X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 157: Fighting Janine Is Troublesome

Chapter 157: Fighting Janine Is Troublesome

"What the heck..." Jim cursed as he gritted his teeth and as he fell down from a very high altitude. He never expected that the strength of that brute could even surpass his imagination.

From the punch of that brute, Jim's head had almost burst into a meat paste. If not for his incredible healing ability then who knew if there was still a living Jim in the world.

But that was only one of the things that Jim was cursing at. It was still fine even if he was being beaten up to death by that brute since he was accustomed to beating. But why was he a pervert? He didn't do anything at all, right?

Ever since before, Jim didn't plan to fight this brute. He was just there to show off his might. He was confident that even if the other party managed to hit him, he wouldn't die that easily. That said, he could stand leisurely beside that brute.

But why in the world did the event suddenly turn out like this? How could they end up so close to each other making the other party treat him as a pervert? Who would dare to take a liking on this brute? Yes, she was pretty, but her inside was too scary. Jim would never like someone like that.

This was definitely Ben's fault! How could he become so careless to attack that brute head-on? Not only that, this Ben didn't even halt his movement when he saw Janine using him as a meat shield. Did he really trust his healing ability that much? Jim didn't even know whether to give him a thumbs up or a good beating.

However, Jim was still lamenting what had just happened to him when suddenly, he saw the brute actually coming at him. From the looks of it, she was there to wait for his landing and give him another punch.

This brute... Jim really had an urge to fight the other party. She was really pissing him off. He felt that just because the other party managed to send him flying, she was treating him as a mere prey that could only be eaten.

If not for the fact that he told Ben to handle this brute to avenge himself, then perhaps, Jim might have already made a move against this girl.

Tsk! Jim clicked his tongue. The brute was already right below him impatiently waiting for him to land. Her fist was shaking in agitation that it would go out of control if she couldn't punch Jim right now.

That said, Janine was determined to give Jim a punch with all of her strength. Her muscles on her right arm then grew a little bigger accompanied by veins popping out as if trying to suppress her muscles from bursting out.

So then, as Jim was getting nearer, Janine finally put a stance. Her eyes were flashing with a cold glint accompanied by murderous intent.

However, something unexpected happened. Janine couldn't help but widen her eyes before roaring furiously in her loudest.

"You brat! Where are you?!" This brat was really making her deeply infuriated. How could she not if that brat kept running away?

As Janine threw out a punch with a crisp sound of a wind, Jim who was just about to die from her punch suddenly disappeared only to be replaced by an annoying red bird. So with the incredible sheer force, instead of Jim, the red bird was pitifully turned into dust as it was blown away by an incredibly strong shockwave.

Janine then frenziedly looked around to search for the other party's presence as she could only grit her teeth in frustration for failing to find anyone at all. If this went on, she felt that she would really age faster for getting angry at this brat from time to time.

On the other hand, Jim who was already pretty far away began to sweat after switching his position to one of the Blood Minions he prepared long ago for an escape route. Just thinking about how did his Blood Minion die could only make Jim sweat even more profusely.

That punch was way too strong! Jim could only remark about it. He felt that if he was hit by that punch, he would have a hard time surviving. Even his Blood Minion turned into many small pieces, so how could he, who only had an abundant amount of Life Energy but weak defense, could remain unscathed upon receiving such a furious attack? Even if he survived, Jim was more than sure that he too would turn into many pieces. Just imagining how painful would it be could only make Jim gulp a mouthful of saliva. He was just more than thankful that he decided to run away instead of foolishly receiving her attack just to show his might.

So then, Jim turned his gaze in a certain direction, and from afar, he saw Janine. He could even hear her cursing at him for running away. But Jim didn't care though. Jim decided that even if he fought her, he would definitely never fight her head-on.

Jim knew her weakness. And that was her inside was weak. Although she was too strong physically, if Jim used an illusion against her to reveal her darkest moment, Jim was more than sure that he could destroy her spirit.

And a person with a dead spirit was basically a broken vessel. It was someone who was destroyed inside that although her body was alive and kicking, it had no way of having any will to live. In other words, a person with a dead spirit was almost no different than a dead person. If Jim could really kill the spirit of that brute, then surely, it was more easier to defeat her in a fight.

But to use such a method against her? Even Jim could tell that it was somewhat evil and inappropriate. Everyone had their own darkest moment they tried so hard to forget. If Jim used this darkest moment against them, then he would be no different than demons who kept lying to the people and use all their weaknesses just to tempt them.

Thinking about it, Jim thought of something. Was this really the thing he should do? Was this the rightful character design for the one who would save the world? Using people's darkest moment against them? Jim frowned as he pondered if it was the right thing to do.

But then, when Jim suddenly thought of something else, his hesitation had immediately disappeared. Compared to that brute who would not hesitate to kill him just because she was angered, using her darkest moment against her paled in comparison.

At that moment, Jim was determined that later on, if the situation went worse and he was forced to fight her, he would definitely use the other party's darkest moment against her.

Jim then gazed at Janine from afar very seriously as he couldn't help but mutter, "Let's see who will remain standing between us in the end..."


But then, just after he said those words, someone suddenly appeared right beside him. The other party was staring at Janine too as he wore a complicated expression as if asking Jim what to do next.

Who else could it be other than Ben Cosa?

Although he had his own decision and intention, if he was working with someone else, he also loved to hear and obey the other party's thoughts just like how he obeyed his elder sister Jessa and his parents willingly. He was not the kind of person who would always act on his own. Although sometimes, he acted rashly on his own, the chances were too few that it could be counted on his fingers.

And this time, Ben didn't dare to act rashly as he wanted to seek the thought of his new friend.

"So what to do now?" Ben asked. But his gaze was still fixed at Janine.

Jim took a glance at him for a moment before he shifted his gaze back at Janine as he said, "Let's stay in our plan. Fight her and avenge yourself. Make sure to satisfy yourself, alright?"

"That..." Ben hesitated. He saw clearly the last attack made by Janine. If Jim was hit by it, Ben guessed that Jim would have a hard time surviving. How much more if he was the one who would be hit by that attack? Even barely surviving would not be an option.

Ben couldn't help but shift his gaze at Jim as he asked, "You aren't planning on making a move to her as well?"

Ben thought that this Jim would at least give him a hand fighting that brute, but who would have thought that the other party was actually planning to let him fight her alone. Was this the revenge for what he had done to him earlier?

"What?" Jim frowned as he too shifted his gaze at Ben and said, "Don't tell me you're afraid of her?"

"Of course not!" Ben snorted coldly. Who would be scared of this brute?

"Then, what are you waiting for?" Jim responded as he added, "Go and avenge yourself!"

"This..." Ben hesitated. It appeared that he needed to fight this brute again one-on-one. So after a moment, Ben added with gritting teeth, "Alright!"

No matter what happened in the near future, he was just hoping that he would not be hit by even a single punch from that brute.

At that moment, Ben could only think of one thing, "Fighting Janine is really troublesome."

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