Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 274 Vain

Once they were in a safe place, Cygnus made sure that they were all doing fine before he sat down under a tree. He leaned back and looked up at the tree leaves without saying a word. He wanted to go to the base and sleep but there's something he needed to do first.

He summoned a gate and called for Vain. The child came out and looked at his master and at the people who were lying on the ground. He silently stood because his master hadn't said anything yet. Both of them remained silent until Cygnus heard the rustling of leaves and felt the vibration from the ground.

"Do you hear and feel that? Someone's coming and I want you to entertain her for a while," Cygnus hung his head as he instructed Vain on what he should do.

"Should I kill her or let her live?" The child asked. It was a question he would not have asked in the past but now that he had a master, he needed to listen to him.

"I'll think about it first, you go and play with her first. If she is worth something then I'll let her live but if I deem that I can't use her then I'll let you kill her." Cygnus raised his head and gave the child a smile. He then waved his hand to let the child go.

"Will that child be, okay?" Nahar asked as he watched the child's back disappear within the tree line. Although he felt an incredible power from him, he was not sure if he could really defeat the demon that he had a difficult time defeating.

"He'll be fine. He's durable and he has a very convenient power," Cygnus answered. Even though the child had been tamed and he had regained his reason, his power remained the same.

Vain arrived at a point where he'll need to wait for the enemy to appear. He did not have any idea what kind of enemy it was but he would still do his best to carry out the master's order. He waited while perched on a tree trunk until the enemy arrived.

Not far from where he was, he could already see miasma appearing and behind it was a woman who was tall like a giant. Her hair was all over the place and it reached the ground. Each strand of hair was wriggling and scattering all over the place. Her eyes were red and Vain could see that her hands were practically claws with how sharp her nails were.

All of these did not scare the child away. He waited for the demon to walk below the tree where he was before he would attack. He readied himself and when it happened, he dropped down from the tree with his power ready.

His dark mana formed into thin but heavy strands that he used to attack. He started to wave the strands while he was in the air and successfully cut some of the demon's hair and even wounded her face. The demon became angry because of the surprise attack. She looked up and saw Vain and without thinking twice she raised her hand and tried to grab the child.

Vain used his mana strand to maneuver mid-air and evade the woman's claws. The demon did not stop there. She commanded the strands of her hair to capture her enemy. Now, he needed to avoid several hairs and two hands that were all trying to get him.

While on the air, he still managed to dodge and attack at the same time. Several twines of hair were cut but it would just grow up after a few seconds. The cuts on the woman's bare arms and hands were starting to fade too. Vain then realized that she could regenerate and heal her own body.

This time he flew and landed on one of the branches before the woman's hands could reach him, he released his mana and just like what happened in the past, everything that his mana touched would be sliced into pieces. The woman's hair and arms were cut into pieces and even the trees around them did not survive. Vain did not stop there because as he was falling down from the destroyed tree where he stood, he summoned his dark strands again and attacked further, inflicting damage to the demon.

He did not stop and released another wave of his mana which now reduced the woman's arm into nothing. The continuous attack prevented the demon from regenerating any part of her body. Since he had a large quantity of mana and there was an abundant supply of dark energy in the place, Vain had no problem going all out.

The woman was wriggling and roaring because she lost her arms. She looked at the child hatefully and cursed at him. She became enraged as she absorbed the miasma around her which made her regeneration faster than the child's attacks. Instead of only growing back her two arms, she grew an additional set of hands that were below where her original arms were.

Even her hair grew back in the blink of an eye and instead of using individual strands or twine with only a few hairs, she made sure to make each twine of her hair stronger. Vain was unfazed even after the sudden transformation. He still did what he had been doing and attacked the woman. This time though his attacks did nothing to the woman.

His dark mana strands were pushed back and some of it even snapped because of how tough the hair she used to cover her body in defense against his attack. She then used that momentary opening and swiped her hands towards Vain who was still mid-air. He was hit hard and was slapped away from the woman. His body hit a tree which caused him to spat out some blood.

Vain stood up and wiped the blood on his mouth before looking at the woman who sent her hair to pierce him through. He stood there and used his black mana to repel the attack. This time his manifested mana was harder and sharper. Vain started to circulate the mana around his body and it also started to chip away the demon's hair.

The woman retracted her weapon and instead flashed in front of the child. With one of her hands, she clenched her fists and punched the dark mana that was protecting Vain. A part of the mana that was surrounding him disappeared and so did the woman's one arm. The demon disregarded that arm and used another one to land one more hit on her enemy.

Vain did not blink and instead summoned his dark strand which formed a wall that blocked the woman's attack. The demon did not stop there and continued to punch and swipe the dark mana around Vain. The two pairs of hands became three until the Vain's dark mana disappeared. The demon did not hesitate as she opened her mouth and something black appeared on her mouth which she shot out towards Vain.

The child employed the same method and used his dark strands as a shield but this time it did not work. The wall he created sizzled and melted until a hole appeared on it and another black liquid was shot towards him. Vain moved to the side and dodged the attack but when he looked back, he noticed that the ground where the liquid landed had a hole on it.

Several more liquid was spat towards him which he managed to dodge while also dodging several hairs that were coming his way. Vain did not hesitate to use his power and successfully repelled all the attacks. He did not remain passive though and just as he landed on solid ground, he waved his hand forward which created a dark ark of dark mana that struck the enemy. This one was sharper and not easy to dissipate.

No matter how strong the arms and the hair twines were, the attack still managed to cut them off. He released several arced blades towards his enemy and successfully halved the woman's body. In order to prevent it from regenerating once more, he followed up with summoning his dark strands that were reinforced with more dark mana which effectively cut the demon's body into pieces.

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