Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 238 Asking For A Back-Up

Ezio opened his eyes when he felt the carriage door open. Isaiah stepped in but he did not tell the sentinels that they should go. Ezio frowned because he felt that the man was about to say something ridiculous because of how he was staring at him.

Ezio sighed and hung his head, "What is it just tell me already," he muttered just enough to let the others hear him.

"Can you create a gate that directly connects to the manor here?" Isaiah knew that Ezio did not want to go along with his whims but he couldn't just leave without doing anything.

"Hah, why did I even expect that we will be able to return? What are you planning?" He raised his head to face Isaiah.

"Let's go and report it then get back here. I hope to enlist Rigel's help to get rid of the serpent-woman," Isaiah answered without hesitation.

"Are you sure about that?" Ezio wanted to confirm because he knew that Isaiah wasn't that sold on getting help from his master.

Isaiah, Archmage Sigma and even Duke Blackwell doesn't fully trust his master. They were all suspicious of him so for them to go and asking his master for help was making him uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and got down from the carriage. He reentered the inn to create the gate.

"I need enough time and concentration to create the gate so please stay outside and don't let anyone in for the meantime," Ezio instructed them with a frown on his face.

Isaiah and the man led all the people inside the inn outside. They quietly waited for Ezio to complete the gate and it took him almost twenty minutes to complete it. Once he was done, he waved for Isaiah to enter the inn.

"My gates aren't perfectly made so you need to be prepared for a roller coaster ride," Ezio warned before he opened the door and gestured for Isaiah to enter.

The darkness that swirling behind the door brought out a sense of fear and uncertainty from Isaiah. It would be his first time entering a gate and it made him nervous. He took several deep breaths before he took the first step inside.

Ezio was right, once he entered the gate, he immediately felt nauseous and uncomfortable but he clamped his mouth in order to not throw up. It felt like eternity even though it only took him a couple of seconds before he saw another gate that he opened. He stepped outside as he inhaled and exhaled to calm his queasy stomach.

After taking deep breaths he looked around and saw that they were actually in the living room on the first floor of the manor. He sighed and waited for his heartbeat to slow down before he left for the duke's study. His knock was steady and calm even though he was starting to regret his decision for a little bit.

"You're back," Duke Galahad was a little bit surprised to see that it was Isaiah. He thought that they would be arriving later that day.

"Yes, I have Ezio create a gate so that I can come here in the shortest way possible because I have something to report," Isaiah answered without going around the bush.

The two dukes who were currently inside the study had both of their brows furrowed because of his words. They both placed down the documents they were reading to give their full attention to the young man who looked determined right at that moment. Isaiah gathered his courage when he noticed that their attention was already on him.

"While we were at the last place to hand out the talismans, we discovered that there's a high-level malevolent spirit threatening the place. We faced it last night but we were unable to defeat it. I came here today to request assistance to eliminate the enemy." Isaiah bowed his head after his report and request.

Duke Blackwell looked at his friend so Ulysses gave him a nod. "This would be a problem, Rigel right now isn't in the manor, but I'll try and contact him," Ulysses stood up and left the room to look for his son.

"This enemy, how can you be so sure that it is a spirit?" Galahad asked and gestured for the young man to take a seat.

Isaiah nodded and took the empty seat, "That's because the leader of the town told me that the serpent-woman wouldn't come out during the day and would only come out once the sun fully sets. It's one of the characteristics of spirits that I have read in the book. Her body was also accompanied by negative energy that is distinct to evil spirits." He gave a brief explanation to which the duke nodded.

"How did a dangerous spirit like that appear near the town, does the town's leader know?" Galahad asked again with a slight frown on his face.

Isaiah shook his head, "I asked him but he was also not clear as to when it happened or when the spirit arrived, all they knew is that it enjoys devouring humans."

Galahad sighed in frustration. He removed his jacket and leaned on his seat. A high-level malevolent spirit was bad news. He needed to contact the others who he sent to deliver the talismans to make sure that no high-level malevolent spirits also appeared in their areas.

After Ulysses stepped out from the room, he walked away and turned a corner until he reached the balcony behind the manor. He then took out something from his pocket which according to Rigel was a tool to communicate with him. Ulysses sighed and took a dagger from his side then he used it to create a small wound on his finger.

A drop of blood was placed on the small clear pearl on his hand and he watched as the ball absorbed it and as it turned red. The blood swirled a couple more times inside the pearl before it disappeared and a light flashed out from the pearl. A white screen appeared in the air as it was projected by the pearl.

Ulysses heard the rattling of the carriage from the projection and was amazed because it can even transmit sound then he saw the interior of the carriage. "Is there a problem father?" Cygnus asked after he accepted the call that was transmitted by the pearl he left with the duke.

"I'm afraid that we have a situation here right now. Are you finished with your task?" Ulysses sighed as he leaned on the balcony's railings.

"Yes, actually we are already on our way back to the manor. What situation are you talking about?" Cygnus became curious as to what made the duke call him.

"Isaiah returned from their task but he also came to report about a high-level malevolent spirit that appeared in the last town they visited and now he is looking for assistance. The only person we know who can deal with that kind of enemy is you," Ulysses slowly explained.

Cygnus grinned, "Ah so, something like that also appeared in their area. How coincidental…" he trailed off which made his statement a little bit vague.

Ulysses frowned at what he heard, "Are you saying that a dangerous spirit appeared in there too?" If that was the case then it must have been deliberately planned.

"Yes, we just got rid of it, last night, although it was a bit weak to be called a high-level spirit." Cygnus rubbed his chin before smiling.

"Alright. Will you be helping Isaiah?" Ulysses asked because he was also unsure if it was right to ask for help from the man.

"That will be fine," Cygnus answered and before the duke could answer, the communication was cut off.

A gate appeared on the empty space of the balcony where Rigel and his company exited from. They left the carriage to return as it was so as not to alert any enemies that might have been spying on them. Mr. C gave the duke a nod before he left the two of them.

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