X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 152: You're Too Weak (2)

Chapter 152: You're Too Weak (2)

Janine then walked closer to the half-dead body of Ben as she stared at the other party in pity. "Mind if I help you end your life?" Janine asked seeing that the other party was having a hard time living.

But instead of words, blood came out from Ben's mouth. He couldn't reply anymore with his current situation. He was even having a hard time preserving his life, how could he still have the strength to speak?

"Look at you now, I thought you're going to kill me, it appears that you're just all bark." Janine sneered coldly. The thing she really hated the most was empty words. This guy was really pissing her off.

That being said, Janine couldn't stand watching the pitiful state of the other party anymore as she finally intended to end his life. She then raised her feet but when she was about to stump her feet to put a hole on the other party's stomach, a cold voice suddenly reverberated in her ears.

"Don't you think you've already done enough?" The cold voice said before Janine finally noticed that there was actually a person right beside her. How could this be? She couldn't even feel the other party's presence at all. She couldn't even smell anything too. Just what in the world was going on here?

Janine then slowly turned her head beside her as she finally caught sight of who was that person. The other party was just a meter away from her and was staring at the half-dead body of the one she beaten up. Janine could just grab the other party's neck right now but why was she hesitating to move a single muscle?

But then, as she stared at the other party even more clearly, she finally recognized who was he. Wasn't this the brat she was looking for? Wasn't he the one who stole her first love?

Janine's anger immediately filled up her heart as she didn't hesitate any longer. She then finally swung her hand against the other party's throat trying to end his life.

But when her sharp hand landed on the other party's throat, he suddenly disappeared with a blur. What happened? Janine widened her eyes for a moment.

Illusions? Was this an illusion? Janine suddenly thought about it. No wonder she couldn't feel the other party's presence at all, it appeared that he was just an illusion.

"Where are you?!" Janine roared furiously as she swept her gaze around. She raised her sense of smell to the limits but still failed to find the other party. Helpless, she could only bellow, "Show yourself, coward!"

Who was she talking with? On the other hand, seeing Janine acting like that, Ben was perplexed. Nevertheless, he was a bit thankful knowing that the other party was distracted by who knew who. He could only try to recover as soon as possible and then escape from this tyrannical brute.

Someday, he would definitely avenge himself! Ben swore in his heart as he frenziedly gasped some air.


On the top of the cliff where Jim was spectating the battle...

"Master, it seems like that girl really wanted you dead..." Tokayo asked. His voice was somewhat bitter but of course, there were no worries blended in it. Especially when they finally found out the weakness of that brute girl.

"Haha," Jim laughed dryly as it was noticeable that he was somewhat scared from that brute girl. He admitted that that person was really insanely strong to the point that she seemed as if invincible. But no one could fool Jim's right eye, the Pulang Mata!

As for now, Jim's right eye turned red with five dots in the middle. After evaluating the brute with the help of Pulang Mata, Jim noticed that there were actually many ways to defeat the brute girl.

Although she seemed strong from the outside, Jim could tell that she was destroyed on the inside. He could see that hiding behind her eyes was a bitter memory that she tried so hard to forget. Jim didn't exactly know what was it since he still hadn't tried to probe in her memories but Jim could make an illusion based on these memories to trap the other party inside an illusion.

Besides that, there was another convenient way to defeat the brute girl. Although Tokayo said that he would likely be defeated by the brute girl if they fought, that was only limited to the real world. Once they entered the illusion world, the blood-field where Jim's power was overwhelming, defeating the brute girl was only a matter of effort.

After learning about this, Jim wanted to play as well with them. But upon witnessing how did the brute girl defeat Ben Cosa, Jim was immediately startled. If this went on, Ben would really be killed this time. How could he still fulfill the command of his mother if Ben died in this battle?

Tsk! Tsk! Jim couldn't help but click his tongue in dismay. What an annoying fellow. It seemed like he really needed to make a move to save Ben.

Jim thought that if he continued to watch their fight, the two party's would likely wear down each other before a winner would be decided. But who would have thought that the battle wouldn't last for too long and Ben who was in an advantageous position in the beginning would be defeated in the end so easily. That was something Jim didn't expect. To think that this girl was capable of such a feat. Her beauty was really wasted with that brute strength of her.

Tsk! Tsk! No matter how many times Jim clicked his tongue, he just found it very disappointing.

"Now then..." Jim said as he was now finally about to make a move.

One of his bee-type Blood Minion flew closer to Ben's half-dead body. Janine saw this as she immediately frowned. Not only that, but she also had just smelled the stink of the brat she was chasing from this red bee.

But before Janine could even become angry, the red bee suddenly disappeared only to be replaced by the one who she was looking for. The other party was now crouching down trying to get a closer look at Ben. He was even shaking his head in disappointment as he muttered, "This is really cruel."

Janine's eyes widened before a wide grin appeared on her lips. This brat really delivered himself onto her, it really saved her a lot of trouble finding him.

But then, Janine had also noticed that her first love was still actually being held hostage by that brat. The little cute creature was even sleeping peacefully in his arms making Janine felt jealous.

Janine was intantly angered, she was just about to make a move when she suddenly thought of something. She just recalled that the other party had a great escaping capability. That might probably be the reason why did he have the guts to appear right in front of her.

If she acted rashly, this prey of her might really escape again. So as helpless as she was, Janine could only clench her fist.

She shouldn't be careless this time. She shouldn't let him escape!

That being said, instead of attacking immediately, she took a deep breath to calm herself down. It was something that every brute would have a hard time doing. Even Jim was a bit astonished.

"Brat, give me back that little creature." Janine threatened coldly.

"Oh?" Jim sneered. This brat was actually calling him brat? How laughable. "What if I don't want to?"

Janine grinned as she snorted coldly while pointing her index finger downwards, "Then, you will end up like this kid."

"Haha," Jim could only laugh. This girl was really lawless. She was thinking that she was the law herself and was needed to be obeyed by anyone. What a prideful individual.

The only thing that Jim couldn't understand was that he couldn't feel any hate against the other party at all. He even felt pity for her knowing that she was suffering more than anyone else. Although Jim didn't know what exactly was it, Jim could still hear her heart beating in sorrows and pain screaming so loudly for her love ones.

And the only way she knew to ease that sorrow and pain was to vent her anger to someone else.

Or at least that was what Jim had guessed as for now. If she had another way to ease that sorrows and pain, Jim didn't know.

But now that he heard her heart even more clearly, Jim also noticed that this girl wasn't intending to kill Ben. Her strength was controlled so precisely to the point that it could leave any of her targets half-dead. Jim was really surprised by that ability of her.

Nevertheless, that was something he still didn't like. That was still something too cruel to look at no matter from which angle. That being said, Jim was determined to teach this girl a lesson she should cherish in her entire life.

"You want me to end up like him?" Jim sneered coldly as he closed his eyes for a short moment. And when he opened it again, one of his eyes became the Pulang Mata as Jim added, "You're too weak for that."

After which, Janine vanished on sight leaving without a trace. It was obvious that she was just brought to the illusion world.

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