Lord awaits." With those words, the guard closed his eyes. His aura faded, then vanished. Now, he looked like a mere object.

A puppet? Wu Yuan was inwardly shocked. The other party didn’t even ask for his identity, clearly not perceiving him as a threat.

As they crossed the threshold, an invisible aura enveloped them. The hall's interior was simple, its grandeur centered on the towering figure that dominated its heart.

Standing six meters tall, clad in dark red battle armor etched with cryptic patterns, the Astral Lord's presence was overwhelming. He stood like the axis of heaven and earth, casting a shadow over the surroundings and drawing Wu Yuan's gaze to him involuntarily.

Wu Yuan's body trembled involuntarily, his gaze lowered in instinctive deference. This towering figure was unquestionably one of the mightiest beings he had ever encountered in his life. Even the mental imprint of Great Eldritch Kua Fu paled in comparison to the raw power emanating from this being.

Of course, it wasn't that Kua Fu was weak, but that was, after all, just a mental imprint. But the person standing before him now was a genuine super powerhouse!

High Immortal Wu Tian fared little better, beads of sweat forming on his brow.

The silence was broken by a gentle voice. "The powerhouses of the devil hall should not bow their heads lightly." As if by magic, the oppressive aura dissipated.

In an instant, the figure in dark red battle armor now felt like an ordinary powerhouse, radiating warmth.

"High Immortal Wu Tian pays his respects to the Astral Lord," Wu Tian intoned, bowing respectfully.

"Wu Yuan pays his respects to the Astral Lord," Wu Yuan echoed, marveling at the being before him. This, he realized, was what it meant to stand in the presence of a supreme being. He was likely a super powerhouse among the Archimmortals themselves.

"Wu Tian, stand aside," the figure in dark red armor commanded softly. "Wu Yuan, rise."

As they complied, the Astral Lord's gaze fixed on Wu Yuan. "You may address me as Astral Lord Yin He or Archimmortal Yin He."

Yin He? Wu Yuan quietly noted.

Yet, the casual introduction sent a jolt through High Immortal Wu Tian, its significance not lost on him. The fact that the Astral Lord introduced himself to Wu Yuan by his real name at their first meeting was a testament to the high regard he held for Wu Yuan.

"I've observed your combat footage," Yin He continued, his voice carrying a hint of approval. "Your foundation is solid, befitting an eldritch cultivator. And your spirit beast... the Teng Snake, if I'm not mistaken."

Wu Yuan nodded, "Astral Lord is wise." He was impressed but not surprised by the Astral Lord's insight. After all, the eldritch armor and Veiled Serpent Plume might be able to deceive Amethyst Cradle cultivators and Void Refiner cultivators, but a great Astral Lord?

Moreover, through his qi refiner self, Wu Yuan knew that eldritch cultivators were only despised among those of the Immortal Court. The Taiyuan Divine Court simply considered them a cultivation sect that they didn’t frequently interact with.

"With such talent, you must have had some extraordinary experiences, do you mind sharing them?" Astral Lord Yin He asked, seemingly an offhanded question.

Yet, Wu Yuan's heart tightened.

This question appeared casual, but that might not be the case. Of course, this could be a probe into his past, which was normal. Any faction would certainly want to do a background check on a top genius before taking them in.

"Responding to the Astral Lord, I was born in the Middle Land of the Summerpeak World. In my youth, I received an inheritance from an eldritch family tribe, known as the Fourth Eldritch Realm," Wu Yuan didn't hesitate to lay it all out.

There was no need to hide the things that couldn’t be hidden!

Besides, Wu Yuan knew that the treasures and inheritances of the Fourth Eldritch Realm might tempt those at the Amethyst Cradle phase, but meant little to Void Refiner cultivators.

To an Archimmortal? The treasures of the Fourth Eldritch Realm were nothing more than a joke!

Wu Yuan hardly concealed anything, including the matters of the worm devil.

There were only two things he kept secret. The first was the existence of his qi refiner self. The second was the fact that he received heavenly endowed eldritch tattoos; he was adamant that he trained in the Fourth Eldritch Realm and established a second-degree eldritch root due to his immense talent.

As he finished, Yin He nodded approvingly. "Hmm, you're not lying. Your talent is indeed extraordinary, Wu Yuan. To grasp the Celestial Body Dao by yourself on an isolated island in a worldlet, to cultivate such a formidable soul... you are, without doubt, the foremost prodigy our Redmoon Division has seen in ten million years." Astral Lord Yin He smiled. "And now, you've arrived at the Bloodforge Devil Hall."

"Once nurtured by the devil hall, I believe your strength will flourish even faster."

"I trust you will give your all in the upcoming Bloodforge Battle and contend for the title of Bloodforge King," Astral Lord Yin He slowly said.

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