World Evolution! Awakening Limit Grade Talent!

Chapter 46: A peek of the preparation for the World Evolution.

Aiden, coming out of the bathroom on the ground floor, walks toward the kitchen to cook some light side dishes to go with the leftover dinner from yesterday night. He is also relieved his big sister hasn't come down from her room as breakfast is not ready yet.

He thinks there are only about 30 minutes left for the entrance ceremony of his high school to start; he has to hurry up to arrive there before 8 a.m.

As he started making side dishes for breakfast quickly while reheating the leftovers in the oven, 10 minutes passed, breakfast was ready, and he was currently sitting on the chair at the dining table waiting for Big Sis to come downstairs to eat together.

He hasn't waited long, as only in a minute or so he saw his sister coming toward the dining table in a black shirt on the top, a light grey formal pant on the bottom, and a light grey coat over her black shirt in her formal attire, like she usually goes to work.

She looks beautiful in her formal attire, giving him vibes of a cool president, and he is also impressed by her because in these past five years, she has taken full control over the company, and their stock has also returned to normal, and almost all the credit goes to his beautiful big sister, who has taken a seat right next to him.

He is also not the only one who has changed in these past five years; while they act almost the same toward them, his big sister has matured a lot while taking over the company, seeing the world from a different perspective than before and meeting different people.

They didn't chat much at the dining table and started eating the food. After finishing eating, there were only 15 minutes left before the start of the entrance ceremony, and his school was only 2 kilometers away from his home, so they weren't going to be late today as they both walked toward their garage.

All the cars present are made out of titanium mixed with some other metal to make them even stronger. All these cars outside bodies can easily stop bullets, and there are many hidden weapons inside for emergencies. The windows are also bulletproof, and their glass is even thicker than usual bulletproof.


There are seven cars like them present in his garage. When he first asked his big sister if he wanted a lot of money to buy and make many different things, his big sister asked him what he was going to do with a lot of money, but even if they had a lot of money, he is asking for 1 billion federal coins.

An average middle-class family in tier-two cities only earns 1000 to 5000 federal coins per month at most, so 1 billion federal coins is an absurd amount of money. Their mom has saved a lot of money for them outside of their company, and it's about 1.7 billion federal coins. They can buy some Tier 2 cities with that amount of money.

and it's not including their company, which is worth more than 50 billion federal coins, and it's almost a fifth of the company he is asking. She at least had to know what he was going to do with it.

He explained to her about different things he wanted to have for at least 30 minutes. Alicia was listening to absurd things he wanted to have; some of these things didn't even exist; they had to be created specially, but she thought it would be easily under 1 billion federal coins.

But that is not the point; they are not going to war, and there is no nuclear bomb dropping. Why would he want dangerous things like that? She wanted to refuse some things for his safety and said in a serious voice.

"No, Little Aiden, some—"

Alicia's voice was cut off as she looked at her cute little brother, who started to cry about wanting something for the first time in his life. Her heart almost broke. She didn't care if he wanted it; she would give it to him to not make him cry. She just had to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself while using some of these things.

So she agreed with him that in the end, if being a big sister, she wouldn't be able to give some toys to her little brother to play with.

How can she be a good big sister who he looks up to even though some of these things are a bit destructive? She doesn't care if her little brother is happy. She even told him to use 1.5 billion; she didn't need that much money, and their mom left them for their personal use.

There is also their company, which could make that amount of money in a few years for her as she becomes more determined to handle the company and make some more money for her little brother, seeing how happy he is hugging her and giving her kisses willingly.


Back to present

Alicia, seeing the cars in front of them, doesn't react much and picks a black stylish one to drive her little brother to school.

Because she knows these are toys compared to other things he is hiding inside the secret laboratory underground, whenever she enters the laboratory with him, she doesn't know what to think of all this.

At least her little brother is happy, so she doesn't care if he wants more money she can give him; she has made tons of money during these past five years.

She was even surprised when he told her that 1.4 billion federal coins were gone, but she understood fully when she noticed all the things he had done. Even if a nuclear bomb drops, she doesn't think anything is going to happen to them; they can live their lives in their laboratory peacefully.

She doesn't think much and takes the driver's seat, and Aiden takes the seat next to her as she starts driving to his school, which is only 2 kilometers away from her home boundaries, but the actual driving distance would be more than 5 kilometers.

While driving, she doesn't pay much attention to the black SUVs following them, as it's not new to her and she knows these people were told to follow them whenever she and her little brother go outside from their aunt, even though she told them not to follow, but they would still secretly follow.

All of them wear a hero mask that makes them look funny while carrying rifles and guns with them. She laughed very hard when she saw these people for the first time, knowing her aunt told them to wear a hero mask because of her, as she liked heroes when she was a child and thought that her aunt was an actual hero.

She still doesn't think she was wrong for thinking of her aunt as a hero, but she gets embarrassed whenever she thinks about it, so she keeps it a secret that she still idolizes her aunt as a hero.

She tried to talk to them one day, but other than replying yes or no, they didn't say anything more in these years. She came to understand how feared her aunt actually is; she even tried to find out more about her by using her company power as she wanted to know more about her aunt.


As she knows, her aunt only told them good things, and she was not naive enough to think being a military general was an easy job. What she found out shocked her a little and even made her emotional, but she could easily imagine her aunt like that.

She found out about how many dangerous missions she had completed in her career while risking her life and how she was feared by almost all the male officers. Many of them even gave her the nickname demon behind her back.

She felt very angry listening to the report as people called her a demon behind her back, but she was mostly sad knowing that her aunt hadn't shared with her anything about her mission or how many times she had to risk her life.

She even started crying knowing her aunt didn't share anything with her, but she didn't blame her; she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it from her mouth, so she swore that day to herself that she would become strong enough for her aunt to share these things with her herself.


That's why she can easily imagine her aunt threatening every single guard that if they tried to act friendly and tried to talk with their niece and nephew, it wouldn't be good for them.

She knows her aunt had some past; that's why she especially hated men; she didn't even get married, and she is already over 30 years old, but looking at her body and attractive appearance, she would easily get mistaken for a beautiful woman in her twenties.

While driving, Alice is in her own thoughts, while at the same time, Aiden is thinking about something important, as her mood is a little sour, thinking of a little pink-haired, pink-eyed girl with a body that is the exact definition of the word loli with her short body looking sweet and innocent, which is just a facade.

He doesn't want to see that pest while enjoying his time with his big sister today, but it's a relief she only spies on him from a distance, other than talking to her one time when he helped her that time without knowing her identity falling for her cute facade, which must be set up, and he doesn't have any interaction with her ever again.

He has to endure it for a few more days after that world evolution begins, and he would be out of government reach and secretly become super strong. He still hasn't forgotten about killing Anderes Shade; he would kill the pink-haired Loli spy too in the future if she tries something funny.

The most important thing for him is his family's safety, so he would do anything to keep his family safe.


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