Yami: The Gamer Kage

Chapter 7: The 4th’s Legacy

Chapter 7: The 4th’s Legacy

I stood facing the little monsters wearing black tights that came down till my shins with bandages going down my legs till my black toeless sandals. I stuffed my hands into the front of my back hoodie finding with the zip line between my hands.

Mizuki smiled, "go on little professor, introduce yourself."

I sighed as I stepped up and met the eyes of all the fourth year students before me, "hello, I'm Yami, it's nice to meet you."

"Yami!" Lee called out from the first row grinning brightly, "it's good to see you my friend!"

"Sir, why is Naruto's bro here?" asked a girl, Pepe according to her name. I sighed, ever since Naruto and I became roommates people called us 'brothers', it was nice at first, but every time Naruto heard it the kid began to act emotional and shit, stupid kid.

"That's because this brat is overqualified to be in the year below you," Mizuki said with a smirk as I gulped feeling everyone's eyes land on me.

"Really? So is he some kind of genius?" asked a boy, Toru.

"Yes," Mizuki nodded, "I don't call him the little professor for nothing. Anyway, go on kid, sit down."

"Here Yami!" Lee called out immediately pointing at the seat next to him. I sighed, but unable to really say no I sat down next to the boy who smiled giddily.

"Now, let's begin," Mizuki went into his lecture, Lee looked bored, as did the rest of the class, but I did my best to listen closely. Kind off. Meh, not really.

I already had a high enough INT score, why did I still need to listen to this crap? So for the rest of the day I just dozed off, going in and out of conscious awareness. Stupid boring class.

Lunch that day was...entertaining.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WON'T BE IN THE SAME CLASS?!" Naruto cried out so loudly I think I might have lost a couple of HP there.

I sighed rubbing my ringing ears, "I meant what I said Naruto, Iruka put into the next year's class, so I won't be with you anymore."

"B-but that's not fair!" Naruto cried out, "how am I going to be Hokage if you keep getting better than me!"

I scoffed, "dude, I hate that job, you know that. Trust me, as long as there's an idiot like you willing to be Hokage I will never even think of getting that job."

"This blows!" Naruto slammed his fist on the table, "who's going to teach me all the stuff I don't know now?! Who Yami? Who?!" he grabbed my collar shaking me repeatedly.

I sighed, "maybe you should learn by yourself?"

Naruto cried, "but I don't want too!"

"Yosh!" Lee said as he walked up to Naruto's and mine table, "may I sit here Yami?"

I shrugged, "sure I guess."

"Much thanks!" Lee smiled as he sat down next to me and smiled at Naruto, "hello! I'm Rock Lee! It's nice to meet you!"

Naruto blinked, "ah, hello."

I smiled, "Lee is a taijutsu specialist, he likes Sakura too."

Lee blushed, "h-how did you know that?!"

"What?! You like Sakura too?!" Naruto yelled as he jumped off his seat shaking his fists at Lee, "I won't let you have her you hear?!"

"N-no, it' not like that Naruto I swear!" Lee blushed as slowly they began to yell.

I smiled form the side, this time tomorrow they would be best friends.

After lunch we had physical training. For the first year we had running laps and other body exercises. For the second year we had obstacle training and from the third year would begin taijutsu spars and weapons training.

We first began training weapons and immediately a new quest came up.

Quest Aleter!

Hit the target five times with a kunai!

HIt the target five times with a shuriken!


+10 EXP per successful hit



Do you accept?


I rolled my eyes and accepted. Too easy.

"Yami!" called out Tonu-sensei, a low level chunin kunoichi that specialized in taijutsu. She was assigned to us for outdoors training and from what could gather she won't have bad...no Mighty Guy, but not bad.

"Right," I came up to the target and stood away. I reached into my hip pouch and took out five kunai in one hand.

Tonu began to speak, "you have to get five kunai into the target, you have ten chance-"


Kunai techniques, Lv- 28 (39%)- Aquaracy- 100%

"Done," I replied as I threw all five at the target hitting bullseye for all five.

The class immediately began to murrer, looking at the target in awe. Idiots, this was nothing, try hitting a nidoran in the middle of a field of lavenders, now that was difficult shit.

"Good job," Tonu replied looking not at all phased or surprised, "now shurikens."

I sighed and reached around to my hip pouch and took out the weapons. Threw them quickly, four landing in the center, pushing the kunai out from sheer force, while the fifth hit the last ring, barely making it inside the target.

Shuriken techniques, Lv- 21 (9%)- Accuracy- 75%

"You need to work on that," Tonu replied as she marked something down on her pad.


Quest completed!


I grumbled as I swiped the message away and walked to the target getting my weapons before moving aside and letting the next person step up.

I didn't pay much attention to the people, mostly not bothered by the filler characters. But when Tenten stepped up, well then I was interested.

The girl was a master at this already, throwing all ten at once, getting almost all in the bulls eye. She smirked as she looked at me smugly, I raised an eyebrow as I met her gaze, was she trying to prove something?

She finally scoffed and retrieved her weapons, walking past me with a scolding look, guess she hates me.

Tenten Higurashi, Weapons lover

Lv- 15

REP- 12

Or maybe not. Hm, maybe it was respect I saw her in her eyes.

I looked out for Lee, who got three kunai in and four shuriken, and then finally Neji, who did a perfect ten, show off.

We were then divided into groups for taijutsu practise. Most of the kids were using the academy style while a few others, myself included, used other forms of combat.

I ended up with a kid from the Sarutobi clan who used the Sarutobi style. His name was Zumo and he had short black curly hair and beaming brown eyes. He wore a red full sleeved hoodie with orange flames lickign the sleeves and edges and a set of black shorts.

We were the fourth to go, right after Neji finished kicking the ass of some civilian kid. We stepped inside and immediately we made the sign of confrontation.

"Begin!" Tonu called out as the Sarutobi kid moved.

He swung at kick at my gut, it was so slow all I had to do was sid step it before spinning on my heel, bringing my elbow swinging forward to hit him in the gut. My fist then came up causing the back of my hand to hit his nose before I quickly landed three more hits one after the other on his upper torso before spartan kicking him out of the ring.

"Out! Winner by disqualification, Yami!" Tonu called out.

Zumo looked up with wide eyes, "h-how did you do that?"

I shrugged, "I'm fast," I offered him my hand, helping him get back on his feet.

"Those movement, I have never seen a ninja fight like that," Zumo blinked, "who taught you how to fight?"

"No one taught me, I created my own taijutsu style," I said making the seal of reconciliation which the kid mimicked.

"You made your own taijutsu style?" Tonu asked with an impressed eyebrow, "when?"

I shrugged, "when I began the academy. It was...difficult at first, but I think I became pretty good at it."

"I'll say," she hummed, "it actually resembles the Uchiha interrupter style, only it's more..."

"Disturbing?" I offered with a smile.


I nodded, "that's what I call it, Disturbance style."

"Sensei," Neji immediately stepped up, "I would like a chance to fight Yami."

Tonu rolled her eyes, "you Hyuga's and your pride. Sorry kid, but no can do. Maybe next time okay?"

I looked at Neji as he nodded begrudgingly, before turning to me and glaring. I sighed, kid was fucking out for blood!

After physical training we went inside for a lecture before being dismissed. I went home and found Naruto there waiting for me. We talked a bit before I locked myself in my work room, sitting before Stan Lee's next hit: Batman Vs. Superman!

Instead of the horrible movie I remember seeing, not that I remember if I saw it alone or with friends, I wrote a completely new script! Hopefully this one will be a lot better. I was almost done with it, and was now putting in the last touches.

Instead of having Superman die I had him, Batman and Wonder woman come together to form the Trinity. Instead of Doomsday I had the main bad guy be Darkseid's son Kaliban. They kicked his ass and I finished the book with the three becoming friends and the threat of a greater evil looming in the horizon.

It was honestly a blast writing this book, and I had to rewrite it a couple of times to make it more...Elemental nations friendly, but I think in the end I made it worth it.

It was dark when I was done, by that time Naruto had come back home after pulling a few pranks. He and I had the dinner I cooked like always and went to bed. But while Naruto went to his room, I went out.

I went into the park and reached the dungeon spawn spot. The menu came up and I selected the level 4 dungeon, a special treat I had saved for myself for beginning the new year, but I suppose I might as well get as much training as I possibly could now that I had only one more year to train before becoming a ninja.

The world shifted and I found myself in a giant stretch of beach. I blinked and looked around, there was only sand as far as the eye could see with a few boulders littering the view here and there. And before me was a vast expanse of water, a seat without limits.

I smiled and unzipped my hoodie revealing a leather vest sown with scyther plates. And over it was a necklace with five minutrised pokeballs present like beads. I popped one out and threw it out, "go Cuter!"

Scyther came flying out, buzzing as it floated over me and looked around. It turned to me questioningly as it waited for orders.

"Alright Cuter here's the deal," I zipped my hoodie back up and began walking forward, activating my water walking ability as I walked into the water, "we are going to be fighting in the water, since Onix, Flamer, Blaze and King can't work with water you're going to have to watch my back."

"Scy!" it cried out and nodded as I took off in a sprint, running into the water while Scyther followed behind me. We got a few feet into the water when suddenly a giant orange figure exploded from the water at me.

I quickly dodged it before Cuter came swooping down and slicing through the thing.

+5 EXP

I blinked at the message, that was very little EXP. I looked at the now dead pokemon and sighed, "that explains it."


Lv- 2

I honestly didn't need to see anything else. That explains the single hit KO.

Scyther and I continued and soon came upon another Magikarp attack, and another, and another. By the fifth one I didn't even bother dodging. I just punched it right in the head.

Soon we came onto our first real challenge of the day, a horsea. But it honestly didn't last very long when after I used my hell viewing genjutsu to trick it allowing Scyther to knock it out.

We gained around 10,000 EXP from killing all those Horses and magikarps. We also came across a few Goldeens, but nothing too amazing. From the Horse As I gained smoke bombs and from the Goldeens I got fish live oil, which apparently is very useful for cooking.

In the end we ended up facing the boss of the waters, a giant Seaking. While powerful and mighty, I didn't really care for it, it was just a giant fish, big woop. I ended up defeating it easily with a few good hits in and one slice from Cuter.

I gained 5,000 EXP alone from that thing allowing both Cuter and I to level up;

Cuter, Scyther

Lv- 24

REP- 41

HP- 3,800/3,800

SP- 4,200/4,200



EXP: ,950/12,500

Allegiance- Yami

STR- 34

VIT- 60

DEX- 34

INT- 22

CHA- 0

CC- 0

LUC- 16

Points- 5

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 24 (,600/11,900)

HP- 2,800/2,800 (+20)

SP- 1,375/1,375

CP- 1,600/1,600


Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 30

VIT- 33

DEX- 36

INT- 34 (+2)

CHA- 40

CC- 79

LUC- 25 (+5)

Points- 5



You have unlocked perfect control! Congratulations! You can now select one elemental affinity!






You have got to be kidding me! Only now do I get my elemental control?! Did that mean I would have never gotten it if I didn't level it up to 100% control?! The fuck man?!

I grumbled but quickly selected Fire, since I did have mostly fire jutsu to use.


You have selected fire!

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 24 (,600/11,900)

HP- 2,800/2,800 (+20)

SP- 1,375/1,375

CP- 1,600/1,600

CONTROL- 100% FIRE- 0%

.So now I have to start all the way from the beginning? Fuck me right in the ass! That's it, fucking hell!

I came out of the natural dungeon and returned Cuter. I came back home and sat own at my office. I opened my menu and pulled out all the skill scrolls I had, which was three. Two + 10 scroll I had gotten when this whole thing began, a +2 scroll and a + 5 scroll.

Water walking, Lv- 10 (30%)

By channeling chakra into the soles of your feet you can walk on water.

Uses: 15 CP per minute

I gained +5 CC points for every level gained, I knew saving these things would be worth it one day. I picked up a scroll and opened it up, selecting the water walking skill to level up.


A skill has leveled up 10 times!

Water walking, Lv- 20 (MAX)

By channeling chakra into the soles of your feet you can walk on water.

Uses: 10 CP per minute

+ 50 CC!

Yup, totally worth it.

CC- 129


You have gained a new perk for crossing 100 CC stat!

Chakra sensor- Detect people's chakra and their moods. Range- 300 feet

Ha! Awesome! A new perk! Take that Tsunade! Let's see you beat my score! If my calculations were correct that meant the next time I leveled up I would gain...let's see, 2% for every ten levels meaning..wait, let's just put a stat point in there;

CC- 130

Points- 4

There we go, much better. Now, 2% into 13 is 26%, add the I would get perfect control over fire in five level ups!

But good things come to those who wait, if this situation has taught me anything it was that.

I then turned to the other skills I had in my arsenal and wondered which ones I should level up. I found two;

Disturbance style, Lv- 32 (74%)

Akin to a warrior's dance performance, a user of this style is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard their target with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard.

DMG- +50 + STR + DEX

Speed- 47% faster

Finjutsu, Lv- 38 (83%)

The art of making seals using paper and ink.

Success rate- 76%

Maximum difficulty range- B class seals

The Disturbance style was my best move set, I really needed it to be up to notch. So I decided to use my other +10 skill scroll on it;

Disturbance style, Lv- 42 (0%)

Akin to a warrior's dance performance, a user of this style is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard their target with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard.

DMG- +80 + STR + DEX

Speed- 57% faster

And then I used both the +5 skill scroll and +2 skill scroll on fuinjutsu;

Finjutus, Lv- 45 (0%)

The art of making seals using paper and ink.

Success rate- 90%

Maximum difficulty range- A class seals

Mh, cool. With that done I decided to call it a night, might as well get some sleep.

One year later:

Not much had happened in the last year I spent in the academy. It just kind of went by without notice...kind off. Oh I grew up a lot, I now stood at five feet four inches, not bad for a eleven year old kid. My body was fit, not much fat, but no bulging muscles either.

Oh and what else? Oh right I managed to level up exactly five times!

Meaning I gained a 26% control rate for my fire affinity every time. And on my fourth level up I completed my fire affinity, allowing me access to a second affinity!

This time I chose wind and when I leveled up a fifth time;

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 29 (7600/15,200)

HP- 4,000/4,000 (+20)

SP- 1,925/1,925

CP- 2,250/2,250


FIRE- 100% WIND- 26%

Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 32

VIT- 42

DEX- 42

INT- 35 (+2)

CHA- 50

CC- 130

LUC- 26 (+5)

And since CHA had reached 50, I had gained a new perk;

Chakra boost- Gain 20% bonus chakra once your reserves run out.

That was a really important perk as it gave me an extra leg to stand on just ince the fight got really bad. The enemy would think I'm done for, then dam! Right in the kisser!

A few of my other skills also managed to level up, but that wasn't really important right now. What was important is the field day I had trying to keep my abilities hidden.

Ever since I went up a year I noticed more and more people talking about me, mentioning me in their conversations, I didn't like it, but I knew it was my fault, I just had to be a big shot and prove how smart I was to everyone.

So I decided from then on, that's all I would be. Just the smart nerdy kid who was good at taijutsu and kunais. But other than that I kept the rest of my talents hidden.

Why? One word, Danzo. I did not want to get on that creeps radar.

So it was a very, very slow year for me. I could barely get time off for dungeon crawling, I didn't even visit the fifth level dungeon I unlocked! GR! I hate living in a ninja village!

But finally, finally it was over. I woke up on the last day of the academy excited beyond belief. Naruto himself had woken me up, jumping on my bed, excited enough for the both of us.

I went to the academy and immediately we began the testing process.

The whole day was test. First it was a written test which I managed to pass easily. And then came the weapon handling portion along wit the taijutsu spar where we went up against Tonu-sensei. The spar lasted five minutes with me getting a hit in.

It was really difficult restricting my own movement purposefully. My style demanded I let go and trust my instincts, but how could I when I knew purposefully didn't want to draw attention to myself?

And then came the ninjutsu portion of the test...did I even have to go into that? I passed, duh. And I walked out of the Academy with a brand new shining headband that glittered in the light. I held it up and smiled, not bad.

"Well?!" Naruto ran to me the moment I walked out of the academy with a smile on his face, "did you get it?"

I grinned as I tied the headband on my forehead, "what do you think?"

"YATA! You are so going to treat me to ramen tonight! Dattebayo!" Naruto cheered as he practically dragged me away.


You have obtained the rank of genin!

You have gained a new title!

Genin- Gains + 20 REP with anyone with allegiance to Konoha. -20 REP with enemies of Konoha.

You no have access to the genin section of the library and can take up mission with your team!

I grinned, totally worth it!

After eating lunch with Naruto he and I parted ways. I told him I wanted to go to the library, to which he responded by saying, 'why? You passed! That means you don't need to study anymore Dattebayo!'

Hehe little did he know how long I have been for this day. I pulled my hood up and smiled as I walked into the library.

"Oh, good morning Yami, how are you today?" Misa asked smiling.

"Fine," I replied quickly walking into the ninja section looking through the rows and rows of scrolls and books for anything I can use. Oh, what' this? And Earth release jutsu? Could be useful.

I picked it up and looked it over, ignoring the instant skill learning option present before me. As I read it I heard Misa clearing her throat.

I looked over and saw her looming over me with a disapproving face, "Yami, I have told you time and time again, this section is for ninjas only, you can't be here, no matter how talented you are. I understand that-"

I removed my hood and smiled at her, "or relax Misa, this time, I'm here legally!"

Misa stopped and stared in surprise at my headband. She smiled, "congratulations! This is so exciting Yami! I didn't realise the graduation tests were today! I knew you could do it! Tell me, did you gain the 'rookie of the year' title?"

I sighed, "no, Neji Hyuga got it, the prick." More like I let him get it, heh.

"Oh that's alright," Misa said in a reassuring tone of voice, "now, I'll let you be, enjoy the genin section, but remember Yami, you can only use the genin section, nothing else, understood?"

I nodded, "yeah, I got it. Thanks," she smiled as went back to her desk. I turned to the rows and rows of scrolls before me and smiled, time to get to work.

I had a week break after the exam, I spent that time working my ass off reading nearly every book in the genin section. Misa actually had to ban me from the library on the second day because I refused to leave and had to be dragged out.

So while my week training was cut short, I ended up with a lot more interesting jutsus added to my arsenal;

Earth Release: Double Suicide decapitation jutsu, D rank

This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom.

CP cost- 100 CP

Temporary Paralysis jutsu, D rank

A technique that physically restrains an opponent, as if the opponent had been tied in invisible steel ropes. It debilitates the victim for a short period of time.

CP cost- 50 CP

Hidden Mist jutsu, D rank

A thick mist springs forth by using a pre-existing water source, or expelling water from their mouth

CP cost- 75 CP

Fire Release: Dragon fire jutsu, C rank

The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object, which rushes forward in a straight line catching the enemy on fire.

CP cost- 150 CP

DMG: 350

Fire Release: Flame Bullet, C rank

The user gathers oil in their mouth which is created by chakra, spitting it out, and igniting it. This technique simply shoots a flame bullet at the enemy.

CP cost- 200 CP (for 4 bullets)

DMG- 100 (per bullet)

Fire Release: Phoenix Sage fire, C rank

This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. They can be controlled to a certain degree.

CP cost- 50 CP (per fireball)

DMG- 75

Wind Release: Gale Palm, C rank

A simple technique whereby when the user clasps their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale.

CP cost- 50 CP

DMG- 40

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough, C rank

The technique forms a devastation stream of wind expelled from the user's mouth.

CP cost- 250 CP

DMG- 400 CP

The reason I mainly learnt fire and wind release was because of my affinity for them I gained special bonuses:

FIRE RELEASE: -90% cost, +100% power

WIND RELEASE: - 20% cost, +25% power

Yup, I'm so looking forward to level up three more times just so that I can gain a 100% control over wind.

Anyway, along with the jutsus I also learned a few ninja tricks of the trade, such as signals and other such secret messaging signals and other ninja techniques. I needed to train now and since I was an official genin I could now use the training grounds without issue.

On the third day of my week of R&R I set out for training ground seven. Finding it way easy enough, I entered the field and immediately found the three training posts that appeared in the anime. I ran up to it and sure enough there was a golden leaf just there, I smiled and touched it;


Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Training Ground seven!

Locations found in Konoha: 16/30

Select your reward!

Treasure map!

+1000 EXP

+ 10 Stat points

Random jutus drop

Okay, first off all, treasure map and the thousand EXP were off the list. The map would probably lead to money and gold,which I didn't need...or, it could lead to a random jutus...hm, damn this is tricky.

The stat points were important, it's rare to find free points like this, and the random jutus drop is emptying as well.ah what the hell, I'll take the damn treasure map!


You have obtained a treasure map!

A scroll spread before me and I quickly grabbed it and looked it over. I noted a few landmarks, from the looks of things...oh, this is Konoha, and not only that, according to this map whatever treasure I was looking for was over the Hokage mountain.

So I quickly put the map away and ran to the directions it asked. I ran to the Hokage mountain and sighed, I couldn't climb that thing, not right now. I could use my tree walking skills and climb up the mountain, but then people would know that a fresh faced genin already knew the tree walking exercise and all eyes would be on me.

I did not want that.

So the long way around it was.

On top of the monument was actually the high class living distrct of the village, the richest of the rich. The royalty. The Hyuga's loved her, and the Senju's, if they still existed that is.

I had to consult the map, but so far it seemed like I'm supposed to be going deep into the clan district, into the thick forest that existed after the clan housing space.

I continued to walk until I entered the forest and then kept going until I ended up near a stone monument that had a white swirl on it and words underneath;

This stone is a reminder forever to never again be late to save the lives of our allies and friends. We of the fire swear to make things right by the Uzumaki clan, protect them and every resident that comes to our walls. This we swear by the will of Fire.

I smiled, I really have to bring Naruto here. But...WHERE THE HELL IS MY TREASURE?!

I grumbled as I looked around the stone monument and just when I was about to give up, I found it. Not one, but two golden leaves!

Yup, treasure indeed!


Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Uzumaki stone I!

Locations found in Konoha: 17/30

Select your reward!

+10,000 Ryo

Uzumaki mask

+ 10 Stat points

Random jutsu drop

Money was useless to me. The jutus drop was a game of luck and the stat points were tempting. But the mask...now that was something that drew my attention.

If this mask was a part of the uzumaki clan, then it's very very powerful. It's part of the same family that let's one inhibit the body of death itself, so..yeah, I want it.


You gained: Uzumaki mask!

A white mask with short white horns on the top spread in my hands. The mask looked like a female oni, her jaws thin and her features much more relaxed looking than her angry male counterparts. In fact...it almost looked like she was smiling.

Her eyes were carved open for one to see through and on the right side of her face were black flame designs along the checks. Her eyes were unwrinkled and her mouth unburdened. She smiled at me, like a joke being whispered in the wind that only she could hear. It was...haunting to look at.

Oni Mask of Stillness, S class item

This mask was created by the Uzumaki clan making it very powerful. It is sealed to be unbreakable and forces anyone who makes eye contact with the wearer to speak be paralyzed.

Limit- only works on enemies at least 10 levels below yours


I put the mask in my inventory right away, no way I'm ever going to let something happen to it. Yes, I know it's technically unbreakable, but still, mine! And while It's useless right now, I'm sure once I get more stronger it'll be perfect!

I then moved to the second golden leaf;


Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Uzumaki stone II!

Locations found in Konoha: 18/30

Select your reward!

Rare candy

A-rank item drop

+ 10 Stat points

Random jutus drop

Huh...a rare candy. Didn't expect that. And an 'A' ran item, could be an awesome weapon...or it could be a fancy golden sword. The jutsu drop was nothing compared to the item drop and the rare candy.

So now...ten points was out, mainly because a rare candy can give me five points and another level. A rank item was tempting..and given I just obtained an S rank item means.well, what's the harm right?

I decided to do a coin flip, it landed on the item drop. Oh well, hopefully I can get a rare candy later.


You have gained an item!

Fourth Hokage's coat, A rank item

The coat Minato Namikaze wore during his last confrontation with the kyubi.

I held the white coat with red flames licking it's bottom in my hands. It was torn near the sleeves and had a huge gaping hole in the back where his title was listed in kanji. His blood...Naruto's father's blood, it stained the edge of his coat.

According to this history books Minato's battle cloak for that day was never found...but now it was. I needed to return this to the museum they had in his honour, it was my duty.


Quest Alert!

Return the fabled cloak of the Fourth Hokage!







Do you accept?


But...but what about Naruto? Didn't he deserve...something?

I looked at the coat, running my fingers down every inch of the item of legend. And suddenly, I noticed something. I groaned as I looked at the right sleeves, etched into the sleeve were two names: Kushina, Naruto.

I decided right then and there that the third hokage could go hang. Naruto deserved a name...just a name, if not his father's, than at least his mother's. I'm pretty sure what I'm about to do is a crime punishable by death, but I'm pretty sure Minato will forgive me without thinking about it for second.

I took out a kunai and cut off his still intact right sleeve, wrapping it up and putting it away in my inventory. I then wrapped the cloak over my shoulders and took off into the village and accepted the quest in question.

As I ran into town people slowly looked at me with surprised eyes.

"Is that the Fourths?"

"Can't be! It's been lost for so long!"

"Why doe this kid have it?"

"Did he rob his grave?"

I ignored the last one as I ran right towards the Hokage office, stopping at the reception lady who looked at me in utter surprise, "c-can I help you?"

Mikura Kana, Receptionist

LV- 65

REP- 0

"Yes Mikura," I smiled as I took off the cloak and showed it to her eliciting a gasp to escape her lips, "I think the Hokage would like to see this."

She gasped seeing the cloak, she got up, "f-follow me," she said as she guided me to the Hokage's giant office doors.

She knocked on the door twice and opened it, "pardon the intrusion lord Hokage."

"Mikura?" the old man inside asked, "what's the matter? I told you I shouldn't be disturbed."

"Yes sir but...I believe you will want to see this," she then moved away and motioned to me.

I walked through and found myself in the Hokage's office with the third surrounded by several jounins, and how did I know that you ask? Because I can't read any of their levels. Plus Kakashi was with them.

"Yami?" the Third asked surprised, "what can I do for you?"

"Actually, it's more like what I can do for you," I held up the clock, displaying it for everyone to see.

"Where did you find that?"

I flinched in surprise as I noticed Kakashi suddenly right next to me, "I-I found it by the Uzumaki stone at the edge of the village."

Kakashi looked at me with a dull eye before turning to the cloak, "may I?"

I nodded, "sure," I handed him the cloak and watched him examine it.

"Amazing," Sarutobi said as he along with the other jonin sensei's all approached Kakashi looking at the clock. He then turned to me with a smile, "you have done a big service to your village Yami...I heard you just graduated yes?"

I chuckled, "yeah...isn't that why all these joins are here? One of them is to be my future sensei yes?"

The third chuckled, "observant as always Yami. Yes, that is correct."

"You tore a piece of this cloak," Kakashi spoke up suddenly looking at me with one eye.

I turned to him and smiled, "what makes you think that?"

"This hear," he pointed at the right shoulder, "someone used a kunai to cut up apart."

I blinked, "really? That's surprising. It was whole when I first found it.someone must have snuck up behind me and cut it on my way here...you know...to keep as a momento."

Lie Failed!

Kakashi obviously didn't believe me, but instead of catching me on it he just nodded, "is that so...well, that's too bad. You weren't even able to safely bring deliver something, I was lead to believe you were a very smart genin, guess you were nothing but a mediocre ninja."

I raised an eyebrow, was he really trying to bait me. Whatever. I shrugged, "hey, blame the old man, he's the one who allowed me to skip ahead a year. Maybe his mind's so dull due to old age he saw a mediocre ninja like me as something special."

"Oh, lord Hokage, someone is being very disrespectful," Kakashi gave a hollow chuckle.

"Yes, and his name is Kakashi Hatake, the man who questioned your orders," I replied glaring at the man.

The copy ninja looked at me and I didn't back down, not for one second. Finally Sarutobi broke the stare down with a soft but commanding tone, "that's enough, both of you."

I sighed, "right. Sorry."

Kakashi didn't reply, he took the coat and turned to the Hokage, "I'll be putting this into his display case along with his other possessions," and then he left a whirl of leaves.

I grumbled, "do me a favour lord Hokage, please, please don't assign that depressed emo as my sensei. Seriously, do you know how many times I found him staring at the memorial stone?!"

"When you become a ninja kid you'll understand," a jounin spoke up, I looked at him and found myself face to face with a smoking Asuma;

Asuma Sarutobi, Fire's Pride


REP- 20

"Yosh! This is most exciting! Not only have I gotten amazing students, but I saw once more the Fourth's cloak! To celebrate I'll by us all a round!" I'm not giving you any guesses as to who that was;

Mighty Gai, Leaf's Green Beast,

Lv- ?

REP- 20

Why was my REP score with these people so good? I never even met him before in my life!

"At least wait until the Hokage let's us go Gai," said a man, brown hair, green eyes, Inuzuka marking on his cheek.

"Actually, I think this is plenty of reason to celebrate," Sarutobi smiled as he took a puff of his pipe, "we can finish the team assignments tomorrow. For tonight go out and celebrate, we have had a great treasure returned to us, it's plenty of reason to be meary."

The ninjas all smiled and vanished in a push of smoke or leaves. I grumbled, "I so have to learn how to do that."

Sarutobi smiled, "I'm sure your jounin instructor will be more than happy to teach you that, if they believe you're ready."

I nodded, "yeah, I guess," time to make my escape and give Naruto his dad's right sleeve, "anyway, I'll be going now, night big proffessor."

"Just a minute little professor," the man replied with a chuckle at my nickname, "you have done your village a great service, returned a valuable treasure...and you aren't even officially a genin yet."

I shrugged, "meh, it was nothing. Honestly it was dumb luck."

"Yes...tell me, why were you at Uzumaki compound in the first place?"

"Naruto kind off...well, he's kind of been sad that I'm already a ninja and he's not," I sighed, this part was true, "I figured if I could find anything from the Uzumaki compound of the clan's well then that could interest him."

The man smiled, "I'm happy to see you and Naruto getting along so well Yami, I really am. People say you two act like brothers, I suppose that statement is very accurate."

"Yeah...I guess," I smiled, like I said before, Naruto was like a brother to me, a moronic annoying brother but...a brother nonetheless.

"Well, back to your little achievement," the man smiled, "tell me Yami, what can I do for you? Ask anything, and if I can give it, it's yours."

My eyes sparkled, "like what?"

The man chuckled, "well for one how about a cash reward. I'm sure I can get the council-"

"-I'm going to stop you right there," I cut him off, "I don't need cash, I'm me remember?"

Sarutobi blinked before chuckling, "ah yes, Stan Lee, I almost forgot your alternate identity. It's honestly difficult to believe such words could come from a child so young."

I shrugged, "over active imagination," I looked around and noticed the Hokage's portraits, immediately my eyes landed on Minato and I thought of something, "I want one of his kunai."

Sarutobi raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"This tri-pronged kunai," I repeated myself, "I won't one of them, one with a Flying Thunder God seal on it."

The man smiled, "why is that?"

"Naruto looks up to the man, and so do I. And since I can't keep the coat, I figured a kunai would be the second best thing."

The third smiled, "that is possible," he reached into his desk and opened the fourth drawer pulling out the tri prong kunai. My eyes sparkled as he tossed it to me. I held it like one would hold a newborn baby.

Tri Pronged kunai, A class item

A kunai with the Flying Thunder God seal on it's handle.

I looked at the seals on the handle and smiled, I'm so going to figure out how you work!


Quest Alert!

Figure out how the Flying Thunder God jutsu works!






Do you accept?


I pressed yes without hesitation and turned to the Hokage, "thank you for this...it means a lot."

Sarutobi smiled, "it's fine. Now, I'm sure you and Naruto have a lot to talk about. I'll see you soon for your first mission Yami...if you pass that is."

I chuckled, oh please, who the hell is he trying to scare? I wished him well and quickly left the tower. The moment I did a new alert popped up;


Quest Completed!

Return the fabled cloak of the Fourth Hokage!


+20 Skill scroll

+20 REP permanent bonus for the people of Konoha

Tri prong Kunai

Okay, now that was a reward. A permanent +20 REP bonus? No wonder people liked me before I even met them. And the skill scroll was pretty bitchin too!

I went home quickly that night, I walked in and called out, "Naruto! Are you home?!"

"Yeah Yami!" Naruto called out from the workroom. He sat his own rarely used desk looking over a book with a pencil behind his ear, "yo, what's up?"

I raised an eyebrow, "are you studying?"

The boy chuckled, "yeah. I figured if you're already a ninja, it's my job to catch up. No Hokage is going to be second rate to his subordinate!"

I chuckled, "I guess..oh, and speaking of Hokage's, guess what I did today!"

Naruto blinked, "what?"

"I found the fourth hokage's cloak!" I quickly told him the entire story, of how I found it in the Uzumaki stone, at which point I had to explain who the uzumaki clan were. Damn kid, I wish he listened in class!

"Woah! I came from a pretty important clan huh?" Naruto said, his eyes sparkling, "take that Uchiha bastard!"

I sighed, "yes Naruto, you come from a pretty cool clan."

"Hey, you think if I tell Sakura this she's finally say yes to a date with me?!" Naruto asked with eyes filled with hope.

I shrugged, "sure, I guess. Just make a fool of yourself okay? Because is she likes you just because you're from an old clan, she isn't worth the trouble, do you understand me?"

Naruto waved my worry away, "yeah yeah, I got you."

I smiled, "right...anyway...do you want to know the real reason I went there thought?"

Naruto blinked, "what do you mean?"

"You see, I figured you would be a little depressed, with me becoming a ninja before you and all-"

"-Hey! I'm not depressed Dattebayo! I'm just determined!"

I rolled my eyes, "right. Anyway, I figured if I can find something from the Uzumaki clan that might cheer you up! So I went looking and..."

"And? Did you find something?" Naruto asked, his eyes wide.

I smiled as I opened my inventory behind my back and mentally selected the hokage right selves. I took it out and presented it to him, "I found this around the same place I found the fourth's cloak."

"What is it? A dusty old cloth?" Naruto asked sniffing it.

I smiled, "look inside the sleeve dumbass."

Naruto frowned, he did just that finding the stitched names easily, "Kushina and Na..Naruto?"

I smiled, "I'm guessing...that's you. Because I don't know another other Naruto's in Konoha. And the woman's name.it's probably-"

"My mother's name" Naruto gasped in realization as he looked up at me with awe filled eyes as tears began to fill them up. He leaped out of his seat and hugged me, slowly beginning to cry.

I said nothing, I stayed silent as I hugged the boy I came to look at as a brother.

It took awhile for Naruto to calm down. The moment tears stopped he demanded I help him find out more about his mom. I promised him I would d just that;

Quest alert

Find out more about Kushina Uzumaki!


300 EXP

+10 REP with Naruto!


-10 REP with Naruto!

I accepted of course. But after that we spent quite a while talking about what kind of woman she would have been, and if she would have been proud of him. I told him that she would, of course she would.

I made ramen for Naruto that night, a special treat, and quickly he fell asleep. I was about to go to bed as well when I heard the window slide open.

I moved on instinct throwing five kunai at once at the target.

"Impressive," Kakashi said from the window sill as he held four kunai in his hand while the fifth had sailed past his cheek cutting it before embedding in the window sill behind him, "not many people can react that quickly."

I lowered my defence a little, "I'm not many people. I'm a ninja.technically," I looked at the man's REP and was shocked. It was 60. WHOA! How the hell did it become 60?! I looked at him and him at me.

"So...what can I do you for copycat?" I asked.

Kakashi threw the kunai back at me before turning around and looking out, "the sleeve you tore off...why?"

I blinked, "what are you talking about?"

Kakashi sighed, "I know you tore off the sleeve and gave it to Naruto. I want to know why."

I raised an eyebrow, "don't you wish you had something of your father's to remember him by?"

Kakashi's breathing faltered as he slowly turned to me, "so you know?"

"That Naruto's real name isn't Uzumaki but Namikaze? Yeah, I know."

"When did you figure it out?"

"A few years back, I think it was month after we began living together. Saw his dumb face so many times, when I was presented with the fourth picture I couldn't help but draw conclusions. It was kind of obvious really. I mean, why would a Hokage ask someone else to sacrifice their child if he couldn't do the same?"

Kakashi looked at me and blinked, "you are very wise for your age."

I shrugged, "they don't call me the Little Professor for my looks. I hope."

"And are you planning on telling Naruto?"

"Not yet no," I sighed, "the kid's too dumb, he'll probably go around yelling it out on the top of his lungs. And then he'll be in deep shit. Maybe after he's a chunin I'll tell him...yeah, that sounds right."

Kakashi smiled, or well eye smiled...how does he do that? "Very well...that's all I wanted to know. Thank you...for being such a good friend to Naruto."

"I-" I tried to speak, but before I could say a thing he disappeared. I grumbled, 'fucking ninja!'

I sighed and went to my room. I laied down but.I COULDN'T FUCKIGN SLEEP!

So I decided to do something fun. I went to my work room and sat down on my desk. I took out the tri pronged kunai and began to study the seals on it;

Finjutus, Lv- 45 (0%)

The art of making seals using paper and ink.

Success rate- 90%

Maximum difficulty range- A class seals

Alright, I have a 90% success rate, let's see if I can figure this out.


Your are attempting to learn a SS class seal! It cannot be done!

Damn it! It's past my difficulty range! Unless...I took out the +20 skill scroll I got today and opened it up.


Your skill has leveled up!

Fuinjutsu, Lv- 60 (MAX)

The art of making seals using paper and ink.

Success rate- 99%

Maximum difficulty range- SS class seals

I ended up wasting five levels, but it's so fucking worth it! ARGH GOD THIS IS AMAZING!

I turned back to the Flying Thunder God seal on the kunai and began to understand it. I worked through the night, hours passed by but I didn't care. I picked apart every line on that seal like a doctor observing a cell under a microscope.

The next day Naruto and I went to the library where we found records of one Kushina Uzumaki. All information about her marriage life was retracted, which made Naruto depressed since he didn't find out anything about his dad.

But we took all we did find about Kushina and spent three days in the library reading up on her life. Well, Naruto did that while I read a random fictional novel about a ninja that used jutsu to build a village in the center of the Earth...yeah, real original.

It was at five in the morning on the day of team assignments that I finally managed to succeed. The village was barely awake when I stood up and threw my hands up in victory, "I DID IT!"


Flying Thunder God seal added to recipe under Creation skill

It was perfect, a seal so complex it took me five whole days to figured it out, even with my genius level intellect and mad high ninjutsu skills!

I immediately took out a horned dagger and etched the runes into its handle. I placed it across the room and focused, allowing my chakra to take hold of the seal trigger and


I moved in a flash of yellow light across the room arriving above the dagger's potion on the ground.


You have created a new jutsu!

Flying Thunder God, S rank

Your can instantly travel to locations with the Flying Thunder God markers on it.

CP cost- 100 CP (for 100 Km)

A smile broke out on my face, "best jutsu ever!"


Quest completed!

Figure out how the Flying Thunder God jutsu works!


New Perk

+5 points


You have obtained a new perk!

Seal Master- +10% to success for any new seals you try and make

Adding this to my already high 99% success rate made it a perfect 100%! Sweet! I then opened my menu and quickly assigned the new points I got. I put two in VIT, two in DEX and one in CC;

STR- 32

VIT- 44

DEX- 44

INT- 35 (+2)

CHA- 50

CC- 131

LUC- 26 (+5)

I closed the menu and groaned, stretching the knicks out of my body before going for a shower and a fresh change of clothes and since today was the official start for my ninja career I figured I might as well come in with style.

I opened my inventory and took out all the items I would need;

Custom leather armour, C class item

Armour made out of leather and Scyther exoskeleton.

Durability (with +400 for cutting damage.)

250/250 for chest (15)

300/300 for shoulder (15)

200/200 for shin (15)

The leather armour was similar to the classic garb ninjas in my world wore. The leather worked like cloth binding itself around me tightly, but still allowing me enough freedom to use my Disturbance style effectively.

Then came the Scyther exoskeleton plates I used as pieces of armour. They were all dark green, almost cameo green and were broken apart and placed in a similar fashion to Batman's armour in Dark Knight.

Along the sides and belt were several pouches and hidden compartments I filled with poison powder, paralysis powder, a few potions, a bunch of ninja wire, sealing tags, sealing scroll, ink and even a few trap creating instruments kept in a storage scroll.

Rare cat fur cowl, C class item,

Cowl that grant +5 STR

The cowl was similar to the hood I saw Green Arrow use on some...TV show I think. Either way the cowl was around my neck with a face mask and a hood that did a pretty good job covering my features. But for now I just let it be, displaying my face for all to see.

Custom made armbands, C class item

Made out of Scyther exoskeleton and fireproof leather and can withstand extreme temperature.

-50% DMG from all fire based attack.

Durability- 400/400 (+300 for cutting damage)

These were just simple forearm bands, at least that's what people would think. In actuality they are covered with seals and also hide a hidden blade for assassinations and the like.,

I also hide away several ninja tools and other forms of items. This is just incase I was in a situation where I couldn't explain away how I pulled things out of thin air when I use my inventory. Hence, the many seal forearm bands.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. I honestly hated the fact that I looked so much like a fucking uchiha. Black spikey hair that came down till my shoulders and black walnut shape eyes. My cheekbones were a little rounder than the normal Uchiha look, so that was something.

I took my forehead protector and looked at it, it shined brightly..hm, that's going to be a problem. It shining brighting will make it difficult for me to hide, even with my hood and face mask...hm.

I took some charcoal and soda wash and mixed them together. I then rubbed the headband thoroughly in the sink making it into a dull grey colour, like it had just been through a dirty swamp. I then quickly replaced the cloth headband with some black leather I had in my inventory and tied it around my head, now I was ready.

Hm, I really do look like a cooler version of the Green Arrow. Only no bow and arrow, thank god for that.

I quickly made dinner, and by that time Naruto had woken up. It was technically his holidays, so he stayed at home while I went to the Academy. He wished me good luck, and I knew I probably won't need it. It's not like I'll get stuck with someone who hates my guts right?

I walked into the classroom and noticed only a few of the kids I spent this year with had managed to pass. Around nine people, including me. I'm guessing only nine teams will be formed this year then, huh, no wonder people kept talking about Naruto's generation compared to their year where nearly everyone passed, this year was shit.

"Alright everyone settle down," Iruka said as he walked in with a folder. He looked at me in surprise, "ah Yami, almost didn't recognize you. Impressive uniform, where do you get it?"

I smiled, "I made it senseit."

Iruka grinned and gave me a thumbs up, "well it's amazing. Now, take your seat, I have one final lecture for you all before you leave these halls for good."

I sat down and listened, but I didn't really pay attention. I know what he was going to say, I know it and I understood.

"Right then, on with the main event," he said with a smile. "First we have team one..." I stopped paying attention, listening to only see if my name came up. The only other interesting name came up was during team nine, "for team nine we have Rock Lee, Tenten Higurashi, Neji Hyuga, you're sensei will be Mighty Gai."

"YOSH! THIS IS SURELY DESTINY!" Lee cried out with eye's glowing with determination.

"Sit down Lee!" Iruka scolded.


Iruka pinched his nose, "I already know they're going to get along. Anyway, moving on. Team ten is still in rotation, team eleven will be Zumo Sarutobi, China Mozen and Yami," that had my attention, "and your sensei will be Ko Hyuga. That is all the teams, I hope you all make us proud!"

I looked at Zumo, the same kid who's ass I kicked my first day in this class. Wore red flame overcoat under which was a blue ninja uniform, his mesh clearly seen under the cloth. He hates losing, to me especially. He has a penchant for fire jutsu, if the way he keep bragging about his skills is anything to go by. Hyperactive too, like a certain someone I know.

Zumo Sarutobi, Genin of Konoha

Lv- 21

REP- 5 (+20 REP from permanent bonus)

HP- 1,600/1600

SP- 1,750/1,750

CP- 2,000/2,000


Allegiance- Konoha

STR- 21

VIT- 29

DEX- 17

INT- 10

CHA- 35

CC- 20

LUC- 20

A member of the branch family, Zumo has always seen himself as an outcast and always felt ignored. He sees the world a troubled place and wishes to simply gain the respect of his clan.

And then the girl, China Mozen, civilian, blue hair tied in a ponytail, black eyes. She wore a blue one piece chinese style dress that ended at her knees and split apart at her side showing her bloomers underneath. She had a giant scroll on her back, if recall correct she and Tenten were weapons freaks, only she realized a lot more on hand to hand weapons while Tenten focus do projectiles.

China Mozen, Genin of Konoha

Lv- 19

REP- 35 (+20 REP bonus)

HP- 1,700/1,700

SP- 1,900/1,900

CP- 1,300/1,300


Allegiance- Konoha

STR- 24

VIT- 30

DEX- 27

INT- 15

CHA- 17

CC- 56

LUC- 15

China has only one dream, to show the world she isn't someone who should be looked down one simply because she's a woman. She looks up to her close friend, Tenten, and wishes to be Konoha's first female S ranked swordswoman.

I groaned, I barely even spoke to her, but she had a high REP score, 35, 55 if the bonus was added. And then finally came our new sensei.

He wore the standard Konoha jonin garb and had his headband covering his hair which was cut shorter than normal for a Hyuga his age. His face was thinner than Neji's and he actually smiled at me, which I didn't think was possible.

Ko Hyuga, Jounin of Konoha

Lv- ?

REP- 5 (+20 REP bonus)





Allegiance- Konoha

STR- ?

VIT- ?

DEX- ?

INT- ?

CHA- ?

CC- ?

LUC- ?

Ko is a shinobi from the main branch of the Hyuga clan and is known to be very light hearted and cheerful. He is a calm and collected man and his only goal in life is to make the world a better place for those he cares about.

I raised an eyebrow, so I had a Sarutobi who didn't like being second fiddle, a civilian girl who looks like Tenten's stalker, but is skilled enough and a Hyuga who's an idealist.

I smiled, "I don't know about you guys, but I think I got the best team out of this deal."

"Not so Yami! I have gotten Gai-sensei as my teacher! So surely mine was the best!" Lee exclaimed.

I sighed, "can't you let me have this Lee? I was trying to look cool in front of my new teammates."

Lee blinked, "oh! I'm so sorry Yami! As punishment I'll apologize to you a thousand times! I'm sorry I'm sorry-"

"Lee please stop," I groaned.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!..." I really should have just shut up.

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