Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 416: A Storm Is Brewing (2)

Chapter 416: A Storm Is Brewing (2)

"So, based on the intelligence you’ve given me, I have two choices now?" Wu Yuan asked straightforwardly.

"Correct," Daoist Long nodded, "The first choice is to immediately meet with the World Inspector. I can vouch for you. As long as you display sufficient talent, you’ll be able to join the Bloodforge Devil Hall as an official member without much difficulty."

"Once you're an official member, it would be hard for Reverend Huo Yan to deal with you via direct methods."

Wu Yuan quietly pondered his words.

Becoming an official member of the Bloodforge Devil Hall was not easy. The hall only took in a limited number of members, thus only those with enough strength and talent could hope to join. Even someone like Daoist Long, who had cultivated for 4000 years, still didn't qualify.

"The second choice is to leave Middle Land with me and take refuge in my Starcom Consortium. Wait there for three years before participating in the Bloodforge," Daoist Long continued.

"The Bloodforge is extremely brutal and the chances of death are high, but given your strength, I believe you are very likely to survive."

"Once successful, your status would skyrocket to a level much higher than an ordinary member. You may even earn special training privileges." Daoist Long explained.

He had learned about the Bloodforge, so he knew some of its rules. But for thousands of years, Daoist Long dared not participate in the Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge.

“Both of these choices require me to leave the Middle Land for some time. While I’m gone, what will happen to the people of the Middle Land?" Wu Yuan asked, his voice heavy.

He had not forgotten that an army from the Huoyan Sect was on their way.

"You can take a few loved ones with you. They can easily be relocated to my Starcom Consortium," Daoist Long said as a matter of course.

"I'm talking about the Middle Land, all the inhabitants of the Middle Land," Wu Yuan stated, looking at Daoist Long.

If Wu Yuan was willing to save only a few friends and relatives and abandon the rest, then he wouldn’t have chosen to fight during the worm devil catastrophe.

"The Middle Land? Naturally, you’ll have to leave it behind."

"Rest assured, even if the Huoyan Sect takes over the Middle Land, they won’t resort to a mass killing spree. At the very most, they’ll wipe out one-tenth of the population," Daoist Long said naturally.

Wu Yuan shuddered at the thought.

One-tenth? That was hundreds of millions of lives.

"Can't we fight?" Wu Yuan asked solemnly. "According to your information, Reverend Huo Yan is currently residing in the higher world, unable to return here."

Reverend Huo Yan was a figure Wu Yuan was deeply wary of.

"Fight?" Daoist Long’s eyes widened. "Daoist Wu Yuan, I said I would help you, but that doesn't mean I’m willing to get into a clash with the Huoyan Sect's army."

"Indeed, they can't harm me. But once Reverend Huo Yan gets the news, he will do everything in his power to return, and that would be truly troublesome." Daoist Long shook his head.

Wu Yuan squinted slightly. "Daoist Long, I’m not asking you to step in on my behalf."

"I will defend Middle Land and fight the Huoyan Sect’s army."

"You? Defend Middle Land?" Daoist Long’s eyes bulged, as if he had just heard something ridiculous.

"Even a genuine Amethyst Cradle cultivator risks death when going against a sect's army, let alone you, a Spiritual Body cultivator. No matter how strong you are, you can only match up to a first-stage Shambhala cultivator at most." Daoist Long shook his giant draconic head.

He felt he was acting in Wu Yuan's best interests.

"We must at least try," Wu Yuan murmured.

The army of a powerful sect? He had yet to fight one before.

"Try? This is a matter of life and death." Daoist Long felt his frustration mounting, "Daoist Wu Yuan, don't overestimate yourself." He felt that Wu Yuan was somewhat arrogant.

"Daoist Long, I cannot abandon my homeland. If that's the case, I would rather die," Wu Yuan shook his head slightly.

Forget the army of the Huoyan Sect, even if the Reverend Huo Yan himself were to attack, Wu Yuan would choose to stay and fight with all his might.

Some things were simply non-negotiable.

"Are you really going to fight? Even if you die, you have no regrets?" Daoist Long asked, sensing Wu Yuan's unyielding determination.

Everyone had their own obsessions.

"Even if it means death, I have no regrets," Wu Yuan smiled.

"Daoist Wu Yuan, you are indeed admirable," Daoist Long took a deep breath, shaking his head and sighing, "But, I have my difficulties. I am truly unable to take action against the Huoyan Sect's army. Over the next few days, I will wait outside the Middle Land."

"If you change your mind and wish to leave before the war, you can send me a message."

With that, Daoist Long waved his hand, tossing a messaging artifact to Wu Yuan, who caught it.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist," Wu Yuan smiled.

"I shall take my leave now." Daoist Long clasped his claws. With a swish of his tail, he was already hundreds of li away.

"Old Fang, immediately send a message to the Middle Land Guard and convene a meeting," Wu Yuan gave the order to Fang Xia.


Within the conference room of the Middle Land Immortal Hall, gigantic light screens projected row after row of data and information.

Hundreds of immortal cultivators gathered to read the details.

"This is the current situation of the Summerpeak World," Wu Yuan briefly explained the intelligence had just acquired.

"Three great immortal sects with thousands of cultivators, and also the Bloodforge Devil Hall in the higher world, reigning over all of Summerpeak," Wu Yuan slowly continued.

The two hundred cultivators from the Middle Land listened wide-eyed. They hadn’t imagined the Summerpeak World to be so expansive and prosperous.

Compared to the Summerpeak mainland, the Middle Land seemed to be nothing more than an island.

"We are not inferior to the sects of Summerpeak mainland in terms of the standard of our teachings. Rather, our teachings are superior," Wu Yuan eyed the immortal cultivators, "However, the Wu Empire was established not long ago, and our foundation lacks depth. Because of this, we have attracted their envy."

"The Huoyan Sect's army is coming, expected to arrive in three days. There are over twenty Golden Core cultivators, and six hundred mid and late-stage Qi Sea cultivators," Wu Yuan said solemnly, "Their purpose is to capture us and send us to the Bloodforge to die in their place."

A mixture of astonishment, shock, and fear filled the room.

The news Wu Yuan brought was like a bolt from the blue.

Such a force was too powerful for Middle Land to handle. How many cultivators were there in the entire Middle Land? And what was their average cultivation level? Their combined strength was likely only a tenth of the enemy's!

"Everyone is to proceed to their posts. Activate the monitoring array in full effect, especially those facing the Nan Continent, Qiong Continent, South Ocean, Dong Continent, and Feng Continent. The Huoyan Sect's army is likely to arrive from these directions."

"I will be stationed at the Min Continent. As soon as any activity is detected, message me immediately," Wu Yuan's gaze swept over the cultivators, his terrifying aura causing their hearts to tremble.

At the same time, a hint of instinctual reverence arose within them. After decades, Wu Yuan had become a legendary figure.

"There's no need to worry about this war. You have me." Wu Yuan said with finality before disappearing from the conference room.

Words were useless. It was power that spoke.


In the air above the Archeldritch Mountain.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty."

"Young Master." Fang Xia, along with Arctic, Hai Feizhang, and two other Golden Core cultivators, all bowed respectfully to Wu Yuan.

"Inform all regions to send their elite talents to Cloud Capital."

"You three, safeguard Cloud Capital."

"All Heavenly Rankers, except those in charge of the monitoring array, should return to Cloud Capital," Wu Yuan commanded, issuing orders one after another.

The three of them listened respectfully, executing each order in a prompt fashion.

"Your Majesty, once the battle commences, are we really watching it through the projection?" Hai Feizhang couldn't help but ask.

"Mm." Wu Yuan spoke softly. "I haven't shown my strength for decades, there are likely many in the Middle Land who doubt my abilities. Plus, the Huoyan Sect is teeming with powerhouses. To instill faith and fighting spirit in the immortal cultivators of the Middle Land Guard, I must reveal enough power."

Everyone felt enlightened.

Wu Yuan had another thought he didn't voice: the creators of cults would often fabricate various false miracles to instill belief in their devotees.

Only by revealing power and establishing his authority could Wu Yuan further deepen the devotion of the inhabitants of the Middle Land. Once he broke through in the future, he would be able to acquire greater Faith.

Swiftly, Arctic and Hai Feizhang departed, leaving Wu Yuan and Fang Xia behind.

"Old Fang." Wu Yuan looked at Fang Xia, "I've placed the Yanqing Hall at the base of Archeldritch Mountain and have given you the necessary access permissions."

"Make arrangements to send my kin in first. Should I fail, hide inside," Wu Yuan explained. "As long as you have sufficient ethercrystal to sustain its operation, even a real Amethyst Cradle cultivator will find it incredibly difficult to break into the Yanqing Hall."

"Understood," Fang Xia solemnly responded, "Young Master may rest assured."

He understood that Wu Yuan was trying to limit potential distractions.

Daoist Long and numerous immortal cultivators of the Middle Land did not believe Wu Yuan could defeat the Huoyan Sect alone.

However, Fang Xia was one of the few who held unshakeable faith in Wu Yuan's capabilities.


After all preparations were in place, Wu Yuan left Cloud Capital and headed to the Min Continent.

A vast, boundless ocean lay before him, its ceaseless waves crashing against the shore.

Wu Yuan sat in lotus position on a boulder. His Soul Force extended to its maximum range, covering six hundred li with no corner left unexplored.

In the same vein, hundreds of monitoring arrays strewn across the Middle Land were all activated.

According to Daoist Long, the Huoyan Sect's forces are likely to head straight for the Min Continent. Wu Yuan thought to himself.

Choosing to station himself at the Min Continent was a calculated move.

Time to cultivate. Wu Yuan silently meditated.

The stronger he became, the more confidence he would have when facing the impending danger.

If they really want to start a war, they’d better not blame me when things go south. A chill flickered in Wu Yuan's eyes as he swiftly regained his composure, unfazed by the upcoming conflict.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

Hm? Wu Yuan's eyes flashed open, a glint of surprise flickering within.

Within the range of his Soul Force, he sensed a vast army encroaching upon the Middle Land.

There were dozens of figures with powerful auras, each at least as strong as Fang Xia. Around six hundred were at the Qi Sea phase.

Daoist Long's words were coming true.

They're here. Wu Yuan gazed into the distance. With his keen eyesight, he could clearly see the scene six hundred li away despite the gloomy weather.

Through the Middle Land Immortal Hall, all the immortal cultivators of Middle Land had received the news.

Dark clouds were rolling in. A storm was brewing.

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