World Domination System

Chapter 959 Importance of a Seer

Xuan fell back into Daneel’s arms after speaking the prophecy, even though her words were continuously echoing all around the Endless Sea which only seemed to be getting more and more furious with every second they spent there, defying its mindless fury to destroy each and everything that ventured into its domain.

Her back had been arched to the point of breaking, and her entire body was filled with sweat, completely exhausted from the harrowing experience that each and every prophecy was accompanied by. Even after her eyes went back to normal, she kept glancing around, as if unable to understand where she was, but this was mostly because of the state she had been in until now.

Daneel’s face still held the shock that was being kept in place using the system, but as soon as she glanced at it, she seemed to have found a beacon of hope and light within the darkness that had enveloped her for so long.

She reached up as if it was the most natural thing to do and clung on to him as if she was drowning, and seeing that this was enough of a stimulus, Daneel disabled the system and instantly hugged her tight.

Now, he did not need to fake any of his emotions, at all, as he was truly feeling relieved that the woman who had changed so much in him was finally awake.

She clutched at him almost desperately, and he also held her as tightly as he could, letting her know through his actions rather than words that she was safe, and that she was with him.

It was only many seconds later that she finally managed to begin to calm down, and seeing this, Daneel used his hand to caress her face gently while saying, "Welcome back to the living world, Goddess. I... missed you. And I’m truly grateful for... Everything. Well, we will have a lot of time to speak later, but right now, I have something important that I must attend to. I’ll be sending you to Eloise - she’ll take care of you. Await my return - it won’t take too long."

While he spoke, Daneel could see that doubt had appeared in Xuan’s eyes, and right away, he knew that it must be related to that moment they had shared. It was very likely that she was questioning whether it had been a dream or reality, and realizing this, he was truly tempted to give her a small peck on her lips.

Only, this would be one of the dumbest things he could do. In front of him was someone who might potentially turn into one of his strongest enemies, and it was never wise to expose such personal things to someone who might want to take advantage of them. Already, he must’ve given quite a lot away due to the way that he had responded to Xuan, but that had been unavoidable - if he had shown her the cold shoulder, that might have undone months and months of healing, and that was definitely something he did not wish to do.

Without any hesitation, though, he began to cast the spell to teleport her away while sending a message to Eloise. Xuan’s mind was still very delicate, so for the time being, it was best that she be treated like a vase that might break easily if not handled with care.

Thankfully, she and Eloise shared something that was truly special, and knowing what she had suffered at the hands of someone she had thought she could trust with her life, a true friend who could show her that the world wasn’t filled with individuals like those was exactly what she needed.

Eloise responded with enthusiasm right away, exclaiming with delight and then asking for details, but as the Basilisk seemed to have finally returned to her senses, too, Daneel said that he would explain later and cut off the connection.

His plan was to talk to the ancient being when they were alone again, but suddenly, she raised her hand, and the spell that he was casting fell apart.

A sense of danger once again came to Daneel, and it was stronger now, as he had someone he cared about in his hands. Until now, the only thing at stake had been an apparition that could be sacrificed, but because of Eloise’s condition, he had had to bring her real body along.

Asking the system to be on standby to deploy everything that he head in order to gain a chance to teleport her away in case the worst happened, Daneel opened his mouth to ask why the Basilisk had acted in that way, but before he could do so, she gave the answer herself in a level tone.

"Sometimes, being overly cautious can be just as harmful as being completely careless. Be still, and do not worry, child. I must check something. Seers are so rare in the Mainland that each and every one of them are treated like princes and princesses who would be vied after by any and every force which cared about their future. If it weren’t for the fact that seers can only give prophecies regarding the World that they are born to, this woman would have been taken away long ago. Prophecies are so powerful that they can cause a hitherto unknown force to grow to have enough strength to contend with the top organizations in the Mainland, as just a sign that they would be favored by destiny at some point in the future is enough to attract powerhouses who seek that which goes against the Heavens. However, because of their nature and how much importance they are given, many try to fake them. Long ago, itself, an extensive checklist was created in order to ensure that a prophecy is genuine. No one yet understands exactly how seers and prophecies work, but what one can confirm is that there is no external influence. Wait while I go through the checklist."

Daneel’s heart skipped a beat as soon as he heard this, even though it was a positive sign that the Basilisk had put aside the prissiness that had dominated most of their interactions until now and had given a long explanation that exposed quite a few things about the Mainland.

He had taken all precautions that he could to ensure that the prophecy would seem as real as possible, but still, he couldn’t help but be worried.

Just like before, the Basilisk did not even need to come close to do something that would normally require physical contact. She simply stood where she was and closed her eyes before raising your hands.

Even though he was seeing it for the third time, Daneel was still completely shocked: once again, no elementary particles moved at all, but something was happening.

Typically, the system had the knack of picking up on something if it saw it multiple times, but this time, it was truly stymied. He kept getting messages regarding how the Phenomena Analysis Module was failing, and at one point, he even wondered whether the system, itself, would crash, just like normal ones were wont to do back on earth.

Thankfully, the Basilisk was done in a few seconds.

When the man from the TriCobra sect had gouged out his eyes, his fingers had also strayed to his eyebrows, so the eyes of the Basilisk which were now present on his face had nothing above them. Even then, Daneel got the feeling that Alastair was definitely raising them on her real face while speaking out more to herself than to him.

"A truly fragile mind, indeed, and if I’m not wrong- it was damaged due to prolonged torture. This conforms to the norm that seers are born with strong consciousnesses. She has been in a slumber while being healed using primitive methods until external influence detected. But...what’s this? A tiny piece of consciousness? Belonging to...the king? Oh..."

As soon as he heard this, the King of Lanthanor felt as if he were a poor victim in a horror movie who had bumped into the killer while running away.

Indeed, it was that piece of consciousness through which the prophecy had been induced.

The Basilisk’s pause made him feel sweat once again appear on his face, but the system was actively wiping it away.

He had taken precautions to ensure that this wouldn’t arouse any suspicion, too, but what if it didn’t work?

Could he defeat a being who was using magic he couldn’t see, much less comprehend?

Before he could find an answer to this question, the Basilisk spoke again, and it was all he could do to stop himself from exclaiming in relief.

"’s too small to do anything. Well below the minimum size of consciousness needed for a being at the King’s realm to act. Finally, common signs of a seer: oblong Mageroot, check, scarring around Mageroot caused by previous prophecies, check, minute damage to eyes resulting from visions, check. was a real prophecy. This...changes everything. Keep this with you- it’s a simple communication device. When it flashes, return here. Until then...take care. This man was sent to offer you a deal where you would work for us, and pledge a portion of the power of the continent after your victory to the TriCobra Sect as payment. After giving you time to think, he would have delivered the cryptic message that ’danger could come from all sides’ before leaving. Well...we have an obligation to be mysterious. I’ll skip all that, child: we have information that all those whom the Church has swayed over the years are going to mount one final attack upon you. I will be able to say more the next time we meet. Be careful, and remember: you are the Basilisk Rider. If we were in the Mainland, I would have surrounded you with elite assassins to keep you safe. For now, though...I will have to trust your tenacity which has allowed you to live until now. Farewell."

Without waiting for a reply, the Basilisk disappeared, taking with her the body she had been inhabiting until now to converse with him.

’Basilisk Rider’.

Oh, it had been a long time since he had heard that title.

Daneel had only ever thought that it was a means to obtain control of the Hidden Kill Sect, all those years ago.

Now, seeing that it had a much deeper meaning, he was amazed, to say the least.

The item he had gotten from the Basilisk looked like it was just a stone picked up from the beach. Neither he nor the system could find any traces of a formation on it, and the only thing that set it apart was a tiny droplet of blood on one side.

Resolving to study it later, Daneel also put aside what he had just learned, as right now, it was a time...of joy.

A smile inadvertently came to his lips, and with haste, he traveled to the Palace.

The moment he appeared in the throne room, he heard two gasps, and in the next second, he was enveloped by the softest and greatest feeling in the world.

Two pairs of arms hugged him tightly, and even without looking down, Daneel hugged them both back.

His heart became filled with warmth, and letting his mind go blank, the King of Lanthanor reveled in the moment.

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