You Are Just Making Up the Exercises, My Disciple, Have You Really Mastered Them?

Chapter 578: Years are changing, and the next era is

Chapter 578 Years have changed, and the next era is coming

Ao Hong could not help but feel relieved when he saw that the Black Chi King was not on the same page as the Red Chi King and had no intention of taking action for the Red Chi King.

If the Black Chi King also takes action, Dahuang's situation will be really dangerous. Xu Yan's mysterious master can stand alone against so many terrifying strong men. How can he be his opponent?

"Senior Black Chi King, do you see?"

Ao Hong asked cautiously.

The Black Chi King pondered for a long time before saying: "The next yuan is about to be opened, and the opening time of this yuan will be a little earlier than before. Generally speaking, every seven yuan, the next yuan will be opened. It will all advance, and it will advance every time.

"It will be earlier this time. The man in the temple should have noticed it. He is determined to win the world, and as the lord of heaven and earth, you are naturally his target..."

Ao Hong was shocked. Since King Black Chi knew that every seven years, the next dollar would be opened earlier, which meant that King Black Chi had survived for more than ten years.

How on earth has it survived to this day, and what level of strength must it have reached.

Could it be that the same is true for the Scarlet Elephant King?

From King Hei Chi's words, it seemed that he had some scruples about the Lord Fuhua and was hesitant to save him. Ao Hong couldn't help but feel a little frightened. Could it be that during the battle, Lord Fuhua didn't do his best?

Or was Tai Cang's strength, beyond what they had seen, able to resist the Immortal Lord for such a long time?

"Just follow me, that person in the temple. I will tell him that the worst that can be done is to strip you of the energy of heaven and earth. In the end, I will not take your life. As for other things, I will decide based on the situation. "

King Black Chi finally spoke.

Ao Hong was a little disappointed that he could not get help from King Hei Chi, but he was only willing to save his life, and if necessary, even need to strip him of the energy of heaven and earth.

"Thank you!"

Ao Hong said respectfully.

After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask: "Senior, do you dare to ask, is it really so terrifying if you don't realize the strength of the God Lord?"

"He is not simple, and he is not weak. Although I am not afraid of him, I do not want to make a big enemy of him. He is an exiled man with too deep obsession in his heart. Anyone who blocks his plan will make him go crazy. , besides, I also want to see whether his plan can succeed.

"So, if necessary, stripping away the Qi of Heaven and Earth from you is just to see if he can really succeed. Of course, if you don't lack the Qi of Heaven and Earth, there is no need to strip away the Qi of Heaven and Earth from you."

King Hei Chi smiled and said: "Speaking of which, you can be considered a descendant of my bloodline, but after you opened up the world, you can be considered as freed from the shackles of my bloodline."

Ao Hong was startled, thought for a moment, and said, "Is it related to that purple light?"

"It has something to do with heaven and earth!"

Ao Hong thought of Tai Cang. It was Tai Cang who created the world and it was also passed down by Tai Cang. After the world was opened, it was indeed different from what it was before. It was a transformation and sublimation.

It is precisely because of this that he broke away from the shackles of King Black Chi's blood and became the founder of the True Dragon Clan.

"Senior, what is the plan of the Fuhuan God Lord?"

Ao Hong asked curiously.

The Lord Fuhua annexed the world, obviously for some kind of plan, and what does it mean to be exiled?

King Hei Chi smiled and said, "You will know it soon, so why ask more."


Carrying the true spirit of the mountain peak, Ao Hong continued to move forward, and Ao Hong came to the mountain peak. In front of the Black Chi King, he felt like a small earthworm.

"Senior, are you going to the wilderness?"

Ao Hong couldn't help but ask.

"So be it."

King Black Chi said with a smile: "The next element is about to be opened, and the plan of the one in the temple is about to begin. It is such a grand occasion that we cannot miss it. Scarlet Leopard and Giant Taoist will also go there."

Although he didn't know what the plan of the Invincible God Lord was, it was obviously extraordinary to attract the three true spirit kings to watch. Ao Hong felt solemn. Even the three true spirit kings would take action?

Can Xu Yan's master resist?

He didn't have much confidence in it.

"Senior, how many years has the Immortal Land existed?"

Ao Hong asked curiously.

It is a rare opportunity to ask this ancient being.

"have no idea!"

King Black Chi shook his head: "No one knows how many years the Land of Immortality has existed."

Ao Hong wanted to ask the Black Chi King how many years it had existed, but he swallowed the words as he spoke. Maybe it was a secret, so it was better not to ask.

So, he turned to ask: "Senior, is there any limit to the land of immortality?"

"Yes and no!"

King Black Chi thought for a while and said.

Ao Hong was stunned and didn't understand the meaning of these words.

Seeing this, King Hei Chi pondered for a moment, and then said: "Confucianism is not changeable. The margins of today will disappear tomorrow. It seems to be boundless, but it seems to be boundless. Even I can't grasp it. This is the rule.”

"What is beyond the Immortal Land? Have seniors ever seen it?"

Ao Hong thought for a while and asked curiously.

"Even though I saw the edge today, I still can't leave. I remain confused..."

King Black Chi shook his head and said no more.

Seeing this, Ao Hong couldn't continue asking.

Somewhere in the Land of Immortality, there was a sound of chewing. A real spirit with a sheep body and tiger claws, a head that was larger than its body, a huge mouth and sharp teeth, opened and closed its mouth, chewing the food in its mouth, and it The food in his mouth is a true spirit, and it is a true spirit with the strength of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

In front of this true spirit, there were several true spirits that were also Lords of Heaven and Earth lying tremblingly. These true spirits were full of fear, but they did not dare to make any move to escape.


After swallowing the food in his mouth, the true spirit looked at the several true spirits lying in front of him, seeming to be choosing which one was more delicious.

At a certain moment, the huge mouth opened, and one of the true spirits was directly sucked into the mouth. The chewing sound sounded again, and it moved forward while chewing. Although the other true spirits were frightened, they did not dare to escape, nor did they dare to stay. He stayed on the spot, shaking his body while following around this true spirit.

The giant glutton!

One of the three ancient true spirits.

The Giant Taoist King is heading in the same direction as the Black Chi King, towards the wilderness.

The Fuhua Temple was still in that palace. The God Lord looked up at the sun, moon and stars, seeming to be missing something.

At a certain moment, he frowned.

"The next yuan will be opened, should it be brought forward?"

Lord Fuhua frowned and seemed to be thinking about something. After a long while, he muttered to himself: "Since it will be opened in advance, fortunately the arrangements are almost complete, and it is time to start."

Immediately, aura emerged from his body, which seemed to be conveying some message. After the message was conveyed, his eyes looked from the temple to somewhere in the Land of Immortality.

And that's where the wilderness is.

"Let's get started, speed up, and head to the area where Tai Cang is."

After a pause, Lord Fuhua said in a deep voice: "Send a message to the Scarlet Yang King. Do not interfere with my temple plan, otherwise you will die!"

"Yes, Lord God!"

In the Fuhua Temple, a voice responded.

"And Yuting, tell those three that if they interfere in the affairs of my temple, they will fight to the death!"

"Yes, Lord God!"

On this day, two gray figures left the Fuhua Temple to send a message to King Scarlet Yang and Yuting.

Boom! Xu Yan killed a Lord of Heaven and Earth true spirit blocking the way with one palm. He suddenly frowned and looked into the depths of the Immortal Land, as if he felt something.

"The next dollar is opening, is it coming soon?"

At this moment, for some unknown reason, he had a feeling in his heart that the years had changed, and he immediately realized that the next yuan opening was coming.

"Xu Yan, I feel it, that light is about to appear."

At this time, Mingyu also spoke.

"Moreover, I remembered something. I should have died, but it seemed that I was not completely dead, and then I was exiled..."

Xu Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?"

"That's it, I seemed to have been killed before, but not killed, and then exiled... I only vaguely remember these things, it's too specific, I don't know yet.

"By the way, I seem to be from Taihao Linglong Jade Mountain. I forgot where Taihao went."

Mingyu tilted his head and thought.


Xu Yan suddenly thought, are Taihao and Taicang related to each other?

"Is Taihao the same world?"

Xu Yan asked thoughtfully.

"I don't know!"

Mingyu shook his head.

"Then do you know where Taihao is? Does he still exist?"

"I don't know!"

Xu Yan was helpless. Mingyu's memories were all fragmentary. He only remembered some key words, but he didn't know the details.

"Are Taihao and Taicang related to each other? Their names, Taihe and Taikun, were all named after Taicang, and they were among the first batch of followers who followed Taicang..."

Xu Yan was thoughtful.

"We must speed up and return to the wilderness!"

The next element is about to open, and Xu Yan also feels a sense of urgency. There is a strong person tracking him, and it must be the Scarlet Yang King and Yuting!


Xu Yan restrained his aura. Even if those true spirits saw him, they would not be able to recognize him as the target they were looking for. Their speed suddenly increased and they headed towards the wilderness.

In the wilderness, Li Xuan looked up at the Land of Immortality and sighed, "My disciple, the guys he provoked this time are not weak. Fortunately, he is not the same as he was before."

The Great Success in the Hunyuan Realm gave him enough confidence.

"It feels like the years are changing, and we are entering the next era."

Suddenly, Li Xuanruo felt something. He looked towards the Land of Immortality, as if he saw the regular operation. At this moment, it has reached the point where the years have changed and the regular rules have been updated.

"I see!"

Li Xuan understood that the Lord of Fuhua God wanted to seize this node and make some arrangements, so the Fuhua Temple was about to take action against Dahuang.

"Senior Dao Ancestor, I feel some changes. The passage of time is the passage of time in the Land of Immortality."

Tian Zi said with a solemn expression.

"It's just another era."

Li Xuanfeng said lightly, as if for him, he had experienced countless such eras.

"Buhua Temple, are you going to take action?"

Tian Zi looked solemn, although the way of heaven had improved a lot, it was not enough.


Li Xuan nodded.

Tian Zi disappeared, summoned all the powerful men in the wilderness, and began to arrange tasks to prepare for the upcoming war.

Meng Chong was sitting cross-legged on a large mountain, his muscles trembling. Every tremor shook the Immortal Land where he was, creating a small storm.

At a certain moment, there was a roar, and the physical body seemed to have broken through a certain threshold. The aura became stronger and stronger, and there was an unshakable feeling.


In another place in the Immortal Land, Jiang Buping was sitting cross-legged, with an ultimate aura around him, but this ultimate aura seemed a bit soft.

A true spirit rushed over. As soon as it entered the range enveloped by this ultimate aura, it fell down with a thud. There was no wound on its body, but its eyes were empty and its soul had been annihilated.

Around Jiang Buping, more than a dozen true spirits had fallen to death, all of them dead as their souls were annihilated.


The unchanging energy and violent spiritual energy swept into a storm, and the unchanging land condensed into a general trend, shaking thousands of miles around. A big picture emerged in the unchanging land.

Fang Hao stepped on the Qimen, forming formations with one thought and extinguishing them with one thought, constantly changing and changing. All the true spirits that broke in were turned into fly ashes in an instant, becoming part of the general trend, promoting The general trend has further strengthened.


The sound of tiger roaring came from far away, the demonic energy rolled up into a storm, many true spirits crawled, the red cat turned into a mountain, the tiger was mighty and the demonic power was unparalleled.

Not far from it, there was a real dragon with a green back and a white belly, circling and roaring, with the same evil aura billowing. On the other side was a huge mountain-swallowing toad squatting like a mountain!

"It's about to break through."

Li Xuan looked at this scene and was very pleased. The disciples were all getting stronger and improving, but their strength was still a little weaker. In the upcoming war, there were only a few strong ones who could deal with them.

However, those below the Lord of Heaven and Earth can already sweep.

As for the Lord of Heaven and Earth level, Xu Yan can sweep them. As for the powerful people above the Lord of Heaven and Earth level, no one can sweep them except him, the master.

"It's still not strong enough!"

Li Xuan sighed.

The power of heaven in the wilderness has been greatly improved, and the perfection of the cycle of yin and yang has brought the world to a new starting point, and the law of heaven has become more profound and mysterious.

Today's power of heavenly rules has actually surpassed the level of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

By gathering the power of Heavenly Dao, Tianzi can fight against a strong person who surpasses the Lord of Heaven and Earth, but it is limited to the scope of Heavenly Dao, and it can fight against not many strong people who surpass the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

After all, there is not enough time. If there are thousands or tens of thousands of years of improvement, the way of heaven will be enough to suppress the ordinary powerful people above the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

"Hey, is this the layout of the Fuhua Temple?"

Suddenly, Li Xuan saw a gray figure emerging somewhere in the distant Land of Immortality. This figure moved a big mountain and stood there.

This mountain is not an ordinary mountain, but a mountain created by the energy of heaven and earth poured into it and the gathering of many kinds of true spirits.

"Similar to the formation base function of the formation, it must have taken a long time to prepare the mountain. There is more than one true spirit that turns into the mountain and condenses the power of the mountain. And they are not the true spirits of the same era, and they are all from heaven and earth. Main level true spirit.”

Li Xuan could see through this mountain at a glance, and he guessed that the Lord Fuhua had arranged it once, but failed to achieve his goal. The appearance of Tiandi allowed him to find the core of success.

That is to infuse the energy of heaven and earth and use it as a bridge, and the great wilderness is the key. The entire world of the great wilderness is used as the driving force to stimulate this arrangement to achieve the goal.

(End of chapter)

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