Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 290 Going Witht The Flow

The next day Astrophos returned to the manor for the first time in almost a year. He looked at the looming structure and sighed before he took a step inside. He was immediately ushered to the young master's study where Cygnus was waiting.

"How was your work in the bakery? Do you like it?" Cygnus asked after the man settled down. He pushed back his chair and went to sit on the vacant chair in front of the man.

"It's surprisingly peaceful that I got used to it. I enjoyed it." Astrophos answered followed by a nod.

Cygnus laughed because of the hidden meaning behind those words. "I'm sorry if I interrupted your peaceful life. It's just that I need you to work a bit before I return you to the bakery."

"What is it then?" He frowned. He had no problems working in the bakery because the atmosphere was warm and homey.

He felt comfortable with dealing with people and organizing the information they were getting from their sources. He actually quite liked it and preferred it from joining in any fight that the master might ignite in the future. But he knew that he couldn't avoid it the moment that he received a summon from the master.

"You'll be working with Hero Arcaine. You will be helping him in capturing the bandits. Nina and Lieutenant Leif Ainglar will be helping you." Cygnus went straight to the point since the man was not up to his usual ramblings. "The three of you will be working on making myself look trustworthy in the face of the president and that hero. After everything is well and done, I'll take over."

The mage didn't know what the master was playing around again but he didn't have the option to say no. There was no such word as no for the man. "Did you inform Fhin about this matter?"

"Should I inform him?" Cygnus looked confused because of the question. He felt that he did not need to inform them of the matter.

Astrophos sighed, "I will inform him so that he could be prepared. Since we are already playing a charade then make it quick and end it shortly."

Cygnus was silent for a few seconds before he nodded. "It's up to you then since it doesn't really matter if they know it or not."

After that Astrophos left the manor to meet with the bandit leader who was currently waiting for him in the bakery. He walked inside and saw that it was a bit empty which was not normal. Usually, the bakery would be full with people.

"No customers?" He asked one of the servers who was busy cleaning the table even though it was already clean.

"There were customers a while ago but they already left. They told me that it was because of the bandit attacks that's why many of the people in the capital right now are being cautious when going out. I also received a notice that even the bakery on the busiest street of the city is currently empty." The server explained with a frown because she too was not used to the empty bakery.

"That's alright. Just continue to serve those who will come." He gave the woman a nod before he shifted his gaze to the man who was calmly sipping his coffee. He was seated on the far corner of the bakery to also hide his identity.

After the servant went back to wiping the tables, Astrophos also walked towards the man and pulled out the empty chair opposite him. He sat there in silence a few moments before Fhin finally acknowledged his presence. The bandit leader looked up and raised an eyebrow at the mage because of his silence. It actually made him uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, you've been silent there ever since you sat down. Is there a problem?" Fhin finally couldn't take it so he had to ask.

A few seconds of silence before the man finally answered, "Master is planning something. We were sent to help Hero Arcaine in catching you and your comrades. I want to tell you that you should prepare yourself. This will not be a simple battle and I'm afraid that some of your brothers might die in the process."

Fhin was taken aback by the news but after a minute he managed to calm down. "Then we will make sure to prepare ourselves if that's the master's wish." It was something to be expected after a lot of thought.

From the moment that the master told them to attack the city, he already had a feeling that the command was not that simple and he was right. It seems that it was just an act for this moment but it doesn't really matter because they will be dying for the master. His only regret would be that their families would be abandoned.

He would need to appoint the next leader once he gets back then. Someone who would make sure that their brothers and families would live in luxury and peace. They've got a lot of loot from their first attack but that would not be enough for all the families at the bandit valley.

"Then I should bring out a more worthy performance and get as much as I can before I die." The bandit Leader stood up and looked at the direction of the door.

"You can always back out from this, you know." Astrophos sighed and looked up at the man with a determined look on his face.

"We've already committed ourselves to this so I can't back out. The master is truly cruel." Fhin shook his head and helplessly laughed because of the end that was waiting for them.

"You already knew but why are you still loyal to him?" Astrophos looked at the surface of the table where both of his hands were placed.

"I already died once and the master just used his blood to revive me. I got stronger and made my brothers stronger and because of the barrier they placed to hide our home, we were able to live peacefully. It was not much but it was enough for me to make sure that our families are doing well." Fhin answered without looking at the man.

Yes, the master was indeed cruel. He does not have any regard to human life and would always use his comrades for his whims or his ridiculous plans and yet here they were still doing all of his bidding. If anyone would see them right now and know their thoughts, they would eventually label them as crazy.

"How about you? You don't have a contract with him and yet you are still helping him," this time the bandit leader's eyes gazed at him but all he saw was the top of the mage's head because he was still standing.

Astrophos laughed. Indeed, he was also confused as to why he did not leave and continued to remain on the man's side. "I don't know. I'm not sure myself."

"You must have liked something about him then," Fhin chuckled. It was unlike the man to get speechless like this.

"Well, I'm not really sure but that might be the case then. He is selfish but at the same time he treats the people around him decently. He would kill his enemy and even play with them but the people under him will always experience benefits. He is a walking contradictory. A villain whom I thought I already know but it was only in my own mind." Astrophos looked up and met the man's gaze. They both laughed before the bandit leader left.

That night, something happened that shocked the kingdom. One of the noble houses in the kingdom caught on fire. The brilliant orange from the fire lit up the dark sky. No one heard any commotion before the fire but now that everything was burning, screams of agony could be heard from the burning manor.

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