You Are Just Making Up the Exercises, My Disciple, Have You Really Mastered Them?

Chapter 555: Exchange, encounter hell

Chapter 555 Exchange, encounter with hell

“Mingyu, the formations in the array are too mysterious. You can’t understand them without me explaining them. If you are interested, how about we make an exchange?”

Xu Yan held the formation disk, looked at Mingyu who had recovered from the stagnant thought, and smiled.


Mingyu thought, "How to exchange? What to exchange for?"

"How about I explain to you the formations in the formation plate, and you explain to me your own laws?"

Xu Yan felt that if he could obtain Mingyu's laws, it would be of great help to him to achieve great success.

Mingyu's power is very special, and she is something special in her own right.

"Is it the law in me?"

Mingyu fell into thinking and seemed to be analyzing the pros and cons. He didn't answer for a long time, as if his thinking was stuck.

Xu Yan was not in a hurry, waiting for Mingyu's mind to recover.

"You can try it!"

Mingyu nodded and agreed.

"Then let's get started."

Xu Yan was overjoyed.

With a wave of his hand, he took out two pieces of paper. This was no ordinary paper, but paper that could carry the description of the law.

Xu Yan drew a few formation patterns on one of the papers and said, "This is one of the components of a formation."

Instructing Mingyu to also draw part of his own laws.

Mingyu's eyes flashed with silvery white light. She raised a hand and drew several patterns of laws on another piece of paper. Xu Yan knew at a glance that this was one of the laws in her body.

If he could draw all the laws on Mingyu's body, he would be able to confirm whether his guess was correct.

During the next trip, Xu Yan drew part of the formation patterns and explained them to Mingyu, and then Mingyu also drew part of his own laws and explained them to Xu Yan.

Going back and forth, a complete formation has been drawn on the paper.

Xu Yan handed the formation drawings to Mingyu, and he put away the piece of law paper that Mingyu had drawn, and took out two more pieces of paper, and the two continued to exchange.

The formations on the formation disk are not just a single formation, and there are many formations. It is really worthwhile to exchange the patterns of two or three formations for Mingyu's whole body.

"Continue, this formation is more core and relatively more complex."

Xu Yan took out two pieces of paper and said with a smile.

Mingyu blinked and stared at him for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something.

"I seem to be at a disadvantage."

Xu Yan smiled brightly, "How come, Miss Mingyu, you are the one who made the profit. Normal exchange, I have one formation, and you have another one, is equal. But I used three formations, and only you were exchanged." Part of the rule is that you have made a profit no matter what.”

Mingyu fell into thinking.

Xu Yan took out several treasures, placed one in front of Mingyu, and said, "Look, I'll analyze it for you."

Putting a treasure in his hand in front of Mingyu, "Under normal circumstances, in exchange, I gave you a treasure, and you should also give me a treasure, but you only gave me part of it."

As he spoke, he broke apart part of the treasure in front of Mingyu and put it in front of him, and then placed another treasure in his hand in front of Mingyu.

"I will give you another treasure, and what you exchange for me is only part of it."

He broke apart part of Mingyu's treasure again, put it in front of himself, and continued: "Look, you have already obtained two of my treasures, and I have only obtained part of your treasure. Do you think you earned it?"

Mingyu blinked and looked at the two complete treasures in front of him, while Xu Yan only had the incomplete treasure in front of him, which was not complete.

It seems that he really made his own money.

"Why did you let me?"

Mingyu didn't understand.

"Meeting is fate. I, Xu Yan, am sincerely making friends. I know a lot about the formations. It is appropriate to let you have some, because we are friends."

Xu Yan said seriously.


Mingyu smiled and said, "Thank you, Xu Yan, you are really a friend worth making!"

"So, let's continue?"

Xu Yan said with a smile.

"Okay, continue!"

Mingyu nodded.

Then, the two continued to exchange.

Finally, Xu Yan used the five formations in the array to exchange the laws on Mingyu's body, but Xu Yan was a little surprised that the laws on Mingyu's body seemed incomplete.

"Mingyu, did you miss the rules?"

"No, I have drawn all the laws on my body for you."

Mingyu raised his hand and drew downwards from his neck, indicating that he had finished drawing all the laws on his body.

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu's head.

I finally understood why it was incomplete.

"Where are the laws in your head?"

Xu Yan pointed to his head and said.


Mingyu was lost in thought, "How to draw a head?"

Xu Yan was startled and pointed: "It's very simple to draw it with the soul."


Mingyu blinked and seemed to be thinking. Xu Yan saw that Mingyu's eyes gradually turned jade white, the dark pupils disappeared, and the silvery brilliance shone in his eyes.

"what happened?"

Xu Yan was shocked. Mingyu seemed to be in some kind of chaos. He didn't understand why this situation happened because of the soul.

"Something's wrong!"

Xu Yan frowned and used the Little Eye of Heaven, but what he saw in his eyes was still pure white and flawless brilliance, and he could not understand the root cause.


Xu Yan shouted.

Mingyu seemed to be stuck in his thinking and didn't respond for a long time. Just when Xu Yan was thinking about whether he should take action to investigate, Mingyu finally spoke.


Xu Yan took out the green ling jade bamboo and stuffed it into Mingyu's hand. The green ling jade bamboo was full of vitality, and mysterious lines appeared on the jade bamboo.

That is the law of heaven and earth. The violent spiritual energy of the unchangeable Qi is absorbed by the Qingling Polygonatum odoratum and becomes gentle, making the Polygonatum odoratum more vigorous.

A faint blue light rises from the bamboo, reflecting Mingyu. At this moment, Mingyu is a little more alive, a little more like a human being of flesh and blood.

Sitting cross-legged on the mountain, Hades suddenly opened his eyes and looked somewhere.

"The breath of Qingling Yuzhu."

The figure moved and disappeared in an instant.

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu who was recovering from the chaotic state holding the Qingling Jade Bamboo in his hand, and became thoughtful.

Under the strong vitality of Qingling Yuzhu, Mingyu seemed to "come alive". She was obviously a living person, but for some reason, she looked more like a living person at this moment.

It seems that Mingyu before was not a living person in the true sense.

Xu Yan became more and more curious. Mingyu was really weird, and she fell into confusion because he mentioned the soul. Mingyu was thinking about the meaning of the soul, so she fell into this state of confusion. And Qingling Yuzhu can help her recover from the chaos.

This may be because Mingyu carries the Qingling Yuzhu with him.

Mingyu blinked and almost recovered. Xu Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Miss Mingyu, use the power of your soul to describe your own laws, or observe your own soul to describe the laws within it."


Mingyu fell into thinking, and then her thoughts seemed to be stuck again. The Qingling Yuzhu in her hand was once again filled with rich vitality and a faint cyan brilliance.

Xu Yan was observing Mingyu's current state for a long time. With the help of Qingling Yuzhu, Mingyu gradually recovered and blinked, seeming to have forgotten what Xu Yan said just now.

"This is the soul. Mingyu, you can separate a ray of soul and print it on paper. The rules will be self-contained."

This time, Xu Yan not only mentioned the soul, but also separated out a ray of soul.

This ray of soul was printed on a piece of paper. In an instant, the paper seemed to come alive, and a human figure could be seen on the paper.

Moreover, the soul on the paper actually spoke, "Just like me."

Mingyu looked at Xu Yan's soul, blinked his eyes, and the dark pupils gradually turned into jade white, and silvery white brilliance came out.

A wave similar to a divine soul appeared on her head, "A divine soul?"

Mingyu murmured, but got stuck again. This time, it seemed that his brain had completely shut down. Even under the vitality of Qingling Yuzhu, he could not recover for a long time.

It seemed that Mingyu's brain was in an incomprehensible state because of thinking about the soul, or trying to imitate Xu Yan and separate the soul. His thinking fell into a dead end and he could not get out.


Xu Yan called softly, but Mingyu didn't respond. He even saw that Mingyu's eyes turned into jade-white, and the silver-white light was spinning in circles, as if he was dizzy.

"It's not really what I guess, is it?"

Xu Yan was a little surprised.

Mingyu's current state was completely unlike what a person with normal intelligence would be, and it was getting closer and closer to his guess.

"Isn't it impossible to recover?"

Xu Yan looked at Mingyu's eyes, the silvery white brilliance was still spinning in circles, as if his thoughts were completely stuck and he couldn't straighten them out or get out.

Even with the assistance of Qingling Yuzhu, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

"I really can't recover, but I'm in some trouble."

Xu Yan scratched his hair. If Mingyu really couldn't recover, how could he **** her back? He didn't know where the destination was.

If you can't send Mingyu back, you can't explore the origin of Qingling Yuzhu.

"Wait a little longer. If it really can't be restored, we can only give it a try."

Xu Yan muttered in his heart.

If it didn't work, he could only try to see if he could wake up Mingyu on his own initiative.

Suddenly, Xu Yan's expression changed, he raised his head and looked somewhere, and saw a figure coming quickly.

Lord of heaven and earth!

Xu Yan moved and put away the flying boat. With a wave of his hand, he wrapped Mingyu in his arms and moved away in an instant, putting distance between him and the other party.


Hades looked stunned, "Who are you?"

His eyes fell on the bamboo in Mingyu's hand. The familiar breath came from this bamboo. This was the original bamboo from Qingyu!


Looking at Mingyu again, Ming Yu frowned slightly. Could it be that Qingyu was really rescued by people from Yuting?

Or was the remains obtained by Yuting?

"Who are you?"

Xu Yan looked wary, but not afraid at all.

He had some guesses in his mind.

"Temple, Protector of Blood Hell!"

Hades said coldly.

"Which one of Tai Cang Heaven and Earth are you?"

Xu Yan is a creature of heaven and earth, not from Yuting, but he is with the people of Yuting at this time. Underworld can't help but wonder, has Taicang Heaven and Earth reached some kind of cooperation with Yuting?

In other words, Taicang Tiandi took refuge in the Jade Court, hoping to gain protection from the Jade Court and fight against the Unchangeable Temple.

"If Tai Cang Tian Di took refuge in Yu Ting, why is there no news at all?"

Hades was confused.

With the capabilities of the Fuhua Temple, if a strong man from the Jade Court approaches Taicang Heaven and Earth, he will definitely be able to discover it. The possibility of bypassing the Fuhua Temple and secretly subduing Taicang Heaven and Earth is extremely low.

"Taicang is dead, there is no more Taicang heaven and earth in the world, I am Xu Yan, the Great Wilderness Sword God!"

Xu Yan said calmly.

Under such circumstances, he encountered Hell, one of the former seven lords of heaven and earth!

"Great wilderness?"

Ning Yu frowned, Tai Cang Heaven and Earth had changed its name. Could it be that there was a new Lord of Heaven and Earth?

"Whether it's Tai Cang or Da Huang, if you leave her, I'll pretend I haven't seen you!"

Hades pointed at Mingyu and said.

Xu Yan smiled calmly and said: "Although you are the Lord of Heaven and Earth, you are overconfident if you want to keep me. I, Xu Yan, have never been threatened by others, and you can't do it even in hell."

Ming Yu smiled, "That's crazy enough. How could the universe have such an arrogant boy like you? You are much crazier than Xiaoyao back then."

"I, Xu Yan, am never crazy. I always speak based on my own strength."

Xu Yan always kept a distance from Nether Prison, so that Nether Prison could not get close, and he did not move away immediately.

"Speaking of strength? Then let me weigh the strength of a junior like you!"

Hell chuckled lightly, raised his hand and grabbed it forward.


In an instant, a ball of blood appeared in the impenetrable land, as if a **** purgatory had descended, and a nearby mountain turned into powder in an instant.

In an instant, the Blood Purgatory blocked almost all of Xu Yan's escape routes. Once completely blocked, Xu Yan would be trapped in his Blood Hell.


Xu Yan raised his eyebrows. He was worthy of being one of the seven lords of heaven and earth. His strength was far beyond what a lord of heaven and earth like Mu Zhao could compare with.

When he raised his hand, it seemed that this land of immortality was turned into purgatory. In purgatory, life and death were all under his control, unless his purgatory was broken.

Xu Yan feels that with his current strength, he cannot break through the **** purgatory. Unless he achieves a great Tao realm, once he is trapped in the **** purgatory, he can only break through it by using his master's jade talisman.

However, although Hell's attack was swift and the Blood Purgatory appeared instantly, turning this unchangeable land into Blood Purgatory could not be accomplished in a single thought.

The other Lords of the Small World would naturally not be able to seize this momentary gap and escape from the **** purgatory, but for Xu Yan, it was not too difficult.

Therefore, at the moment when the Blood Purgatory was sealed, Xu Yan disappeared instantly and escaped from the gap before the Blood Purgatory was completely sealed.

Ming Yu was surprised, "You are so fast, no wonder you are so confident!"

As he took a step, he raised his hand, and the **** purgatory turned into a line of blood light, which followed Xu Yan and stabbed him. Before it could hit Xu Yan, the blood light turned into blood threads all over the sky, like a spider web, trying to bind Xu Yan.


Only an afterimage was left on the spot, and Xu Yan once again escaped from the gap between the bloodshot eyes, narrowly escaping.

"Very good movement skills. With your movement skills and speed, the Lord of Little Heaven and Earth is almost invincible."

Hell sighed, but he remained calm. When he took a step forward, he raised his hand again, and there was a buzzing sound, and a little blood light lit up in all directions.

Xu Yan was surrounded by blood light, and the blood light was getting brighter and brighter. The light was reflected from all directions, from far to near, and the blood light was connected without any gaps.

"Let's see how you escape this time!"

Ming Yu said with a calm expression.

(End of chapter)

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