X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 161: Hungry

Chapter 161: Hungry

"Hold on!"

As Ben was ready to make a move against Janine at any moment, he suddenly heard Jim saying such worried words.

What now? Ben had immediately become frustrated. Was this kid trying to protect her now? He must be joking!

At that moment, Ben suddenly thought of something as he stared at Jim in disbelief, "Don't tell me you really fell in love with this bru..."

"Shut up!" But before Ben could even finish his words, the other party had immediately interrupted him. Veins were even popping out on Jim's forehead. Why was this Ben always trying to bring up such a frustrating matter? Just what the heck was love in the first place?

Jim couldn't be bothered with Ben anymore as he shifted his attention to Janine. Ben didn't say any more words as well as he too shifted his attention to Janine. But of course, his wariness against her didn't loosen even a bit as his sword was still pointing against Janine.

When he did it that way, Ben suddenly heard Janine muttering something. But he couldn't understand it at all. Just what was this girl trying to say now?

Not only that, Ben could see as well that the other party wasn't making a move against them other than grabbing Jim's feet. She didn't even try to get up as if it was too difficult to do so.

Ben then tried to focus his hearing on Janine even more intently as he saw her mouth kept opening up. And with that, Ben finally managed to understand what was the other party trying to say.


Yes, she was saying that word. It appeared that this brute was actually looking for food.

Jim, on the other hand, had already heard what she was saying the moment she first spoke that word. His hearing ability was exceptional after all, so understanding her low voice was as simple as drinking water.

But why was she looking for food desperately to the point that she couldn't even stand up now? Was she really that hungry? But well, she expended too much energy so perhaps, it was only natural for her to feel that way.

With that in mind, Jim shifted his gaze to Ben as he asked, "Do you have any food?"

Ben suddenly frowned. Food? Of course, he didn't have any. He didn't even have any storage ring or storage bag to put that food in the first place. If he was hungry, he would just try to hunt some wild animals or look for fruits.

And besides, after he received the blessings, his hunger was not visiting him anymore to the point that he even forgot to eat. He even felt that he could stand a week or two without eating. Although his World Energy was too little, it was too pure as he could use it as a replacement for his food to get energy.

"Food..." But then, Janine spoke yet again. But this time, she added some more words saying, "In my pouch..."

Both Jim and Ben searched Janine's body with their gaze as they finally noticed the pouch hanged on Janine's hips.

"You get it," Jim ordered Ben.

"What? Why me?" Ben complained as he continued, "Can't she get it herself?"

Jim nodded in agreement. He stared at Janine as he asked calmly, "Right, why can't you get it yourself?"

"I don't want to." Janine responded immediately as she continued, "You will escape!"

"..." Jim was speechless. What the heck was she thinking? She was too hungry but instead of getting her food, she grabbed his feet just because she was afraid that he would escape. Was she really that desperate to catch him?

"Alright, I won't escape." Jim finally replied after a moment of thought.

On the other hand, Janine raised her head to see if the other party was lying, but after smelling that nothing was wrong with his breath, she finally let go of Jim's feet as she got up from the ground.

But since she couldn't stand up, she just sat on the ground while getting the pouch. But before she could even open the pouch, she suddenly saw Ben who was still pointing a sword against her.

"What?" Janine frowned. Was this kid still looking for another beating? Couldn't he see that she was already admitting defeat?

But Ben didn't speak any words as he didn't retract his sword at all. Even though he felt that the other party wasn't intending for a fight now, his wariness against her didn't even lower a bit.

On the other hand, Jim could only sigh deeply. He could tell that Ben had still had a grudge against her.

"It's fine Ben... So stop it," Jim said. He was just hoping that this Ben would still listen to him.

"But... She was dangerous!" Ben retorted.

"Yeah, but she isn't planning to fight now, so it's fine."

"..." Ben didn't reply a word but instead, he slowly retracted his sword as a response. It was as if it entered his body as it disappeared on their sight.

Seeing him, Jim heaved a sigh of relief. Janine, on the other hand, couldn't care much about it as she was way too hungry to give that care. She hurriedly opened her pouch as she picked one chicken drumstick.

"Finally!" After she picked the chicken drumstick, she immediately took a bite on it as she swallowed it in satisfaction. The smile on her lips was way too beautiful making both Jim and Ben who saw her ponder if she was really the Janine they know.

But they were still surprised at the sudden reaction of Janine when suddenly, their surprises became stronger.

After eating the chicken drumstick, Janine took another one but this time, she didn't eat the food slowly. But instead, with just a few bites, she only left the bone as she finished eating. After that, she got more chicken drumsticks as she ate them all way too fast.

What the... Ben and Jim could only gulp a mouthful of saliva seeing Janine eating that way. There was no elegance on it at all. She was way too crude. Not only that, she didn't even care about it at all. And it was as if they were not there at all as Janine had as if didn't notice their presence.

"Want some?" Finally, after a good while, Janine talked to the duo as she reached two chicken drumsticks to both of them. Although she still despised Ben more than Jim, she still tried to give the both of them.

"No, we're fine," But the two had immediately waved their hands and shook their head as they responded simultaneously. They felt too awkward to accept it.

Janine didn't force them though. She was even thankful that they didn't accept her chicken drumstick. And as if she was afraid that they would change their mind, she hurriedly ate the two chicken drumsticks as she burped in satisfaction.

The two could only smile bitterly. They were just thankful that they didn't accept the chicken drumstick. They were afraid that once they accept it, the other party might take it back from them.

"Weeeewh, that felt good!" Janine blurted out after finishing her meal for a good while. So feeling that her strength had come back, she stretched her back and then stood up from the ground. She then swirled her hand a few times before shaking her head to crack some bones.

After doing it, she then fixed her gaze at Jim as her eyes suddenly became cold and fierce. Her warmth from before was nowhere to be found now as if she had just become a whole new different person. Her murderous intent was even being released as a silhouette of a beast was could even be seen on her.

"What the heck!" Ben almost jumped up in fright. This brute had only finished her meal before making a move? Don't she have any sense of shame and honor?

Ben didn't think anymore as a bone rib appeared on his chest. He grabbed it right away as it immediately turned into a saber. He pointed it against Janine's neck as he released his murderous intent too. "What are you doing? Are you tired of living? you ungrateful brute!"

But Janine didn't put any attention on him at all as she fixed her gaze at Jim. The other party was still ever before calm as he only wore nonchalance as a response to her action. Janine was just surprised to see Jim for not even being agitated on she had done.

So knowing that the other party would not put his guard on against her, she could only retract her murderous intent as her beast-like appearance had disappeared without a trace.

She then sighed deeply as she asked, "Why are you so calm? You're no fun at all."

Jim only smiled as a response. But in reality, deep inside his heart, he really wanted to jump in fright too. Not only that, if not for Ben making the first move, he might have already moved against her as well.

Just what was the problem with this brute? He almost had a heart attack because of her!

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