World End: The Successor's Contract

Chapter 73 The Weapon Ankias Vs Lucifer

While in mid-air, Zeno charged straight at Lucifer who had a grin on his face with his hand spread in a welcoming manner.

Zeno was so close to landing a punch when Rachel suddenly showed up beside him and pushed him away from Lucifer's front.

Both of them landed on their backs, leaving Rachel on top of Zene as she immediately looked at Uta and yelled, "Do it now?!".

Lucifer grunted in anger when he spotted Rachel, "What the hell are you up to?" He muttered before he picked up on a huge magic surge.

Uta stood at a small distance with a rush of magic energy appearing around her. Her hair was dancing in the wind and her eyes bright blue as she focused on Lucifer.

She pushed her legs back a bit before putting both hands in front of her which allowed a white egg to form and positioned itself right in front of Uta.

Uta then summoned her blade and sliced the egg in two, causing a bright light to flash with the force of the wind blowing with it.

Once the light died down, right in the middle of the egg was a white blade with a razor handle and a red crystal at the bottom.

Uta walked towards it and pointed her blade at Rachel who was still beside Zeno. "Here you go." She uttered.

Rachel took a deep sigh before looking at Zeno, she placed her hand on his cheeks and pushed her forehead close to his.

"If I do reincarnate… I hope I do so staying next to you." With that, she stood up from him and walked toward Uta.

Standing beside Uta she uttered, "Nice saber making, don't get too cocky just cause you helped." Rachel uttered before pulling the blade from the eggshell.

"How are you even strong considering you are not even a complete Ankia." Uta voiced with a sigh.

"Who knows I guess I'm just that special".

​ The place went quiet for a while, with both their eyes focused on Lucifer who was still hovering in the sky.

"Shall we then," Uta said, slowly levitating from the ground and moving toward Lucifer.

Rachel took a quick look at Zeno and smiled before following Uta.

They both stood in front of Lucifer, holding a different weapon of their own.

Zeno jerked up from the ground, "What the hell do those two think they are doing?!" He yelled as he got ready to run to their side.

His path was blocked by Shuna, who stood in front of him with a bit of a sad look on her face, "You sho..uld calm down, Successor." She said calmly.

"What?" Zeno became puzzled, he moved closer to Shuna, "Are you blind or can't you see they both want to fight with Lucifer!" He shouted.

"I know…"

"Then why are you getting in my way…from what you told me, you were with me in my past life, would my past self have abandoned his friends?" Zeno asked.

Shuna took a deep breath … "In order to defeat Lucifer I need to show you how to use the Divine Flames!" She yelled.


Uta and Rachel, were in the sky, levitating in front of Lucifer with stern looks on their faces as they covered their bodies in magic.

Lucifer, on the other hand, had a smile on his face as he watched them, "So, you two teamed up I see." He uttered.

Tapping his finger, a black throne appeared behind him and he sat on it with his elbow resting on the armrest and his hand under his jaw.

Uta glared in response to the question, "Lucifer…this time … I'm going to make sure I kill you for real." She said with a cold tone.

Lucifer sighed, "I can understand why you hate me so much to be honest, I mean, I was the one that started this whole premise, all the more reason you should fear me." He said with a manic laugh.

"Fear you?" Rachel questioned.

"Yes, Rachel, Yes!!!" Lucifer responded, "I mean, take a look at you… I was your cursed weapon, you were supposed to be in charge…but even a contract can't hold me down".

He stretched out his right hand toward her and almost immediately Rachel started coughing profoundly.

Rachel had her hands on her throat before going to her knees while still in the sky coughing.

She grunted in pain which was accompanied by Lucifer's laughter as he watched her struggle on her knees.

Uta didn't pay attention, she just had her eyes on Lucifer, peeping a little to the side she sighed.

"Will you stop joking around, you idiot.4" Uta voiced out.

Rachel's cry soon turned into a burst of laughter as she stood to her feet with her arms wrapped around her stomach from how heavily she was laughing.

This left Lucifer shocked as he kept checking his palm and forcefully trying to project his magic at Rachel so she would go back to the way she was.

"You're just a party pooper," Rachel uttered as she kept on laughing, she then faced Lucifer after ceasing her outburst.

"You know, for a demon, you sure are stupid. You abandoned me right in front of Rizaha and somehow managed to place me in prison there." Rachel asserted.

"The prison I was locked in, depletes magic the moment you step inside, and once the magic has been drained enough the source disappears." Rachel uttered, pulling her shirt down a little to expose her left collarbone, "Meaning, the enslavement shit you put on me…no longer exists".

Lucifer's face went from shocked to calm, he slowly stood up from the throne that immediately disappeared as soon as Lucifer stood up.

Looking at Rachel he uttered, "The weapon Ankia I almost enslaved, and the weapon Ankia whose hometown was wiped out by me… I wonder who wants to kill me so badly." Lucifer teased.

With a smirk on both Uta and Rachel's faces, they stretched their blades to the side as they uttered in unison.

"Let me do the honor!".

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